King's Court - TazlurianWiki (2024)

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King's Court

Where to Start

King's Court is the capital of the Western Kingdom, the home of the King.


  • 1 Population
  • 2 Religion
  • 3 Languages
  • 4 Geography
    • 4.1 The Capital
  • 5 Climate
  • 6 Culture
  • 7 Trade
    • 7.1 Import
    • 7.2 Export
  • 8 Government
    • 8.1 Regional Powers
    • 8.2 City
  • 9 Allies
  • 10 Enemies
  • 11 Military
  • 12 Notable Places To Visit
  • 13 History


500,000: Adhiel (10%), Human (64%), Achadhiel (22%), Halfling (4%)


See Also KC Religion

Dominicus (90%), Mother (8%), various (2%)


Adhiel (30%), Human (64%), various (6%)


Located on the north of Mer de la Luna is the capital of the Western Kingdom: Kings Court. Named after the fact it is the king's residence, KC was built by ancient Adhiel ancestors, much like the Citadel, as can be witnessed by its white walls and centric layout.

The capital is surrounded by large grass fields known as the Downs, which towards the sea turns into the Jante. As one travels in the direction of the Howling Ice Mountains these grass fields slowly become the famous rolling hills of Brie, some 3 days hence from KC. Other than by road, travelers can also choose to leave by boat, though the next stop would not be Brie but in the other direction either Roque d'Ancourt or Nether's Gate via the Mer. Very few nowaydays make the trip across the Mer towards World's Mouth or even Mach Mellin.

The Capital

See Also Kings Court Locations

The fair city of Kings Court is build in concentric circles, cut through by the famous Avenue of Trade. The effects of recent wars can still be seen on the city but the rebuilding efforts have had a full yahren now and Kings Court is rising in glory.

In the center of town the religious institutions have always found a home just of the Avenue of Trade at the Boulevard of Temples. Just off at the other side is of course the Palace, rising about the town with its white monolithic turrets. The Voisinage d'Argent just behind it is where the nobles and wealthy have found a home, intermingling with the bohemian artists, with the Bardic College and its neighbouring Herald's Hall drawing attention. To the east the Poor Quarter, also known as the inner city, far removed from all these riches, the less fortunate are housed while the Harbour is another big hug of activity, bringing in all the goods from all over the Kingdom.


Warm to hot summers, mild winters. Most rain falls in autumn and winter. The Mer determines most of the climate, with strong winds from the Mer which are hard to predict, but occur on a regular basis and a certain humidity that shows in regular fogs, even in high summer. The Mer de la Luna doesn’t warm up for swimming until somewhere in Jaym, right up until late Samheen.


See Also KC Culture

KC is a bustling town of trade, as well as science, and as such many citizens believe that they are superior to anybody outside the city. Though it does not contain an university, the One Church provides much learning, and the great King's Palace library is famed for the knowledge it contains. It is also the home of the recently rebuilt Bardic College (KC). Here can be studied all the performing arts including dance, song and poetry and other refined arts such as sculpture and painting. During the winter season many noble families flock to the court, seeking favor with the king. Their expensive mansions line the streets surrounding the palace in the Voisinage d'Argent. It is the court that provides the most day to day activities in the town with both balls and council meetings.

The religious function of the king puts its mark on the city, and many traveling priests can be found preaching on street corners. The city also houses the Basilica Dominici- the temple of the one.


See Also KC Economics and KC Crime.

Kings Court is the capital of the Western Kingdom and so even though it is not the biggest market on the continent, it does hold a certain attraction to merchants to at least have a department of their company there so they can exert influence on the government. The side effect of this is that it also remains a target for the Pirates of the Mer, a growing nuisance in the area.

Since not just the merchants but nobles and all other patricians flock to this center of power, there is a huge pull in the market for anything luxurious.


Luxury goods like coffee from World's Mouth, spices from Terra Incognita, fine metals from Mach Mellin, drugs, antiques, jewellery and cloth as well as basic foods and other resources (salt, wood, stone). The Downs do not deliver enough grain and diary products to sustain the entire city.


The produce of King's Court besides royal proclamations and diplomats consists mainly of finished polished goods such as carpentry, jewellery and decorated weapons, though not in great quantities as this is mainly produced for its own market. There is also an active market in antiques.


The King and his council rule Kings Court directly. It is the Major Domus who runs the city, as part of his position as leader of the royal household. Cardinal Demetrion is in charge of the One Church located in the capital.Currently however the Cardinal is in retreat after the death of King Baltashar.

The King (or in his absence the Regent) makes all decisions, but he has an advisory council. Below the council many more officials work, including ambassies in Sabata, Seven Isles and some of the minor foreign countries. In addition to the Royal Advisory Council there is the Nobles Council and the Commoners Council, both organized to give levels of society access to the king through a controlled mechanism. Unlike his previous regents King Balthasar however tended to ignore both institutions. With his recent death they have just started to reassert their presence.

Since the death of King Balthasar I there has been a temporary regent: Baron DeRhom.

Regional Powers

There are farmers in the Downs and of course several Baron Estates. They each have their own say via the Nobles Council and the Commoners Council. However they have one person keeping up the law in the Kings Court area and that is the sherrif. This position is fairly recent, appointed by the King just before he departed to fight the War of the One. The sherrif only has authority outside the walls of the city, but can call upon the Vanguard if he needs man of arms. His duties are upholding justice, hunting down the remaining orcs that still roam the countryside in groups (but further and further away from the city), and keeping an eye out for potential rebels.


Where the sherrif is in control of the Downs it is the Major Domus who takes care of the day to day rule of the city of Kings Court itself. He listens of course to the Local Councils, with representatives of nobles, merchants and farmers. Yet like the king he rules absolute. He is able to call upon both the Vanguard and the Kingstone Guards, though he has to respect their limitations.

Under the regent Demetrion the Major Domus had a withdrawn position with the regent taking most of the important decisions. With the recent promotion within the church of Demetrion however, the Major Domus took up position again, only to be fired due to corruption charges. Now it is Regent Baron DeRhom who is in control of both the nation and the city.


As the capital technically Kings Court could count on all the traditional allies of the Western Kingdom, however many cities are currently quietly or openly revolting. Dragonskeep remains loyal to the crown however.


Internal: Roque d'Ancourt, World's Mouth and the Border Estates of the Mountains.

External: T'aquar, the Empire of Seven Isles. None of these enemies have declared their status publically.


See Also KC Military

The Kingstone Guards is the legion responsible for the Kings safety while the Vanguard protects the city itself. The city is also the Head Quarters of the Royal Temple Order of Paladins.

As the capital of the Western Kingdom other legions of the WK army can also be called to the city.

Notable Places To Visit

The King's Palace stands in the center of King's Court, and is within view no matter where you are in the capital, even from outside.

Enter through the Vigilant Gates.

Then walk down the Avenue of Trade toward the Dragon's Den - one of the main taverns in the city.

The Bardic College is a marvel of elegance. A gift of beauty and culture given by King Balthasar to his citizens.

In the Boulevard of Temples lies the Temple of the One - the Basilica Dominici as well as several other destroyed churches.

See the Location List for a full list of places to see - though others can be discovered in character!


See Also History of the Western Kingdom

Originally founded by ancient Adhiel, Kings Court has traditionally been the king's winter residence, the place from which he rules the country. After the tragic death of Dorian ye Melchior 10 yahren ago, his young son Balthasar inherited the throne, under the regency of Duke Eisenreich. Only recently did Balthasar reach the age of 18 and crown himself king. After the siege of Orcs and the battle of Kings Court by the Pretender much of Kings Court has been laid to waste and is slow in rebuilding.

Current & Recent Events

The death of King Balthasar in 1224 AD left King’s Court in political turmoil. Whilst Count Drakedoder was technically the heir to the throne, the dead King’s other uncle, Duke Eisenreich, was quick to press his own claim with the support of many of the barons. Matters were further complicated by rumours of the existence of a third potential contender, a bastard son sired by the King in Roque. Despite his best efforts, the temporary regent, Cardinal Demetrion, failed to get any agreement in the Nobles Council. Negotiations dragged on, leaving the city paralysed despite the urgent need for firm decisions to complete the rebuilding of the city’s infrastructure and depleted armed forces.

The only decisive pronouncement of the Council since the death of the king involved the raising of taxes, including those on local citizens. This unpopular decision, whilst bringing a degree of necessary stability to the capital’s finances, has brought the Nobles Council into conflict with the Commoners Council, which has become much more vocal during the winter of 1224-25. A charismatic new voice in the Commoner’s Council, Karl Ilich, has been at the forefront of opposition and has attracted considerable support amongst workers and businessmen. The issue of who should pay for the reconstruction of the city will be a pressing issue for any new King.

The one beacon of light in King’s Court in 1224 was the success of the new Bardic College which attracted many students, scholars and performers from across the kingdom. Concerts were held, performances mounted and many works of art and culture displayed in the college. Indeed, there was talk of a cultural renaissance in the city, a development which stood in stark contrast to the political deadlock of the Council. The head of the college was becoming a powerful figure in the city despite rumours of disagreements with many of his more liberal students and masters.

The death of the King had robbed the One Church of its major figurehead and its power was on the wane with some openly questioning its role in recent conflicts. Many followers of Dominicus rejected the aggressive side to their religion and opted for a more compassionate path, seeking to convert those to their faith by argument rather than by the sword. A number of places where this strand of the One religion, “The Heart”, was promulgated were allowed to flourish and rapidly grew in popularity. Many citizens were also attracted by the more liberal culture developing as a consequence of the expansion of the arts. This new culture contrasted sharply with the devout fundamentalism of the One Church. A more tolerant attitude to pagans was also beginning to develop although this was still at an early stage and many remained dedicated followers of the One. The Grey Cloaks were remarkably quiet but for how long they would tolerate these new developments remained to be seen.

  • 24th Chyril, 1225: It was announced that Cardinal Demetrion had stepped down as regent and was to be replaced by the Major Domus.
  • 27th Chyril, 1225: A motley crew assembles and drafts grand plans- birthing a new trading firm in the capital city[1]

The Western Kingdom


History - One Church of Dominicus - Nobility


King's Court - Roque d'Ancourt - Border Estates - Dragonskeep - Nether's Gate
Mach Mellin - God's Isle - Howling Ice Mountains - Mer de la Luna - Western Ocean

King's Court - TazlurianWiki (2024)


What did it mean to be in the king's court? ›

The King's Court, also known as Curia Regis, was the main court in early Norman England established by William the Conqueror. It was a group of advisers who traveled with the king, advising him on political matters and acting as an appellate court in important or complicated cases.

What are the names of the things that can be easily observed in the king's court? ›

Answer. Answer: cortieris , king ,queen ,suspect , gold ornaments.

Who are the members of the Kings court? ›

These courtiers included the monarch or noble's camarilla and retinue, household, nobility, clergy, those with court appointments, bodyguards, and may also include emissaries from other kingdoms or visitors to the court. Foreign princes and foreign nobility in exile may also seek refuge at a court.

What is the concept of the king and court? ›

The king's court is a term that describes the king's council and household. The court travelled with the king wherever he went. The king would seek advice from the wise (hopefully) men of his court which would include relatives, barons, lords, and members of the church such as bishops.

What is a king's right hand man called? ›

Usually it's a Royal Advisor, but if it's a militaristic kingdom it could be a captain or commander, esquire and Fanbarer are also acceptable.

How do you explain the king of the court? ›

King/Queen of the court requires players to work as a team to cover the court when defending and to pass the ball reliably to gain the advantage when attacking. It works well following any activity that includes some or all of these skills, as it encourages players to further develop the skills.

How did kings treat their queens? ›

It depends on the particular king, really. Some kings, like Stephen (of England), were said to be very sentimental, emotional, compassionate, and (by contemporary standards) weak. Other kings, like Henry VIII as the most obvious example, treated their wives very poorly indeed.

What are kings people called? ›

subject. noun. person under the authority of a monarch or other powerful ruler. Sumer. noun.

What is the kings court called? ›

Curia, also known as the Curia Regis, or Aula Regis (“King's Court”). It was introduced at the time of the Norman Conquest (1066) and lasted to about the end of the 13th century. The Curia Regis was the germ from which the higher courts of law, the Privy Council, and… In Parliament: Historical development.

Who are the people who are tried in the Kings court? ›

Answer: The people who are tried in the king's court are: the merchant, the bricklayer, the dancing girl, the goldsmith and the merchant (second time).

Who are there in Kings court? ›

The rich merchant, the bricklayer, the dancing girl and goldsmith are all tried in the king's Court.

Who created the king's court? ›

The Curia Regis was the main court in early Norman England, set up by William the Conqueror. It was a group of advisors who traveled with the king and helped him make important decisions. They also acted as a court to hear important cases. Over time, the Curia Regis became a court that only dealt with legal matters.

What are the rules of king of the court? ›

King of the Court is a continuous game of 1-on-1, using make-it-take-it rules. The offensive player is allowed 3 dribbles AND has 10 seconds to score, otherwise this is considered a “Stop”.

What happens in a Kings court? ›

In many cases the court was the administrative centre; it was where foreign embassies were received; it was often the highest court of appeal in legal disputes; it dispensed political and social patronage, it could serve as a focus of culture and the patronage of learning and the arts - music, literature, painting, ...

What did it mean to be at royal court? ›

The King's household, the royal court was the political and cultural centre of the nation, and despite the risks, anyone who was anyone wanted to be there. At court, patronage and favour was given to those who pleased the monarch, and taken away from those who did not.

What does court mean in the royal family? ›

The 'royal court' refers to the extended household of a monarch and can include thousands of individuals. It was made up of lower status royal servants and high ranking 'courtiers', ladies- and gentlemen-in- waiting who served the king and queen.

What does it mean for a king to hold court? ›

(of a king or other high-ranking aristocrat) To preside in a formal manner over an official assembly of courtiers and others in which entertainment is presented or affairs of state are considered.

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