Automation And The Future Of Work - How Engineered Systems Are Improving The Workplace (2024)

It’s abundantly clear that the future of work will be markedly different from our jobs today. AI, automation, and advanced engineered systems promise improvements in safety, simplification of routine tasks, and higher productivity levels across organizations.

While there is much to be argued about when it comes to the ethics of automation and the role it will play in our lives, it is important to understand the spaces in which automation (if applied without racial, gender, and other biases) will undoubtedly improve the workplace experience. This is especially true in areas such as safety and repetitive tasks.

While it may feel like technology is moving at a breakneck pace, there’s nothing new about the applications of automation and robotics technologies. Automation has long been present in the workplace, handling mundane, routine tasks humans simply don’t want to do.

Robots have worked side by side with humans on America’s factory floors for over 50 years now, and workers staged protests over automation as far back as the Industrial Revolution. But for the past one hundred years, technological advancements have gone hand-in-hand with rising employment.

Antonio Visconti, CEO of SOBEREYE, comments “advances in video, robotics, sensors, networking, data acquisition, data analytics, and AI are enabling employers to improve safety in many ways.”

SOBEREYE INC. uses artificial intelligence technology to improve workplace safety, providing a one-minute self-test that checks people’s eyes to detect impairment from any cause, like fatigue, sleep deprivation, medications, and drugs.


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AI technologies like this enable humans to perform tasks quicker and more safely. By flagging potential impairment issues before employees start work, employers can create more productive, safer workplaces. SOBEREYE’s technology is widely applicable in all safety sensitive sectors like transportation, construction, mining, and manufacturing

“Human errors are a contributing cause in 90% of accidents. A major challenge for safety professionals is understanding how to reduce them, but too often they give up, and accept being powerless about an issue that is a major contributor to injuries and deaths in the workplace. Detecting impairment, and preventing an impaired person from working in a dangerous condition is the most effective way to reduce accidents and save lives,” states Antonio.

People make mistakes when they are not in their best condition to perform the task at hand, in other words, they are affected by some form of impairment. SOBEREYE solves the problem by using technology to detect impairment in real-time, on-the-job, when it matters most.

Technologies such as SOBEREYE eliminate impairment in the workplace, improving safety levels in risky occupations and making sure that workers go home to their families at the end of the workday.

“We often hear concerns that AI is taking people’s jobs, our AI technology helps people to stay safe on the job, we do not replace workers, we keep them alive.”

The use of AI technology goes hand in hand with increases in the use of automation. A McKinsey report found that only 5% of jobs are fully automatable, and humans will always play a critical role in the workplace. So how can AI help us find the right humans for the jobs that aren’t too dangerous or tedious?

For companies operating in this space, the opportunities are endless. The demand for workflow automation processes is expected to spike to $26 billion by 2025, up from less than $5 billion in 2018. More than 25% of companies use automation in their hiring process, and by 2022, 70% of customer service interactions will leverage some sort of AI automation technology.

Max Kolysh is co-founder and CEO of Dover, an end-to-end recruiting automation platform for the world’s top companies.

“It's important for companies to be utilizing automation because it's already happening. Companies are already utilizing these technologies, so if your company isn't, then you're already falling behind,” say Kolysh.

These types of technologies work to deeply understand a client’s hiring specifications, and then uses automation to evaluate candidates on over 50 data points. In the case of Dover, hiring managers are automatically presented with the most qualified candidates to interview.

Max comments, “our broader mission is to make sure that recruiting is as seamless and painless as possible for both companies and candidates, and help people find their dream jobs quicker and easier.”

Along the same lines, Raghu Bharat, the co-founder and CEO of Crewscale, says that his company’s vision is to “democratize access to global remote opportunities for developers by using sophisticated AI technology to give companies access to pre-vetted tech talent in a transparent and efficient manner.”

“We are building for a better future of work by virtue of what we do, and are leveraging the latest AI technology to streamline the whole process of hiring remotely,” says Raghu.

Automation and engineered systems are powerful drivers of the future of work. These engineered systems drive increased innovation and, as computing power increases in coming years, so too will the applications of these technologies.

Automated software is starting to become more capable of more than just simple, repetitive jobs and will begin performing cognitive tasks. We’re already seeing this with technology like autonomous vehicles, or AI-enabled chatbots, but in the future, expect these types of applications to become more widespread.

Antonio reflects: “AI is becoming good at many tasks traditionally done by humans, but we should not be afraid to be replaced by it, AI is a tool that makes human jobs easier, faster and safer.”

Every day, new workflows are automated across all kinds of industries, from recruitment to workplace safety. Regardless of the industry, these technological developments all share a common purpose: building a safer, more inclusive future.

Automation And The Future Of Work - How Engineered Systems Are Improving The Workplace (2024)


What is the future of automation in the workplace? ›

With current technology, about half of the tasks people do can be automated, but only five percent of the jobs can be entirely automated. Here's another way to look at it: 30 percent of tasks in 60 percent of jobs can be automated. Many believe that by 2030, automation will displace 15 percent of personnel worldwide.

How does automation help in the workplace? ›

Workplace automation enables companies to reduce the number of human errors that occur when employees perform manual tasks such as invoicing and data entry. Machines can easily perform simple tasks, such as entering customers' e-mail addresses and conducting financial projects without distractions.

Why is automation important to the future of the service industry? ›

The benefits of automation

Repetitive tasks can be completed faster. Automating processes ensures high quality results as each task is performed identically, without human error. Manual tasks are boring and laborious. Automation allows your employees to work on more engaging activities, and thus increases satisfaction.

How does automation and technological advances affect workers? ›

Automation has the potential to lead to job displacement in certain industries and roles, particularly those that involve routine, repetitive, or manual tasks. When automated systems and technologies take over these tasks, it can result in job loss or a reduction in job opportunities for some workers.

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Automation and robots may also impact workers' mental well-being. While these technologies can in fact increase productivity and efficiency, they may also increase job displacement and insecurity and affect job satisfaction.

How is automation changing workplaces everywhere? ›

Automation has evolved from robots that help with physical tasks on factory floors to software robots that take care of high-order tasks. Just like machines transformed the industrial age, automation has the potential to transform the workplace today. By 2025, machines will handle half of the work tasks worldwide.

What is the biggest benefit of automation? ›

The benefits of automated operations are higher productivity, reliability, availability, increased performance, and reduced operating costs.

What is the main purpose of automation? ›

The main goal of automation is to improve efficiency, accuracy, and speed in business processes, ultimately leading to increased productivity and reduced costs.

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Automated processes often require less manpower, reducing labor costs. Additionally, by minimizing errors and increasing precision, automation reduces waste and the need for rework, further cutting down expenses.

How do you think automation will impact the workforce in the next 10 years? ›

PwC estimates that by the mid-2030s, up to 30% of jobs could be automatable, with slightly more men being affected in the long run as autonomous vehicles and other machines replace many manual tasks where their share of employment is higher.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of automation? ›

Here is an Easy Comparison table of Advantages and Disadvantages
Improved productivityRequires Huge capital investment
More controlled use of resourcesPossibility of becoming redundant
Better product qualityCould introduce new safety hazards
Improved safetyRequires human intervention
5 more rows
5 days ago

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Greater access to data, analysis tools, and telecommunications allows many workers to focus more on social interactions, collaboration, continuous improvement, and innovation. This dynamic process creates many new types of jobs, products, and industries. Prior automation has never led to mass unemployment.

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Future Prospects of Smart Office Automation

- Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are set to revolutionize office automation. Predictive analytics will optimize resource allocation, while AI-driven systems will enhance decision-making processes.

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The future of automation testing is undeniably exciting, marked by the integration of AI, machine learning, and cutting-edge technologies. Embracing these advancements will not only streamline testing processes but also elevate the overall quality of software.

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Building Automation. Integrating AI and machine learning algorithms into building automation systems opens up new possibilities for optimization. These technologies can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns, make predictions, and optimize energy consumption.

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