Like Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary (2024)

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1 like






Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE


[+ object]



to enjoy (something)


to get pleasure from (something)

  • My son likes baseball.

  • He likes baseball, but he loves football.

  • Do you like Mexican food?

  • I liked the movie a lot more than I thought I would.

  • She likes (it) that I play the guitar. = She likes the fact that I play the guitar.

  • She likes it when I play the guitar. [=she enjoys hearing me play the guitar]

  • I like it very much. = I really like it. = (chiefly Brit) I quite like it.

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often + -ing verb

  • I like playing the guitar.

  • He doesn't like admitting that he was wrong.

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often followed by to + verb

  • I like to play the guitar.

  • He doesn't like to admit that he was wrong.

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to regard (something) in a favorable way

  • I don't like the idea of leaving my mother alone all week. [=I don't think that it would be a good idea to leave my mother alone all week]

  • I wouldn't like it if you got the wrong idea. = I wouldn't like you to get the wrong idea. = (US) I wouldn't like for you to get the wrong idea. [=I don't want you to get the wrong idea]

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[+ object]


to feel affection for (someone)


to enjoy being with (someone)

  • I don't know what it is about that guy, but I just don't like him.

  • I think she likes you. [=I think she is attracted to you]

  • They were political allies who truly/genuinely liked each other.

  • What is it that you like or dislike about him most?

  • a much-liked/well-liked colleague

  • She says she likes him as a friend but she's not attracted to him.

  • My boss was a tough guy, but I liked him for his honesty.

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[+ object]

used to ask about someone's feelings or opinion about something

  • So how do you like sailing now that you've tried it? [=do you like or dislike sailing?]

  • How do you like this weather?” “I don't like it at all!”

  • How do you like Mexican food?” “I love it!”

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[+ object]



to want to have (something)

used with would to make a polite suggestion, offer, or request

  • Would you like another cup of coffee?

  • “Would anyone like a drink?” “Yes, I'd like one, please.”

  • I'd like (a chance) to reply to the last speaker.

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to want or prefer to do something

  • Would you like to go sailing? [=do you want to go sailing?]

  • Despite everything, I (would) still like to think that people are basically good.

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used in various spoken phrases that typically express anger or surprise

  • She left without saying a word to me. How would you like it if someone ignored you that way? = How would you like being ignored that way? = How would you like to be ignored that way? [=don't you agree that it was wrong of her to ignore me that way?]

  • “So she just left without saying a word. How do you like that?” “Incredible!”

  • (Brit) “You never listen!” “I never listen? I like that! ” [=that's not at all true/fair]

  • “You're an idiot!” “How would you like a punch in the nose?!” [=I'm going to punch you in the nose if you keep talking to me that way]

  • “He thinks he can beat you.” “I'd (just) like to see him try!” [=he can't beat me; he would lose if he tried to beat me]

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[+ object]


to choose or prefer to have (something) in a specified way or condition

  • “How do you like your steaks cooked?” “I like my steaks medium rare.”

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[no object]


to make a choice about what to do, have, etc.

  • You can leave any time you like.

  • “What should we do now?” “Whatever you like!” [=whatever you want to do]

  • We can stay as long as you like. [=as long as you want to stay]

  • There are plenty of cookies, so take as many as you like.

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[+ object]


to do well in (certain conditions)

  • This plant likes dry soil.

  • My car does not like cold weather.

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if you like



used to say that you can do something if you want to do it

  • Have another drink, if you like.

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used to agree politely to a suggestion or request

  • “Could we stay a little longer?” “Yes, if you like.” [=if that's what you want to do]

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chiefly British

used to suggest a possible way of describing or thinking about something

  • The experience was, if you like [=if you will], a glimpse of the future.

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Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE



something that you like, approve of, or enjoy

usually plural

  • my likes and dislikes

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compare 5like

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3 like



Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE



similar to (something or someone)

  • The house looks like a barn.

  • Real life isn't at all like life in the movies. = Real life isn't at all like the movies.

  • It's like when we were kids.

  • She's not very (much) like her sister.

  • She's not at all like her sister.

  • The baby is/looks more like his mother than his father.

  • “Who is he like?” “He's not like anyone I've ever met before.”

  • I know I used to be selfish, but I'm not like that any more. [=I'm not selfish any more]

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used with what in phrases that ask about or refer to the qualities of a person or thing

  • What's her new boyfriend like?” [=how would you describe her new boyfriend?] “He's very nice.”

  • I don't know what the food is like in that restaurant. [=I don't know if the food is good or bad in that restaurant]

  • I thought he was nice, but then I found out what he's really like. [=I found out what kind of person he really is]

  • She knows what it's like to be lonely. = She knows what it feels like to be lonely.

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typical of (someone)

  • It's just like him to be late. [=he is often late]

  • It's not like her to be so selfish. [=she is not usually so selfish]

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comparable to or close to (something)

  • It costs something like five dollars. [=it costs about five dollars]

  • (chiefly Brit) That's nothing like [=nowhere near, not nearly] enough food!

  • I thought it would only take two or three minutes, but it ended up taking more like half an hour. [=it took about half an hour]

  • There's nothing like [=nothing better than] a mug of hot chocolate on a cold winter's night.

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in a way that is similar to (someone or something)

  • Quit acting like a fool.

  • She was screaming like a maniac.

  • We'll blow it up like a balloon.

  • He was laughing like a hyena.

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used to introduce an example or series of examples

  • They studied subjects like [=such as] physics (and chemistry).

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it looks like rain

used to say that you think it is going to rain soon

  • I was going to play golf, but it looks like rain.

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just like that

see 2just

like father, like son

see 1father

like new

see 1new

like so


in the manner shown

used in speech when you are showing someone how to do something

  • The corner of the cloth should be folded down, like so.

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like that



of that kind

  • I love books like that.

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in that manner

  • Why does she talk like that?

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like this



of this kind

  • I love weather like this.

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in this manner

  • I hate it when it rains like this.

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more like it


used to say that something is better or more pleasing

  • “I've done twice as much today as yesterday!” “Well, that's more like it! Congratulations!”

  • It was a long and tiring day, but as the waiter brought me my dinner, I thought to myself, “Well, this is more like it.”

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4 like



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Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE


having the same or similar qualities

  • All three sisters have like [=(more commonly) similar] dispositions.

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5 like





5 like





Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE



a person or thing that is similar to another person or thing

  • We may never see his like again. [=we may never see another person who is like him again]

  • It was a beautiful sunset. I've never seen the like before.

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a group of similar people or things

  • He and his like [=type] tend to scare people away from the cause.

  • comparing like with like [=comparing similar people or things]

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and the like


and others of a similar kind


and so forth

  • They told stories about ghosts and vampires and the like.

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the likes of


the like of



such people as

  • She has read the complete works of many great writers, including the likes of Jane Austen and Robert Browning.

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such a person as

  • We have no use for the likes of you.

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the kind or sort of

  • It was a beautiful sunset, the likes of which I've never seen before. [=I've never seen such a beautiful sunset before]

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compare 2like

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Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE

as like as not


like as not



  • Like as not the crime will never be solved.

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Like has many uses in informal speech, especially in the speech of young people. It is commonly used to emphasize a word or phrase.

  • He was, like, gorgeous.

  • (chiefly Brit) He was gorgeous, like.

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It is used in a way that shows you are not sure or confident about what you are saying.

  • I need to, like, borrow money.

  • Her father is, like, a scientist or something.

  • I think it costs, like, 20 dollars.

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In very informal speech in U.S. English, it is used with the verb be to say what someone thinks, says, etc.

  • She was telling me what to do and I was like [=I was thinking], “Mind your own business.”

  • She was like, “Are you sure you want to do this?” and I was like “Yeah, why not?” [=she said, “Are you sure you want to do this?” and I said, “Yeah, why not?”]

  • He's always criticizing everyone but it's like, “Who cares what he thinks?” [=he's always criticizing everyone but no one cares what he thinks]

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7 like



7 like



Britannica Dictionary definition of LIKE





the way it would be if

  • The plane looked like [=as if] it would crash.

  • It seemed like [=as if] he'd never been away.

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the way someone would do if

  • She acts like [=as if] she's better than us.

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the same as



  • You sound just like [=the way] he does.

  • Does it look like [=the way, as] it did when you began?

  • Does it look now like (it did) before? [=does it look now as it did before?]

  • Real life is not like [=as, the way] it is in the movies.

  • Real life isn't at all like [=the way] the movies are.

  • Like I said [=as I said] before, you've got to try harder.

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in the way or manner that

  • I did it like [=the way, just as] you told me.

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such as

  • a bag like a doctor carries [=a bag like the kind of bag that a doctor carries]

  • The book tells you what to do when your car has trouble—like when it won't start. [=as, for example, when it won't start]

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The use of like as a conjunction is regarded by some people as an error. It occurs mainly in speech and informal writing.

Like Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary (2024)
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