Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (2024)

By Kelly Published in Dessert

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Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (1)I love a pretty cookie.

I also love when said pretty cookie is easy to make.

And I really, really love it when said pretty cookie that is easy to make also tastes like a Peppermint Patty.

(Yum, Peppermint Patties. The almost perfect candy.)

I made these cookies on a whim years ago. The original recipe called for using Andes Chocolate Mints and I didn’t have any of those at the time. What I did have on hand was…a bunch of Hershey’s White Chocolate Peppermint Kisses that I got in an after-Christmas Sale and froze.

And you, sometimes, when you don’t have the original ingredients, and you just McGrubersomething and it ends up tasting better than the original recipe, this is one of those times.

This Chocolate Peppermint Cookie Recipe is the right mix of chocolate, peppermint, and bit of crunch. It is the perfect compliment to a glass of milk, hot chocolate or a Baileys Irish Cream (depending on your age and the kind of day you had.)

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (2)

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (3)

This Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe is the right mix of chocolate, peppermint, and bit of crunch.It is the perfect compliment to a glass of milk, hot chocolate or a Baileys Irish Cream (depending on your age and the kind of day you had.)

Recipe Yields: Four Dozen Cookies


3/4 cup unsalted butter
1.5 cups dark brown sugar, lightly packed
2 tablespoons water
1 bag semi-sweet chocolate chips
2 eggs
2.5 cups of flour
1.5 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt/span>
2 bags Hershey’s White Chocolate Peppermint Kisses


1. In a medium saucepan over low heat, melt butter, sugar and water together. Add chocolate chips and stir until chips are partially melted. Remove from heat and continue to stir until melted.

2. Pour chocolate into large mixing bowl (or the bowl that is attached to your stand mixer) and let sit for 15 minutes.

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

4. Remove Hershey’s White Chocolate Peppermint Kisses from wrappers and place in small bowl. Set aside.

5. Add eggs to chocolate mixture and mix on high until eggs and chocolate are well mixed.

6. On low speed, add flour, baking soda and salt and mix until just blended. Dough will be soft. Cover and place in refrigerator for one to two hours.

7. Using a cookie scoop drop teaspoon of dough into your hand, roll into a ball and place on to Nordic Ware Baking Sheets lined with Silicone Baking Mats. Each cookie sheet should have approximately 12 cookies.

Acookie scoop, Nordic Ware Baking Sheets (or other commercial baking sheets) and silicone baking mats, is thesecret to making perfectly uniform cookies every time. Same size, same browning, same taste. They are an investment, but worth every penny.

8.Bake for 12 minutes. Do not overbake.

9. Remove from oven and immediately place twoHershey’s White Chocolate Peppermint Kisses on top of cookies.

Note:You want to let the candy softenon top of the cookie.On average this takes about seven minutes. Once candy has softened, use your finger and swirl it around gently to create the red and white pattern. If you over swirl, your candy will look more pink than red and white.

10. Place cookies on a wire rack to completely cool and enjoy.

Want more of my favorite Christmas Cookie Recipes? Be sure to follow my Christmas Cookie Board on Pinterest.

Follow Kelly Snyder’s board Christmas Cookies on Pinterest.

LOVE this recipe? Make sure to check out all of our tried and true recipes in the Redefined Mom Recipe Index.

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  1. Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (8)Kay says

    Hi, quick question, how big was your bag of chocolate chips? 12 ounces?


    • Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (9)Kelly says

      Yes, the smaller bag.


  2. Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (10)Rachel says

    I found these made quite a bit more, between 5-6 dozen. I used one Hershey Candy Cane Kiss per cookie & found that to be enough. They went over well & I will be adding this to my list of Christmas cookie recipes:) thx!


    • Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (11)Kelly says

      Glad you good luck with them, Rachel! I think it depends how big you make the cookie…we are LARGE cookie family. LOL.


Chocolate Peppermint Cookies Recipe (2024)
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