36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (2024)

Do you want to enjoy fall’s favorite flavor all year round? With thesecanned pumpkin recipes, you can!

Canned pumpkin is typically available year-round at the supermarket.

Luckily, that means you can whip up pumpkin pies even in the middle of spring!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (1)


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Dive into this list to see how to add a pumpkin twist to all your favorite foods. And not just the sweet ones, either!

There are plenty of savory recipes you can whip up with canned pumpkin.

So brush off the dust on your can of pumpkin, and make something scrumptious with one of these canned pumpkin recipes.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (2)

1. Pumpkin Oatmeal

Spice your morning bowl of oats with this pumpkin oatmeal recipe. You’ll never think of oatmeal as bland again once you try this flavor-filled dish.

Creamy pumpkin is the perfect ingredient for your thick bowl of oatmeal. The naturally sweet pumpkin puree will brighten the start of anyone’s day!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (3)

2. Pumpkin Cheesecake

This popular dessert is already delicious, but pumpkin makes it ten times better! Try out a new cheesecake flavor with this pumpkin cheesecake recipe.

The tart cheesecake base sweetens up perfectly with pumpkin and cinnamon added in! It’s extra creamy and one of my favorite ways to use canned pumpkin.

It’s so good that it’s okay if you don’t want to share!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (4)

3. No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse

Mousse is an elegant dessert that adds class to any meal. And this recipe is such a fun option with the holidays coming up.

It’s sure to be a hit, packed with pure pumpkin flavor and a nice touch of tangy cream cheese. It’ll quickly become one of your go-to canned pumpkin recipes.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (5)

4. Pumpkin Dump Cake

Dump cakes are effortless desserts that just need to be mixed, dumped, and baked. There’s nothing fancy about them, but they still taste great!

This particular recipe takes just 10 minutes of prep work and another 50 to bake. Plus, you’ll save time by using a boxed yellow cake mix. It truly is easy peasy.


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36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (6)

5. Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin pie is the classic pumpkin dessert everyone knows and loves. It’s a hallmark of the holidays.

It’ll be the star of your holiday table. The buttery crust is filled with a decadent pumpkin center perfectly seasoned with nutmeg and cinnamon.

And you can enjoy it year-round with this go-to pumpkin pie recipe.

Once you see how easy it is to make your own, you’ll never opt for store-bought again.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (7)

6. Pumpkin Pasta Sauce

Pumpkin isn’t just for dessert! Take a walk on the savory side with this pumpkin pasta sauce recipe.

Compare this creamy sauce to alfredo without the cream base. The canned pumpkin gives it the thick and creamy consistency of a good alfredo.

Well, that and a serving of cream cheese.

Season it with nutmeg, cinnamon, and fresh sage for a complex flavor profile that will shake up your pasta night.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (8)

7. Pumpkin Cornbread

Give dinner rolls a break and pair your supper with a pan of this pumpkin cornbread. Both corn and pumpkin are starchy vegetables that pair well together.

If you’re from the north, you may be surprised by how sweet this cornbread is. Southerners know that cornbread is supposed to taste more like cake.

This cornbread features pumpkin pie seasoning and is topped with honey cinnamon butter for a dessert-like experience.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (9)

8. Pumpkin Roll

Pumpkin rolls are some of the most popular canned pumpkin recipes out there.

This whimsical pastry is a beautiful way to add a little pumpkin to your day. Wrap cream cheese icing in a delicious pumpkin cake for a lovely dessert.

Pat yourself on the back for baking a treat that’s not only tasty but also gorgeous. Each pumpkin roll is a work of art.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (10)

9. Pumpkin Spice Latte

Fall usually means a mad rush to the nearestStarbucks. But sometimes the line is too long. Or maybe you’re craving your favorite drink out of season.

In those cases, you don’t have to go without! Just make your own!

Whip up one of these creamy lattes for a morning caffeine rush or a midday pick-me-up.

Canned pumpkin and premixed pumpkin pie seasoning make this drink a breeze to prepare.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (11)

10. Pumpkin Chili

Looking for a pumpkin dinner idea the whole family will love?

Curl up with a bowl of this comforting pumpkin chili and enjoy the rich satisfaction of traditional chili flavor enhanced with pumpkin puree.

It’s a hearty meal that your entire family will enjoy. Save this recipe for a rainy day and watch the grey clouds disappear.

Hopefully, you made enough for leftovers! You’ll want a bowl tomorrow, too.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (12)

11. Pumpkin Soup

This pumpkin soup is a sweeter version ofbutternut squash soup. You’ll thin the thick puree with broth for a smooth and creamy soup experience.

Since the canned pumpkin is already pureed, you’ll save several steps in preparing this soup and won’t need any special equipment.

You’re mere minutes away from a delicious bowl of pumpkin soup.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (13)

12. Pumpkin Alfredo

This luscious pasta sauce is another excellent pumpkin dinner recipe that won’t leave you with many leftovers.

After all, what’s not to love about alfredo? Especially extra creamy alfredo with a pumpkin spin.

The pumpkin puree is the perfect addition to the cheese and cream. Its sweet and earthy flavor is noticeable without being overwhelming.

This quick and easy homemade pasta sauce will certainly impress your guests!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (14)

13. Pumpkin Lasagna with Sausage and Kale

Everyone loves lasagna night, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep things the same. Shake up dinner by adding a pumpkin spin to the classic Italian casserole.

Pumpkin replaces the tomato sauce to join the cheese and noodles for a delicious, savory twist.

Throw in the wilted greens, and you have an irresistible entree that’s a delight to serve.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (15)

14. Pumpkin Bread Pudding

Regular bread pudding is a sticky, satisfying dessert all on its own. Take it to the next level by adding a little pumpkin.

The pumpkin makes this bread pudding even more decadent, filling in each gap with its creamy, earthy flavor.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (16)

15. Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

This is a fun idea that I can’t wait to try! Harness the power of pumpkin pie flavor in this nutrient-packed smoothie. It’s like dessert for breakfast.

This grab-and-go meal blends up quickly for a morning on the run. Just because you’re short on time doesn’t mean breakfast needs to be short on flavor!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (17)

16. Pumpkin Risotto with Bacon and Parmesan

Have some leftover canned pumpkin and don’t know what to do with it? Mix it with rice and a few other ingredients to make this buttery risotto.

This thick, flavorful rice dish is a great side or entree option. It’s satisfying and sure to fill everyone’s stomachs.

Serve your family a delicious fall dinner when this is on the table!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (18)

17. Pumpkin Polenta

Fill up on autumn flavor when you tuck into a bowl of pumpkin polenta.

Similar to grits, this hearty grain is mixed with goat cheese and pumpkin for an irresistibly earthy flavor.

Wilt in some spinach for a creamy polenta bowl bursting with flavor.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (19)

18. Pumpkin Scones

Start your morning off right with this sweet treat! Pumpkin scones are soft and moist pastries that pair well with a cup of coffee.

These scones are spiced to perfection and filled with fragrant pumpkin flavor. Top them with an elegant glaze and grab yourself a little bite of Heaven.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (20)

19. Pumpkin Bread

I have one problem with Starbucks pumpkin bread: they don’t give you enough of it! Solve that problem by baking your copycat loaf at home!

Use leftover canned pumpkin puree to save money. Then, mix it with pumpkin pie spice, brown sugar, and other standard baking ingredients.

Pull two of these deliciously plump loaves from your oven and dig in!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (21)

20. Soft Pumpkin Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

You know those oversized, pillowy soft, iced sugar cookies you can buy in a pack at Walmart? These ridiculously soft cookies are similar.

They have the same great texture and are just as decadent. The only difference is that these are 110% fall-friendly with their overflow of pumpkin flavor.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (22)

21. Two-Ingredient Pumpkin Muffins

I don’t even care what it is. If you tell me I can make something delicious with just two ingredients, I’m going to make it.

And that’s all you’ll need for these scrumptious pumpkin muffins: just two ingredients. Pumpkin puree and a boxed spice cake mix, specifically.

If you want to add chocolate chips, that’ll make them even tastier.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (23)

22. Pumpkin Chia Pudding

Similar to overnight oats, this chia pudding is a great way to get your omega-3s.

The mildly flavored chia seeds provide a blank canvas for the pumpkin to shine. Power up with these superfoods while getting your pumpkin fix.

This recipe is simple to make, so you’ll never have to miss breakfast again!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (24)

23. Pumpkin Cobbler

Who said warm and gooey cobbler was just for spring produce? Give cherries and blackberries a break, and try this pumpkin cobbler instead.

Bake this decadent dessert, then top it with a large scoop of vanilla ice cream for the perfect finishing touch.

It’s one of my all-time favorite canned pumpkin recipes.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (25)

24. Pumpkin French Toast

French toast is always a crowd pleaser! Add in a little pumpkin flair, and you’ll have a real treat for breakfast.

This recipe couldn’t be simpler! Spend less time cooking and more time with your family this weekend over plates of pumpkin French toast.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (26)

25. Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes

Pancakes are a breakfast classic, but these aren’t your everyday pancakes.

Firstly, you’ll add a pumpkin twist when you stir canned puree right into the batter. Along with cinnamon and nutmeg, these cakes are the epitome of fall sweets.

They’re also paleo-friendly! So even those family members on certain diets can enjoy them!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (27)

26. Pumpkin Brownies

This recipe doesn’t taste like pumpkin but uses pumpkin to make America’s favorite dessert even better.

Replace a few ingredients like eggs and oil with a can of pumpkin puree to make these unbelievably fudgy brownies.

They’re dense, moist, and chocolatey and will disappear in minutes.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (28)

27. Pumpkin Mac and Cheese

Have you ever met those people (usually pumpkin spice haters) who complain that “y’all just put pumpkin in everything!!”

Well, don’t show them this recipe because it will absolutely prove them right. Because you DID NOT read that incorrectly. It DOES say pumpkin mac and cheese.

But trust me on this one, and just try it. It really is divine.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (29)

28. Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for pumpkin ice cream!

Pumpkin pie ice cream is my favorite seasonal flavor, but ice cream shops only sell it for one month out of the year!

With this impressive copycat recipe, you can enjoy the irreplaceable flavor of pumpkin pie ice cream all year long.

Churn up a pint of goodness with this cinnamon-spiced cream.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (30)

29. Pumpkin Parfait

This beautiful pudding parfait is exactly what you’ll want to bring to your next party. It features layer upon layer of delicious pumpkin-flavored goodness.

What better way to end a feast than with a scoop of this beautiful pudding?

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (31)

30. Pumpkin Peanut Butter Cups

Take those Reese’s pumpkins one step further by adding pumpkin puree to the peanut butter filling for the ultimate stuffed chocolate cup.

These pumpkin peanut butter cups will satisfy any sweet tooth and are even better straight from the freezer.

Keep an endless supply on hand, as you could crave them any moment.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (32)

31. Pumpkin Butter

You’ve probably heard of apple butter, but what about pumpkin butter?

This sweet topping is a delicious addition to your breakfast spread. Top warm toasts and biscuits with its cinnamon-sweet taste.

There are so many ways to use this preserve; you’ll never want to run out!

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (33)

32. Pumpkin Coffee Cake

Coffee cake is a breakfast favorite for many. For others, it’s more of a dessert. Either way, this pumpkin-infused coffee cake is sure to please.

It has everything you love about classic coffee cake — right down to the crumbly streusel topping.

But in perfect fall fashion, there’s also a ton of pumpkin yumminess in every bite.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (34)

33. Pumpkin Hummus

Creamy, savory hummus is another recipe that can benefit from adding pumpkin. It doesn’t make it sweet, but it does give it a richer, earthier flavor.

It might not seem like pumpkin would pair well with garlic, chili powder, and chickpeas, but it does. Try it for yourself to see just how well.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (35)

34. Cheesy Baked Gnocchi with Kale

If you haven’t tried pumpkin gnocchi, you’re in for a treat. It has the soft, tender texture of all good gnocchi, and the flavor is on point.

It’s fantastically cheesy, with Gruyere, mozzarella, and parmesan. Plus, the heavy cream and pumpkin make the thickest, creamiest sauce.

Even the herb/seasoning mixture is perfect. There’s a lot about this dish to love.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (36)

35. Vanilla Chai Pumpkin Latte Cupcakes with Cinnamon Brown Sugar Frosting

With a recipe name like this one, writing a description really isn’t necessary.

After all, “vanilla chai pumpkin latte cupcakes with cinnamon brown sugar frosting” pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

The only thing I can add to that is that they’re moist, light, gently spiced, and out-of-this-world delicious.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (37)

36. Vegan Pumpkin Curry

Whether you serve it with naan bread or over rice, curry is always a warm, comforting dinner option.

Make yours fall- and vegan-friendly with this simple, 25-minute recipe. Serve it for lunch or dinner, and your guests will leave happy and full.

Unfortunately, they probably won’t leave you many leftovers.

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (38)

36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes

Course: DessertCuisine: American




Prep time



Cooking time






Enjoy the taste of fall with this delightful pumpkin pie made easy with canned pumpkin!


  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 (15-ounce) can Libby’s pure pumpkin puree

  • 1 (12-ounce) can evaporated milk

  • 1 (9-inch) unbaked deep-dish pie crust


  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves.
  • In a large bowl, beat together eggs, pumpkin puree, and sugar-spice mixture. Gradually stir in evaporated milk.
  • Pour the mixture into the pie shell. Bake for 15 minutes and then reduce the oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes. To test for doneness, give the pie a little jiggle. The edges should be dry. The middle should be set, but still a little wobbly.
  • Cool the pie on a wire rack for 2 hours.
  • Serve and enjoy!


  • Store the pie in the fridge, covered in plastic wrap or aluminum foil, for 5 days. You can also freeze it for up to a month, wrapped in several layers of plastic wrap. Defrost in the fridge for 12 hours before serving.


  • Calories: 243kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 36g
  • Protein: 6g
  • Fat: 10g
  • Saturated Fat: 4g
  • Cholesterol: 53mg
  • Sodium: 313mg
  • Potassium: 274mg
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Sugar: 26g
  • Calcium: 138mg
  • Iron: 1mg
36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (39)

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36 Easy Canned Pumpkin Recipes (2024)


What can I add to canned pumpkin to make it taste better? ›

How to Do It
  1. ⅓ cup ground cinnamon.
  2. 1½ tablespoons ground ginger.
  3. 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg.
  4. 1½ teaspoons ground cloves.
  5. 1½ teaspoons ground allspice.
Oct 13, 2020

Is there a difference between canned pumpkin and pumpkin puree? ›

Canned pumpkin (labeled as "100% pure pumpkin") is a purée of pumpkin that is sometimes mixed with other kinds of winter squash. It is unsweetened and does not contain any added spices. Canned pumpkin and pumpkin puree are the same thing, and you'll often see the terms used interchangeably in recipes and cookbooks.

Should you drain canned pumpkin? ›

*Draining the pumpkin puree is optional, for those cooks who want the most perfect, persnickety puree. I've skipped this step for over a decade and still had great baking/cooking results using homemade puree. But for you perfectionists, give it a shot and tell me what you think.

Does canned pumpkin need to be cooked before eating? ›

Is canned pumpkin cooked? Yes, it's already been cooked via steaming. It's safe to eat canned pumpkin straight from the can, but it's infinitely better baked into a pan of pumpkin bars.

What are 5 ways pumpkins can be used? ›

Five ways to use your pumpkin after Halloween
  • Roasted pumpkin seeds. Use the part of a pumpkin that most would throw away and make roasted pumpkin seeds. ...
  • Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is a traditional American favourite. ...
  • Stuffed pumpkin. ...
  • Pumpkin soup. ...
  • Pumpkin cake.

What pairs with pumpkin? ›

To complement pumpkin with sweet flavor pairings, consider using spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice and vanilla, or sweet ingredients like chocolate, maple, honey, cranberries or brown sugar. Create savory dishes by pairing pumpkin with spices like chilies, cajun, cayenne or pepper.

Can I give canned pumpkin to my dog? ›

You can feed cooked or canned pumpkin to your dog—if it's 100% pumpkin with no added ingredients. Make sure you don't accidentally grab the canned pumpkin pie filling. That contains sugar, which isn't healthy for your pup, and usually nutmeg, which is toxic to dogs.

Is Libby's pumpkin real pumpkin? ›

Libby's, the quintessential canned pumpkin brand, uses a proprietary strain of the Dickinson pumpkin variety in their product, which is also often called a Dickinson squash. On Libby's website, it states that their product is 100 percent pumpkin.

Is Libby's 100 pure pumpkin the same as pumpkin puree? ›

Pumpkin puree can be labeled as 100% pure pumpkin, pumpkin puree, solid pack pumpkin, or simply "pumpkin." Regardless of what it's called, one thing pumpkin puree won't contain is any sort of seasonings or sugar—it's just cooked and mashed squash.

Why should you not throw away pumpkins? ›

Pumpkins that end up in landfills have a hard time breaking down because landfills function to store material and don't have much oxygen to allow organics to decompose properly. When organic materials don't have enough oxygen to break down, they release methane gas, a greenhouse gas that is harmful to the environment.

Is pumpkin good for hormones? ›

Balances hormone levels

Pumpkin contains zinc, which can be a vital mineral for helping treat hormonal acne. (4) Zinc can help keep hormone levels under control, and level out oil production.

Do squirrels eat pumpkins? ›

Squirrels love their pumpkin!

These creatures are attracted to pumpkins primarily due to the soft, edible interiors and the seeds, which are a rich source of essential fats that aid their survival through the winter.

What can I do with tasteless pumpkins? ›

I like to roast wedges of pumpkin which helps to reduce the moisture content, making it taste richer and sweeter. You can flavour the pumpkin at this point by rubbing it with a spice of choice. Place a couple of halved onions to cook with the pumpkin to either use in the soup or as a garnish.

How do you elevate a store bought pumpkin pie? ›

Spoon over the pie and dust with ground cinnamon.
  1. Cinnamon Spice Whipped Cream. ...
  2. Caramel Sauce. ...
  3. Chocolate Sauce. ...
  4. Toasted Caramel Walnuts. ...
  5. Coconut-Pecan Topping. ...
  6. Sour Cream Topping. ...
  7. Chocolate Cookie Topping. ...
  8. Chopped Peanuts and Caramel Sauce.
Jan 10, 2020

How to enhance pumpkin purée? ›

Cooking down pumpkin purée is similar to browning butter: Water evaporates and the milk solids become flavorful and toasty. For even more flavor, you can add spices (like the celebrated pumpkin pie spice!) to the purée during the cooking step.

How do you make pumpkin purée less bitter? ›

As pumpkins cure, more sugar content builds up within the flesh of the pumpkin, resulting in a sweeter end product. Making homemade pumpkin puree with a pumpkin that hasn't been fully cured will give you an almost bitter-tasting puree. It's really worth it to be sure the pumpkins have been cured long enough.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.