Embracing the Future of Work: Customer-Centric Automation in ERP Systems (2024)

Globally, industries have increased pressure to meet changing compliance, become strategic, and navigate uncertainties, but often struggle with time-consuming manual operations.

HR and finance professionals spend up to 40% of their time on manual tasks like data entry, scheduling, and reporting, leaving little time to form strategy.

Embracing the Future of Work: Customer-Centric Automation in ERP Systems (1)

This not only affects productivity, and strategic capabilities but hampers employee satisfaction. The lack of engagement is clear, with Gallup reporting that two-thirds of the global workforce feels unengaged, leading to an estimated $7 trillion in lost productivity annually.

As a product director at Unit4, I have 10 years of experience innovating within the ERP, and the capabilities of AI and automation remain clear. I recently presented at the ERP Summit 2024 hosted by Herbert & Nathan, and in this blog I would like to share with you Unit4’s vision to utilize ERP to solve customer challenges and bring value.

Human-centric AI can improve the employee experience

When employees are engaged and satisfied, their productivity and capability for innovation increase, adding direct value to your organization. Moreover, without arduous manual tasks filling their day, the employee experience can become value-driving and strategy-building, rather than just fulfilling rote tasks.

Jacob Morgan's Employee Experience Index highlights that organizations investing in employee experience are four times more profitable than those who don't. Forbes adds that satisfied employees are more likely to contribute to innovation, fostering growth and adaptability within the company.

Yet, as AI and automation reshape job roles and skill requirements, reskilling and upskilling initiatives are essential to support the implementation process, and our HCM solution can help support this by using data to empower people managers and inform talent strategies.

By investing in AI and automation capabilities, organizations can continually improve employees’ day-to-day operations, enabling them to grow and add to the organization, not just fatigue under rote tasks that are naturally fit to be handled by AI.

How can automation help?

Automation in ERP systems has evolved from simple macros and scripting to advanced robotic process automation (RPA) that integrates AI with data to identify patterns, learn over time, and make predictions – what’s commonly known as ‘machine learning.’

An employee may simply fatigue when absorbing lots of data and undergoing repetitive tasks, which can result in data entry errors. Alternately, AI will continually enhance the process for speed, optimizing as it goes, which can reduce costs, improve compliance through accuracy, and even innovate new processes.

Unit4 is also expanding automation capabilities across other areas of its ERP, including HCM/Payroll, Projects, and Finance. Areas of focus include:

  • A payroll navigator to streamline the payroll process and reduce manual corrections
  • Projects resource allocation to optimize resource use and ensure timely, budget-friendly project delivery
  • Automation for statement processing and a storytelling feature to explain deviations in standard reports.

At Unit4, the approach to Intelligent Automation aims not just to replace human effort but to liberate employees to use human logic where it matters, swapping manual operations for strategic analysis.

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Use case: Invoice Management

A practical example of this approach is Invoice Management. Traditionally, managing invoices involves manual and labor-intensive tasks that require collaboration between Accounts Payable clerks and purchase owners.

Common pain points include the time-consuming nature of the process, high error rates, and difficulties responding to supplier queries due to low visibility and multiple approval steps.

Unit4 redesigned the invoice management process by integrating with an e-invoicing platform, enhancing field recognition and prediction services, and introducing a virtual assistant to streamline approvals.

This assistant flags tasks needing attention, suggests modifications, facilitates communication, and archives conversations, leading to significant time savings and efficiency improvements.

The potential of automation to reimagine productivity in the invoice management process is huge, and Unit4 has goals to achieve:

  • 50% reduction in time spent identifying issues
  • 60% reduction in time spent amending invoices with errors
  • 90% time savings on handling multi-client invoices
  • 60% reduction in time required to respond to queries on registered invoices

These efficiencies could free up approximately two hours per day for Accounts Payable clerks, allowing them to focus on strategic tasks such as improving supplier relationships, enhancing data analysis, collaborating with other departments, and engaging in training and development.

Final Thoughts

The journey towards intelligent automation in ERP systems signifies more than just technological advancement, but a transformation in how we approach work.

As we navigate towards a future where automation and AI can help make employees’ work more meaningful, reducing the burden of manual tasks to re-focus on value-adding strategic operations, organizations can create environments that are efficient and productive but also empowering.

By embracingUnit4's integrated suite of Cloud-powered ERP solutions, organizations can harness the power of intelligent automation while enjoying seamless upgrades and access to cutting-edge innovation. Cloud migration with Unit4 ensures businesses stay agile, competitive, and prepared for future challenges.

Explore Unit4's customer-centric approach to AI on our dedicated page or visit our website to learn more about our Cloud-powered suite of integrated solutions, to embark on your journey towards a smarter, more efficient future.

Alternatively, hear my full speech on AI and automation at the 2024 ERP Summit, to understand Unit4’s customer-centric approach.

Embracing the Future of Work: Customer-Centric Automation in ERP Systems (2024)


What is the future of the ERP system? ›

The global cloud ERP market is expected to grow 13.6% annually and reach $40.5 billion by 2025, per Statista. Artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically machine learning, help optimize more business processes, provide new insights and create personalized customer interactions.

What are the benefits of automation through ERP? ›

Top 5 Benefits of ERP Automation
  • Reduced carbon footprint. Automating ERP processes transitions data handling from paper to digital platforms. ...
  • Increased efficiency. ...
  • Enhanced decision making. ...
  • Support for remote work. ...
  • Streamlined processes.
Dec 2, 2023

What does it mean when an ERP system has automation of routine business processes? ›

Automation. Once the data has been collected and integrated into the ERP system, it can automate various aspects of business operations. Businesses can save time and money by automating tasks such as order management or financial reporting while improving accuracy.

How does ERP system improve customer service? ›

One of the primary ways ERP systems improve response time is by integrating various business processes and data into a single, unified platform. This integration means that information from different departments – be it Sales, Customer Service, Inventory, or Shipping – is readily available in one central location.

What is the future of ERP in 2024? ›

Conclusion : Looking forward to 2024, the ERP landscape will see significant advancements driven by AI, cloud, and mobile integration. With a focus on seamless integration and user experience, businesses can expect streamlined operations and enhanced efficiency.

Does ERP replace CRM? ›

No. While ERP and CRM share common benefits, they are not interchangeable. What is the difference between CRM and ERP? CRM supports front-office functions, such as sales, service, and marketing, and ERP supports back-office functions, such as accounting, operations, and HR.

What is the difference between ERP and automation? ›

While both Professional Services automation and Enterprise Resource Management help streamline business processes, PSA mainly focuses on project management, invoicing, and time-tracking. On the other hand, ERP deals with finances, human resources, customer relationship management, etc.

What is the biggest benefit of automating processes? ›

Top 5 Advantages of Automating Manual Processes
  • Higher Efficiency and Productivity.
  • Reduced Time and Costs Saving.
  • Improving Compliance.
  • Financial Insight.
  • Increasing Your Ability To Scale.

How ERP improves productivity of business processes? ›

ERP software automates all the core functions of the business boosting productivity and the efficiency of the business. Further, it automates all the repetitive tasks such as data entry etc and allows the employees to work on highly significant functions.

What is the role of automation in improving the quality of enterprise business processes? ›

Process automation can reduce processing time and costs, improve employee morale, and help a company's sustainability and continuity.

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Cost Reduction and Efficiency

One of the primary ways ERP systems reduce operational costs is through the automation of routine tasks. Processes such as data entry, inventory tracking, and financial reporting, which traditionally require significant manual effort and time, can be automated.

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Some of the most popular alternatives for ERP systems are CRM software and specialized third-party automation systems. Enterprise systems are one of the most comprehensive business solutions across the board, but there is one significant trade-off.

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What is Next-Gen ERP? Next-Gen ERP is not a new ERP platform, but rather a strategy and approach that leverages low-code technology, composable architecture, open-standards integration, and existing ERP solutions to expand the functionality, flexibility, and agility of existing ERP solutions.

What is the ERP industry forecast? ›

The ERP market was valued at $63.33 billion in 2022 and is projected to reach $187.79 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 14.8% during the forecast period. Meanwhile, the SCM market accounted for $14.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to climb to around $29 billion by 2030, a CAGR of 9.7% during the forecast period.

What is the life expectancy of an ERP system? ›

ERP systems typically have a lifespan of between 5 and 15 years. That timeframe can be influenced by a number of different factors.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.