How About a Month of Daily Phase One Recipes to Start the New Year! (2024)

December 31, 2011 — last updated October 14, 2023 by Kalyn Denny59 comments »

For the many people still following the original South Beach Diet, it’s time for Phase One Recipes to get you back on track! I followed the South Beach Diet for many years, and my site has a lot of phase-one suitable recipes, like these amazing Asian Lettuce Wraps with Spicy Ground Turkey Filling

How About a Month of Daily Phase One Recipes to Start the New Year! (1)

I started Kalyn’s Kitchen in 2005 after I’d lost 42 pounds on the South Beach Diet and was excited to share the recipes that helped me do it. This post was written many years ago when I posted a South Beach Diet Phase One Recipe every day for a whole month.

But things have changed since those days. The (original) South Beach Diet was sold in 2016 to a company that now sells packaged food, and they re-did the guidelines of the diet in some ways. And shortly after that I switched my blog to WordPress, and started focusing more on Easy Carb-Conscious Recipes, which includes recipes suitable for different types of carb-conscious eating plans. Now the site has nutritional information and recipes are organized into special diet categories for the following types of diets:

  • Low-Carb Recipes
  • Keto Recipes
  • Gluten-Free Recipes
  • Dairy-Free Recipes
  • (Original) South Beach Diet Recipes
  • Vegetarian Recipes

But there is still a robust community of people online following the original South Beach Diet! You can see lots more posts that might be helpful for South Beach Dieters on this page about South Beach Diet info.

And although my blog now features recipes for varied types of carb-conscious diets, most of the recipes I created for the original South Beach Diet are still on the site; sometimes a lower-carb version has been added. Here are some ways you can follow my site if you’re interested in the recipes here:

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Categories: Recipes,

originally published on Dec 31, 2011 (last updated Oct 14, 2023) by Kalyn Denny

59 commentsLeave a comment »

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  1. TerriReply

    Hi Kalyn,
    I did a search on Pinterest for phase 1 south beach diet recipes and came across your blog and some pictures of foods I’d like Ike tin make. I see you wrote this 8 years ago. How can I gain access to your South Beach recipes now? My husband an I are starting south beach again. We have done south beach in the past, but it’s been awhile and I need a new lot of recipes.


    • Kalyn DennyReply

      Hi Terri,
      I am in a dilemma about how to feature the South Beach recipes on my site (since the NEW SBD plan is more like Keto) so let me be clear that all my recipes are for the original South Beach Diet. If you go to this page and scroll down a bit you can see links to the index for South Beach Diet Phase One and South Beach Diet Phase Two!

  2. Mary KingReply

    South Beach has worked well before. I am going to apply your receipes and go for the huge weight loss again.

    • Kalyn DennyReply

      Good luck Mary! As you can see, this post is from 2011. Now my recipes are not always South Beach Diet friendly, but use the orange tags at the top of each recipe to see what diet it’s suitable for!

  3. Kalyn DennyReply

    Johanna, hope you see some good veggie options.

    Thanks Helen. Comments like that really make my day.

  4. Helen CosnerReply

    Your the best. You pretty much guide all of my meal planning! Here is to an awesome 2012. Thanks for the help and honesty!

  5. Johanna GGGReply

    good luck kalyn – eating well is a constant challenge – in my experience sometimes there are more important things in life than good food choices but hopefully when we need to take time out from eating well that we can get back on the wagon – will try and keep an eye on your january foods

  6. Kalyn DennyReply

    When I transition to phase two, I usually start by adding one thing per day like some rice, a piece of toast, or some fruit. Sometimes (if I still want to lose more) I do what I call phase 1.5, where I do phase one most of the time but occasionally eat a higher carb food. This is only for short periods of time though.

    I do eat on phase two most of the time, where I'm usually eating one or two things a day that are whole grains, fruit, or low-carb pasta.

  7. minermeganReply

    I love all the recipes that I have tried on your sight and look forward to getting back on track this year. I would also be curious to know how you transition to phase two. I have always struggled with this because I like the discipline of phase one and because I really like the phase one recipes that I have found, mostly from this sight. Thank you!

  8. Kalyn DennyReply

    A, if you check the Phase One Index that's linked on the left sidebar, there is a section for phase one vegetarian dishes.

  9. AReply

    I love the daily recipes!! I try to adapt alot of yours for vegetarian, but if you think of a few good phase 1 vegetarian dishes I'd love to hear them!

  10. Kalyn DennyReply

    I'm so glad the recipes have been helpful for you!

  11. AnonymousReply

    Your recipes and insights have proven quite helpful. Recovering from back surgery, lots of exercises are no longer an option. My 2 kids are dairy intolerant and your recipes allow me to prepare 1 meal. Yeah!!!! They just get to eat lots of carbs after meals while I do dishes because they are skinny : )

  12. Kalyn DennyReply

    Thanks to all for the nice thoughts in these comments. Together we can all get back on track.

  13. DorenReply

    Kalyn, I've been enjoying your recipes for years now and have followed a "semi" South Beach Diet. Eight years ago I lost 15 pounds on SBD, but have gained back twice that, despite healthy eating and regular exercise. Some of this is my genetic destiny, much of it is post-menopausal, but I am committed to get back to two weeks of Phase One and see what happens. Not ready to start just yet, but will sometime in the next week or so, and can do it with your help. We're all in this together. Best of luck, and thanks for your great recipes

  14. BabsiegirlReply

    These were fantastic! I topped them with some Sriracha hot sauce and Thai peanut sauce (with Splenda in place of the sugar). We loved them!

  15. AnonymousReply

    Happy New Year Kalyn. Looking forward to getting
    back on track. So very grateful to have you. All the very best for 2012.

  16. BlugrrlReply

    Happy New Year, Kalyn, and thank you for sharing with us! I am looking forward to reversing an "upward" trend, much like you, and I know I can count on the 100 Days to help me get started on my way!

  17. az10sgalReply

    Thank you for your inspiration! Your story pretty much mimicks mine. I did great on South Beach, losing 20 pounds and keeping it off for a couple of years but then I slowly started to gain and then lose, but never losing as much as I gained. Stressful events led to bad eating, but like you I need to stop using that as an excuse for bad choices. Most people would not consider me heavy, but I know I feel better when I'm in the ideal weight range for my height. So I'm going to start again with you! Thanks for givng a place to look for for support.

  18. AnonymousReply

    Hello Kalyn- thank you again for a great blog, and I'm glad to know, in a sort of weird way, that I'm not the only one who lapsed this year. I'm sorry to hear about it because I know how it feels, but it's nice to know I'm not alone.

    One thing that makes my 2011 lapse even harder for me is that I suffer from PCOS and when I screw up on my low GI diet, the symptoms get a lot worse. It's a bad cycle where I get more upset the more symptoms (acne, hair, abdominal weight gain, fatigue, menstrual irregularity) I have, and the more symptoms I have the more I get depressed about it, and the more depressed I get, the more I lapse. And then it starts all over again.

    I am going to do my very best to keep following the blog going into the new year. Together, we can all help each other out! Here's to a clean slate and a healthy, stronger 2012!

  19. BrieReply

    Thanks so much for posting this! I started SB back in 2008, and your blog and recipes have proved invaluable. As I've lost ~100 pounds, I often get people asking how I did it. I usually recommend the books and your site, as those are two of the things that have helped me the most.

    My weight has begun to creep back as well, and now we're expecting a new baby. Now I'm working on gaining healthy, minimal weight, which is tricky! I'm looking forward to your new and revisited recipes!

  20. ElleReply

    After a couple of months of birthdays, holidays and other events with family and friends my jeans are also too tight…
    I'm glad you shared and am sure I will find great recipes this month on your blog that me whole family will love (it's so much easier when you're dieting and everyone eats what you eat).
    Happy healthy new year!

  21. Regina MarshallReply

    I'm looking forward to the phase 1 recipes. I've been off track since I broke my knee in Sept. and have gained around 15lbs. So I told myself I would start phase 1 in the new year to loose, and get back on track to being healthy! Looking forward to the recipes!

  22. AnonymousReply

    I've enjoyed your blog and recipes for many years. Your story is almost exactly mine — lost almost 50 pounds using South Beach in the 2004-5 timeframe but now have gained it all back. Hoping I can make another turnaround. Thanks for the support.

  23. AnonymousReply

    Kalyn, I know it sounds cheesy and maybe obnoxious, but I'm so proud of you and your dedication. I'll be watching, learning, and hopefully following along on your journey. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Happy New Year,

  24. saraReply

    Struggling here too! Love your blog – and I really appreciate your commitment to making South Beach dieting do-able and interesting!

  25. JanetReply

    Keeping weight off in, unfortunately, next to impossible for most people so don't berate yourself Kayln. There is an article right now on the "most popular" list in the NYTimes right now. Doesn't mean we shouldn't keep at it though and you are a great help. Thanks

  26. Kalyn DennyReply

    Thank you everyone. I am looking forward to the challenges; both the challenge of getting myself back on track and the challenge of finding some new Phase One ideas that are really fabulous.

    Janet, interesting article. It makes me glad that I took charge of my weight when I did back in 2004.

  27. janet @ the taste spaceReply

    Hey Kalyn, Good for you for putting it out there and then taking shape to make the change. 🙂

    I actually really enjoyed reading this recent NY Times article about the body changes that happen after weight loss, which can also explain how weight gain returns.

    Either way, more healthy recipes are always a great success to share. 🙂

  28. SueReply

    Ohhh, your phase 1 recipes are the ones I'm most interested in so I'm really looking forward. I have a hard time with portion control so whenever I eat by myself I try to stick to a diet that is pretty low in carbs. Your blog has become such a great resource for me and I love reading your posts. A phase 1 post in January every day? Great!

    BF saw me opening your post on my iPhone and your lettuce wrap pic piqued his interest. It's hard to find phase 1 recipes that both of us like, but that one looks like one we'll both love.

  29. AnonymousReply

    Happy New Year Kalyn! I haven't commented in ages, but still LOVE all you do!! Thank you for thge month of Phase 1. Lord knows I need to lose weight. Great motivation! – nancy

  30. PamReply

    I know what you mean about the weight, it just kind of creeps up there. I've managed to get back to just 2 pounds above my goal, mindful eating and cardio do it for me! Happy new year!

  31. BarbaraReply

    I wish I had your discipline Kalyn. I have no doubt you will achieve your weight loss goal. I shall enjoy this month of healthy recipes and hope to try some.

  32. LaraReply

    Thank you Kalyn! I can't wait to see the recipes – you are so inspirational!

  33. Useful BooksReply

    Well, glad to know I'm in such excellent company. Bring it on! Thanks, Kalyn!

  34. Kalyn DennyReply

    I so do appreciate all the encouraging comments I'm getting. I feel like the whole internet is giving me a big hug and saying "You can do it!"

  35. LindaReply

    I appreciate your honesty, Kalyn. My story is similar. I am joining with you in my rededication to my health and the loss of these pounds that have slowly accumulated.

    I am eternally grateful to your generous sharing of your passion for creating healthful recipres! Infininite blessings to you!

  36. Susie Bee on MauiReply

    Happy New Year Kalyn. Best of luck to you with your weight loss journey this year. I know you'll have plenty of support here on your wonderful blog!

  37. cmlReply

    Best of luck reclaiming the good choices habit. I have enjoyed your posts for a couple years now. I don't specifically follow SB but you have healthy but more importantly, yummy recipes. I started with WW the Wednesday after Thanksgiving and have been successful through the holidays by focusing on making smart, healthy choices–hoping they become a habit. As you have shared; we have to stick to our good habits and remind ourselves every once in while to get back to the basics.
    Happy New Year.

  38. DebReply

    Hi Kalyn,
    Thanks. I also need a kick in the Phase One pants, and I'm going to work right along with you to get back to where I know I should (can?) be! BTW, I love those lettuce cups with the spicy turkey filling. Great place to start!

  39. RecipeGirlReply

    Looking forward to getting back on track w/ healthy eating this week. I'll be dropping in for lots of inspiration! Happy New Year, Kalyn!

  40. JulieReply

    I've never done South Beach, but I've followed your blog long enough to know that you can do phase one and still enjoy amazing food. Loved your recent phase one soup post, and I have a couple on my list of recipes to try!

  41. Maris (In Good Taste)Reply

    Happy Healthy delicious New Year!

  42. Barbara BakesReply

    I'd love to drop some weight in the new year, so I'll be anxiously awaiting your posts. Happy New Year!

  43. JeanetteReply

    Kalyn – I am looking forward to seeing your daily Phase One posts, it will help keep all of us on track too!

  44. Hyosun RoReply

    This Asian wrap dish with turkey looks so delicious. Thanks for the inspiring dish. Wishing you happy and healthy 2012!

  45. SallyReply

    This is just terrific. I admire your forthrightness (who can't relate?) and though I have a mostly healthy diet and have not gained enough weight for people to notice (I hide it well) my clothes are tight and I need to drop down to size. This just makes it so much easier. It's not so much of a new year's resolution, as an opportunity to be conscious of what goes in one's mouth! No question the new year is as good a place to start as any, especially since it is upon us! Thanks, Kalyn

  46. Heidi @foodiecrushReply

    Go team Kalyn! I'm putting a better, healthier diet at the top of my resolution list so your January posts will be much savored at my home I'm sure. Thank you for sharing your struggles, we all have them, and coming together is a fabulous way to propel us all toward our goals. XO in the NY!

  47. Kalyn DennyReply

    Thank you everyone for the nice words and support. I am really looking forward to getting back on track!

  48. Karen@WaistingTimeReply

    Ah – been there and done that. More than once. I'm a big fan of SBD and it works for me. But sometimes I forget that little fact and start slipping myself. Sigh.

  49. AnonymousReply

    You have helped so many and now we all can help you. Thank you for your honest post and keeping it real – we all have struggles and so many factors play into weight loss/maintenance. I think this blog is such a great "meeting place" for those of us on South Beach – terrific recipes and kind/intelligent support = success!
    We'll get back on track together! All the best in 2012! Greg

  50. T.W. Barritt at Culinary TypesReply

    Happy New Year, Kalyn! Wishing you good health, happiness and success in all your goals! Best, T.W.

  51. jo baileyReply

    My daughter and I love your recipes and I have made you red beans and rice more than once!

  52. Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)Reply

    January is a wonderful time to recommit to healthy eating and weight loss. Thanks for inspiring all of us.

  53. Helene BludmanReply

    Kalyn, I too have gained too much weight in 2011 and resolve to lose it this year. I am thrilled to have you as a resource. I am committing to the South Beach Diet and it will be a pleasure to use your wonderful recipes. Happy New Year and good luck to us all!

    @hbludman (on Twitter)

  54. JoanneReply

    It's hard to admit something like that to, essentially, the world, but I'm so glad you did! I'm trying to lose 20 pounds this year to get back to a happy weight and knowing that I'm not alone and have the support of so many is definitely helpful.

    We can do this, Kalyn!

  55. RobynReply

    Kalyn thanks for sharing your dilemma, after Christmas and several family birthdays this week, I'm ready to try as many of your January phase one recipes as are suited to our summer conditions. Here's to being consistent with wise choices in 2012! Happy New Year.

  56. Scott at Real EpicureanReply

    Kalyn you must be so much healthier than me – your blog is a constant source of inspiration. Have a great 2012!

  57. mubReply

    I'm looking forward to this month! What a great idea. I wish you the best in your goals to get back on track. I'm working on that myself.

How About a Month of Daily Phase One Recipes to Start the New Year! (2024)
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