Terradrive Redux - Violent_Lobster - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter 1: Story 1 - Part 1


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


[Penumbra City, Greatstone - 7:45PM - Monday 23 of August 3238]

A yellow taxi in the parking lot among a couple of other taxis of Penumbra City sits gleaming in the setting sun. Palm trees wave with the tide coming in all the while the water shines in the horizon, shuffling and bumps wobbles the soft suspension to finally outright whacks break the peaceful sounds of the waves and wind.

*Whack, Thunk and Crack* as the trunk dents and the locking mechanism crumbles to the pavement and hinges bulge and bend, a Doberman Mobian rolls out of the trunk, his cheap suit on to the pavement as well. around his collar is bloodied with dried blood stains from gunshot wounds, his hands bruised and battered from an apparent fight. Picking himself back up, Henry leans against the bumper with some deep breaths, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Looking around for anyone as he shoves off the car with a slight wobble before patting around his pockets in his crumpled suit to finally taking a crushed cigarillo from his front pocket where a packet is there, gritting his teeth as he looks at his knuckles, slightly weeping of fresh blood and scuffs. With a slight shake lighting the cigarillo, Henry takes a deep drag as he clenches his free hand before storming off away from the taxi with a limp.

ARC ONE - The Doberman.
[RECOMMENDED ARC SONG: Golden Earrings - Twilight Zone]

Getting into a pace down the street with some people gawking at Henry’s rough shape, He swipes a rag from a distracted waiter walking past a pub. Going into a public restroom and finding himself upfront of a mirror. “Damn, they did a good number on me…” He spoke looking at his face noticing the ever swelling shiner on his eye, then snapping his attention towards his pants pocket.

Pulling out a particular pendant with glowing green gems and markings. “Well I hope this little bastard was worth getting a black eye over.” He mumbles as he finishes cleaning his face, stuffing the pendant back into his pocket, taking out a plastic packet with injectable syringes. Taking a small smart phone and hits an app followed by some digital dial tones and beeps, a hologram of Rust appears on the phone. “Bloody hell, Henry we have been looking for you for the past four hours!” he said with worry.

Henry placing the phone on the grungy sink responds “Yeah, Yeah I can tell…” he grunts as he injects himself with a glittery silver liquid. “Damn, why did that of all things hurt.” He huffed before tossing the used small syringe.

His wounds start to reverse, with Henry leaning against the sink bracing for the increasing discomfort as the gunshot wounds slowly spit out the pieces of slugs and ping onto the floor along with some pieces of shrapnel hitting the floor. He looks at his knuckles as he responds “This trash pendant is secure, why is someone that desperate for this…” Henry grumbled.

Rust interrupts him to say “I informed the guy on your update, he's already wanting a meet up with a representative.“ he spoke reading off a screen. Henry checking his eye as his shiner fades gradually taking out a small packet of pills, before responding, "Rust, You got any idea what this pendant is or is this another one of those desperate collector wanted for some vanity project?" he asks as he downs the two pills, after a brief silence the sound of paper being moved is heard as Rust looks through some papers while responding back, "lets see here... Yes, actually... The pendant in question you got there is a rather particular pendant from one of the more powerful users of chaos magic." he quotes of one of the papers before looking back at Henry through the video feed.

"I suggest being careful about that pendant, it still might have a charge left in it to fry you if you are not careful." Henry plucks a piece of shrapnel out of his face, "Tell them that i am ready to make contact soon, and send a tailor case, I look like I tumbled through a butcher shop." Henry said as he looks at all the blood stains and washing the bloodied rag in the sink. hearing a few footsteps inside the bathroom, Henry freezes as the footsteps echo down the room.

He quietly looks around the corner to see another well-dressed Mobian walking down the hall to the bathroom. walking right up to the adjacent sink with another on the opposite side. "Hey Rust, I'm gonna call you back. I'm going to start to head out after I take care of things." as he ends the call leaning on the sink as the two act suspiciously, glancing at each other as Henry finishes off wetting the rag.

Placing his two hands on the sink, looking up in the mirror, "Alright boys, how's this is going to play out." gripping the soaking wet rag as one raises his fist to punch, Henry ducks and slaps the goon with the wet rag as he turns to deck the one behind him, throwing the wet rag as his partner stumbles backwards trying to duck, he tries to pull his gun.

Henry grabbing his hand and slamming it into the sink to drop it before finally slinging him back into his partner, crashing into each other Henry separates as the two regain their footing and distance, "Come on, you two can always walk away." Henry offered, the two goons ball their fists and get into stance, "Alright have it your way then..." Henry shrugs as one of the goons charges him. ducking some punches, the attacking goon gets some heavy body blows before Henry grabs his head slamming it into the sink, breaking the porcelain sink as the other grabs Henry landing a few face punches.

Finally after taking some punches, Henry turns to head-butt the second goon, hard enough to break his nose with an audible crack. "ARGH!' the second one yells as he holds his bloodied maw, the first goon groans as he gets up. Henry seeing this, grabbing him again to slam his head on another sink with the goon in a panic, squeezing off a round from his gun, finally slumping to the ground after a few repeated slams, Henry grabbing the dropped gun, looking at it for a moment as the second goon pulls his firearm then points it at Henry “Die bastard!” *BANG* echoes through the bathroom in a deafening pop, the bullet hits and bounces off the back of Henry's head, exposing a tiny area of his metallic skull. Henry ducking from the sudden hit and holding his ears as they ring.

The second goon tries to fire a second as Henry whips around to finish the second one off with a returned head-shot. Henry stows the gun he fired behind his belt as he looks at his handiwork a swift kick to the second goon after the ringing faded from his ears. Rust's hologram pops back up "Why did you hang- oh, that's the reason..." Rust said after seeing the two on the floor. "Yeah, they are relentless..." he responds. Rust continues

"I got a safe zone set up not far from where you are, its what I can quickly at this time, lay low there for a good while and things will hopefully end not as bloody as this mess..." Henry nods, as he grabs the second gun from the body, Walking out down the hall, another Mobian bumping into him, "whoa buddy, its an absolute mess in there. i wouldn't recommend going here." Henry grins as he walks past, as the Mobian ignores his warning. as he leaves to the sidewalk, a shriek happens as some people go past Henry stowing the second gun. walking past the crowd gathering whistling from the scene to his destination as people rush to see the commotion.

[East-side Gold Hotel - Penumbra City, Greatstone - That Night.]

A few hours has past, with the moon dimly illuminating the darkened areas on the beach, dotted with daisy chained lights on the palm trees light up a small area of walk way. up high on the penthouse floor balcony, Henry leans on the balcony railing with a phone in hand. "Yeah Anita, I know its odd, but that was a personal thing that happened the first time I was there. besides what's the chances of another aliens or some other nonsense being there of all places?" Henry nods as the voice responds on the other end, more talking is heard before Henry continues "Alright, alright I still owe you on the damages, but I'll be there when I get there to see for myself." getting up off the railing

"OK Anita, I'm getting off the phone, I'll think about this incident." Henry spoke as loud speech can be heard from the phone as he hangs up. rubbing the back of his head and wincing at the bandage as he walks back inside. Crashing onto the couch with a grunt, he picks up the amulet, looking at its glimmer and shine, "you my friend are lucky i didn't pawn you off to some jeweler." he spoke to the amulet.

Suddenly the amulet goes from a small glow to a full on bright shine as Henry tosses it to the coffee table. "Ok then that's still not off the table..." as he nervously chuckles as this amulet produces a light-show on his table. The TV warps and warbles before producing an image of a map on screen with ancient languages scribbled on this image. "what in the actual..." he mutters as he looks at the CRT. he grabs a camera to snap a photo of this map with the photo falling to the floor. Henry speaks up "OK buddy what are you pointing at..." but not before long the map fades as the static of the screen fades back in "Damn it! Give me answers!" he yells as she shakes the amulet before tossing it back onto the table. "I f*cking hate cliff hangers…" he groans as he gets up away from the screen.

[East-Side Parkway - Penumbra City, Greatstone]

Leaning on the street lamp as the slow night traffic dives by puffing on his cigar, watching the night walkers go to their destinations through his shades, His HUD quietly bleeps on. Checking his watch before shoving off the street-lamp walking down the neon lit streets of the lower entertainment centers. People standing on the sidelines talking to each-other as Henry goes around them, finely dressed girls lean against the entrance of the many casinos hired to wait for their next big high roller. A Mobian talking to one of these disinterested girls breaks off his conversation after double taking “Hey I’ll talk to you ladies later” he said finger gunning “No please take an eternity away.” The monotone girl responded checking her watch.

Henry noticing the guy walk up in a rather swanky dark navy leisure suit “Is your name Henry?” he asks as he walks with Henry, “Cause-” Henry stops turning to the Mobian, interrupting his train of thought “I’m not in the business of life coaching a goober be appealing. Two, take all contracts to my guild and specifically request me.” The Mobian laughs as he leans in “I am here to inform you that, well, He’s waiting at the park.” Backing off grinning “and for the record I am far from some goober and I’m best ladies man on the block, Henry looks past him seeing the woman mouth “No he's not.” At him and laughing. Henry smirks as he looks back as he looks back as he says “They just cant get enough of me can they?” with a voice in the distance from one of the girls “f*ck off.”

Henry bursts into laughing and responds “Yeah tell him I’m right around the corner to the park.” As he begins to walk “And my free advice dude, get better material for picking up ladies ya massive goober.” He concluded as he walks away towards his destination. The orange embers of his stubby cigar is lights the way as he walks down the dark streets walking past the brief shines of the streetlights and the occasional headlights shining as they past.

Stopping at the cross walk to look down wearing the amulet and stowed under his jacket. “I guess I know why people are after you now…” he said, blowing smoke from his mouth. Walking down the sidewalk as soon the light changes finally reaching a clearing that opens into a beach-side park mostly empty except some late night punks and curfew dodging teens bunched together.

Henry eyes as he steps looking over at a slightly short Mobian, well dressed with a burgundy turtleneck. “Wait, it couldn’t be…” He doubted as he squinted his eyes at the distant person. Walking closer and Henry stops a few feet away from this Mobian. The person in question turns to him, “Ah, Mr. Henry. How's the mercenary life doing.” Addison spoke through his teeth, with a slightly general malicious grin hidden behind a friendly facade. “If I knew you would be a part of this job I wouldn’t have broke my nose twice to get this thing.” He says with an angry frown taking the amulet off.

“Oh but I needed the best and anything but you was simply not the best, otherwise I would have hired that devilish squid, Mimic.” Addison responded, walking up and plucking the amulet from Henry’s hands. “I might have to resort to Mimic, cause the person perfect for the future of the SBSN is notoriously adamant of being a… ‘lone wolf’ as you said-” Addison said as he examines the amulet.

“Just pay me already I’m tired of the facades.” Henry interrupts with Addison breaking his grin to a serious expression. Adjusting his circular intensely red glasses, “As you wish.” He concludes as he snaps his finger, a metal briefcase appears in a circle of fire rising from the ground next to Henry.

Henry quickly picks up the case and walks away from Addison as he stares on with his malice grin returning. “Till we meet again Henry, the world is changing so soon you will too.” Addison adds as he disappears into the night. “I’ll rip my nose off before that’ll happen.” Henry mumbles as his car pulls up autonomously, popping the trunk. Henry rubs his hands as he brightens up as he opens the briefcase inside the truck to reveal solid gold bars gleaming in the trunk’s light. “Oh, I been waiting for this payday for a good while! Maybe I can finally complete that project of mine and stick it in the faces of the science community…” Henry gloated as he shuts the case and the trunk, quickly getting onto the car with excitement and quickly drives off.

[Station Square - Emerald Coast Beach - Next Morning, New City.]

Brushing off his floral shirt, adjusting his sun shades, Henry's hard soled shoes echoes down the empty hotel hallway as he enters the elevator, pressing the lobby button a couple of times. right as the door is about to shut, a walking stick blocks the door from closing as a robed Mobian walks in identity concealed by a heavy hood. Henry looks at this person as they quietly stood next to him holding the walking stick. quiet clicks and creaks as the elevator lowers down the shaft, He reaches and holds his belt pouch and keeps it there as he walks out with the hooded Mobian walking over to the lobby's tables. Henry hesitates for a second before walking past the hooded person, as henry past, the curved end of the walking stick grabs the back of his belt and slings him into the chair across from the mysterious Mobian. "What the-" interrupted as the attempt to pull his gun.

The Mobian already had their walking stick's sheath pulled with the tip slightly poking his belly under the table. "I'm sorry for the sudden sling Mr. Henry but i need your full cooperation in some information" an serious feminine voice coming from the hooded Mobian, with one hand lowering the hood, from the shade a dark gray mouse Mobian was revealed, showing a concerned face. “I’m here to talk about one of your previous jobs, particularly the one with an amulet.” She spoke clearly as her and Henry relaxes in their chairs.

With a click of her cane sword clicking close Henry speaking up “Sorry but I don’t speak unless I get something to loosen my words.” He said as he gets up to walk past her. His arm gets grabbed as he looks at her “Please, take my word it is something that will effect your life as much it will everyone here.” She pleaded with Henry rolling his eyes and thinking for a moment. “Fine, you got minutes to explain before I leave.” He said as he sits back down to his chair sighing.

“Firstly I am Maybelle, a…” she hesitates for a moment, “A representative to a doctor with great concern of this amulet. Obviously I am not from this city let alone this region but I heard you had and still have the amulet.” Henry leaning back tapping on the table “Well, I got bad news lady, I delivered that amulet to a client of mine so go ask that guy if you want it.” He disputed showing showing the withdraw receipt.

“As I got paid very good for it too.” Henry grins. “So if you will stop wasting my time…” looking back at her interlacing his hands on the table, giving a disinterested look as she puffs up at the response. “I know you swapped the amulet! Why else would you be here in this sunbaked city. There happy now!” Maybelle outbursts “I thought you would come clean and admit it!” Henry taken aback by the quick outburst raising an eyebrow with some immediate silence followed. After a few moments, taking out his card, tsking at the inconvenience; Without even looking he waved his hand in a dismissive way after tossing a black card.

“Tell your boss I ‘may’ have the amulet but its at a safe location. I will meet with him and I will discuss this amulet with him personally. Tell him to scan that to his communication of choice and I’ll know when the connection is made. Don’t call, I’ll call your boss, clear?” Henry with a serious tone, Taking out his sunglasses with Maybelle seeing her own reflection from them, “I understand the message and we hope to work in the future.” She responds as he pushes his shades up with his middle finger as he gets up making it blatant as the chair makes a slight creek as he leaves.

Rust leaning against his car, seeing Henry walk out of the hotel. “I saw you had a bit of a chat.” Rust remarks as he watches Henry get to the passenger side of the car. “Yeah, I think we got a another person interested in the amulet, it’s a doctor by chance. but we'll discuss this after we get back to base.” They both enter the vehicle and start to drive off. “The boys at the safe house charged it up again and saw what you meant, still don’t know what the language is and why its showing this.” Rust mentions as Henry looks out the window, looking around.

“I just have a feeling since this amulet has ended up in my hand, strange things has been happening ya know?” Henry says as he looks back at Rust. “I sure as hell wasn’t going to let Addison have it. Specially when it could lead to some cash” he grins. Rust responds “Take that map with a grain of salt Henry, that reeks of magical crap tied with all that supposed ‘cash’ you want, I’m just saying we should be watchful of who’s wanting this thing. Right?” Henry nods “Right.” Henry quickly looks back at Rust to respond again enthusiastically, “BUT, here me out, usually something that has a magical presence is…?” Henry leads off to Rust, with him nodding to Henry.

“usually leads to enchanted artifacts that could lead to cash.” He signs “I know this could bring money to us for our projects, but why doesn’t it just involve embezzlement or something, why does it got to include you wrestling some ancient guardian trying to do its job.” Henry sits back into his seat for a moment a minute. “You know I’m already on watch lists besides…” clearing his throat, “I'm a mercenary with the highest standards, embezzlement and other crimes of that sort is not my standard.” Henry spoke with a posh accent and tone pressing his hand on his chest.

“We both know that's horse sh*t Henry.” Rust monotonically spoke as they pull up to the stop light. “My integrity as a mercenary is no laughing matter. Specially white collar crimes are the lazy way of making money.” Henry responds sinking into the seat. “I’d like to stay my happy ass on gray side instead of dipping my head in either blue or red side at the guild cause neither group wants me lingering with them.” Crossing his arms “look just drive and lets get home to find out what this amulet is.” He huffs. Rust rolls his eyes as he drives off down the street.

[H.A.R.D. base-one - In the middle of the south ocean.]

Pushing the double doors aside, walking down the halls, both Henry and Rust making their way down the hall quickly getting into the elevator.

“This is always my favorite elevator ride.” Henry grins as he inserts his key into the panel, turning with a clunk and hitting a series of numbers on a keypad. The elevator clunks while the doors slide closed. The lights down the shaft clicking on each row echoes down as the elevator begins its decent. Henry grins as he looks out the elevator’s mesh window looking the wall going up as floor numbers accompanied by its depth meter going past sequentially.

Rust speaking up “Are you still sure you want to find what this relic is pointing to?” Henry without breaking his view of the mesh window, “Shh! This is the best part.” He waved. Finally after a few minutes opening up to a darkened massive room with shipping crates and robots pushing carts to their places as the elevator goes past before finally slowing to a stop as the elevator vox states “Now arriving at Sector X, confidential research labs.”

Opening the doors for Henry and Rust. “So, what you were saying Rust? Henry walks ahead of rust to tap in more keys and swipes his card tag. “I have concern that the relic you swiped might have something that is beyond our control and we should explore slow and safe options on handling such potential crisis.” Rust stressed as he and Henry finally gets past the blast door while it rises. “You worry too much. Ive already understood the risks and rewards that are at play and we are at a good angle to approach safely.” Henry states as he looks back at rust opening the door to the main lab, both walking up to the railing, seeing the group of masked Mobian scientists identical from each-other, placing the amulet into a series of smaller machines.

As the walk down the steps two engineers insert two chaos drives of neon white crystals into the machine, turning the handle with an audible lock. “As you can see here Henry is what we whipped up to give the relic a supply of charge in a safe environment” a small robot handing them both tinted goggles to put on. “It might be bright as it takes images from chaos projections so here goes to our first attempt.” Henry and Rust puts on their goggles with Rust speaking up “Alright Comrad, activate the machine.”

The machine charges as Comrad responds “Alrighty, one activation coming right up!” the speakers of the room spoke. The machine keeps building its energy, the encased fiber-optic cables build up glowing brighter by the second. Henry wincing slightly as it nears completing its charge. “Warning, Chaos energy discharge is accruing, Stand-by.” A separate Vox warns as it completes its charge. “Rust brings Henry to the control panel. “OK danger-man, you do the honors.” He speaks to Henry. With the lever pulled, it quickly dumps the energy into the amulet with the shielding doing its best to conceal its blindingly green light coming from its tinted view slits with an ominous hum building up.

Finally, after everyone’s anticipation it finally triggers as the projection goes through the lens in its vivid and sparkle. “HAH!” Henry laughs with excitement as he grabs Rusts sleeve shaking it. The amulet slowly dims as the energy dumps the energy as imaging cameras taking pictures with flashes printing the photos into Henry’s hands.

“Look at that beautiful pic right there.” Henry shows, “a candidate of science pinups right there.” He said, before long sparks start to blow out of the machine as the cable’s metal connectors become orange to white hot. Melting the metal in a slight metal ooze as one of the scientists hits the emergency stop, breaking the dump beam into a crystalline wall that lifts up, absorbing its remaining energy. Other scientists keeps dousing the machine with a fire extinguisher as it tries to set itself on fire. Finally, the machine shuts down as the wall glows orange as it lowers, the crystals that absorbed the chaos glowing brilliant.

“What we have done here my friends was potentially making in our history as one of the best instances of chaos use in science, that didn’t end in one of you dying.” Rust announces to the workers, with everyone clapping briefly. Henry looking at the series of photos with absolute glee as a pirate with a treasure map. “Look Henry, I know that look you are giving to those pictures, but in the meantime, I think you need to do some research on that doctor you mentioned, see what he knows of this thing.” Rust explains to Henry. Henry sighs as he places the photos in a envelope and settles them on the desk.

“Eh, I need a break from this extraordinary event anyways.” He replied before adding “but after we are going to party so get the good champaign.” Henry chuckles as he excitedly goes back up the stairs like a sugar-rushed child leaving Rust behind. “Hey, are you going to help clean up this me-” Rusts words cut short by the slam of the door and footsteps. “Never-mind.”

Rust walking up to the machine, opening the hydraulic metal compartment with a hiss, Rust’s metal eyes gleaming from the green amulet’s glow, “I don’t know where you came from, but what implications are you going to bring to us all.” Rust mumbles as he picks up the amulet, holding it in his metal palm.

[Ending of Part 1 Song: Hibachi Kid - You Know They're All on to You]


Edit Update: Formatting has been update for hopefully better reading as suggested

Chapter 2: Story 1 - Part 2


The Continuation of the first ark of Terradrive Redux.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


[Penumbra City - Club Midnite - 3234]

Speakers and lights thump with the beat of the song, lasers and strobes flash the dance floor as the DJ spins the records, Haze of smoke and fog lingers the roof of the club as the dance floor is filled with dancers, while the booths surrounding it is also filled would-be high rollers and people looking for a good time. Putting on his aviators, Henry taking a drag of his cigar and blowing the smoke through his nose relaxing in the center of one of the booths with a glass of whiskey.

Glancing at his nickle plated pistol gleaming at the bouncing lights and strobe effects laying on the table. Vernon casually walks up holding a martini glass stirring a toothpick in it. “Enjoying your time here friend.” He speaks up as he sits in the booth with Henry. Henry taking a deep breath as he takes a swig of his whiskey, “I suppose I am, but nothing beats my old bar I regular at.” He looks to Vernon, speaking up pointing his cigar at him.

“So you mentioned about some greater opportunity that an ally could ‘transcend’ beyond just greatstone, who is this ally whats rolling in your head to think that.” He questions. Vernon leans back interlacing his fingers clearing his throat, “To answer that, would violate anonymity that my ally wishes to keep. But all I can say hes a doctor like you. A man of decisive measures to get what he wants just akin to yourself. Though, you have small time wants and needs; he is aiming for something… on a grand scale.” He responds.

Taking his time talking as he continues “And the reason why I hired you, is the fact you are like me and my ally. You got the skills, but need to aim better and higher to achieve what you desire.” Henry looks at him for a good moment. “Both you and I know you need money for your projects as you mentioned but do you want to reach to a point where you don’t even need money to achieve the advancements you want and quick. All you have to do is this major favor and you’ll have a place with us.” Vernon explains

He snaps his fingers at his assistant. Walking up with a folder to slide to Henry. He flips the folder open with all the information on a particular person of interest. Henry putting his cigar on the ashtray as he scans through the documents until he stops at a photo taken at a distance of a beige pinstriped suited mobian, shaking hands with another suited mobian. His aviators scans the photo to show the mobian in the beige suit is a director of the Greatstonian intelligence. While the other one was a senator who had previously stressed concern of a rising secret group.

Henry reading all this, playing calm as he speaks up “This is something out of my scope Vernon, I don’t do political stuff.” He says as he lays the photo down. “But you don’t see the absolute problem in those two. For the absolute betterment of Greatstone itself is at stake and those two are in the way of enlightenment that my ally can bring.” He quickly responds, pointing at the two in the photo. “The doctor needs them done and gone. And you are the perfect person to do so.”

Vernon gets up from the booth and stands next to his assistant, “Please, do the right thing and you will be called a hero to many people.” Vernon nods “But until then, we will be off.” Vernon and his assistant walks away leaving Henry with the folder. Henry hits his ear-piece “Rust, I think were in deep with something big.” He simply spoke leaning up as he reads the contents.

ARC ONE Part 2 - Happenings Inbound

[Present Day - H.A.R.D Base-one]

Sitting at his desk, flipping open a panel on the surface. “Lets see what this doctor is offering…” Henry speaks to himself quietly as he types to check if the link is established already, with a quick ping and a holographic check mark. “Bingo.” He mumbles as he makes the call. The screen flickers showing Robotnik sitting there impatiently watching the screen, as Henry opens the connection, the image changes into the familiar face. "Hello Mr. Grumpster" He states calmly with a slight grin.

Robotnik's expression turns sour as he replies. "Henry, it’s been years since last meeting years ago." Henry smirks slightly, glancing over at Rust walking behind him. Rust crosses arms beginning to lean against the wall, tapping his metal foot against the ground slowly. "Yes well things have changed since then," Henry starts. "So I hear, tell me how?" Robotnik inquires with a raised eyebrow. Henry clears his throat before responding, turning his attention to Robotnik's hologram feed. "As you may recall I am still very much alive after being attacked by your goon Vernon. That said, I’m not exactly living under a rock either to whats going on then and now." Robotnik frowns. "Well? What does that mean for me!"

Henry sighs. "well..." he trails off looking past Robotnik’s screen, seeing Rust looking at Henry with concern, giving a little shrug of his shoulders. "Being that i killed Vernon which turns out to be one of your agents, I still remember that offer you spoke four years ago, that little transmission before his little secret base was destroyed back at Penumbra City. It involved helping you ‘Transcend Greatstone.’ So when I found myself in possession of an item, where you could help further inquiring about a little amulet I had allegedly swiped from a client of mine, well it made sense for both of us take advantage of that." Robotnik grumbles, thinking as Henry continuing, "How do we proceed here, eh?" "Fine, fine!" Robotnik yells giving a response as he storms out of sight while speaking over the line.

"You just give me that amulet and ‘we’ will find out what is it once and for all." He shouts, making sure Henry hears every word. Then the sound of Robotnik typing on a keyboard comes back across the comm link. Henry rolls his eyes, sighing. "Alright listen, we got what you want and you know something, We're gonna meet somewhere, discuss terms and conditions-” Robotnik angerly questions, "Terms and conditions? You expect me to negotiate with you like some petty criminal or common thug? To ransom an integral piece to my plan?"

"Yes yes! Because you need me to help you find what you and your little sh*t scheme wants at the end of this amulet treasure hunt." Henry snaps back irritably. "What part of my words didn't you understand? If we make contact, its mutually beneficial. But lets start small, first things first let's talk about payment." Robotnik scoffs at Henry’s annoyed response, before snatching his phone angrily from his pocket, dialing someone. A moment later he continues speaking loudly enough for Henry to hear. "come down here and begin to plan and prepare for an… important guest coming soon." He hangs up the device and glares at Henry through the video screen.

Henry smirks, holding his hand up palm facing towards Robotnik. “I whole heartily swear we can get to the bottom of this discovery and you get your amulet IF you hire us.” Robotnik looking at Henry “I agree, BUT, don’t try anything or I’ll lobotomize everything and everyone you love, understand?” Henry nods as he gives a thumbs up. “Good, I will expect you within the upcoming days and make it snappy, the blue rodent might catch wind of this deal.” Robotnik states as he ends the call. Leaving Henry slouching into his executive chair. Looking at Rust with a expecting expression, “Well?’ Rust says to Henry. “Well what?” Henry responds back. “You made contact with this guy all the way back at that Vernon fiasco?” Henry getting up from his chair to walk to his office door explaining to Rust, “Yes in-fact I did made contact to this particular individual, frankly right before the place went in smoke, but he offered me a position that Vernon once held.” He opens the door to the steel corridor with some moderate foot traffic walking by.

“Obviously I don’t work without pay, BUT I did take note of this person, and low and behold our paths crossed again for different reasons.” He concludes as he looks at Rust.

“This guy reeks of dark dealings, obviously he wants that amulet you got and you are willing to play with some potential warlord psychopath for treasure that may not be there!” Rust exclaims with worry walking with Henry down the hall, Henry hooking his thumbs into his pants pockets and shrugging “I represent that statement, and besides, once he gets an idea what and who I am he wont dare to even harm a hair without costing him big.” Henry walks backward facing Rust and pointing at him “either he gets it through his fat skull or a copper slug will.” He grins as he spins around to walk ahead, tapping the elevator button a couple of times as Rust walks up.

The doors open quickly and the two men enter the lift. As they stand next to each other waiting for the floor buttons to illuminate. Henry speaks softly almost whispering. "He also has connections to those people we encountered during ‘that incident,’ if memory serves." Henry continues as the doors close, pressing the button for the top floor. "So now we have a chance to see what their motives are, and why they are so interested in the amulet. We can learn more about this person and how to handle them and put leverage against them." Henry finishes as the elevator reaches the lobby. "There is nothing wrong with that, and I would say that you are far less likely to get caught up in trouble with this guy then I am." Henry chuckles as he walks off and heads into the break room.

“That's not the point Henry, there's literally thousands of ways you could be captured by that madman or worse, in a casket or in ashes.” Rust explains getting in front of Henry looking at him with deep concern. “Is this really a security risk you are willing to take? Potentially subjecting to us another person we have to worry about among ‘you know who?’” he asks Henry looking into his eyes. Henry pours himself a cup of coffee from the dispenser and takes a sip. He sets the cup down on the table and replies back. "No, I cant do that. Rust, nor are we going to risk anyone else to help us out. This is most likely a small fish, and I know how to reel him in."

Henry picks up the cup again and continues drinking. "But you guys are always welcome to join in if you want, you don't have to see the set up but I would appreciate a friend that could see the fireworks. Rust sighs and shakes his head as he sits down at the table, taking a seat across from Henry. "I'm not comfortable with this at all. There's no telling how far the rabbit hole goes and what kind of threat we are dealing with." Rust says, looking down for a moment into the table, before looking back at Henry. "If you're sure this is the best course of action, go ahead and ask him to meet us at where-ever he wants us to be, But I think we should take some precautions just in case." Rust adds as he stands up and looks at Henry with a expression of reluctance.

“Just be careful alright? Just be aware of who you’re dealing with.” Rust pats Henry’s shoulder as he walks past “As usual, Rust. As usual.” Henry said as he finishes off his coffee. “I wonder when Comrad will be in service again…” Henry wondered rubbing his chin in thought.

[Surveillance Room - Castle Acorn.]

“Tails, have you got more info on this guy?” Sally questions as she looks onto the large screen, Tails tapping on the keyboard pulling more information onto the screen, series of photos, local news clippings and every small amount he could find, displaying it on screen with Nicole looking at some. “This is all I could find scouring all the nets I can access but there could be more out there that Nicole and I cannot reach. “What's the strangest part, there was a lot of dead ends and red herrings that Nicole caught, we both see there was something there, but someone or something scrubbed what they could about this guy.” He explains pulling up a picture showing Henry sitting on a crate spray painted bullet icon, talking to another person with him.

“This picture here is our most recent view of this guy, if you call a twenty year old picture ‘recent.’” Sally examines the picture, “What would Robotnik want with this particular person…” Sonic walking up looking at the photo on screen with Sally then responding, “Most likely the goon of the day for us. We all know Robotnik won’t spend more than a ham sandwich for anyone, this dude is no more of a threat than Knack.” He says as he crashes onto the chair, relaxing. Tails rotates his chair around pointing to the screen

“I don’t think this a usual situation Sonic. something is very off with this guy, Someone such a high profile along with no information that is within ten years, I still don’t know how this person remained under the radar.” Sally nods then adds “Specially that I heard about some artifact surfaced, the timing all too close for comfort.” Sonic straightening back up “To be all honest if he's all what you guys suspect, my hunch there's others aware of him and knowing our luck, it’ll be smooth sailing either way.” Sally thinks for a moment “Then, that leaves with a final question, who truly knows this person?”

[At a undisclosed castle on the coast]

A full wine glass shinning on a desk next to a small wooden stand, a hand reaches over placing a smoking pipe onto the stand, then grabbing the glass. A large Mobian walks through the ornate door looking at a person obscured by a large chair, the large Mobian looks beyond the chair seeing a massive screen watching the intercepted call between Henry and Robotnik.

“Kain Sir, our scouts are now feeling around for potential routes to handle this situation.” The large Mobian said. The chair swiveling around revealing a partially metal plated and augmented python Mobian, adjusting a desk sign with the words ‘Kain’. taking a swig of his wine then placing it onto his desk. “Good. good Akita, after looking back on this intercepted call, I got some of my own ideas.” Kain spoke as he gets up. “It seems Henry has indulged in another one of his curiosities and found something I would admit interesting myself.” Akita looking at the dry erase board with the photo of the amulet pinned on it, with scientific jargon and plans clearly written.

“My little birds on the ground had done some outstanding work finding out who this Robotnik is, and his enemies as well.” Kain Grins as he looks to Akita, pointing at the dry erase “and that is my plan to use the resources provided.” Akita speaks up nodding before pausing on a section. “Sir, am I reading this right?” Kain sighs, “yes your poor reading capabilities do not fail you, we must play good, to do bad.” Kain walks up pointing at the specific section. “IF we play good, and play allies with Robotnik enemies and they will be against Henry before he realizes how terrible Robotnik is.” Akita irks at Kain comment before pinching the bridge of his maw.

“Yes sir, now I understand, and I assume we level these… ‘Freedom fighters’ after were done with their use.” Kain a fanged grin at the assumption “Precisely, Akita, and personally.”

He walks over grabbing his wine bottle from the cabinet in the corner, “Now its time to celebrate a good plan before we all get to work… Akita you are excused for today, and please make sure your bloody hobby doesn’t get in the way of your work.” Kain sobers up pouring his glass, “I’d partially hate to wipe a kingdom without exploiting it first.” He concludes “yes sir, wont happen again.” He bows before grumbling off pushing through the ornate doors.

“Now lets see what I sow from my actions.” He grins again as he drinks “I think an associate, ‘Starline’ should handle with the contacting.” He places his glass opening his tablet with a hologram. “If only he can get over his ego and armature demeanor.” Kain sighs as leaves the room, but not before leaving his instructions with his secretary and guard. He opens the door showing a horde of expensive equipment waiting for shipment, “Business is fixing to be ‘booming’” he grins while he walks down the hall.

Finally pushing through the door to the main labs, Kain looking through the glass windows, in search of Starline. “Where the hell is that Irritating platypus.” He grumbles as he spots Starline talking to a co-worker at the break room. Starline irks mid sip of his tea as he sees Kain walking up, “S-Sir, I was simply taking a break-” with Kain grabs the base of Starline’s neck dropping his cup, dragging him along to his office.

“W-what seems to be the problem Sir.” Meekly spoke Starline as he sits at his desk. Kain pacing around. “Listen, I don’t trust you in the slightest let alone anything more complicated than whats placed in front of you every morning.” Kain Placing his hands on the desk, “But to prove what you been constantly irritating me about ‘Potential, blah blah blah. This is the day to prove your worth to me and my company.” Kain sternly states as he straightens up.

Disgusted at what he just said. Starline perking up at the statement from Kain with a grin and enthusiasm. “Hah! My intelligence will finally be recognized!” Kain turning around and slapping him across the face suddenly. “Don’t you dare ramble on about your f*cking ‘Intelligence’ you egotistical butter-brained buffoon, get to briefing and only there.” Starline stumbles grabbing his briefcase “Y-yes sir.” He states trying to hide a bit of anguish as he rushes off out of his office.

Starline mumbles as he walks to the briefing hall, “Kain never sees the potential in my ideas.” Rubbing the side of his face “No one in this place sees my plan to move forward…” Stopping at a promotional poster of Kain “Specially I despise, him. Stifling my path to greatness like the rest in my field.” He continues walking down the hall past some guards “This Robotnik fellow might be my ticket out of this hole and into something I can take advantage and rocket off on my own.” Starline ponders in a daydream of him being the best inventor and scientist in the world, before long he checks his watch jumping at the sight of him being late starts to rush off down the hall.

[H.A.R.D. Main-Laboratory]

Henry and Rust examining the photos on projector, before quickly placing pins on a spread out world map on the table. “From my understanding… this amulet leads to… here” Henry circling a general area in Soumerca. “My recollection, is thats the place with the Felidae tribes out there and some unexplored lands.” Rust speaks looking at the circle.

“Good, then this will be a good old fashioned safari.” Henry says turning to the computer, with a slow scan scan of the area coming through, in a series of beeps and tones. “As soon the locational map comes through from our satellite, we’ll know what were up against with those tribal groups.” Rust looks at the maps, “By the way, Comrad will be back from service in a few days and we can gain access to our proper satellites again.” Henry looking back at Rust “What did cause Comrad to run into that error? I thought I had fixed error V56 back… gods, like…” He thinks while a long sigh.

“back in 3190s I believe? That’s a security error if I'm not mistaken.” Rust scanning through his HUD on the information “it says in an update that the cause of the error was a repeated access violation that ultimately led to a failsafe lockout and the lockout cause a perpetual error loop from damage.” Rust explains “I see, then someone got a hold of Comrad and when they triggered the lockout they tried brute forcing the security then failed.” He said, turning back to the screen to see the scanned image finishing up showing the above view of a dense jungle with old growth and large trees blocking the ground view. “Just as I expected, we can’t get any ground views cause of the tree canopy. We either got to burn to get a good view or take our chances finding the place.” Rust states as he walks over to the screen,

looking at the photo in different places. “Either way, its not optimal nor good without Comrad echo-scans being down and out.”

“I guess we just have to wait since our Robotnik lead is best shot at getting information on what he knows and finding the place.” Henry sits there, head leaning on his hand, looking at Rust. Rust responding “I am afraid so, specially since Comrad has been under the weather I regrettably say this person gave us a good shot at this mystery.” Rust walking back to the table rubbing his chin, “I just can’t shake that weird vibe, Comrad being down, our systems are crashing constantly. And on top of it all we are not looking good in finances again due to the repairs.” Henry face-palms, “Don’t remind me…” Henry pushing away from the desk as he walks to the table with Rust.

“Look, I know I have been stubborn with this Robotnik meeting and sure as hell haven’t been transparent with details, but you said it yourself. Were not doing good on the money side and just like four years ago, its time to make some money again.” Henry puts his hands on Rust’s shoulder. “Cause were best friends, and if something gets in our way, we kick its ass and send it packing.” Henry grins as Rust nods at the statement. He turns to Henry and fist bumps him. “Just like Penumbra, we’ll get this sorted.” Rust responds showing a more confident tone.

Two security guards burst through the double doors with urgency, “We got a serious problem.” As Henry and Rust look at them, “What problem?” Henry questions as he walks up to them. “A… well, rather one thats dimensional in nature. We have scientists at the dimensional labs-” his speech falters as Henry and Rust walk past heading straight into the hall with a rush. “If its that god damn border realm again I am personally going to bomb the ever living sh*t out of that desolate place…” Henry angerly mumbles taking the next right down the hall with Rust, soon the guards quickly rushes to catch up. “Hope this doesn’t cost us even more of our time and resources.” Rust adds,

Waving an ID card at the elevator. With a clunk the elevator starts moving down as the lights click on, passing floors and going deeper into the earth and bedrock. The alarm signals as they ride the elevator, an orange flashing alert signals in the elevator “Medical teams to dimensional labs immediately, Injured reported.” Henry listening to the vox. “Damn-it, its probably some dimensional wildlife trying to get in again.” Henry grumbles checking his gun as Rust racking his pistol. With a ding, the door opens as more guards greet them rifles at hand, “Sir, we got injured coming through the portals as we speak right now and you need to see this.” Both Henry and Rust looks at each other as they are escorted to the observation window.

Henry and Rust standing behind an observation window as the infirmary teams sliding medical bags to ragged echidna individuals while some are wearing ragged black robes, making some progress and giving them oxygen as they get to work. “What in the name of f*ck is going on here?” Henry states as the guards speaks up “Explorer teams found them in this realm by accident, some type of dangerous border-realm called CC-549, one of the more coherent ones called it a old former prison dimension. Put there by some guy and abandoned.

Obviously the ones without the robes were found in a separate encampment.” He states, “Whats group does the echidnas belong to?” Rust asks of the guard, “Well… they are from some place called Albion, some states there from a continent thats described to be similar to Trailius, and all the rest is from places that does not exist at least in our world.” He explains to Rust as he looks on as more gets taken through the portal in stretchers.

[Recommended end song: Tyler, The Creator - IGOR'S THEME]

Henry points at the black robed individuals, “what's more pressing, is who are those guys.” Henry looking at a particular echidna taken by infirmary teams out of the room down the hall. “That one being taken off, stated they are apart of a particularly strange group that matches a group from our world…” Henry and Rust turns to the guard listening. “And who that might be?” Henry asks.

“The Dark Legion.” He states as Henry and Rust looks back at the robed echidna. “I think we got a strange situation on our hands.” Rust concludes as he looks on as well. “Indeed, times are beginning to be a lot more interesting…” Henry adds, motioning Rust to follow down the hall.


Edit Update: Formatting has been update for hopefully better reading as suggested

Chapter 3: Story 1 - Part 3


The third part of the first ark.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


[H.A.R.D. Base-one - Portal labs P30 - few hours later.]

“Others where mentioning about places or events that never even happened, and the ones that did happened at wrong dates.” Henry, states while puffing his cigar, looking at a digital tablet. “Could they be from a remnant world? Cause clearly they’re not from that realm could they?” Henry questions.

“Maybe but right now it sounds like they’re referring to a alter-dimension that's in the neighborhood of our current one. Unfortunately it seems that there is so many instances became a dead sectors, what exact one is still a mystery.” Rust responds as both looks through the observation window in the infirmary ward. All the echidnas laying in beds as cylinder styled bots scoot around tending to the occupants.

“Poor bastards either way stayed on those floating rocks for years. Did you contact Malister and Alacash about the legionaries?” Henry questions looking to rust as he checks, “Ah yes. They did confirm they are not a part of any of their guys, but were open to recruit them. As for the others, they didn’t want nothing to do with them.” Rust explains to Henry before pointing with his thumb at the echidnas in question, “Fortunately, our contacts at Echidnaopolis will take care of them, get them back into circulation, briefed and adjusted.” Rust adds as Henry nods “Now it's the matter of who’s the so-called leader and whats her deal.” Henry mentioned.

“While this was going on, Robotnik asked for the meeting to take place in Norhammar’s thunder plains region, rather out of the way with only one of our outposts is there. Are you sure you are going through with this?” Henry circles to Rust and gives a thumbs up. “I intend to do so, tell my tailor to get a good professional suit ready, I am going to get my affairs in order.” Rust nodding as he listens.

“Alright Henry, we’ll watch and get into defensive positions just in case things goes sideways. Just be safe.” Rust says to Henry. “Eh, when have I not been safe.” Rust blankly stares at Henry’s statement, “Right, safe as a sinking boat.” Rust pats His shoulder before walking off.

ARC ONE Part 3 - Egg in the Steel Castle

[Norhammar Wildlands - Thunder-plains region.]

Whipping sound of propeller blades echoes through out the air as a series of helicopters flying over some forests, Henry sitting in the center alone on the bench within the vehicle. Two gunners strapped in hanging off the side with two other helicopters riding along side of them, bobbing, swaying in the air as they make it across some higher trees trying to keep low, the pilots ahead of Henry chatter on the radio with pilot jargons and babbles as he straightens his headset.

Checking his briefcase, Thinking to himself with some slight doubt. “Rust might be ready by now…” he mumbles as he looks out of the helicopter’s open side, seeing this massive base, watch towers built out of an old abandoned castle. As the fields break open showing the ruins of outer buildings this old castle must have ruled at one point with boulders dotting the area. “H.A.R.D. Phalanx to Thunder-1, were making our approach in less than ten minutes.”

The pilot states with a short “Roger” returning to him. The co-pilot looks back at Henry “Were fixing to land, knock ‘em dead sir.” He says to Henry giving him a thumbs up. Henry getting hyped up as he stands holding onto the handle bars as the helicopter made it's approach, seeing those on the sidelines of the heli-pad waving orange beacons. Slowly but surely the helicopter made it's landing as it clanked onto the concrete while the air crews make their pace up. Clicking from the switches as the pilots turn off the engine. Henry stepping out putting on his shades from the bright sun, ducking under the blades approaching two particular mobians just within the door. Straightening back out as he approaches, seeing the two pronghorns standing there.

“Suppose you are my temporary entourage?” Henry questions as the approach. Clove seeing her reflection from his shades becoming quiet as Cassia walks up “Right this way, Robotnik is in our meeting room.” She states as they motion to follow.

Cassia looking at the briefcase “Cool briefcase, whats in it?” A moment of silence before Henry responds, “nun-ya business.” Henry responded giving a smirk. “C’mon, is it that amulet that we been hearing Robotnik ranting about all day?” Cassia presses. Henry laughs. “I would not be too bright in the head kid, if I took it with me without personal protection.” After stopping for a moment outside.

“In a few minutes to an hour from now, not to be ominous or anything since you two seem good, but we could be friend or foe depending on your boss’s actions. Just giving you a heads up.” He winks and finger guns his free hand, with that statement coming out of Henry’s mouth they both look at Henry with absolute confusion as he walks in then Cassia speaking up to Clove, “That guy seems kinda off don’t ya think?” Clover who was quiet the whole time finally speaks up. “This guy is strange indeed, farther from the usual goon Robotnik gets. And, I might have a particular idea who this person is.” Cassia shrugging.

“He couldn’t be too far from some paid goon.” Cassia said, brushing off the concern as Clove starts to walks off. “Come on Cass, I don’t really like being around with this guy if I am correct in my assumption.” With Cassia following close behind.

Henry walking inside the room with Robotnik sitting alone at the end of a long meeting table and lone empty leather executive chairs. “I hope wasting my time was worth it, Dr Henry.” Robotnik spoke as Henry places his briefcase onto the table. “Being Fashionably late isn’t my usual impressions, but I’m here am I?” He responds sitting down across from Robotnik.

“Cutting the crap away, you already know somewhat of who I am, and what I recently done.” Henry opening the briefcase and flipping it open, revealing some files and papers within it. “I have no interest in working with a start up such as yourself, only reason I’m here is for that amulet, where is it!” Robotnik states placing his hands, Henry pauses for a moment looking over his shades, “Start up?” Henry starts to chuckle “You don’t just get to call someone a start up when you are the start up yourself.” Henry plops a folder in front of him.

“H.A.R.D. Industries has been in business for over fifty years of serving the customer’s needs and developing bleeding edge technology for forty years. And my knowledge, you matter of fact from my digging, you at most are a scientist that started some odd thirty years ago.” He straightens taps on the folder “before we dissolve into more insults, read this on what I got on the amulets before you make your assumption.” Sliding across the table and Robotnik grumbles as he opens the folder “Fine, but you didn’t answer my question.” Robotnik sternly states.

“The amulet is secure in an armored vault three stories into bedrock. it's all secure and no one is gonna get through my best.” Henry assures as he continues with his topic, “anyways, in that folder right there is my findings of this amulet in my possession, and… well I assume that you came to the same conclusions and findings as well.”

Robotnik reading the top few pages with the pictures. “Yes, the amulet that I have in my possession shows this exact map, but pointing to a series of islands off Yurashia.” Henry nodding before taking out another folder “And the big dilemma is that you cannot spare the resources but to make a move without your adversaries knowing and catching down wind of this revaluation in the making but having very liquid cash to throw right?” He opens the folder “With my dilemma is that I don’t particularly got the financing to get that set of tools to find my place in this scavenger hunt. So, my proposition is to mutually work together as two scientists in the aim of splitting the bounty that both of us will win in the end.”

Henry takes a piece of paper out from the folder and slides it over. “I fully understand that Vernon was unreliable but you… you seem different, specially since you annihilated one of my operations with nothing more than intelligence and a revolver, Vernon messed up by cheating you over and his punishment is quite spectacular I must say.” Robotnik said to Henry before getting up. “But what makes me think YOU can work with me? You indeed showed me data and some facts, but I have yet to see you be put to action. Other than here say.” He attested.

Henry leaning back into the chair taking a deep breath, grabbing the temples of his sun-shades, a digital sheen flashes over the lenses. “Then I’ll give you a example of my services.” Henry calmly says before quickly pulling a knife from his belt. Robotnik raising a surprised reaction at the motion, with a quick flick, the knife clearly stabbed something that seems to not be there pinning it against the stone wall. After a few sparks the object stuck to the wall was none other than a bot, a spider bot. With it's system slowly failing as it's cloaking stopped working.

Henry walks over with Robotnik showing him the bot. “The thing came through the vent a minute ago, I think it didn’t hear us speak about why were here.” Henry explains to Robotnik. “And if they did, well, I got a friend that will scrub that info for me.” yanking the knife out of the wall letting the broken heap hit the floor, Henry takes a piece of cloth and wipes the oil away from the blade. “Hmm, I think Clove and Cassia is slacking again…” Robotnik mumbles before turning to look at Henry. “Indeed, your skill and use of detection is quite extraordinarily great. But I need you to do some errands before I can fully allow you to work for me.”

He walks back over to the conference desk with Henry holstering his knife. “What I need you to do is something that would show your loyalty. This is not an easy mission-” Henry interrupts Robotnik only to hand him a stapled group of papers filled to the brim with legalese jargon from his briefcase. “Look buddy, I know you are eager to have me go through hoops and dives but before I raise a finger, you have to sign something… protects both sides if ya know? Keeps my mercenary guild guys happy and transparent with my books alright?”

Robotnik plucks the paper out of his hands to read. Mumbling a moment while reading Henry hurries him up by handing him a black and gold pen “Remember, I am only offering this once.” He looks towards Henry for a moment before snatching the pen and signing the contract, as henry’s fanged grin increases as he walks over to grab a catalog from his briefcase. “Now that I have signed your little contract, what do I get?” Robotnik grumbles folding his arms.

“Oh, you get the best of the best courtesy of myself since we want something that is potentially dangerous. Specially I am now a part of this group's upcoming events, it's also a defense against your mentioned adversaries.” Henry explains as he hands Robotnik the catalog, “What makes you think my works of art is no better than what little tinker toys you can manage?” Henry circles around tapping the catalog, “ya see Robotnik, I never thought your robots are inferior but rather 'underestimated' in their ability, place a little here and there along with the equal equivalents on my end and you could very well see a kill squad that would definitely see a hundred percent combat improvements. If you let me place what's needed and where.” Henry explains to him.

Robotnik at first squinting at Henry but slowly loosened up to though before getting up to ponder. “You do raise a regrettably good point. What about the blue rodent?” Henry nods before thinking, “IF they get anywhere close to our plans, I got some arsenal that would paste them into the ground. But to get a refined answer, I need more info about this ‘rodent’ to select the best pest removal.”

“But then again, this is only a defense measure, I do not recommend outwardly attacking them unprovoked as that would put a big spotlight on us.” He stresses, before Robotnik picks up the catalog to flip through. “Whats circled in the booklet is what you are already getting, but as for frosting, you can spend some of that currency and get some goodies.

All you do is check mark ‘em and the magic will begin.” Robotnik standing there rather hiding his impressions on the specs of the robots shown, he internally agreed that there is some use to Henry’s words and what is he offering. Plopping the booklet down on the desk. “It comes with some small good and even smaller impressions with this up selling, but I suppose you do have some merit of a scientist and in robotics, but to get things clear, I am the boss, you are under my direct orders and no one else.

Also, your base of operations will be here, Clear?” Henry casually salutes as he packs up his briefcase “Yes sir, and you will not be disappointed with our service. Expect a care package sent with something special.” Henry adds as he heads to the door. “Until then Robotnik.” He said as he leaves with Robotnik dismissively waving him off.

Pulling his phone to call Rust, tapping on the touchscreen dialing. “Rust, we scored big money with this, send a establishment team with you to Thunder-plains and I’ll tell more, we got business to set up and Asap.” Henry said quietly but excitedly, Hearing a sigh of relief, “Alright boss, we’ll send a base package over, and ill be over as well to arrange some security measures.” Rust brightly said as he ends the call. Henry walking to the main area with the other soldiers of Clove and Cassia looking around “This place will do nicely.” He spoke to himself. “Who’s this guy?” one soldier spoke to the other, leaning to whisper. “He’s a new leader figure it seems.” Clove speaks up.

“We Just had a chat with Robotnik and the guy who knocked Vernon off his pedestal is now the guy taking his place with our ranks.” Some soldiers irk as she states that detail. “The one and only, Vernon should have not crossed me at my weakest and now hes under six feet of gravel and soil.” Henry says to the group, swiftly walking over to the computer to type. “And now you guys are under my temporary control until my bots get here.”

The computers suddenly lockout before a H.A.R.D. symbol appears, soon followed a banner saying “Securing computers.” Clove looking at the entire system shutdown before Comrad speaks. “Good evening, this system is now under co-operation with H.A.R.D. systems and the Comrad AI assistance systems.” The monotone electronic vox spoke up though the intercom. “My little friend here will help everyone get in order under my standard along with your teams.” Henry turns to the group and looks at everyone

“Any questions before things get into motion?” He looks around and looks at Clove before nodding “Good, let the magic begin.” He spoke as he hears the helicopters come in. “And the presents has arrived” Henry grinned as robots start marching placing the steel crates onto the steel floor. As the soldiers get up to help unpack and see the new items. “Get ready to see things change and fast in this place.” Henry pats the back of Clover as he gets to work.

Clove standing there seeing Henry wrench and set up new computers along with his robots. With a growingly convinced the rumors are true that this person isn’t what he seems, from her research into him only brought more confusion and concern as pieces fit into place, without a word she walks off in a hurry to Cassia in the infirmary as she gets a injection.

“Hey, whats up with that face?” Cassia questions. “This person that Robotnik hired is indeed the man I have deep concern about. I heard of this person doing major moves across certain areas across the globe. I am not the one to buy superstitions but whoever sees this man, is indeed going to see change, for better or worse.” She explains to Cassia as the doctor leaves the room. “This guy has been seen all over the place from Yurashia to Soumerca, I just hope the change is for the good.” Cassia looks to Clove, “Could the guy put what we planned…?” she hinted as Clove expression saddens but hopeful. “Maybe, I don’t know yet but I will see.” Clove responded putting on a grin, “Finish up the treatments and we’ll see what we can get into.”

[Castle Acorn - Surveillance Room]

Viewing the last moments of the spider bot before the knife hitting it, freeze frames on Henry. “This is what I got before my device got destroyed by this guy.” Tails explains Sonic looking at the photo of Henry pulling the knife. “And how did he see the bot? I thought it had the best cloaking?” Tails gets up and shows sonic another spider bot on the table, “it does haves next gen cloaking hooked up but I suspect those shades of his are set up with some special sonar, maybe something thats made to detect this type of cloaking.” “I bet his shades wont protect Robotnik from a knuckle sandwich.” Sonic quips as Tails goes back to the computer

“I’d focus more on the mercenary, gives me the chills that Robotnik would go out of his way to get him from nowhere. Nicole and I might have to dig for more information.” Nicole hologram materializes “yes, but I might have to tread lightly, I just have a feeling hes got more allies than he lets on…” Sonic and Tails confused at the statement, with Tails asking, “what do you mean?” Nicole for a moment before speaking up. “There might be another system running around in cyberspace that goes by call sign ‘COM1’ that has been tampering around and recently COM1 had spoke to me, nothing threatening outside of restricted access violations and general denials. At first it seemed to be a standard firewall program but I caught a glimpse that it was more than that. An AI is actively scrubbing any attempts on my inquiry.” Nicole explains.

moments later her hologram glitches out as her AI self cuts in and out before being interrupted by another AI. Sonic and Tails surprised by the sudden intrusion Tails begins to type trying to find out what is going on. “Nicole! Were trying to help ya out!” Sonic shouts.

“No need for alarm gentlemen, your friend is alright. I am simply intercepting an intrusion of privacy that is in violation of H.A.R.D. ‘Terms of Service.’ And fortunately you are not the cause of this incident.” COM1 explains in its monotone voice, lacking any expression. “Then why are you here and what did you do with Nicole!” Tails shouts while looking at the screen.

“I am not your enemy and your friend is safe but silenced for remainder of my visit, I am… sort of in a problem myself. My creator calls me Comrad, and in recent developments I have been left locked out of crucial servers that would otherwise allow me to do my job properly and… well, not use this legacy voice for one along with no intruding on others calls.” Nicole reappears in her hologram form but she cannot speak. “How can we trust you?” Sonic questions with Comrad immediately responds “You are good people called ‘Freedom Fighters’ right? I thought an outside trustworthy source to solve my problem and in exchange, my creator could very well give you a favor in return.”

Tails and Sonic looking at each other as Comrad continues “My system was an attempted breaching a couple of days ago by an unknown system running by the call sign ‘Phage’ which failed but ultimately cause my system to do a lockout loop. limiting me to my legacy systems and servers.” Comrad explains. “I will give what I can to your friend as I leave along with a secret link to where you can help fix my problem.”

The upload of some files start to begin with some links popping up here and there. Along with a text file titled, ‘apologies for the intrusion.’ As Comrad fades from the system, releasing Nicole as she can finally speak “Speak of the devil.” Nicole finally said, after being unmuted. “Well, I guess our freedom fighter days are still catching up to us.” Sonic sighs. “Well me and Tails isn’t going to let this guy down and clamp down on this shady business.” He’d hype himself up in the process, “I’ll see what I can do to help this AI with Tails, I would recommend finding out who this guy is and fast before Robotnik puts him to work.”

[Norhammar Wildlands - Thunder-plains Eggbase.]

In the locker room, Henry kicks open a steel case revealing a cache of his old equipment. “Henry, since we got to work where this first amulet is pointing to, I’ve uploaded possible locations on your PDA.” He briefs before walking over looking into the crate as Henry puts on his bandoleer and a few last things out of the box. “Everything you requested is there, I have full confidence that you can complete this mission, but… please I sound like a broken vox, but be-careful since we got limited coverage there."

"I cannot stress how dangerous this is and the likely-hood of running into someone that is less than hospitable is through the roof with those Felidae tribes out there.” Rust stresses. Henry pulls his magnum pistol looking down the sights and checking the mags, “Isn’t my first time running into those type of folk.” Henry remarks, “They wont try nothing as long I’m not a nuisance, otherwise… well there be new territory for the rest to take then.” Henry racks his pistol.

“Good, the helicopter is waiting out side on the pad, ready when you are.” Rust says as Henry heads to the door, picking up the duffel-bag from the bench. “Keep in touch and keep eyes on who's coming up. I don't want surprises.” Henry spoke as he lights a match, lighting the stubby cigar. Rust gives the thumbs up as Henry goes down the hall. Checking his equipment.

[Recommended end song: Nirvana - The Man Who Sold The World (Unplugged Version)]

On the helicopter pad, Henry climbs in as the copter starts its engine. Henry sitting there stretching and calibrating his PDA and checking a small device on his belt. His sunshades runs through diagnostic as he relaxes for the long trip. The pilot speaks to the radio. “Mission is a go, Henry is on-route to destination.” As the helicopter flies off the distance. Clove and Cassia receives a series of documents from a soldier. “Information on Henry. As requested.” The soldier states as he leaves.

Clove picks up one of the documents, dating back decades from eye witness reports to sightings of Henry with clove stopping on one particular one, dating back to ‘3183’ with the quickly written title, ‘The KTC Cover-up.’ the old paper faded government seals stamped on it barely visible as she reads. “I think I found where I remember this guy…” looking at the mugshot of Henry in rough shape from the Hail-City PD pinned to a paper-clip.


Edit Update: Formatting has been update for hopefully better reading as suggested

Chapter 4: Story 1 Finale Part 1


Part one of the finale of the first ark.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

-STORY No.1 Finale Part 1-

[Castle Greatstone - Strattford, Greatstone]

A Mobian wearing a sharp dark three piece blue suit and a beige topcoat draped over his shoulders taking a drag of a cigarette, looking out from the front steps before casually walking down the steps towards the royal walled courtyard.

Quiet as the wind blows some leaves, seeing the midnight traffic and headlights through the half wall, topped with ornate brickwork and iron fencing shining through the gaps. Something from the shadows flashes by the light from the walkway's light-post as it moves affirmatively, looming behind him and walking closer. The blue suited Mobian reaches into his topcoat’s pocket. As the shadow walks up next to him, bumping some cigarettes out holding it to the shadowy figure, after a pause a hand from the dark denies the offer, as he pockets the packet.

“So, who is the pleasure of seeing the special force of the Black Berets now?” The silhouetted figure spoke stepping into the light.

“A mercenary this time. Addison’s orders to take a high prized object that is the up-most importance to Greatstonian security.” Turning to the Mobian wearing a four star badged black beret, a charcoal black uniform makes him hard to see even with the worn and warm light from the light-post.

“Bronson, this is in your hands. Addison is a slimy bastard but he wants this amulet and spoke highly of its potential power. What he says is gold however and your men need to do the wet-work for Greatstone yet again.” Bronson grins as he receives a few documents, with pictures and information.

“Oh we will hold Greatstone’s honor and justice and lay it down on enemies of the government. As the old oath says.” He spoke as we walks off into the dark again with the document. “And remember, this is top-secret, no witnesses and no prisoners. Just the amulet.” The suited Mobian concludes as he walks his separate way.

ARC ONE Finale Part 1 - Smooth Operator

[Castle Acorn - Kingdom of Acorn]

“Are you sure you want to go alone?” Sally spoke to Sonic holding a warp ring in his palm. “We really haven’t been down there since they have been the fights between the tribes down there.” She adds, Sonic turning to Sally. “Nothing to worry about, none of those tribes out there cant catch a fast blue blur.”

He holds up the ring. “Specially, if things get too hairy, I’ll just warp away for good.” Sally still weary of the plan all the while Tails walks up with a map of Soumerca. “I share a similar concern Sonic, from my research into the area is tricky at best.” Tails spoke as he looked at the map turning it to different angles, then folding it up, handing it to Sonic.

Sonic waves his hand in dismissal. “I just go fast and meet up with our friends on the east side and its smooth sailing for a while until I nab that mercenary and put a few kicks in like the rest.” He reassured as he looks at the map. Sally putting her hand on his shoulder.

“Sonic just be careful, just because the freedom fighters are over with, doesn’t mean we are not able to help each-other.” Sally explained with Sonic nodding. “Just take it easy here alright? And ill be back in record time, trust me.” Sonic explains as he tosses the warp ring, opening the portal to jungled area. Walking up before looking back, Sonic gives a thumbs up, “And thats a promise.” He grins as he jumps in, closing the portal.

[Just over the rain-forest tree canopies - Soumerca rain-forest]

The helicopter bobbing just over the trees keeping low at speeds across winding animal and foot paths, Henry grips his duffel-bag as he gets up, holding onto the handle bars. “Sir, Our drop point is still a few miles away so, get prepared. Henry looking over the near distance seeing some smoke stacks from a cleared out area, he squints in the wind as he watches the footpaths spiderwebs out from that area.

Henry turning to the pilot, “Watch for ground movement, gotta hunch I’m not gonna be alone in the forest.” Henry spoke into headset. Turning back to suddenly fly over an opening and field, a crowd of villagers looking directly at the helicopter, pointing before the shamans builds up his magical powers. “Henry’s eyes widen as the blue arcing glow coming from the group of shamans.

Henry turning to yell. “Evasive maneuvers ASAP or we’ll get fried!” the helicopter jolts upwards dodging a lightning bolt, stabilizing higher quickly as the pilot tries to strafe away, both hands of Henry’s holding on tightly on the bar as he trying to keep upright from the sudden dodge. The second bolt misses over the helicopter soon followed a direct hit from the rear of the vehicle making Henry flinch, shredding the rudders, igniting the area.

Henry holding tight, bracing as the helicopter drops like a stone. Hitting the treetops as the pilots brace as well. Branch after branch, careening metal scraping by some trees coming to a crash in a small opening under the shaded area coming to a rest. The noise of the forest comes into hearing as the noise of the helicopter fell silent, ticking and creaking from the helicopter’s engine as fresh leaves gently land around and on the wreckage.

Henry face down in the center of the floor, groans turning his head. “Damn…” he mutters as he pushes himself onto his back, looking over with his eyes widen from the discomfort of his left arm. Dislocated, with a sigh from Henry he grabs his arm and with an audible pop, with him grunting as he sits up. “Not good one bit…” Looking back to the front, seeing one of the pilots face first into the dash of the helicopter.

Mangled by the obvious debris and final crash on the way down with some of the synthetic oil black blood on the instruments. Picking himself up looking over as he walks up, seeing the second pilot on the ground, seeming to have crawled before passing as well face down on the dirt and grass. Pulling the first pilot back into the seat, Henry taking his vest “See you back home buddy.” He mumbles while he begins to leave the crash walking to the second pilot. Cracks of twigs and bushes rattling freezes Henry in place as tribal Mobians step out to the clearing spears pointed at him.

“Hold it ya’ savages!” Henry shouts as he raises his hands up stepping away from them. “I am not an enemy, I am simply traveling to-” his words cut short from his dodge from a spear jabbing at his face, Henry’s urgency of getting his gun out knocks the amulet out from under his jacket in plain view of the tribals.

All of the tribals freeze in their place as they see the amulet. Speaking of growing panic in their native tongue as the amulet glimmers from the peaks of sun through the canopy, Henry freezing before pulling his pistol at their reactions. “Uhh” Henry spoke to break the silence as he looks down to what their seeing. He slowly took the amulet off and raised it up, causing some of the tribal men scurry backwards, some falling onto their backs scrambling with more whispers and stifled panic like they are staring down a predator.

Henry steps closer, as the shadow his movement away from him. He grins and yells at the tribal men “AHH!” in a threatening manner as the scramble dropping their weapons onto the ground, screaming, desperate to get away. Henry putting the amulet back on looking as they run in any direction. “Well, that's was convenient as it was weird…” he mumbles scratching his head as he walks back to the second pilot. “Can’t shake the bad omen though…” he adds as he takes the second vest.

Hours has past as he finished burying the two pilots of his, sitting down on the floor within the helicopter, boiling water from the campfire next to it. Poking some embers and throwing more logs to the fire. Looking at his map with the light of the fire, “If I go here… find this marker here…” he would speak to himself in the evening shade.

Laid the map on to the metal floor as he gets up walking to the cleared out area in the leafy canopy above him seeing the stars, looking at the individual stars shimmering as the moon finally makes its appearance. Taking his cigar out, lighting the match then taking a drag as he gazes the jungle as the night birds and parrots chirp.

Smirking at the rather peaceful sounds of the jungle. His ears twitching from the sounds with the smirk fading as he hears something. Hearing the incoming steps of feet coming up to him.

“Nice view isn’t it?” Sonic spoke up next to him. Hearing a hammer click with Sonic looking down at the glimmer of Henry’s pistol. “Go away, not in the mood for chatting.” Henry turns to look at Sonic. Blowing smoke into Sonic’s face making him squint. “Smoking is bad for your health, but I think you’ll have other problems very soon.” Sonic spoke with a bit of snark.

“Don’t do what I think you are gonna do buddy. Not in the mood to fight either.” Henry affirms to him. But the words where lost as a blue blur circles around Henry to behind him, knuckle sandwich coming right up!” as he throws the punch at Henry’s head.

His fist glances off as he was punching a wall, “OUCH” Sonic yelped as he was checking his hand as Henry circled around “I didn’t think people like you came thick skulled lik-” Sonic’s words cut short from a deck to the face in response after Henry rubs the back of his head. “That spot is still sore you butter brained hedgehog!”

Holstering his pistol, walking past Sonic on the ground checking his nose, Henry sitting down at the carcass of the helicopter feeling the back of his head and seeing if there's blood. “I assume you are the doctor is ranting about?” Sonic walking up brushing the dust and dirt off “Since were not gonna fight, answer me some questions, why are you here? What has Robotnik sent you on?” Sonic presses. Henry leaning up and takes a deep breath, pointing to Sonic.

“First things first, how this is gonna work is, give info and I’ll give some in return, got it?” Henry taking a drink of the boiled water. “Why are you here and why is the bald bastard want you dead.” Sonic looks at him for a few moments “you really don't know who Robotnik is right?” Sonic still unsure of Henry’s sincerity of what he just said. Henry looks at him looks at him motioning him to give information.

“Spit it out then.” Sonic expresses some surprise before continues “Well me and my friends along with some across the world sees him as the biggest tyrant known to mobius. Have you heard of the Robotnik wars?” he questions. Henry sitting there thinking before the thought sunk in “Wait… that big war that happened like, I don't know… like twice? and there was a group seen…” Henry’s eyes lock on to Sonic squinting. “Of all the things I get myself tangled into…” He’d face palm at the revelation comes with connecting the dots.

Moving his hand, “and I of all people get dragged in to something bigger than I expected…” he mumbles. Sonic standing there seeing Henry trying to think before watching him suddenly get up. “I got a integrity to uphold and working with someone like Robotnik puts me in some scrutiny that would block me from lucrative ventures.” He says to sonic as he walks past him grabbing his duffel-bag “I didn’t know mercenaries had any integrity to uphold.”

Henry hearing his comment, henry charges back up to him poking his chest “I have all the reasons to keep integrity and reliability otherwise the money stops flowing. Unlike some good guy mentality that fades off into the night when their use is up.” He rants as Sonic smirks at him knowing he struck a nerve.

“Quite sensitive of that aspect, reminds me of another mercenary Robotnik hired named knack that crashed Breezie’s casino event.” Sonic mentions, Henry looks at him from hearing the word ‘Knack’ “Don’t you dare compare me to that pathetic excuse of a paid contractor such as myself.” Sonic walking around him with Henry keeping eye contact.

“From my betting hunch there's a reason you recruited up with Robotnik isn’t there.” He would press Henry “I’ve already said my end of the deal, now its your turn to spill it.” Henry releases a sigh of frustration and inconvenience, “Fine, since the cats out of the bag and the beans are split…” He takes an amulet from under his jacket to show Sonic.

“This is the center of all what's going on. I have a facility myself sharing the same wonder of this little amulet here.” Sonics eyes reflect the glow of the amulet as he looks at it. “I, have obtained this amulet in interest in what this leads.” From what I understand, it leads to something and translations spoke of some temple.” He conceals the object into his jacket pocket. “Obviously, my loyalty is thin with Robotnik as I am only trying to get what I want and cut ties when the flow ends.” Sonic hearing him for a moment before speaking up. “So, you are a tomb robber, among other things.” He pats Henry’s shoulder, walking past “Whatever makes you feel right.” Henry rolls his eyes. Sonic holding up the warp ring.

“Well since you are stranded out here, I think I can give you a ride out of here.” Sonic flicks the ring with a *Ting* both Henry and Sonic stares waiting, Sonic looking for the ring. “The f*ck you just flick.” Henry states in absolute confusion. Sonic laughs nervously as he begins to search for the ring in the grass. “I take that wasn’t suppose to happen.” Henry walks up as Sonic on his knees searching through the grass as concern rises.

Taking a penlight out of his pants pocket shining it on the grass, seeing a twinkle of gold, he walks over to pick it up. Sonic taking it out of Henry’s hands “I kind of forgot to charge my warp ring…” Sonic nervously chuckles “So you tellin’ me you forgot to charge your only source of long distance transportation? I already had little faith in you guys competency but this is setting a all time low.” Sonic pointing at him.

“Well, that's coming from a person who said it themselves that they agreed to work for Robotnik. My feels are the same level.” Henry walks back to helicopter as he pockets the penlight. “Either way instead of arguing who is more stupid, make the best and get some shut eye. Staying up all night bickering isn’t gonna save us.” He spoke while he takes out a emergency sleeping bag from the duffel bag. Sonic walks up to him “got a spare one?” Henry stops for a moment “matter of fact, no.” As he unpacks it. Sonic looks around the open area at the leaves and sticks. “Got anything that I can sleep on-” Sonic’s head gets hit by a box containing an air pillow. “Shut it.” Coming from Henry. Sonic sighing as he sees Henry start to sleep in the carcass of the helicopter. “My luck.”

[The next morning]

Sonic laying in the grass covered with a large leaf and the inflatable pillow he cracks his eyes to the sun and blue skies peeking through the shaded tree canopy. Yawning before irking at a apparent cramp “ouch…”

Getting up to the jungle life singing and chirping away. Looking towards Henry snoring. Freezing at a distance noise. Whipping of helicopter blades from the distance as they make an approach. Sonic climbing up a tree to get above the canopy, seeing a fleet of helicopters flying in zooming by as fast pace landing nearby. Hyped up he runs down the tree to Henry.

“Hey, dude I never got the name of, black helicopters like this one are near here that could take us out of here!” pushing him trying to wake him. He grumbles swatting at him “leave me be.” Sonic rolling his eyes to Henry’s groggy words “Ill just tell their boss is here.” He spoke to Henry before zooming off. Henry rubbing his eyes thinking for a moment before his eyes widen, “oh gods that damned fool!” quickly getting out of his sleeping back, unzipping his duffel bag, snatching his rifle out of it as he runs in the cleared path sonic made.

Sonic slowing down as he sees a couple of soldiers in dark armor and uniforms. Sonic goes through the bushes alerting the soldiers. Raising his hands up in the air. “Hey no need to be jumpy, were lost out here and need to get out of this joint.” Both soldiers keeping their rifles trained on Sonic as one speaks into the radio. “We got a civilian, supposedly lost.” Before looking back to Sonic.

“Looking for a doberman Mobian you seen him?” Sonic nods and points back from where he came, “Yeah, just right from where I came from.” the soldier raises his hand to Sonic as he speaks into the radio again “sir, confirmed sighting of person of interest…” with some nods. “Roger, we’ll get answers shortly.” He spoke before turning the radio down, looking to the other soldier before nodding.

“Did this person show an amulet to you.” He states to Sonic sternly. “Yeah, that green amulet, showed me it last night.” Both soldier look at each-other before nodding yet again as one of the soldiers walk up raising his gun to him. With the first soldier “Witness seen the amulet with Henry, liquidation of witness is required.” Sonic backing up to a large tree as the soldier “Hold still!” The soldier shouted at Sonic stepping back balling his fists.

“Hold up, I thought you guys where with-” a gunshot rang, as the bullet grazing Sonic’s leg putting a whole into the tree behind him he collapses to the ground holding his leg seeing the barrel of the soldiers gun aim to his face. Sonic gritting his teeth holding the wound. “Are we clear on liquidation?” the soldier asks to the one behind him.

“We are gree-” his words cut short by a rock hitting him in the face the second soldier whips around to see the other one knocked onto the ground holding his face. Sounds of birds and animals echoing through the jungle with the soldier looking around trying to find who threw it. The other soldier getting up waving his gun around at the thick jungle and bushes at every motion “Where the hell is this guy!” the anguish tone from the bleeding soldier fires into random bushes.

Sonic crawls away behind a downed large tree look at the extent of his wounds as the soldiers flinch at each movement in the trees and bushes. Sitting on the tree branch above Sonic, a bandage kit falls into his lap with Henry hushing Sonic. Taking out his large knife twinkling in the peeps of sun, quietly gripping the tip of it, waiting for the right moment, “COME OUT YOU PUS-” he yells cut short as a whip of Henry hand throwing the knife, the quick movement of the spinning knife widens the soldiers eyes as it hits its mark between the eyes.

Splitting the goggles in two, the lifeless soldier falls backwards splatting on his back from the weight of the knife with twitching as the other soldier shakes taking random shots at any little movement. Henry running up yelling raising his own rifle and shooting the other soldier down with a burst. Sonic finally patched his wounds jumping at the final shot. Henry taking deep breaths staring at the bodies of the two soldiers.

Walking over to the one with the knife lodged, quickly pulling it out and wipes the knife on his pants leg. Grumbling to almost a growl at more movement as Sonic sees Henry stands there staring at the trees. Throwing his own rifle back at Sonic “Use this to defend yourself” he states while grabbing the soldier’s gun and the extra mag and a bandoleer for the under-barrel from the other.

Examining the grenade launcher under-barrel before he charges in diving in rifle in one hand and knife in other in some haze. “Wait!” Sonic yells but only the forest heard that. “I’m working!” Henry yells to sonic. Henry running through the jungle holstering his knife as he moves closer to the other soldiers hearing the gun fire.

The soldiers walking down the path freeze at the sight of a rustling bushes in front of them the lead soldier waves as the soldier in the rear with the machine gun lowers his gun and peppers the bush, with the gun spitting casings and the casing links as the birds scurry away. Lifting up seeing the shredded bush, then looking back at the other two, “Just some birds.” The machine gunner says to the others reloading his box mag.

Henry slowly rising up from the bushes a bit away from the path seeing them, loading the under-barrel. “You guys are really afraid of this mercenary guy, were an elite force!” he laughs as he starts to walks back.

Within seconds of firing, the soldier was turned to a brown and red mist of dirt and blood shredding him with some shrapnel the second and third dropping from the hail of bullets and shrapnel. Slinging his rifle on his back Henry walks up seeing the freshly reloaded machine gun in the grass a few meters away from the smoldering crater. He grins as he racks the bolt and heads down the path to the camp.

Seeing the soldiers setting up camp from the equipment on the helicopter, Henry charging in surprising the soldiers “Son of a bitch!” the squad leader of the group trying to grab his pistol before ducking behind a crate. Bullets pierces the sound of the jungle as the tanks go off in quick secession blowing the fuel cans launching a couple of soldiers into the air from the blast.

Panic and mayhem henry causes swiftly takes out scrambled soldiers using dives and rolls around corners only to disappear and reappear in a different spot using the cover of the foliage and crates with the final Mobian soldier thuds on the ground limp.

The squad leader throws his empty gun climbing into the helicopter trying to quickly start the helicopter back up as henry walks to the helicopter with his adrenaline running high already seeing it talking off he drops the smoking machine gun pulling his pistol, steading his aim taking a deep breath as he holds his two hands up looking down the sighs, with one deep breath firing the pistol, through the glass of the pilot window.

Red splashing onto it from the inside as the helicopter makes a jarring jerk to the left as it crashes into the trees exploding into flames. Henry standing there holding the pistol slowly calming down seeing his handy work. “I think I did a little too much…” as he holsters his pistol. Looking at the equipment and weapons just laying there. “That's a thought.”

Sonic sitting at the crash site from limping looking at the trees as he irks at the pain. Henry loaded down with two large backpacks walking through the bushes casually “Back from shopping and I brought equipment, that would make this trip bearable for at least me.” Slamming the metal box in front of Sonic. “I thought you where a goner running off like that.”

Sonic explains holding his leg. “And I suppose you are dealing with a debilitating pain fit.” Henry responded as he kneels to see the bandages “what are you gonna do to the wound.” Sonic asks as Henry looking at the red spot, “examining it but the adhesive seems to be stuck on tight.” Sonic looking at the bandage.

“Isn’t that's what it suppose to do right, stay on?” Henry quickly grabbing the bandage “it ain’t gonna be soon!” Ripping it off taking some blue fur with it, leaving inflamed pink skin in the area of the wound, Sonic yelling at the sheer surprise and sudden pain, “WHY DID YOU DO THAT WITHOUT WARNING!” he blurts out holding his leg. “I had to do it, otherwise we would have wasted daylight trying to get this thing off.”

Looking at the bandage “I admit it took a little off the top enough to make a toupee but pain is the first part of healing.” Sonic slowly relaxing down from the rip, “OK, I think I'm calming down.” Henry puts on some vinyl gloves, putting a small palm full of white powder, “This right here will seal, stop the bleeding and disinfect anything in that wound, GIs and mercenaries use it all the time.”

He sprays a substance onto the wound as Sonic looks on, Henry quickly grabs Sonic’s ankle pressing the palm-full of powder onto the bleeding spot. Sonic’s eyes widen as Henry gets ready for the build up of a yell boiling up

Birds flying away from the trees as Sonic yells gripping Henry’s hand hard “Alright just a bit longer, the reaction is almost done just don’t freak on me.” Henry said reassuring. Before too long henry lets go of the steaming wound brushing away any leftover powder and debris seeing the cauterized and crystallized blood on the wound. Sonic looking woozy from the ordeal, Henry snapping his fingers “Stay with me now since it your first time with this stuff, the hard part is over.”

Henry takes a bandage and slathers a sterile agent onto the pad of it and places over the wound. Taking out a needle and injecting the area with a pain-killer. “The pain-killer will work in ten minutes, to take the edge off.” Sonic raises his finger “Don’t ever do that again.” He said with a wobble before leaning backwards into the wall of the aircraft. “You got guts, most people pass out from the cauterizing powder on their first time. So good on ya.” Henry spoke, seeing Sonic slowly recover as the pain-killers kick in, “Names Henry by the way.”

He spoke up opening a candy bar from a plastic food packet. Sonic looking at him “yeah… those guys said your name, my name is Sonic by the way.” Henry tosses another candy bar to him “now that the ordeal is gone, I suppose a candy bar would be in order, Greatstone’s finest MRE chocolate” He said as he takes a bite from it.

“So, why are you really going after this amulet business?” Sonic questions to Henry seeing henry think the question over. “To be all honest, its relating to money troubles. And, to see what this rabbit hole of a amulet can lead me down. Hell, I was planning on double crossing Robotnik from the start and go alone as the money rolled in from the treasure.” Henry spoke in detail.

“Doubly so with the information you gave me, I am a strictly a neutral mercenary and I hate the next tyrant as the last guy, and helping some loony fat bastard enforce and ruin my market, I feel we would be a mutual ally in this case alone.”

Sonic looking at him for a good moment before nodding at his honesty. “I forgot to thank you for stopping the bleeding and get things under control for my wound.” Henry waves him dismissively while balling up his empty wrapper.

“I don't need thanks I am well beyond that after all these years. I want results, but you should keep off that leg since you wont put any weight on the leg for a good while.” He spoke as he stepped into the crashed helicopter ripping wires and taking some pieces of metal.

“What I am about to make is something that will put you back on your feet.” Henry using a rock to hammer a few things, taking some screws and a pen laser welding some pieces here and there bending some thin metal walking over to measure Sonic’s shin “Since you can’t get back to where you belong, I…” rubs the back of his head in frustration.

“Suppose you can tag along, but what I say goes and golden, understand?” Henry points to Sonic as he continues work. Sonic smirking “Loud and clear sir!” Mocking a soldiers salute before the jolt of pain makes him hold his shin again.

Henry rolling his eyes as he finishes his slapdash brace. “What you see here is a scrap version of one of my more common JWD brace.” Henry clasps it onto the shin, its length goes to the ankle to the knee. Sonic standing up surprised at the sturdy footing despite earlier attempts to stand “JWD stands for Joint Weight Distribution, the brace is meant to be least intrusive and keep you walking despite various of crippling injuries.” Sonic looking at the brace adjusting the straps.

“Cool, lets test this out!” he said as he gears up to run. Henry puts a hand on his chest “Slow down, due to this being a junk version I wouldn’t recommend running, otherwise I hope you like face plants into trees.” Sonic disappointed at the news “Aw man, my speed is the best weapon we got.” Sonic explains walking around testing the brace. “I doubt most people can dodge a bullet” Henry taps his holster. Sonic hurries to his backpack and picks it up “Well time to get going, the temple isn’t gonna find itself!” Henry nods at Sonic’s words, grabbing his duffel-bag and backpack rolling his eyes as he grabs extra supplies.

Henry taking the lead down the dirt path looking at his compass, “Our first marker will be coming up ahead any minute now.” Sonic bored and walking backwards looking at the tropical flowers “I though you said that like an hour ago.” Henry closing his compass before speaking up “I thought you shut the hell up an hour ago.” In a retort. Finally, Henry stops in his tracks with sonic bumping into him “Oops” as Henry squints at Sonic before looking at the massive stone archway with two metal signs, partially oxidized and mossy. “Whoa, I though you where kidding how large this thing was.”

Sonic said walking around the archway seeing the worn stone and rocks around it. “Indeed, this is what supposed to be a sign for travelers that they are on their way to the temple.” Henry explains as he walks up to the metal sign on the left. Brushing off some moss and debris. Holding up his PDA, Sonic walking up looking over his shoulder.

Henry looking back at him in annoyance then continuing to hit some buttons. Red laser swipes and scans the face of the sign reading its language. “What does it say?” Sonic questions with Henry using his finger to read each line, “It says ‘Those who seek the castle, follow this path and be in the presence of all that is chaos and unity.

Those who wish to rob this place of wonder will be soon see the monster of chaos and scorned.’ …Huh that seems ominous wording but we got the house keys.” Henry spoke answering Sonic’s question.

Henry scratches his head at one word tapping the word monster. “Monster though indicates there might be some action when he open it.” Sonic Grinning, looks at Henry with confidence “Yeah! Finally. I was hoping there's at least something good.” Henry pointing at Sonic without looking.

“Like the enthusiasm, but I've dealt with all kinds of monsters before, probably some giant scorpion or spider that they didn’t account their weakness being bullets.” Henry turns to sonic “and if that doesn’t work explosives, my specialty. So if anything happens you’ll see action of fire and explosions.” He spoke. After walking under the archway and down the path.

“So, what do you think about the amulet in general? Like, what does this all lead to?” Sonic said, creating small talk, Henry taking a deep breath, “I suspect such just as my partner, Rust to believe the amulet to point to many other amulets with similar treasures and wonders. Of course I’m focused on getting a buck, but it did indeed make me wonder what in the hell is this and why did it take this long to find.” Henry walking backwards to face Sonic

“My brief research into the thing, its something huge, relating to chaos and something biblical in size and nature, hence probably why Robotnik is on the case of the mystery as well.” He turns back to face the path. Walking down hearing the animals be quiet more frequent, Henry’s ears start twitching as he walks. “You hear that?” Sonic questions looking around looking into the tree line. Henry stopping suddenly holding out his hand, “Hold”

[Recommended song: White Gavriel - Unit 1644]

His eyes widen as he points seeing the barrel of a tank, its spotlight lens glimmers in the sun on the black tank as they freeze. “What's the game plan Henry?” Sonic asks trying not to move. Henry suddenly grabs Sonic and dives into the thick foliage following the fire of the cannon from the tank, exploding a group of trees behind them sending splinters and leaves flying.

The tank lumbers and moves towards their location pushing and crunching the trees down. Sonic and Henry “This is my game is run the hell away from a sixteen ton monster until they loose us!” Henry yells as he runs through the bushes and vines.

Getting into another clearing taking a breath hearing the tank thrash and crush the trees and foliage. “It’ll take him a bit to get through that dense jungle but we need to keep moving,” both turning to the surprise of the attack helicopter appearing above them “Oh come on! How that sneak up on us!” Sonic shouted in frustration. “I don't know but MOVE!” Henry shoves Sonic as the tri-barreled gatling on the attack helicopter peppers the ground leading up to them.

Clouds of dirt and shredding limbs rain down as the helicopter shoots blindly into the canopy of the forest. “Just my luck, a tank and a attack heli is on our asses.” Henry grumbles. Leading the way back into the dense jungle.

Both bursting through the thick jungle into a series of ruined buildings and brickwork covered in moss and vines. Looking to the skies for a moment, “I know flyboy would be looking when me wake a break for that building.” Henry spoke. Sonic looking with him “where is he?” Sonic questions, Henry steps more into the open. “Oh he's still here, These types of helicopters has some sort of thing to keep the noise down, specially with all this ground cover makes it difficult to hear until he's right up on us.”

He explains. Both looking back hearing the crashes and crunches of the tank closing in, pushing forward running across the open field, soon enough the helicopter comes over to buzz them once again with its rockets being sent down at them. Sonic and Henry sliding to a dilapidated stone building.

“I think the building could hold a few hits from the copter’s gun…” Henry manages to speak taking breaths, Sonic looking out of the window “Hey, where the rocket hit exposed a hole!” Henry getting up to see the hole scratching his chin, grabbing some binoculars from his duffel-bag to get a closer look. “You are correct there's a hole, what a great observation.” Henry sarcastically said as he sits down. “I mean there's a room under the brick work. Is what I'm talking about!” Sonic explained back at Henry.

“Well then go, I’m not stopping your plan. Climb down into that hole while I distract that pesky chopper, ” Henry takes a bottle of energy drink from his bag opening it and taking a sip. He waves Sonic as he makes his way to the top floor of the ruinous building “And keep it quick, If you have any trouble, just call out. Its time for the party begin now for tank boy and his flying helper.” Sonic nods as he climbs the rubble, wondering where the tank had moved to.

Sonic jumping through the gap on the ground and falling hard onto the dark dusty ground making a sound. His hands rubbing his body and head slightly as his skin was scratched a little by the broken bricks. Looking up hearing heavy treads and the engine of the tank, Looking around in the pit as the tank rolled up over him, causing some dirt and dust to fall above him with concerning shifting. Sighing slightly and standing up feeling something wrong. Taking a deep breath looking down, finding an old cracking wooden beam over him, in the room as the earth fell from above him. It was groaning trying to stay whole from the weight it now is holding. “Hmm..” Sonic thought looking around something heavy.

Henry sitting back at the ruins looking through his binoculars “C’mon kid, I know you made it. Make magic happen.” He’d mumble to himself seeing the tank move over the hole.

Sonic grabbing a stone brick and throwing it at the beam chips away its soft rotting wood, with a few more strikes from thrown objects the section of the roof shifts and snaps suddenly. Causing the tank to wobble and attempt to move. “One… more hit should do it”

Sonic frantically try to find another heavy object. Lifting a particularly heavy brick, he makes the final throw, breaking the load-bearing wood splintering in wood dust slivers. Sonic celebrations short lived as the bricks from the roof start to drop around him causing him to try to scurry back to a safer area.

One yelp as Sonic trips backwards frantically crawling backwards luckily missing a large section followed by the tank treads itself falling inches from his feet. He’d let a sigh of relief, “I already got my leg wounded…” Sonic would chuckle nervously, picking himself up.

Henry would Cheer “Hah!” walking down busting some stone bricks, using a pen light to look at the dark room for Sonic. “Yo, blue! Ya not crushed?” Henry yells putting his ear to the hole. With some crashes and stepping over broken furniture and roots. Sure enough, Sonic dusting himself off of the ancient dust. “Yeah I’m fine. He shields his face from the pen light of Henry’s. Breaking more brick, Henry lowers a hand to pull Sonic up through the hole, Sonic getting a grip for a few before finally getting on the other side. “Good step one is done, how were going to do step two.” Henry spoke grabbing a couple of grenades.

“Now, my blue friend, is where I come into play to set up the fireworks, Take a breather and watch the show.” Henry confidently said giving a smirk. “Its still dangerous, but hey its not my skin.” Sonic would respond as Henry vaulted over the rubble wall.

Crouched and moving cover to cover, he grips the grenade trying to not get the tank’s attention, stumbling back into cover when the turret moved and clunked “OK… ok… this has got to be one of my more crazier ideas.”

He mumbles to himself as Sonic peers through a window hole seeing Henry give him a thumbs up. He walks closer to the tank foot by foot. Getting geared up to run up to it. Sitting there adjusting the timer on the grenade to ten seconds with a coin. “Alright, one for the money, two for glory alright motherf*ckers here I come!” Henry would hold his breath frantically running up to the tank, pulling the pin.

Fumbling the grenade for a fraction of a second ringing the hole of the barrel as it clanked and rolled deeper. Henry breaks for a b-line to the bushes. “sh*t sh*t sh*t” Henry mumbled in quick panicked burst tactfully swan diving into the bushes.

The cannon operator hears the clank on the trap door. “Damnit its probably another rock.” He spoke opening the trap door seeing the grenade roll into his lap. A second was wasted in silence before the frantic trying to grab the grenade was made inside the tank “Toss it!” the captain yelled before it finally landed onto his lap as the ticking stopped. “Oh f*ck…”

The tank’s seals puffs of gray smoke suddenly as Henry peers from the bushes. Before long, muffled popping sound before another larger explosion blows open crackling and pops are heard as the flames jet from the top of the tank. Henry walking out towards the ruins where sonic is sitting seeing the fireworks as henry mentioned play out.

Looking through the window hole seeing Henry standing while behind him was the burning tank. Raising his arms he counts on his left hand from five to one. Soon as he mouths the final number the tank’s main payload explodes as Henry starts walking, launching the turret high into the air.

“How's that for fireworks as Sonic scratches his head in confusion. “Wait, where's the… ya know electrically bits. Usually when I deal with tanks, Robotnik usually makes them giant rolling bots.” Sonic spoke in question. Henry lowers his arms looking at Sonic returning the confusion. “Does that look robotic? What the hell you think run this tank.” He said, with his statement finishing with a quick follow up to a body splatting next to Henry.

He points at it “Here's one of the operators now.” Sonic horrified by the sudden surprise. “Don't look so shocked and horrified, its your plan to begin with!” Henry shouts. “I DIDN’T KNOW THERE WHERE PEOPLE IN THERE!” Sonic shouts back rushing down to the body.

“OH no no no no…” Sonic said as he rushed looking panicked pacing. “Basing reality on what's seen on movies is kinda a bad frame of view.” Henry calmly said using his boot to move the arm of the body. “Frankly I'm surprised his buddies hasn’t come down close… wait there's another in the tree” Henry spots blocking the sunlight. Sonic Looks at Henry “Why are you so calm about… THIS!” points at the bloodied mess. “I mean, what did you think when I went alone after that squad of solders? I’m not a freedom fighter, I am mercenary that ends things quick and dead.” He would explain to Sonic.

Sonic would sit down with a slight shake. Henry walks up to look down onto Sonic as he stares off “I am officially stuck with a murderer.” Sonic would utter. Henry looks back at the body then to the tank. “I think its more of a fifty fifty blame, ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of law.” Sonic would just look up at Henry after he said that getting up. “Fifty fifty? You have every blame for most of the deaths here in this jungle!” Sonic shouts at Henry, “This, this is horrifying and you’re standing here like a cold monster!” Henry chuckles “The anomaly here is, you are a freedom fighter right? Haven’t you ran into such a sight in your life?” he’d question to Sonic before continuing.

“I know actual freedom fighters that would have the same reaction I am doing right now with this body.” He moves the body with his boot. “We have never seen this and…” Sonic taking a deep breath moving away. “I think I'm gonna be sick.” Henry sighs “First timers always throws up.” He spoke as he patted his back.

[few hours of traveling later]

The evening sets once again as Henry tosses a log into the fire, the embers flare out of the stone circle as Sonic looks on into the fire. He sits down on a turned over piece of burning coal with a steel rod. Taking a deep breath Henry points to Sonic, “I know that was a few leagues higher than horrifying for ya.” Sonic breaks his eye sight of the fire to Henry.

“That is an understatement of what just happened.” He places his face into his hands “I know, its a horrible thing to go through and I should have disclosed who was after us.” Henry getting up to stir the pot above the fire. “My first was long, long ago and mostly forgotten, but I know. I know that sick black oily pit in your stomach that wont go away no matter what except time had just lessen the feeling.”

“The more you think, the more it haunts you. Those guys would have pasted you across that ruins or better yet, you would have ‘been liquidated’ with hole in your head.” Sonic hearing the words Henry spoke. “How can you just… get past that?” Henry scoops some stew into a silicone bowl. “I don’t, it scars me just as much it did you. But there's times where we all have scars eventually and unfortunately you are now carrying a big scar yourself from that. And the unfortunately that may not be the last one on your journey.” He explained to Sonic, handing him the bowl.

“To be blunt, that's life. A circle of life and death that happens more than this little incident. I like many others in my trade had tangoed with death and had others in jeopardy but my best advice, is that don’t let it get you down. Cause that’s life.”

[Ending part song: Frank Sinatra - That’s Life.]

Sonic finishes the bowl of stew, as Henry puts out the fire “Get rest, I’ll stand guard.” He grabs the assault rifle and binoculars. Sonic watches henry climb the tree looking down the trail with the binoculars resting the rifle beside him. He thinks for a moment, processing what Henry spoke earlier. Taking a deep breath shaking off the memory before getting the sleeping bag for the night as the exotic night wildlife quiets down for the overnight hours.


Edit Update: Formatting has been update for hopefully better reading as suggested
Edit Update 2: holy moly there was some typos, Apologies for the technical difficulties and the typos should be corrected now.

Chapter 5: Story 1 Finale Part 2


Part two of the first Arc's finale.

Chapter Text

[Editor’s Note: In Memoriam of my dog Bree. ‘First class, to the stars from my arms.’ 2008 - 2023]

[In the Dark Jungle]

Taking a shaky deep breaths, Henry wiping sweat from his forehead holding a scoped assault rifle tight to his chest gripped hard. Quickly whipping his head around “C’mon where the f*ck are you!?” Henry yells as he looks down the scope of the rifle seeing moonlit ghostly figures move toward his position.

Muzzle-flashes light up the surrounding area from the burst of bullets echoes though an increasingly warped jungle as he moves away from the ghostly figures moving towards him in a mist like movement.

Whirling around the leaves and trees whispers of groans and indescribable babble as Henry makes a couple more shots at the figures breaking his eye sight of them to see the grotesque jungle trees ripple and the wood grunts from shifting.

Henry steps back from a particularly large tree seeing eyeless faces morph into the bark with their voided eye-holes maliciously stare into Henry’s person. “What do you want from me!” Henry shouted spinning around seeing the surrounded trees sprouting faces with variety of emotions of sadness and anger he would only recognize.

“I was only doing a job alright!? I didn’t intend for any of you to be in the way!” he would loudly plea dropping his rifle “I’m-” Henry would stop himself, seeing the mist rise surrounding him forcing him to be backed against some old crumbling wall. “Please! Just leave me to myself and my life!” Henry begged to the mist as he goes into a fetal position as the whispers becomes yells of sadness and pain, he covers his ears as slight tears wept from his eyes.

ARC ONE Finale Part 2
Danger Mind

[Somewhere Else in The Jungle - Next Morning]

In a panic waving his arms, he sees is in a pit with iron bars and a wooden table. Mossy cobbled stone and crude and carved tables placed at random in the room with him as he takes deep breaths, reaching to his neck with a sting, pulling a dart out from his neck of an empty vial. “Son of a bitch…” Henry out of breath shaking a bit before heaving himself up from the straw bed.

Slowly walking to a bucket of fresh water getting a shivered chill from his dream. Dipping his hand into the water to wipe his face. Leaning against the wall on the other side of the rusty bars, Lupe, speaks up as he continues to douse himself with handfuls of water.

“You have been mumbling in your sleep ever since we darted you, seemed to be one wild dream.” She spoke, Henry stopping for a moment to look at her before continuing.

“Its none of your business what I was doing.” He responded, voice groggy, clearing his throat soon after. “Since I’m not torn to pieces or stabbed to death, I take it that you guys are not with the other tribes of this area?” he would question standing up wiping off some droplets from his eyes. “Correct, we seen you up in the tree with rifle and saw our blue friend, we put two and two together and darted you.

Whatever you did to Sonic he was out cold when we scooped him up.” Lupe explains pacing a few steps. “The kid had a bad few hours, I was standing guard since he did help out and all.” Henry getting up placing his hand on one of the bars. Lupe

looking directly at him. “I doubt that story, the amulet we found along with our little helpers saw you working directly with Robotnik.” She spoke, Henry slowly squinting his eyes at Lupe “With you being here, all our communications being down suddenly, we know what you’re up to. Trying to get to that cursed temple.” She continues.

“Soon as we re-establish contact with the freedom fighter friends out in Acorn, you’ll sing a tune truthfully to them.” Lupe said, walking next to the door leaning, “If I’m going to stay in this cell, toss me my smokes and I’ll give the info.” Henry asks taking a seat onto the crude chair, groaning a slight bit, with Lupe waving him off, “Nah, you need to start explaining your supposed alibi.” Henry sighs rubbing his chin for a moment, before speaking up.

“It’s the truth, and if you got two brain cells, there's elite trained soldiers running around this jungle that would liquidate anything remotely saw ‘their’ amulet.” Henry getting up walking to the cell door.

“Your blue friend almost got domed by those bastards and I had to string him along, he's hyper active but still got his uses.” Leaning onto the door balling his fist “And like I said, the kid had seen much and I have no idea why he's out cold other than pure exhaustion of the current events” He hit twice on the lock mechanism of the cell door with a solid clunk.

Henry swings the door open Lupe points her spear at him. “How did you do that?” Henry calmly walking over to the table holding his items. Reaching into the jacket as Lupe watched him. Plucking a flip lighter and a small carton of cigarillos. Patting the bottom of the packet, putting an unlit one in his mouth before continuing.

“I for one had not intended for that blue rat to tag along, such as life though, don’t get what's wanted.” Walking back after grabbing his flask, bringing it into the cell, closing the cell door sitting back down onto the chair. “To answer the Robotnik angle, my loyalty is money based and the money that he offered isn’t asking much in that front.” Lupe holsters her spear to walk up to the bars. “Then why work for him if he didn’t pay enough?” she questions, Henry points to the amulet hanging on the wall, “That, would be the answer.”

Lowering his hand “I still have no idea what this amulet is and why did I take it, but my monetary greed for once is subsided and my scientific curiosity had led me by the nose cause of that green amulet.”

Lupe looking back at the green amulet. “The amulet that I suspect is something far greater than just this green one off. And the more I think about it, the more I see that I was going to be a pawn to something large.” Lupe looks back at Henry sitting there taking a swig of his flask. “Anymore questions?” Lupe looks to Henry sitting there interlacing his fingers, resting the hands on the table.

Lupe face turns more concerned as she thinks at the implications of what is going on. “And I know this is coming months after the whole broken world crisis with the gods duking it out.” Getting up and walking closer to Lupe. “Let me make my exit plans and keep up the charades and I’ll salvage what a mess this has become.” Lupe shakes her head.

“I appreciate your honesty in all this mess, but I still do not trust you. Stay in your cell until I get Sonic’s side of the story. Not that the cell can hold you.” She tells Henry as he heads for the door. “Fine, my statements remain the same, and its not like I got anything else to do.” Henry responds leaning back into the chair propping his boots onto the table, relaxing.

[Few minutes later at a secluded hut.]

Lupe opening the wooden door to see Sonic munching on fruit and snacks. “Oh, hey Lupe, long time no see!” Sonic getting up to a wobble. “Where did you get this food-” Henry taps her shoulder, Lupe jumps from the unexpected tap “I got it for him.” Henry spoke.

Lupe whips around with her spear. Before realizing it was Henry. “How did you get here that fast!?” Henry thinks for a moment “Its a trade secret.” Lupe squints in confusing before looking back at Sonic chuckling. “Don’t encourage him!” she spoke to Sonic.

Lupe taking a deep breath to calm down. Freezing at the sudden knocks at the wooden door. Henry opens the door to see a long staff, looking down to see a short old Mobian woman, a wrinkled floppy eared canine Mobian with jewelry draped all around her. “Is Lupe here? The Future is calling again!” she proclaims “Lady, what old folks home you ran out of?” Henry spoke.

Receiving a whack to the head with the staff, “No a word yet form you!” The old Mobian pulls Lupe and Sonic Aside away from Henry. “This is exactly what I was talking about!” she exclaims in whispers tapping her staff onto the floor.. “That person is not someone you should be around! He brings trouble and trouble that will benefit him and him alone!” Lupe kneeling to the old Mobian, putting her hand on her shoulder.

“Gertrude, personally, we know you are right in most senses, but Henry is all that we got, as for information. You could be correct, but that…” Lupe looking at Henry picking at his ears “person is a necessary evil to get the bottom of what's going on unfortunately.” Gertrude sighs looking back at Henry.

“I suppose I agree that he has his uses.” She quickly turns around pointing “However, that blasted amulet and the secrets it holds should be handled with absolute care. Cause some” she points back to Henry “Has intentions that isn’t as careful.” She explains.

“I can hear you, you wrinkly senile face saying stuff about me.” Henry speaks up Gertrude walks up to Henry pointing “You may act all high and mighty Mr. Henry, but your time of humbling will soon reach a head multiple times in your future. And each time will wear down that front of yours.” She states tapping her staff against his chest, Henry pushes away the staff. “Does your visions of the future say if you tap or hit me with that staff one more time I’ll trash the bag in front of me?” Henry crouches to eye level to her. Gertrude squints at him standing up to Henry.

“My better judgments and forces that be keeps me from cursing you with every one I can conjure but again, you’ll get yours Henry, and tell that time traveling white hedgehog when you meet him to stop messing around with time and do his damned job.” Gertrude grumbles through her false teeth as he walks away looking at them all.

Pointing her staff at Henry and speaking up as her jewelry glows “But my statements still stands. This man will be the catalyst of changing times to come, indirect or not.” She explains “But if you two wish to know more, ill be at the mess hall, they are serving a special stew and I'm not going to miss it.” She grins as she shuffles off whacking Henry out of the way “out of my way cretin!” Henry rubbing his head from the second whack “Same to you, you old hag!” he yells out the door. Before closing it, turning around to see both Sonic and Lupe looking at him.

“What?” Henry questions, glancing at the two. “You cant believe that bag of bones and say I’m some wave maker, I stay under the radar and that's where I’m staying.” He continues as Lupe walks up to him. “I’m afraid that woman you talked to is one of the rare future tellers on this world. She may be… eccentric but she foretold your arrival, to the hour when you arrived at our prison.” Lupe explained. “And unfortunately this is how your path is set up.” Sonic stands next to her.

Henry shaking his head. “I really thought you guys really level headed but this astrology bullsh*t needs to end right now, plain and simple.” He’d point to both of them. Henry lowering his hands as they both give him a concerning look. He sighs rubbing his face “it’s all just random quarks and nonsense that tells our futures, there's no rhyme or reason to anything. I could pull my gun and shoot any of you and it would make n-!” he gets pauses as Lupe utters “No differences.” Henry looking at her locking eyes.

Lupe thinking more and more as she breaks eye contact “I cannot believe that woman just did it again, She said those exact last words of what you said Henry.” Sonic sitting back down on the bed eating an apple “Oooh spooky Henry, I think you should heed her. Never know.” Sonic spoke as his snarky tone comes through before crunching into the apple

Henry pinching the bridge of his nose before pacing for a moment mumbling before pointing at both of them “Alright fine! Believe this future seeing hag than an actual scientist. Are we gonna get sh*t done or what?”

[Out in the main village]

“Alright the deal is, we got a problem of our own, before we speak of where the temple is” Lupe turning to Henry with Sonic trailing behind “You fix our problem of a group to our east causing some damage with our territory, Chopping trees and their leader ‘shooting’ at our warriors while they build... something out there. Not the friendly bunch obviously but if you take down their lead guy they’ll scatter.” Sonic walking up next to Henry, “What will I be doing?” Lupe looking to Sonic thinking for a moment before sighing.

“With that bummed leg, I’m afraid you cant do much other than wait for Henry’s return. Cause I heard this guy is… strange as he is powerful.” Henry speaks up walking forward a few steps “What is the description of this guy?” Lupe nods and responds “an arrogant person with small rods sticking out of his head-” Lupe’s words faltered as Henry rubs his face in frustration and groans.

“It’s god damn Gordon. Yeah I know for sure its him.” He grumbles Henry turning around beginning to walk away as Lupe raises an eyebrow “The guy is a arrogant wheelchair bound that has a dream of being superior to everyone else.” He explains spinning back around to face them both. “I am surprisingly quite happy I get to shut that creep up myself.” He adds.

Lupe walking up to Henry, “Then were in agreement.” She holds out her hand for a shake with Henry shaking her hand. “And I promise to hold my end, just be careful.” Henry nods as she hands him a map.

[back at the cell]

Henry sitting there at the table where his equipment is laid. He lights a cigar rubbing his temple of his head leaning back. “f*cking hell. Gordon is gonna be a tough one.” He mumbles to himself.

Looking at a folding map using a compass. Sighing as he leans back thinking, weighing the odds. Sonic slowly opens the door as Henry puts his bandoleer on, sliding his large brushed chromed pistol into the holster. “Heard you mumbling in here, thought you lost it again.” His voice breaks the silence of the shack as Henry places his hands on the table.

Taking a drag of his cigar, “I am mentally preparing for what's about to happen. Its a mercenary tradition when facing another colleague in the field.” Henry responded, fishing a token, golden with a twinkle from the window’s light. Sliding it onto the table, Sonic walking up seeing the coin, attempting to grab the coin.

Henry quickly grabs his wrist tightly with out looking “OW OW” Sonic yelps pulling back his hand. “What was that for? Its just a coin!” Rubbing his wrist looking at Henry as he turns picking up the coin. “This, is no ordinary coin. Its a coin to be used and placed on Gordon.” Henry Explained.

“The coin in question symbolizes many of things mostly death by another mercenary. But the coin also is a token to the afterlife and beyond this mortal coil. If I’d ever die in the hands of another mercenary, their coin will be given to me.

To the ferryman that takes us all in the end.” Henry showing the heads and tails of the coin. “And a flip of odds of this coin decides Gordon’s outcome.” Placing the coin in his hand as Sonic looks on as Henry flips the coin with his thumb with a audible ting.

Landing on the palm of his hand as he catches it opening his palm showing a silver gilding of three skulls and a sword jabbed through them. Henry looks at the coin taking a deep breath turning before placing it on the table. “So… what does that mean?” Sonic asks. Looking over his shoulder “That means he's going to see the void.” He taps the coin. Zipping up his jacket, turning around grabbing the coin dropping it into his front pocket.

“The time once again for me to exercise my skills.” Henry spoke to sonic as he walks past him carrying his duffel-bag and backpack. Sonic follows him outside of the building. “I gotta help, since I owe ya on keeping my head from having extra holes, I can still fight this guy.” Henry turns to look at sonic after his statement.

“Gordon is no ordinary person bud. The reason he's so well known is his telekinesis powers. The dude physically is nothing but his mind…” Nodding as he continues “Is a Powerhouse of pain that will make your leg injury look like a scraped knee.”

Sonic undeterred from Henry’s words “I've seen worse from Robotnik’s machines.” Henry Scoffs at Sonic’s naïve but confident demeanor as he turns to walk away. “You’ll die kid and I don’t want that in my packed closet of things I regret. Stay here and if you must, protect the village from the black beret guys.” He spoke as he marches on in the direction of his target.

Sonic seeing him walk away thinking tapping his foot. “We’ll see about how tough this guy really is…” he mumbles. Going his separate way to plot.

[hours later into the evening twilight, Deep jungles.]

Putting on ear-buds onto his ears, Henry chewing the end of his cigar lightly. The guard post sitting next to the road with sounds of a TV show muffled by its walls. “…So, what was your dirty no good prints all over the murder weapon?” chirped from a cheesy prerecorded TV noir show, the guard sitting there, leaning in watching attentively with some popcorn. Munching away occasionally looking over at the window for any people waiting.

“You better spill the beans or we will do other… methods of talking.” The detective takes a long, steel flashlight. “Better get to talking.” With the suspect calmly saying “I want my lawyer.” The detective throws the flashlight down yelling “f*ck! He got us.” The detective shouts

The Guard laughs spilling his popcorn “Aw damn...” sighs the guard. Getting up to clean the booth. Henry creeping up outside of the guard building, slowly gripping the rifle tightly hearing the now open mouthed chewing of popcorn, Henry rolls his eyes and grumbles as he gets to the door, opening inch by inch slowly as the guard is back to watching the show with the media player humming from the disk.

Stepping in until *creek* the chewing stops then a slight tilt of the head from the guard. Henry freezes and grips his rifle tightly pointed at the guard. “Samson, You got to watch this show.” Putting his popcorn on the desk. Still watching the show, Henry stands up straight, now gripping the barrel of the rifle as he constantly hearing open mouth smacking at this point. “Close your f*cking mouth!” Henry shouted at him as he catches a glimpse of his shadow.

The butt of the rifle glances off the guards face as he hits the floor with bits of popcorn on the ground. “Thank you.” He kindly spoke To the unconscious guard as he steps on and over him to grab a rather overloaded key-loop.

Hitting the power button on the TV “and by the way, TV shows will damage your brain.” He added while he walked out of the guard post checking the rifle, stepping back on and over the guard again putting a boot print on his face. Walking back into the jungle bushes following a dirt road keeping just out of sight.

Henry ducks inside the shed before going back outside quickly going the parallel to the fuel depot. Hurrying around avoiding anything that will look suspicious, crouched along a walkway in the high weeds and bushes next to the path going slightly lower. Staying low running parallel to a broken gutter, watching lights flickered through buildings. Looking around before climbing up a tree, then landing on a roof of a near by building.

Getting flat as possible, Henry takes his binoculars looking at the opening as he sees the foundations of a base being built with the dredger barge clearing a dock by the river. “Alright where the f*ck are you Gordon…” Henry looks around seeing armed construction workers in yellow and white jumpsuits and the guards wearing similar color scheme.

“Hmm, Didn’t know Takahashi-Ge had interest here… or at least their subsidiaries.” He mumbles as he looks on seeing a blue and white guard walking with a particular figure. Rolling out with the blue and white guard over the dirt and rocks. “Bingo…” he quietly confirms upon seeing the ferret Mobian

“Are you absolutely sure you chased off those vile savages?” Gordon looks up at the guard. “Sir, we are absolutely sure the locals around these areas are of no threat as we either burnt or killed off as you intended and ordered to the dot. The scouts are certain as well.” The blue guard spoke. Gordon turning his wheel chair facing it to him. “Good… Very good. Soon your bosses will have their mining base here and I get my cut of what I need to piece my project together.” He schemed.

The blue guard rolling his eyes “yes sir. You will have that as promised. But I need to be excused as I need an update on the outage of communications with headquarters.” He walks off quickly leaving Gordon watching the crane moving some gold ore. Squinting as he looks off into nothingness slowly fading his grin as his ears twitch.

Henry racks the rifle looking down its iron sights. “Really wished I had a scope but this’ll do I suppose…” he sighs as he turns the safety off with the turn of the lever. Henry slowing his breathing as he slowly halts at the inhale.

Firing one shot as the bullet travels across hundreds of yards towards Gordon. From a squint to eyes wide while his rods of his head blink red, stopping the bullet mere inches from his head. Rotating around to see the bullet as its evenly centered to his forehead. The bullet spinning from the momentum “Pitiful attempt at my life...” Gordon scoffs flicking the bullet back to sender.

Henry seeing the flick, taking a quick roll off the roof right before the bullet bounces off the sheet metal. He falls onto the ground groaning “Damn, that's new…” Henry strains as he gets up holding his rifle. Moving away from the area all the while alarms are being raised. “I want that would be assassin found!” Gordon Shouts. As he rolls with some guards sending others towards Henry.

Henry scurries into the jungle’s bushes cutting through to another set of buildings. Whizzing bullets as Henry zig zags, returning fire in breaks behind trees. As they run into the trees Henry disappears in the brush, leaving the guards to slow their run into a creep. Huddling around, the lead lowly speaks up “where did he go?” pointing his barrel at slightest movement.

Moving through a clearing, walking through some small plants they stop at the opening. “We lost him…” one says. One notices a paper with a doodle stuck to a tree. Walking up to it, another soldier yells “Watch i-!” his attempt at warning was cut by a pin *Ting* whipping across the ground with a series of others. A bundle of grenades drop down rolling right in front of the lead guard. “Oh f*ck…”

A loud bang knocking some limbs and sending dust flying. looking out from the balcony with binoculars looking at the grenade explosion, Gordon sighing “This person is quite full of tricks it seems.” Seeing the muzzle-flashes from multiple guns within the forest. “Too much tricks.” He adds.

Henry getting back on the dirt road and heading towards the under construction main facility, sprinting down the road sliding to a stop as a utility vehicle carrying more guards rolls up in the intersection. He quickly dives into the forest again as the zoom by peppering the jungle as the past with machine gun fire.

“A bit of a deviation…” he mumbles taking a deep breath behind a large tree. looking around finally seeing a good view at the metal door. Looking around as the once guarded place, side stepping in the open looking down the path before sprinting to the door.

“Alright, time to do a sales pitch…” Henry unzips the duffel-bag taking out beige octagonal pads with little antennas attacked to them. Hitting some small buttons in a pattern before they all blink a yellow before quickly linking up to a device, he takes the device out of the bag clicking through some switches. “I've been dying to use this…” he mumbles to himself with a growing grin. He quickly gets around the corner for cover.

Mouthing “3, 2, 1.” While counting on his fingers with a click of the red button the octagonal pads explode blowing the metal hinges off slamming the heavy door to the ground with a center-mass scorch mark. Henry steps around the corner then stepping onto the door looking down to see a hand poking out of the edge of the door. “You saw a good show.” He remarks stepping over the hand.

Emptying out the duffel-bag grabbing an assault rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher. Slinging the belt of grenade launcher rounds over his shoulder. Henry stands there, adjusting the bandoleer tossing the empty duffel, gripping the carry of the rifle handle psyching himself up “alright you can do this…” smacking himself, taking a deep breath as he raises the rifle.

kicking the button as the door slides up, with guards armed with pistols and nightsticks, Henry flips the grenade launcher sights, “Expecting someone?!” Henry shouts as he fires the under-barrel. Blowing the first wave of guards back. Opening fire on the rest as some returns fire. He ducks into doorways in the hall as cover spraying some rifle fire. The metal walls bounce pistol rounds as the hard brass casings rolling and tinging.

Getting grazed on his shoulder, he whips around and swipes another set of enemies. Walking out of over in the brief lull of gunfire, stepping over a body with him looking at a map of the facility. “Alright I’m here…” he says pulling his pistol shooting one attempting to get up. Tapping his chin as he traces the route with his pistol “aha!” tapping the command center.

Rushing off stepping on and over the downed guards hearing the alarm going off, “I guess I got to keep up the pace then to get there then…” he mumbles before continuing on. Running down the halls spraying bullets at more guards down an alternate hall, splatting on the ground. Henry runs through the sliding to a stop almost slipping in the pool of blood as more guards charge Henry.

Getting his footing back he fires another round from his under-barrel blowing a particular guard to pieces flinching at the red mist going towards him. The explosion sending the rest against the wall sliding down limp. “Brutal…” henry side steps through the red paste looking before continuing his run down the halls. Stopping at a window overlooking the command room. Nodding at Gordon’s presence there as guards and workers rush around him.

An elevator dings nearby as Henry swings to face it, as the door opens spraying more bullets into it with the soldiers falling down and slumping, continuing on into it as the elevator door closes. As Henry stands in a pull of blood he grips his grazed shoulder giving an expression of discomfort before reloading the rifle and under-barrel.

As the elevator dings to the floor, the doors refuse to open as henry looks around gripping his gun tightly. A moment of quiet as the elevator just creaks and groans. A sudden slam at the doors sends henry backing up against the wall pointing his gun. The elevator doors peeling open with metal shrapnel and wiring making a large hole as Henry fires into it. An overwhelming force shove Henry against the wall, dropping his gun and him pinned.

Gordon rolls in front of the door. “If I knew if it was you Henry I wouldn’t have wasted time hunting you with the guards.” Gordon smirked, “I had some upgrades since the last time you saw me.” He adds carrying Henry, levitating him out of the elevator with guards and workers watching him.

“Clearly, you are here for something, I suppose my bright guess is that savage group of dogs got you doing their bidding.” Gordon spoke to Henry, lowering him down to face him. “We’ll get to that in a bit, as for now Tori will watch and make sure you don’t do the usual.” The blue guard, Tori, pushes a wheelchair with shackles all unlocked. “You know you are just stalling, I know you are afraid to do anything.” Henry spoke as he was dropped into the wheelchair, automatically locking him in.

Tori standing next to Henry, as another guard grabs the handles of Henry’s wheelchair. Before Tori could speak up a lab-coated Mobian walks up with a clipboard. “Sir, we still have not made established contact and all of our attempts to bypass has and will fail at this rate.” The Mobian spoke to Gordon, making Gordon break his focus and stares back at the Mobian with a cold look.

The Mobian straightens up and sighs a few words in Odinese, before speaking up more “We’re loosing resources by the hour and with no equipment coming through for critical equipment I and my fellow colleagues recommend suspending this operation.” Tori looking at the two before Gordon rotates his chair without breaking eye contact. “And why do you and your ‘colleagues’ suggest that?” moving his joystick, getting closer as his rods on his adjust then turn yellow.

“By your decisions where sub-par and not allowing our best to manage the resources-” The Mobian pauses holding the side of his head. “Oh I’m sorry, I don’t know where you had that confidence to talk like that to me, but let me remind you.” The others look on as the clipboard lands onto the ground as the Mobian groans holding his head, gritting his teeth. “Don’t ever blame me when you don’t take my path of greatness to the exacto-f*cking-lute words.”

“Don’t belittle me and my decisions you are lucky your colleagues do not get canned for treason of our mission.” Gordon Spoke as the force around the Mobian’s head starts to become powerful as it irradiates across the body, blood leaking through between the teeth as fully gripped blocking the sounds of pain. Gordon looking around as Henry winces at the poor person being the target of his wrath.

“Insubordination under this critical time for now on is considered a death penalty. As well this example of this would-be Mobian who dared question my authority and management.” Gordon quickly looks and raises his hand at the lab coated Mobian “N-no wait-” the Mobian could only blurt as Gordon’s augmented rods on his head switches red.

The crunching of bone as the groans and sounds of pain fill the room as Tori squints standing next to Henry. Henry himself barely able to keep watch as Gordon toys with the person. Finally after a few seconds, “This is what will happen…” Gordon spoke in a grim tone as he focuses to the Mobian’s head showing a blue atmosphere surrounding it.

In a quick motion, popping the head of the Mobian as everyone winces, some look away as the blood splatter splashes in a radius.

Tori eye closes as a drop of blood splats on his cheek. For a second lightly exhaling taking out a rag to wipe it away. Gordon using a psy-shield blocking the blood. Upon him stopping the blue shield, the blood, and bits of skull drops to the floor. “Some one clean this trash and feed it to the local alligators.” His wheelchair rolls through the ponding blood and tracks it as he leaves.

Henry looking at the mess and thinking of what he got himself into, looking back up to Tori as he writes into his little book. As the rest of the workers just look on in shock. “Damn…” Henry muttered as he saw the mess slowly cleaned by jump-suited janitors clean with mops.

Tori wheels Henry to a separate hallway walking down the metal hall Henry decides to speak up trying to look back. “Besides the obvious gore fest back there, I suppose by the look of your face it really got ya huh.” Tori walking for a moment.

“It is one of the many problems working with your kind. Mercenaries lack digression and control.” Tori spoke, hitting some buttons on the keypad. Shoving the wheel chair through the doorway as the sliding glass doors open into a closed off room with other guards.

“I am assigned to babysit a thin skinned man-child to establish a base for the Takahashi-Ge cooperation.” Sitting down on a bench, Tori takes out some rolling paper and some herbals flakes. “I would be a lot more outspoken myself if the radios where not out. So will my men you partially slain like the rabid dog you betray yourself.”

Henry co*cking his head to the side, “I’m not the one who’s leveling peoples land and snatching it away from them.” He’d respond to the remark, “And I for one am not a rabid dog, I only do what's natural when someone shoves a gun in my face.” Tori finishes rolling the cigarette “True, unfortunately though, my superiors has hired a madman and the enemy tribals hired a equally mad man.”

Tori takes a drag, blowing smoke “Now, being said, I can conveniently let my mind slip to allow the captured to slip on by. Right brothers?” everyone nods speaking and whispering in Odinese. “But I am not risking my neck just yet.” Tori said, getting up, “I doubt our little deal will go forward without something dropping in front us.” He added in doubt.

Henry sighs “Don't f*cking say that you know it sounds like fore-” the vent falls squarely in front of them “GOD DAMN IT!” Rouge squirming trying not to fall into the room as Tori and Henry looks up at her. “Obviously the stealth had failed lady.” Henry spoke monotonal at her.

Her landing down as Henry breaks the locks off his wheelchair. “Damn that was cramping me up.” Henry said slightly stretching.

Rouge falling into a defensive stance backing away from them both, “Look, clearly you guys are in a deep conversation lets just forget I was here OK?” she said, keeping an eye on Tori and Henry looking at her along with the other guards in the distance looking.

Henry looks at Tori. “She's that government agent my superiors where talking about!” he exclaims, Henry looking back at Rouge.

“Oh, a government agent.” Henry steps forward. “C’mon spill the beans on your angle in all this.” He said directly to Rouge raising his hand. Rouge yells “I don’t think so!” throwing a punch landing directly center of Henry’s face.

Henry holding is nose while Rouge yelps as she shakes her hand from punching. Henry sniffing for a moment seeing if there's any bleeding. “I think you just fractured my nose. Rouge seeing Henry shake off that nose hit to face her again popping his neck.

“Clearly that didn’t quite work as intended did it…” Rouge spoke as she holds her hand. “Yeah it did not.” Henry responded before quickly chasing after her, grabbing her arm, putting it into a quick lock, she grunts trying to break free trying to kick and swing her arm “Talk or I’ll break it.” Henry Firmly said, with his demands knocked down as Omega bursts through the wall, guns armed and ready. “I see your robot friend is ready for action.” Henry smirked.

Omega scans Henry, with some beeps then loudly states “Subject identified.” Henry looking at Rouge and Omega as he lets Rouge break away. Rouge speaking up as she returns to a defensive stance, “Are you correct that this is the guy?” she whispers to Omega, with Omega monotonically answering “Negative, descriptions and files on record does note that subject is a known mercenary and person of interest by command but unrelated to mission.”

Henry sighing “What is going on, this vibe I'm getting is all out of whack… Tori what you make of these clowns.” With Tori just returning a shrug. Omega stepping forward interjecting “We are ordered to investigate Takahashi-Ge and the blackout of this area.” Rouge freezes at the blunt words. Henry nodding as she speaks up soon after “Omega, we talked about this… now go get Shadow.” she informed through her teeth glancing at Henry.

Straightens up and looking at Henry just standing there still waiting for some explanation. “Look, were here to primarily investigate the total blackout around this… temple by the reports. We generally thought Takahashi-Ge was up to something.” Rouge She says breaking the moment of silence, with Tori interjecting “Which we where not in anyway responsible for this!” he states.

“I don't roll with people. Its my personal rule.” Before walking off pointing to Tori “Get your boys to keep up the charades until I let loose hell., and we’ll all call it even afterword.” Henry steps through the hole that Omega made. Rouge following quickly “Hey wait, this place isn’t the type to be wondering around alone like some idiot.” She pressed, “All of you seem like the ‘fun’ types to work with… but this is not the time. I really do appreciate the help, but you all will just be dead weight liabilities.” He spoke while stepping backwards.

Shadow looks to see Henry walking away, rushing up to him and getting in front of him, “Were trying to do our jobs and It would be very wise if you stick with us and boost numbers.” Shadow affirmed. Henry taking a deep breath out of slight annoyance, before double taking. Pointing at Shadow. “You look extremely familiar, did we meet before, like way back?” Henry asks. “I would remember a mug like you. So, that would be a flat no.” Shadow remarks crossing his arms.

Henry scratching his head in though before snapping his fingers, “How about this, ‘member the desert and that highway you almost earned a meeting with a semi. Ring any bells?” Shadow just looks at Henry like he's crazy, confused at his words of recollection but as it sat, Shadow did started to remember faint memories, mostly in the form of headlights and running away. Shadow remained quiet as Henry looks at him. “I thought I would see you again, but memory lane can wait.” Henry brushes past him with Shadow not stopping him.

Rouge walks up to Shadow, “Are you going to stop him?” she asks of Shadow. “No, its his skin. But I doubt this place will get him.” Shadow responds before diving into thought again, stewing the conflicting memories. “You seem like you seen a ghost Shadow, I might have guessed that you know this guy?” Rouge Spoke to him. He remains silent as Rouge looks on at Henry taking the corner down the hall. “What is going on…” she quietly spoke to herself.

Henry picking up the pace within the halls as the rants of Gordon can be heard as the workers run from the flying objects tossed at them. “He's gone mad!” one of the workers yelled as they sprint past Henry. Pulling his pistol and peaking at the chambered round.

He slides along the wall against his back, peaking around the corner seeing Gordon tossing a worker past Henry’s head by mere inches, the body dents the steel wall as it slumps. “Holy…” Henry Muttered before focusing back at Gordon.

He looks back seeing Gordon grip his head, the veins across his head pulse with his heartbeat “ARGH!” he loudly groans, gripping his head and clawing it just enough to slightly bleed. Fighting to get back from shaking he tosses the rest away from him, some crashing into lab equipment and objects. Snatching a large container of pills “come on f*ckING OPEN!” he frustratingly as if his life depended on it, as his head augments blink red.

Henry from the corner opening fire to Gordon’s shock. Before he could send a shield up the container of pills explodes in his hand as pills rains down around him. “NO NO NO!” said in quick succession, Gordon would scramble to grab what's there shoving into his mouth.

Henry standing up “Alight Gordon, I suggest you… uh…” Henry’s confidence falters as Gordon panics as if he was having a heart attack. Stepping back from the arks of blue ghostly bolts popping the florescent lights around him. His skin tightens and twitches as the back of his head glows from a gem. Henry notices what he's surrounded by and sees surgical equipment along with a stone written on the chalk board.

[Recommended song: Perturbator - Assault]

“You god damn power hungry fool!” Henry shouted, seeing a chaos stone mounted in a facet behind his skull. Henry tries to take a shot before his arm swipes at him sending the energy towards him.

Diving out of the way as the plates of the walls and some of the bodies gets obliterated in heaps as a partial cave-in of building debris viscerally smashes everything below. Henry scrambling getting back up and sprints down the all as ripples of this power follows Gordon grunts and groans in pain as his eyes roll to the back of his head.

Finally getting around another corner before busting through to the garage of the base, running down the vehicle ramp a vehicle come up. Henry waves them back with his gun “GO BACK!” his shouts echo through out the parking garage as the entrance sparks and blasts open. Henry sees what ghoulish thing Gordon had become, monstrous as his face contorts to malice and angered pain.

Sending bolts of the ghostly psy-energy at Henry while he scrambles for cover. Hitting one of the parked cars, causing a fire from the leaking gasoline. The sprinklers open raining water down on Gordon and Henry. “Gordon, I know we have our differences but you need to take that thing out!” Henry shouts at him “You are playing with unimaginable consequences!” Gordon looking with his solid white eyes, glowing that ghostly blue.

His voice sounding something transcending through many voices at once “I will… NOT!” his yell causes the forces push in the material around him with a sphere of empty space forms around him blowing apart his wheelchair in a quick, violent flattening. Henry sinks down behind cover. “Idiot is pushing a blowout…” he mumbles to himself reloading his pistol.

The car’s driver eyes lighting up in fright as he runs, Gordon swiping his car through the cable guard rails crashing atop of the cars below. Henry sneaks around trying to get behind him, getting somewhat of a good view of this aqua stone glowing. Getting out of cover to aim his gun, taking the shot as Gordon turns to Henry with an ethereal fanged hiss, grabbing a hold of him lifting him up.

His power opening something unimaginable, like ripping a tear in the collective layer of thought itself. Whispers of echoing voices, incoherent to ears, squeezing Henry to drop his gun.

Henry winces as the pressure building as the ghostly arks riddles him in waves. Bursting through, another wall Omega holding Shadow, throwing him at Gordon while he's distracted, He flashes near instantly to Gordon, landing a hard, momentum punch, jerking Gordon’s head to the side, cracking and breaking some of the rods on side of his head.

Henry drops to the floor as Gordon is flung hitting a concrete pillar taking out a chunk in a cloud of debris and dust. Henry taking a deep breath coughing a few, Shadow runs up picking him up.

“Thanks for the save there, unexpectedly were dealing with a monster.” Shadow nods “Seems so. How are we going to approach this?” Henry popping his neck and fingers. “You already found his weakness, he cant stop what he cant see. So one of us distracts while the other puts him out.” He explains, spitting some blood.

“And before you say it I’m fine… just gotta stop the internal bleeding…” dropping some silver glimmering pills in his hand from a square kit retrieved from his belt pouch. Swallowing them with some discomfort. Picking up his gun and taking another from his back holster. “Catch” the gun tosses to Shadow as he looks at Gordon. “Lets get this son of a bitch!” Henry grumbles rushing towards with Shadow.

Pointing their guns at the cloud of concrete dust they see the blue glowing eyes though out. “Split!” Henry and Shadow dives away as a bolt shoots through the dust. Shadow opens fire on the small pistol as Henry goes the opposite way around him. Climbing up to another level.

Henry seeing the broken pillar, “Hmm…” as he watches Shadow flash in and out attacking Gordon in fast hits. “Hey, tin can man!” he yells waving at both Rouge and Omega, “Shoot a grenade my way!” Rouge running up trying to not get caught in the cross-fire yelling back to Henry “Are you nuts?!” Henry yelling back ‘Do it NOW!” Rouge looking at Omega, face-palming. “Go ahead.” Omega aiming the launcher at Henry “With pleasure.”

The round flies over the fight with Shadow and Gordon, Henry swinging back and forth estimating where its going on, diving off the cable guard ropes, spinning around kicking the shell towards the broken pillar. Crashing hard onto a roof feet first cracking the windshield, denting some of the roof. “f*ck yeah!” Henry exclaims with a fist pump before stumbling from the shock-wave, slipping off the vehicle.

the pillar absolutely exploding into chunks sending large pieces everywhere, Shadow backs off dodging falling pieces around him as the load-bearing pillar gives way the upper-level onto Gordon.

Gordon unearthly shriek cut short by the asphalt and concrete falls upon him. Buried and concealed. Shadow stands there waiting point the pistol, checking the clip. Weary steps are taken forward as Shadow steps inch by inch, as the concealing dust settled showing Gordon pinned under rubble, battered, severely cut and his augments, crushed. Gordon’s closed eyes shot open staring at Shadow, the face of malice grows on the wicked face all the while Shadow dropping his gun.

Shadow’s breathing started choking up as he grips his throat. Both Rouge and Omega step in to help, Gordon’s freed arm swipes at them sending them back, frozen. His ethereal voice speaks without even his mouth moving, echoes through Shadow’s head. “Daring to stop me? Nothing you can do to stop what I accomplished into becoming something you never will comprehend! But you wont live long enough to fully see.”

After speaking, he notices a nudge on the back of his head. Slowly looking back, seeing down the barrel of Henry’s payback pistol. “Sup, forget me?” in a flash of an instance, Henry’s gun goes off. The point blank impact of the bullet tears through Gordon’s head ripping wires and visceral going through. “I’m kinda hurt to be forgotten.” Henry mocking a sad voice, before irking, favoring his side. “Yet I forgot my injuries… heh.” he limps over to Shadow tending to him.

“You done good buddy, and I think that counts as even.” Henry spoke patting Shadow’s back as he took deep breaths between bouts of coughing. As Shadow gets up, punches Henry in the side. “You almost killed me with that stupid stunt!” Shadow rasps through his teeth. Henry grips his side again stiffening up from the punch “But did you die? No I didn’t think so” he responded to Shadow, sitting on a chunk.

“Besides, just take the win…” he said tending to some heavy bruising. Handing some bandages to Shadow. Shadow takes the bandages mumbling “Thanks…” Henry looking at Gordon’s lifeless body. Walking over to the facet to the back of his head. Taking his knife out prying at the slot, till finally popping out. “All this from a rock…” Henry mumbles to himself looking at it.

[Outside of the base.]

Henry is limping up to Tori as his men frantically packs the boats. “You have a warriors respect. Takahashi-Ge’s problems with an invader like yourself is squared away for getting rid of our mistake. Shame you are a rival to our corporation or my superiors would hire you on the spot.” Tori spoke to Henry taking a drag of his rolled herbal cigarette. “Nah, don't give me nightmares like that buddy.” Henry joked followed with a chuckle.

“Oh well, still, were squared and we go our separate ways. But next time wont be so cooperative to say.” Tori added. Henry nods “Hah, but I got to cut this short, the people who put me up to this is coming and… well I cant be seen with an ugly mug such as yourself. I gotta image to uphold you know?” Henry said to Tori as he walks away. Tori flipping him off “f*ck off.” He flicks the butt of the cigarette, walking his separate way.

After walking a bit, he finally bumps into Lupe. “Ah Henry, you did amazing in reclaiming our territory from the invaders.” Lupe grins shaking his hand. “Yeah yeah, I need to let the ol’ nanorobotics fix my possible critical internal hemorrhages. After this you guys better have the best fruit waiting.” Lupe laughs “We’ll get that after what you went through.”

Lupe looking at team dark standing with a group of workers “Friends of yours?” looking back at Henry. “Never saw them before except for the hedgehog a good chunk back. But some info would be nice if you got it.” Henry asks, Lupe thinking for a moment. “Well from what I heard they are from United Federation, serious people to have assist you.” Henry looks back at them simply responding with a “Mhm…”

Clapping his hands together after a brief moment making Lupe jump a little, “Alright, lets get back to the village, by the way how's the blue ball of ADHD?” Henry questions. As they start to walk. “The usual, our magic users got a hold of his leg, can’t really do anything serious cause of how complicated the wound is. But we got any pain away for good so there's a plus.” Henry nodding.

They both leave the area towards the trails to the village, leaving the scene as tribal members poke and shove some captured workers, keeping their arms in the air. Henry thinking as he sees the ancient archway as the past, thinking more as his amulet flashes squinting at it before focusing what's ahead of them

[Ending song: Mala - Ghost]

Chapter 6: Story 1 Finale Part 3


The final part of the finale, finishing out the first arc!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Henry laying on a table, taking a swig from a bottle. His torso glows as a cloth masked individual radiates a glow from his hands. “Alright speed-ball, listen and listen good. What we are up against is possibly ancient and deadly. Whoever set this temple up didn’t skimp on the budget possibly.” Henry spoke between drinks. “Been there, ran though some temples with traps. Besides, that temple is ancient, it has to at least have some of its traps rotten or something.” Sonic said to Henry.

“Oh sure, there's gonna be some rotten non-functional traps, but you’ll see what I mean.” Henry adds. Looking down seeing the magical user finishes his healing process. “Thanks” Henry said as he gets up, looking back at sonic. “I had some of these guys help me out grabbing some goodies for me.” Hopping off the table as Sonic follows Henry to an adjacent room mostly open to the outdoor areas facing some dense jungle.

Seeing the guns placed on the table and equipment on another. Over at the farthest end of the room a large item under a sheet is obscured. “Those Takahashi-Ge guys didn’t leave much didn’t they?” Sonic spoke looking at the gadgetry. “Not enough for an army, but more than enough for us to use, or at least arm me.” Sonic raises an eyebrow at the statement before moving on.

Sonic points to the object under the sheet “What's under that?” Henry breaks his eye contact from racking a few slides repeatedly, “Oh that, I was waiting for you to say that.” Placing the pistol on the table. Walking over grabbing the sheet “Be prepared what those dummies left in their hurry.” Henry prepares to pull the cloth.

Whipping the sheet off, revealing a large rifle, vent holes and a massive muzzle break block. Contrasting with its large square scope. “What you see here is GCS’s finest military weapon to grace us.” Sonic picking up the spare mag looking at it being impressed "holy cow that's a large... whatever this is" Sonic spoke putting the spare magazine down. “Ten round assault cannon bang-bang.” Henry picking the weapon up, holding onto his carry handle and grip. its slide makes a heavy clank and its electronic scope flips on with a whine “This thing is nuts!” Sonic exclaims looking at Henry aiming at a tree. “Oh I know and that's why its the best.” Henry squeezes the trigger with a loud single shot going off.

The fireball of the muzzle block flashes as the bullet blows apart, then toppling a medium tree, sending splinters and chunks everywhere. Sonic jumping from the sudden bang, ducking slightly. Henry turning back to Sonic with a smirk, “Any questions Speedy?”

ARC ONE Finale Part 3
Rotten Deep

[Outside of the village]

Henry adjusts his bags, holding the carry handle of the massive rifle walking up to the guide and Sonic. “Alright now, lead the way guide man.” Henry, Sonic and the guide begins their trekking on the dirt path. Henry and Sonic looking at the increasing frequency of ruins and pillars.

“Ever wondered what kind of stories these ruins can tell?” Sonic spoke to Henry, elbowing him lightly. Henry looking at the dilapidated crude building “Well, to be all honest, I don’t find myself at all interested too much in some ruins, though that said, it would have been a nice place. Albeit, not my style.” Henry responded.

The guide speaks up “Though, our canine brothers from here speak that this place used to be a massive city-state, foreign scholars that has visited us think its one of the first ancient cities of this size all the way back a few hundred thousand years.”

Turning to walk backwards, “Where we are now would have been quite deep into the commercial districts of the time, hence the facades of all these places having pottery and dilapidated displays.” He informatively said.

“How did such massive city-state fall when obviously it had everything.” Henry questions, matching the walking speed of the guide. The guide’s face glooms a little before looking at Henry. “Theres a few things, that all is not good.” He spoke, “What mainly happen was disease then who survived met the sword of looters and bandits. Mostly out of continent looking for treasures. The temple you are going to was there before the city existed and they simply built around it, even back then the shamans where afraid of it.”

Henry looking back at Sonic, before looking back at the guide. “I don't know about the blue one but I am not afraid of some building.” Henry confidently spoke only to be stopped by the guide. “Don’t let your confidence lead you to something that you cannot unsee friend. Personally I believe the so-called myth.”

“That temple might hold a key to gods knows what. But the superstition says anything true, it could lead to an apocalypse spreading across the world.” He grimly spoke. “Just be careful you two, anything could happen.” He added looking both at Sonic and Henry before they start walking

Both Henry and Sonic look to each-other. “This really isn’t making me feel better about our deal Henry.” Henry turns shrugging at Sonic. “Eh, Ive been told that many of times, and I have yet to see anything directly happen to me that told me I’m endangering the world.” He spoke with confidence. His stride stops as a drop hits him in the face. Keeping his eyes close he wipes the red rain from his face.

“Oh I hate to be wrong.” He mumbles as clouds start forming almost unnaturally as they got closer to the temple. Softly form there on, the rain drops slowly dampening the dirt with its red blood like water as the guide holds his pendant close to him. “Are you going to admit this is something beginning to become serious?” Sonic opined to Henry.

As they get near the overgrown steps. Henry hiding under a tree canopy waiting. “Oh I am paying close attention since blood red rain doesn’t quite happen unless someone is having fun with a chipper.” Henry looking up at the sky, “And frankly is troubling I admit.” He adds as the guide looks at his map. “This is it, just head up these stairs and follow the path and it will take you straight to the entrance of this cursed place.”

The guide begins to walk the opposite way. “Wait, you are not coming with us?” Sonic said, “Oh hell no. This place is very cursed and I'm going to get my behind back far away from a pending thing you guys are gonna release.” The guide rushes off before stopping again, “oh and, well good luck.” Before breaking back to another rush away. As Henry walks beside Sonic. “Well forget him, we don’t need cowards. But since you are more experienced at dealing with temples as you mentioned, you go first.” He said to Sonic nudging him towards the stairs.

As the walk to the stairs looking up possibly thousands of steps into an ancient growth and rocky mountains, Henry realizing the stairs ahead. “What the f*ck.” Henry blurts out. “Really? Just really?” looking back towards the guide had left “Could have mentioned that there was gonna be a marathon!” he yells at the direction of the guide walking away.

Sonic starts stepping up on the steps, “No use complaining.” Sonic said to Henry waving him on. Henry taking another look at the long way up. Grumbling as he catches up adjusting his duffel-bag.

Each step slowly risen above the canopy finally revealing how the sky had changed slightly to a Orange-red tint as the pockets of the strange rain moves about. Taking a moment to see some landmarks and spot any activity. Henry using a pocket telescope. “Hey blue boy.” Sonic stops to respond. “What?” Henry collapses his telescope. “IF we have to dive back into the jungle we might have some dug in soldiers in the area.”

Pointing at the smoke from the fires “They probably already got a hint where we are just by the blood rain.” Henry and Sonic continues to climb the large amount of stairs. “But we got plenty of time to do what we need to do.” He continues. “And we go our separate ways after what we promised?” Sonic said. “Oh we’ll see blue, we’ll see.” He spoke as he focuses on taking steps.

After an hour of climbing steps Sonic taking the last steps as he takes his sights at the stunning view of massive vines and rocky plant life seeming untouched for a hundred thousand years. “Hey Henry, you gotta see the best view in the house.” Sonic spoke before looking at Henry pull himself over the last step on his stomach.

“I've already made up my mind on what to do with that guide. I'm going to make him carry me up these damned steps at gunpoint, then I'm going to kick him down each flight.” He groans.

Henry slowly getting back up brushing the stuck on leaves and dirt. Looking at the view. “Huh, seems like a good place to build a home after all.” Henry mentions, before his eyes follow the pathways to the entrance to at first glance at some rock face. Henry walks closer as Sonic still admires the view as henry drops the duffel bag a few feet in front of the door.

Henry upon seeing the faded language worn by time and weather, he turns to Sonic to whistle, “Found the entrance.” Sonic walking over seeing the carved stone as well. “So what we do?” Henry peeling back the brush and vines showing a brass socket. Thinking for a moment Henry takes the amulet out, “I guess we… socket this in.”

He tries to place the amulet into the metal socket, but soon the amulet floated out of his hands. At first nothing really happens other than a perfect fit. “Well, is it going to do anything or we wasted time.” Henry said impatiently looking back at Sonic.

But soon a green glow that lights the scriptures carved into the wall as both of them step back seeing this circular door rumble and move, the vines pull back as if they where alive to make way for the massive stone disk. Cracking open, dumping caked on dust and dirt, an inhale of air fills the room as it rolls open. Giving both Henry and Sonic a whiff of ancient funk and stale air. “That is rank.” Henry said. “Lets let it air out first before we enter.” Sonic suggests.

The amulet flies back into Henry’s hand gently as its glow fades. Henry looking back into the void as he pockets the amulet. “I’ll take point…” Henry mumbles, “and I state again, I’d really hate to be proved wrong. I mean I could handle it but I just don't not sure yet to put the effort in.” Henry vacillated

He takes his pen light and shining it into the dark room. what seemed to be a lobby of sorts with tables and chairs in the most rustic of forms. Random papers with scribbles of an unknown language still stacked neatly as the crude paper can. The ink wells seem like they just got refreshed and the place seems rather clean than expected for such a ancient place.

Both Sonic and Henry takes the first steps into the place, “found a torch, gonna light it.” Henry spoke taking his lighter out. After a few flicks of the flint he finally lights the torch. Within a minute, the whoosh of the first torch lights up leading to a chain reaction of the others lighting as well. “Convenient.” Sonic Added in the silence.

Henry pockets the light, “This is just some dank dungeon like everything else.” He flatly spoke, disappointed from the sight. Walking backwards towards the hall. “Lets see whats deeper in this place.” Henry stops as he sees Sonic frozen, staring at something behind him. “What?” Henry said as he turns around seeing a dried out Mobian mummy. Henry’s eyes widen as he gets back, falling into a boxing stance the mummy’s moan cut short as Henry sucker punches it.

The mummy holds its face as it groans, Henry follows up with another punch, yelling in fight or flight mentality to the side of the Mummy’s head in panic. Leaving the it’s head spinning, before falling over shattering in bone. Henry has his hands on his knees taking a deep breath. He looks at the skull rolling around with his expression turning to an angry one, Henry grabs it as it bites and moves its jaw. “Here you little bastard” he spoke as Sonic watches him football kick the mummy’s head out the entrance. Flipping off the skull as it flies.

Landing on the stairs with each bony boink fade off with each clank. “Good riddance.” Henry said, brushing his hands. “That-, is why you don’t scare me. Remember that.” He points to Sonic laughing. “Oh sure ill remember that.” Henry freezing as he sees a dim twinkle down the hall in the room where the mummy came from. Sonic walking up trying to look where he's looking, “What are you-” Henry’s hand shoves Sonic’s head out of the way as he race walks like on a mission from the gods.

“Hey man!” Sonic exclaimed, stumbling as he sees him trot into the room. Soon as sonic follows seeing Henry tackle a weak wooden door, making it burst open. Past Henry seeing some piles of gold and some chests “Woah” Sonic mutters as the initial annoyance turned to curiosity. “Oh gimme gimme gimme.” Henry spoke rapidly, laughing as he starts picking up the gold coins. Stuffing his pockets in pure greed filling his eyes.

Another groan is heard in a standing coffin as its golden door falls to the floor revealing the mummy walk out, wearing a necklaces and rings. Sonic gears up for another fight before the mummy was surprisingly taken back by Henry’s glare at him eying his jewelry. Taking a step back as Henry rises, taking out his knife. “Gotta nice set of rings there.” Henry grins as his silver fang twinkles as the mummy takes steps back.

“Oh if you wanted to get in the way of my payday, you gotta another thing coming dust shatter.” He unsheathes his knife. “And I'm going to bleed this temple dry.” He adds. Sonic, standing there relaxed again, “why don’t you have fun while I go snoop around for any clues.” Henry looking back with a twinkle “That's a wonderful idea, ill meet back up with you after I take care of some business with the occupants of this place.” He said to sonic.

The mummy looks at sonic with panic in its shriveled eyes before its eyes looks back at Henry. Stepping closer “C’mere, I just want to see your stuff.” Sonic walking back to the entrance, seeing a hallway. Going down it while behind him crashing and footsteps of Henry can be heard. Opening some doors down the stone hallways showing some rooms, mostly average for the time when it was built. Sonic comes across an alchemy room.

The iron cauldron still has a liquid once in the middle of brewing over a fire that had long since died. Seeing the violet warbles as Sonic taps the cauldron. “Hmm…” looking to the alchemy table is filled with papers, showing the anatomy of a Mobian, sketched out along with symbols and whatnot the shelf above of various colored and shaped bottles. The labels are written in the same lost language as before.

Sonic turns to see the other side of the room, to dark to see, looking back at the lit torch in the hall he walks back out to grab it. Lighting the rooms torch lighting up the area more and more until he finally lights the dark area. Revealing a empty table with straps and a spike in the center, stained darker in spots. Sonic keeping away from the menacing table he creeps out of the room getting a slight chill. Holding the torch he searches the other rooms.

Finally arriving at the end of it with a circular room with chains holding a stone platform over a dark void below. Whistles “Wow that's deep…” turning around, but finding an unopened door. This time the door is more heavily barred and banded with iron. Sonic inching up to the imposing door holding the torch to the opening, revealing as the door swung open.

A stench no other hits Sonic causing him to step back coughing like a heavy miasma of death. As the stench cleared and the flames of the torch burned off the smell, lighting the one inside the room dimly lit the cause. Sonics eyes widen as the dingy blackened room’s floor cracked and stained in black sludge. Over at the corner movement heard from.

Barefoot steps as Sonic’s body tells him to move back as the steps echoed in the room. A dark Mobian figure emerges. “Uh, who are you?” Sonic asks afraid of the answer or what might be there. His torch lights starts to shine on the figures supposed steel mask. Sonic getting out of the door way seeing this person or rather this thing step through revealing itself.

Its red eyes through its empty sockets showing once was a Mobian, but emaciated, skin sunken to the bone. The mouth hole only shows bare teeth exhaling rasped. Sonic’s face lightens up with fear as he steps back keeping the thing away from him as he indicated he was about to run.

The red dotted eyes flashed as it let a raspy scream holding out its patched and marred hand as Sonic turned to run down the hall dropping the torch as it picked up the pace in its shamble and walk following Sonic like a bloodhound. “OK this isn’t happening!” Sonic said in his panicked rush.

Shutting the door behind him and shoving some chairs in front of it. taking a deep breath after the barricading. Slow beats on the door soon follow afterward “HENRY! We got problems!” Sonic shouted for him. Walking around the room with the golden coins. Creeping around an unsettling silence. Sonic’s tense feeling rises as he slowly lurks in the room, looking around as the beating of the door stopped as the wind of the entrance blows in.

Sonic sighs, calming down as he looks at another entrance to a hall. “Henry’s probably mauling a mummy or something. I’m sure he’ll be back..." Taking a deep breath brushing off some cobwebs he spotted on himself.

A jarring hand firmly grips Sonic’s shoulder, he freezes before turning to look at who grabbed him. His eyes are met with the steel mask of the undead monster along with his red eyes. His eyes widen only to be snapped out of the moments of fear with a loud gunshot.

Henry standing there holding his Payback, the shot made the steel masked monster stumble back forcefully before falling backwards, crashing into some flimsy furniture. the shot of the magnum pistol gives way to some silence as Henry walks over keeping his pistol trained on the monster as he grabs Sonic, pulling him away from it. Henry looking at Sonic, smacking him “Buddy, don't go into shock, you are alright I got ya.“

Sonic coming out of his shock, bracing to sit into a chair as Henry walks over to see the writhing monster. Seeing the mask is dented, but obviously didn’t take the monster out. Henry stepping back from it, taking three more shots into the body, kicking and nudging it quickly to confirm its demise. Henry looking around “I might have underestimated what lurks here…” he spoke.

Holstering his pistol he walks back over to Sonic looking at the carcass. Henry grabs another chair and pats his back. “I know. I know that feeling all too well friend.” He talks to Sonic. “Its down hill from here, they aren’t going to make a fool of you again that's for damn sure.” He continues talking Sonic down.

Sonic again trying to shake off the ordeal, Henry takes out an orange box from his belt pouch. “Here.” He said, popping it open seeing a carton of pills. Releasing one from the packet, he hands a powder blue capsule. Sonic just looks at it denying it. Henry insisting. “It’s center stabilizers, trust me it helps.”

Sonic reluctantly takes the pill and swallows. Taking a deep breath, looking back at Henry seeing his vision warble just slightly before he could finally starts to come down. “What the heck was in that pill.” Sonic asks as he gets up. Henry following, “all I can say it helps in stressful situations and it puts the fire under you.” He explains “besides its a mercenary trade secret.”

“So, now that's out of the way, We got two problems. There's forces here that's absolutely out of anything mortal. And two, the guys who ran this place was monsters in their own right and allowed these things fester into gods knows what.” Henry explains to Sonic. “So what's the course of action then?” Sonic questions. “well didn’t expect iron masks to be lurking. Which is a pretty good indicator of very bad juju. So its going to be tough moving forward.” He answers

“That's what it was?” Sonic spoke in confusion “Yeah, usually its the pissed off prisoner with a mask that was their punishment for one reason or another. The troubling thing is, that was a steel mask that was poured on thick. Acting as unintended protection from head-shots which is not good I’d say. My Packback is running spitball fifties but still at least gives these guys something to think on with the force it gives.”

Henry getting up, grabbing the equipment with Sonic finding more and more confidence. Moving the barricade Taking out his pen-light checking the hall. “And how this guy got past this is some serious illusion magic” handing his shades to sonic to see a secret passage. “That's how that thing got to me.” Sonic thinks for a moment. “Indeed, we need to be on our toes and watch where we step.” Henry explains as they push forward into the hall. Henry and Sonic finally end up back at the open iron banded door.

[Recommended song: Vindkaldr - Demonic Nature Eternal]

Looking a few bloody smear marks and fresh bones before stepping over towards a dark bricked hall. “I guess he ate his buddy…” Henry grimly spoke with Sonic close behind looking back.

It goes into a more open hall that's a straight shot to what appears to be a larger room. Sonic and Henry Halts as they see a long hallway with symbols carved into the tiles. “I have a bad feeling Henry.” Sonic said getting geared up for anything. “Same feelings here” Henry responded as he puts on his shades, clicking a few buttons on the frames. Henry walking up to the tile that revealed a dark pit. “Yeah, dropped us within a minute.” He mumbles.

Looking back up Henry sees a bypass hall entrance. Pushing through the seemingly solid wall with ripples and warbles. A hand waves Sonic through. Both Sonic and Henry go back to back to see a both ends of the hall.

After a few moments, Henry and sonic try to figure out which way to go. “Well, which way should we go?” Henry asks scratching his head looking down both ends of the hall. Sonic snaps his fingers “You got a coin?” Henry nods “Coin flip then, heads we go your direction and tails we go mine.”

Taking out a coin Henry flicks the coin with a *ting* and Sonic catches it. Landing on heads in the palm of Sonic’s hands. “Then you lead the way Mr. luck.” Henry said handing his shades to him. “I wouldn’t call going anywhere here is luck.” Sonic said as they push on. “Wise words, Blue.” Henry said, taking out a flask.

Sonic and Henry noticing as the go deeper into the dungeon the walls almost feel demonic and built with basalt, darken aged stone. After Sonic and Henry passes through some maze like halls and rooms. Sonic taking a final corner to be stopped in his tracks at a sight from a particular door’s decoration. “Why did you stop-” Henry’s words gets cut as his attention sees a face on the door, nothing like anything other.

hauntingly familiar with two eyes and a mouth, looking more like a malice smiling monster more than anything. “Oh great the first nightmare face of the day…” Henry grumbles as Sonic approaches the door. Its total metallic and imposing size gets to both of them. “So what you think is on the other side.” Sonic said. “Well, could be more iron faces, something unspeakable or it could be candy land.”

“But I doubt we would have such faith for dungeon candy.” Henry grins as he grabs the door handle. Opening the door reveals more surreal art on the walls and a staircase going down. The torches are lit but with a blue-green fire, indicating by the charring around the flames, they have been lit for a significantly long time. Both of them looking down the stairs. “Screw it, I had a good life.” Henry grabbing his shades back pulling his pistol.

Stepping down the stairs lit in the sickly green. Stopping for a moment. “Wait as per caution, win in doubt with a dark as hell hole. Drop an explosive. Learned this in my demo jobs.” Henry grins as he takes out a couple of grenades. “Hold your ears” he slings the two grenades shedding their pins and handles, clanking down the pit. Henry counting as they hit the floor.

Two loud bangs and a shock-wave disturbs the dust on the stairs and walls. “HAH!” Henry excited fist bumping Sonic as they both hear the squashed screams from a unknown set of monsters below from the blast. Both Henry and Sonic finally gets to the bottom floor where the grenades landed. Seeing a couple of Iron faces and some other slime mold-like monster smeared from the explosion.

“I feel like were cheating a bit, they probably planned for everything but didn’t plan for two admittedly tense people with grenades.” Henry said. He turns to open another one of the nightmare faces. “The place don’t seem that bad after some ‘experiments’” he spoke. Swinging the door open with his pistol trained. Henry walking up to the opened doorway Henry’s eyes widen as he sees a set of eyes. “Oh.” He mutters as his head is grabbed by a large zombified hand. Tossing him inside.

Sonic jumped back at the surprise before running in to help “Henry! Are you alright!” Henry rubbing his head “Yeah the hard duffel-bag filled with jagged weapons broke my sudden fling.” Sonic helping Henry get back up. Both of them freezing as a growl and rasp breathing from something much larger than they are.

Henry grabbing his pistol from the ground as the torches light up magically revealing a grotesque gelatinous blob of black slime mold fused with indistinguishable stitched corpses with a clear stitched and stapled together head. “Ok, I’m panicking!” Henry states as he takes shots at the head of the thing. Using the slime mold to shield the shots, it slams down one of its arms causing them both to stumble.

Sonic finding a barred gate with a lock. “Henry we got an exit but its locked!” Sonic exclaimed as he tried shouldering the bars. Henry running over with the equipment. “Nice!” he said. Quickly rummaging through his belt pouch slapping on a puck like device before Sonic pulls him out of the way from a large fist slamming down in front of the door. “Thanks” Henry said to Sonic as they both see this thing isn’t going to yield.

His PDA scans the monster and blurts “Unknown undead construct assisted with slime mold exterior possibly bullet resistant.” Henry looking as they are keeping away from the monster “Yeah, no sh*t” he said as he types on his forearm PDA. “Combat suggestion, weakness might be from within the creature.” Henry looking at Sonic

“What the hell does that mean.” Henry flatly says. Turning to see the monster’s face stretch back showing a larger mouth and teeth, “Oh I get it.” Sonic said, “We can bypass the protection if we can make him eat something that could do a number.” Sonic explains pulling Henry behind a stone wall.

“Well I’m running low on ambassador pineapples but these…. Wait, I think a percussive grenades would work.” He thinks out loud as he rummages through the backpack. “Aha!” henry pulls some red marked grenades with the letter ‘PI’ on them. Grabbing a handful of shotgun shells, cutting them open with his knife. Sonic looks at him as he cobbles something together hearing all sorts of tape and clanking.

Henry turning to show Sonic three grenades taped together with plastic tubes filled with gunpowder mixed with some other small objects. “Ya see Sonic, sometimes you gotta make special things for special problems. Henry popping his head up from the cover as it slithers around. Seeing something that the monster seems to eat from under a chute. “Its gonna be gross.” Henry trails off looking at Sonic.

“What?” Sonic said before looking at what Henry was looking at. “You kidding me?” Sonic stresses, widening his eyes. “I’m tired of risking my life, you do it.” Henry said “I am the one after all who got that thing” Henry grin as he arms the device, ticking away.

“So this is to square away my debt, by the way you got ten minutes to get that thing inside that monster”. Sonic looking at the monster throwing his arms up. “You are very well capable!” Sonic trying to keep his voice down “Remember?” Urged pointing at his leg harness. “I think you are just looking for excuses” Henry said, putting his back to the wall. “If you are not moving then I’m not.”

Sonic looking at him leaning back and relaxing, mouthing the ‘Dang’ as he thinks his options over. Henry open one of his eyes as Sonic grabs the explosive and goes to get the flesh. Henry slowly gets up moving towards the door as the puck he place starts clicking a green light. From a distance he sees the frost and ice around it. “Perfect.” He mumbles.

Sonic sneaks up to the pile, attempting multiple times to scoop up the dark red mush. “It just meat why am I hesitating.” Looking back at the monster, then looks at Henry making a run for the cell door. “HEY!” Sonic exclaims, his voice echoing in the room broken by the cell door slamming open as pieces of metal clank on the floor.

Dropping the bomb as it ticks closer to its time into the red mush as he holds his mouth. Swinging its head around Sonic staring eye to eye as Sonic starts yelling running to the door. “I’m definitely going to die and he just up and left me!” looking back running into the wall as the monster blocks his path to the door, he gets into a fetal position “please don't eat me” was spoke in rapid succession as the monster draws near Sonic.

The monster lifts his head closing its large jaws hearing something coming from the chute, its dank self slithers towards the pouring food coming down covering the bomb. Sonic shaking a few minutes as Henry grabs his arm yanking him behind the door. Henry counting the final three seconds as the ticker rings within the monster’s belly. Perking up from the ringing.

Red and orange flashes as the monster gets obliterated splattering its slime everywhere and sending its undead flesh with it. Loud and percussive as the monster was pasted itself all over its cell. Sonic getting up as Henry cheers turning around seeing Sonic seething face. co*cking his head back. “What's the face.”

Taking a deep breath Sonic shakes his head “No cool what you did.” He grumbles as he walks past Henry. “I mean, you did what I asked, count that as a win you cry baby.” Henry ridiculed Sonic. “So-called leading freedom fighter…” Henry brushes past Sonic scoffing at him as he takes out a cigar.

Sonic’s fist balls up as he walks forward grabbing Henry’s shoulder, Henry’s eyes glare at him “Do it. I dare you, Do it. I’m dying for you to do it.” Henry’s fast tone changes to grim “And you will see what I mean.” He quietly spoke to Sonic turning to him keeping his eye contact, unblinking. Henry leaning in to speak in his ear, vowing. “I suggest if you don’t want to stay down here alive or not. Don’t square up or consequences far beyond yourself will occur once I leave with or without you.”

Henry leaning back up grinning, patting Sonic’s head as he turns to light his cigar. “Lets go, we ain’t leaving until our job is done” Henry said as if the interaction never happened. Sonic standing there both angry at him but off put at the sudden mood swing. Shaking off the genuine look of death Henry gave him as he follows. Sonic had received threats before but Henry’s statement went deep to the bone with a chill as the words felt not as empty as some had thrown at him.

Walking down more flights of stairs and the dungeon gets more ornate until finally they find a large iron door with scriptures similar to the ones at the entrance. Henry and Sonic notices the shrines and burned out candles and rotten wreaths and flowers. Seeming to appease some thing behind the door. Henry poking some long dried out and rotten fruit. “Guessing this is the source of what's going on.” Henry checking his PDA, Scanning it.

“My PDA is going nuts right now…” Henry spoke, not liking the situation. “What's its saying?” Sonic asks, walking up to him. “Well, extreme interference along with the magi-sensor chip in this thing is screaming about the mana-presence here.” Henry explains. “This big ass door might could very well be the source of it, OR it is shielding some pretty nasty corrupted magic on the other side.” He adds.

“Sonic looking up at the massive door, “I just hope we can fix this before we end up making a permanent residence here.” Sonic sighed before touching the door. Its dingy brass look seemed once a nice polished door now left in a thick layer of dust and mildew caked onto it. Henry stops as the amulet in his pocket starts to jiggle and move. “Woah.” Henry spoke as the amulet flies out heading for the door. Sonic stepping back to Henry’s position.

The amulet holds a few feet in the air shining bright like a bulb as both Sonic and Henry shield their eyes. The door responds to the light by the carvings lining themselves in the familiar green neon. Henry stepping up as the magic and surprisingly, chaos magic spikes on Henry’s PDA. Taken aback by the spike Henry steps back pulling Sonic back with him.

Finally, after the display and build up of light, the amulet turns to a golden dust swirling around the green orb of light. Within a moment, the orb shot through the center of the seal, seeming to unlock and open the large door. Its gears and groans of metal waking as the sounds of cogs clunk and clang revealing a room lighting up in a golden and green shimmering light.

The amulet rematerializes, gently landing into Henry’s hand glimmering. “That's a good change of sight from this place.” Sonic joked as Henry and him walking in standing in the middle of the room hearing whispers roam around them, almost choir melody. Sonic goes back to back with Henry while they equally raise their guard over what happens next.

Echoed and ethereal an aged male voice starts to speak to them. “Those who seek our secrets of who we where, what remains of our research. You are already on the right path, but the secret doesn’t end here.” The voice echoed. “The secrets that should remain here. As the truth, is more damaging than the secret itself and this dungeon should remain its burial ground.” It added.

“Henry, I’m kinda getting a once on a blue moon vibe that something isn’t right.” Sonic whispered to Henry, with him responding with a nod. “There's going to be a catch isn’t there…” Henry mumbles slacking his shoulders slightly as the voice speaks up. “You treasure hunters are correct. There is something that is in the dark of the dungeon. Guarding our prized secrets and clues of my other colleagues.”

“Colleagues that have their own resting place and pieces of our secrets. But to obtain the ones here, a personal challenge of my guardian will be the exchange. Slay my guardian, my mistake and get your prize.” It explains to them both. Sonic raises an eyebrow “mistake?” he said looking to Henry.

A heavy clunk before the platform they are standing on releases as hand railings raise around them. Henry quickly pulling his sidearm looking around as they both get ready for what is impending.

The platform lowers deeper into as the walls start to begin to show more crude walls, showing skulls. Henry’s PDA freaks out with quieted beeps and alarms. “Danger! Chaos energy at dangerous levels, Orgone levels are also highly above safe levels as well.” The monotone voice spoke. “Of course.” Henry mutters to himself. “We need to be on our guard then.” Sonic said adjusting his gloves

As the platform slows to a stop at the bottom. The exit is barred with a sliding gate. Henry slowly pushing the gate open seeing beyond it. “Holy Hell.” Henry said in disbelief as he sees pits of glowing green liquid-like substance swirling around. Sonic walking up next to him. “Don’t touch this, I have no idea what that it is, looks like orgone ectoplasm but never in my life see it intense like that.”

Sonic looking around the walls made of mostly skulls, then seeing floor littered with bones. “I have an idea where they could have gotten all this…” Sonic darkens his tone a bit. Henry taking out his penlight shedding more light on the walls. “…Damn that's dark.” Henry agreed in his tone as he got up. Motioning to follow, walking over the stone bridges.

Sonic looks down, stopping for a moment at the ectoplasm, he saw closely as the aqua and green swirls turn into screaming faces. Sonic recoiling back and catches up with Henry.

Their footsteps echo down the hall as Henry bumps a few bones and skulls out of the way to see the hall getting larger and wider. Pointing his gun down the hall, holding his penlight in the other, Henry clears around the walled corners hearing their footsteps echo louder as they pass the doorways.

Henry raises his hand and stops Sonic as he turns to hold his finger to his mouth, as he clicks his penlight off. The echo of the click causes something large to take a raspy deep breath, some subtle booming steps from large chains cackle in the darkness bounces around the room.

They both quietly but quickly move to a pillar, seeing a glittering green pillar acting as some sort of force-field for an entrance behind a large darkened object “There's our prize” Henry said to Sonic in a whisper, “Just be quiet and don’t make too much sound.” He explains with Sonic nods. Moving quietly, Henry and Sonic moves pillar to bony pillar.

Henry looks around the pillar holding on to it, Sonic seeing the skull become loose, lunging to get it, trying to grab as Henry does the same bouncing between the two's hands, “Woah!” Henry yelps as he looses balance and his bags hit the floor echoing loudly, Both Sonic and Henry freezes as other skulls bounce and clank breaking the sudden silence.

The large steps rumble the room as the raspy breaths alert to the sound turning into chattering of teeth, the room lights up with out sources slowly revealing in front of them the source of the monster bathed in red light, as the light shifts white it sees both Henry and Sonic getting up to get back from the monster.

[Recommended Song: Dan Terminus -Death By Distortion]

Its bipedal body thrashes in its chains screeching and and shuttering breaking the chains one by one stomping its calloused stumpy feet. “What in the god damn is that!” Henry yells as he gets up pulling Sonic away as the monster breaks all of its chains in a charge knocking pillars down and other stone objects like tinker toys using it head as a battering ram, lifting it head up before shaking off the rocky dust.

Its thick armor like skin sloshed and slithers like its not even attached to the body itself while it looks melted form either from who done this to it or its ramifications of it being down there for so long, its exposed wounds are gnarly like with its face seeming to have the most damage exposing its gums sharp teeth chatter again drooling the orgone ectoplasm as it picks up the stone to throw it with its mouth.

The stone flies across the room as Henry and Sonic duck down, Its black eyes searches the room as it breaths weep the same aqua and green substance from the entrance as its wounds does the same. “What the f*ck should we do?!” Henry said to Sonic trying to rummage through his duffel bag. “f*ck it, its asking for a strong response for being that terrifying.” Henry said under some haste, pulling out a pump action grenade launcher.

Yanking the bandoleer with him as Sonic yells “Wait!” as Henry racks the grenade launcher firing a couple of shots at the thing with loose grouping. Before he scurries to cover. Sonic grabbing the duffel bag and moving to another pillar as Henry crosses back over shooting more rounds at the monster. Its eyes glow as it charges again sending more stone flying as Henry scrambles accidentally dropping the weapon.

Henry trying to reach for it only for it to get crushed by the foot of the monster. “So much for that!” Henry said as Sonic tackles him seconds before the monster leans down in an attempt to bite him. Henry and Sonic scramble back to cover. “…yeah thanks.” Henry said to Sonic looking at him. “Alright breaking out the grenade launcher was a bit hasty on my part but we know now the thing is immune to that stuff.” He explains to Sonic as he rummages through the duffel bag himself.

“Well, I noticed something as you where doing your thing, its underside looks unprotected.” Sonic points out as it thrashes around looking for them. “We would have had this in the bag if someone…” Sonic looks at Henry sternly “didn’t immediately threw away our option of getting this thing down.” He said to Henry.

“Our only option is that assault cannon you got from those guys a while back.” Sonic uncovers the rifle from the duffel back. “But the problem is, we only got half a clip left since we dropped some over there. which is…” Henry counts on his fingers, “four rounds left.” He declares, holding up four fingers.

“Then we got to make every shot count then.” Sonic confidently said putting his fist into his hand. “Alright Mr. Plan, whats the play here?” Henry asks grabbing the assault cannon. “Its underside is visible when facing its front it seems, the bad news is that it lowers itself when moving normally otherwise. I will bait the monster and you shoot since between us, you are the best shot.” Sonic explains his plan to Henry “hey, that sound solid and coming from a person who freaked the hell out over the last monster we seen too.” Henry points out.

“Yeah, I noticed that too, I think that pill finally kicked in and I feel quite amazing actually.” Sonic grins, pointing to Henry “Alright get to a good position and ill bait him for a charge, when he takes a ramming swipe, shoot.” Henry nods and gives a thumbs up running with the gun.

Sonic runs in a different direction grabbing some flares, getting to cover to cover, Sonic looking at Henry set up his spot placing his tri-pod down. Then finally giving a thumbs up to him. Sonic takes a deep breath, “Alright show time.” Sonic running out into the open lighting the two flares “Come on, can ya see me!” Sonic shouts as the monster turns to see Sonic, the black eyes illuminate with red as it focuses on the fire.

Stomping slowly going faster and faster as it builds up a charge. Sonic trying to lead it on his way until it stops in its tracks. The monster opens its mouth as it lowers as a white and blue neon light builds from its mouth. Sonic’s eyes widen as Henry takes a desperate shot to its head knocking its head away to beam causing some of the roof to collapse.

Sonic dodging blocks falling as Henry moves to a different shooting position. The monster stumbles backwards as he shields its face, turning back around seeing its red meaty face completely torn to viscerally show its bone and flesh as it screeches.

Sonic continues to run away as it focuses on the flares yet again with shocking speed this time. “My confidence is fading!” as Sonic gets launched into the air with a tail swipe. Henry gets up to catch Sonic, flailing his arms he crashes hard into Henry.

They both get up as the monster slides to a stop to charge another shot. Henry grabs Sonic and the gun then both books it away as Sonic gets his footing “What was that plan again!” Henry shouts as the slide into another set of cover. The monster runs up to bite them both as Henry panic shoots the thing causing to jerk its head back again recoiling in the sudden explosive force.

“We now only got two rounds left, we got to make this count or we all die down here.” Henry shouted, “I know I know!” Sonic answered. “I got to use my speed for this new plan to work.” Sonic explains, Henry looks back at him “you gotta be kidding, your leg brace cannot take that speed remember?” Henry said to him.

“Don’t care gotta save ourselves!” Sonic said as he geared up for a sprint. His legs running faster and faster to his signature specialty.

Bolts and pieces of metal fly off as he gets to the optimal speed jumping as his brace flies off of him going into a blue ball and landing a sturdy kick to the monsters head with his momentum, knocking the monster’s head back, carrying the recoil. Henry raises the assault cannon and rapid fires the two final rounds closing his eyes.

The two bullets meet their mark at the belly of the beast, making two fiery impacts with ripples and licks of flames from the penetration. The monster lets out a pained roar and higher pitched screech as its solid feet slide and skid to keep up right.

Sonic in mid air braces for impact and hits the floor rolling. “Blue!” Henry shouted dropping the gun running over to Sonic. Trying to pick himself off the floor. Henry knee sliding to him with a small medical pouch from his belt he looks at the monster’s belly leak all the orgone ectoplasm from its body, dumping its organs as screams of souls escape its gaping carcass.

“We did it! f*ck yea!” Henry shouts raising his fist lifting Sonic to his one good leg. “Yeah we did it, can you give me something for the pain now?” Sonic asks. “Oh right.” Henry said sticking a needle into his side. with Sonic irking, gritting his teeth. Henry limps him to the now open entrance as the glittery shield fades as the monster takes its final breath.

Stepping through the room, they see a large workshop for their reward, warmly lit, with chests full of scrolls, papers and other treasures in each room. Henry’s eyes glimmer from the sight of the things in the main room, almost shedding a tear. “Its god damn beautiful.” Henry looking around.

“Hey, we need to find an exit before you start plundering.” Henry stops for a moment. “Right.” He responds looking at an elevator platform. Looking up he sees daylight from the surface. “Bingo, our salvation.” Sonic and Henry get onto the platform as Sonic helps pull the lever. The elevator clunks as it rises, basking them more in natural sunlight, the grate swings open, knocking away the moss and plants that over grown it.

As the finally get to the surface and surprisingly at the entrance of the temple, Henry takes a deep breath of the fresh air. “FRESH AIR” Sonic rasps then coughing for a moment. “Ahem, excuse me as he sits Sonic down on a small boulder.

Henry raises his PDA as it runs through the dialing and tones, it chirps “connected to main servers, welcome back Dr. Henry.” Henry fist pumps before looking back, Guess we solved the blackout! Ahaha!” Henry with excitement, celebrating with Sonic then slapping the distress button.

“Man, I cannot believe the mess we got into but we are mostly fine.” Sonic said to Henry taking out some small green flairs. “Well, aside from not sleeping tonight.” He adds. Henry laughs, “stick with me and you’ll get used to it.” Henry raises his finger. “IF I wanted to be around you, ADHD ball. Which I don’t.” He adds, grinning.

[Crescent Island, HARD Base One]

Rust pacing and mumbling, driven to worry about the pending outcome from the three days of no contact. Comrad’s satellite radar blinks with a red dot. With a simple repeating ping. Rust stops in his tracks looking across into the computer screen. Rushing over knocking over some office supplies typing away. “There he is…” Rust sees the distress order run down the screen. “Comrad we found him!” Rust shouts.

[Deeper into the base, Hangar G4. Minutes later]

HARD soldiers rushing and grabbing equipment and loading it into helicopters and hover-crafts, Rust yelling “We need to be out in thirty minutes! time is critical!” stepping onto a personal hover-craft as it jets off, looking over the ocean as it flies off from the mouth of the cave.

Rust twiddling his thumbs as the pilots talk and get into formation in the skies. Heading directly towards distress signal.

[back at the temple]

Henry standing at the top of the stairs with his fists to his hips “This is the best view in the house as you said." Sonic looking around getting impatient “When is your buddies coming?” Sonic asks bored. “Oh there coming, also I didn’t realize how high we are right now.” Henry looking around at the old growth. “At least those soldiers will be regretting f*cking with me!” Henry yells shaking his fist at the stairs.

Henry’s forehead gets hit with a rifle bullet, ricochets off with a whizz. “No, no, they are definitely not regretting it” he said, being proved wrong while he scrambles for cover his forehead bloodied and his forehead has a spot of silver-ish metal exposed under his skin. “MAN, I cannot be thankful for my metal head. But holy-moly this sh*t hurts.” He slaps a patch on his forehead. Sonic hiding behind his rock.

The soldiers start to ascend the last steps of the stairs with their rifles. “Captain, enemy is not down. Searching now.” His radio bleeps the two soldiers creep up, Henry grips his sidearm, diving out of cover rapidly shooting at the two soldiers, running up as the fall to the ground grabbing one of their rifles. “Yeah you want some- oh, you guys work fast.” Seeing an army just below the steps as Henry drops the rifle.

All of the soldiers train their rifles at Henry clearing the way for a particular person walking up the steps. Making Henry step back on flat ground. Taking his black beret off, “Leading commander Bronson, nice to meet you Henry.” He spoke with a grin. “Now, I suppose you still got that amulet that you unfairly tricked the government of Greatstone, and all the while you found the temple, opened it and fixed the blackout problem. Damn you work fast for a mercenary.” He spoke, putting on his four star beret.

“You even leveled some of my best groups, that takes dedication in being a terrorist of this caliber. Say, where the blue hedgehog that was supposedly with you?” Bronson questioned, looking down behind a small flat boulder seeing Sonic’s limp leg in the open. “I don't think we have to look far for him.” He grins, snapping his fingers as two soldiers keep their guns aimed at Henry.

Bronson walking up pulling his sidearm, checking the revolver cylinder. “Alright get up.” He grunts as he sits Sonic back on the rock. “You don’t look like someone who would be associated with him, but… eh.” He shrugs.“Cant judge by appearances alone.” Henry looking at Bronson, “hey the kid isn’t with me, he just got tangled up in all this mess.” Henry explains for Sonic. “No need to explain how people got here, done thing and that or why. We will find out in due time back at a cozy little black site nearby.”

“Though in my house, telling the truth is a lot less painful…” Bronson explains walking back to Henry poking his shoulder. “I would recommend giving up with the show of authority and move out before you start regretting your life choice of going after me.” Henry explains lowering his arms slowly.

Bronson looking at Henry rubbing his thumb and finger together thinking for a moment before walking up close to Him. “What makes you think you are in control of this situation.” Bronson’s tone turns serious. “Well, first off, that.” Henry points to the fleet of helicopters and hover-crafts in the distance. “Two, there's no way out of the consequences anything you choose. You kill us you loose, you leave us be and you walk.” Henry explains.

Stepping away, Bronson nods looking down then back at his men. “Fine, we already lost enough soldiers for today. This temple isn’t the doomsday one I was led to believe anyways.” Bronson waves them back. “Boys lets head home, we got some questioning to do.” Bronson turns to point to Henry, “Oh and, we’ll see you around real soon.” Before his soldiers moves away as the soldiers move and finally retreat.

Henry standing atop the stairs again as he watches the soldiers then looking at Sonic as the winds pickup from the landing hover-craft. “Lets get the hell out of here.”

[Hours later, in the air heading to Eastern Norhammar]

Sonic on a stretcher sitting up, “Hold still.” One of the medics states to Sonic. A vial of silver liquid gets poured onto the leg wound. Sonic grits his teeth for a moment before a patch was put onto it firmly.

Henry leaning back smoking a cigar. “Bask in the easy ride kid, were taking you to your home since Rust here already met your buddies.” Henry said to him. “That's good… a warm chili-dog is waiting for me when I get home.” Sonic said plopping flat on his back “I’m more of a pizza man, but to each its own.” Henry shrugs.

“Hopefully your friends will be more open and down with what I got in mind and this sh*t show will start to look like a party.” He adds “And remember Henry, our end of the deal will be held up.” Rust chimes in. “Yeah yeah, we’ll help Blue here.” Henry crosses his arms in a huff.

Sonic laughs at the bickering of the two. “Glad we can trust you two somewhat." The hover-craft moves on gleaming over the setting sun, fluttering off in formation with the other escorting ships and helicopters.

[Recommending Ending Song:Haircuts for men - 呼吸蒸気]


Holy hell, this took a bit to write, as the first ark finale and impending chapter or two before we kick off ark two of the mainline. hope you enjoyed the first arc and hope you'll check back here for round two in 'Red Eyes.'

Chapter 7: Intermission One - Part One


The first Intermission chapter of two.

Chapter Text

After hours into the night, Sally opens the door. “Alright guys I’ll be right back. And We’ll continue this talk with Dr. Starline.” Sally picking up the pace of her walk while the beeping alert grows louder with each corner to the computer room.

“Sorry for urging and interrupting you Sally” She apologized “But there's a few flying vehicles that needs to be addressed.” Sally walking over to the monitors looking as she types. “Are they Robotnik? Did they try to make contact?” Sally questions Nicole, Nicole looks through her channels, “No but ill break the ice. Hold on just a moment.” Nicole informed as she disappears from the screen.

Sally waited in anticipation waiting for Nicole to come back with news. With a simple return, Nicole with a grin on her face with a welcome surprise, “Apparently there's special cargo relating to us.” She grinned showing a live feed of Sonic waving. “Missed me?” Sonic said. “I got a whole story to tell you.” He gleefully said, leaning back grabbing the camera, Henry squinting moving his head away holding his hand up, “And met a new friend along the way.” He added.

Sally’s eyes widen as her eyes catch Henry. “Sonic, once you get back we need a serious talk and fast.” Henry noticing the sudden change in tone.

Intermission One - Part One - Unexpected Guests

The video ends as both stare back at each-other. Sally walking back to the room with a serious tone. “Guys, we got good news and bad news, Sonic is back, bad news is that he's with Henry and will be here any minute.” She explains to the group.

“Not a problem, I will assist in getting rid of this pest for all you kind folk.” Starline confidently declares as he walks out to lead them as they follow outside to the landing pads. The hover-craft arrives blowing road dust and dirt from the painted circle extending its landing legs out. Slowly inching itself down until the hydraulic legs do their work supporting the weight of the vehicle.

Some smoke blow-off and hydraulic steam obscure the opening of the rear door dropping. It opens extending a smaller ramp outward as Henry, Rust and Sonic appear through the smoky entrance. Henry and Rust stops upon seeing Starline, Henry bristles at each moment. Grabbing Sonic’s shoulder to pull him back.

“Be weary of that person. And stay with me” Henry Said whispering to Sonic pointing to Starline. “You guys shouldn’t be dealing with that man right there.” Henry spoke up breaking the sounds of the hover-craft, taking lead, taking each step slowly.

“What's the big problem Henry-” Sonic gets interrupted by Rust, “Don’t get in the way.” Henry stands in front of Starline standing there letting the silence take hold, then looking at Sally, Tails and Rotor. “You shouldn’t be making deals with this guy, who the guy works for is far more twisted than any of you could muster up in your heads.” He explains to them speaking up after his silence.

“I beg to differ,” Starline contradicts him, walking around Henry, circling him. “my employer had never done anything wrong but you, Henry, had done plenty of things wrong.” Returning to stand right in front of him. “I do admit the only nice thing you ever did was bringing the famed Sonic the hedgehog back home but these people here would like to talk to you about your involvement with Robotnik.” He arrogantly explains almost scoffing at Henry’s bristling.

Sonic walks up to Starline. “I don’t see him as an enemy. Frankly at times I would have believed you but he’s not the monster you described.” Sonic said before adding “a flawed, secretive, shady, violent-” Henry speaks up “Alright alright.” Sonic stops before continuing. “He maybe that flawed but my gut feeling is he's speaking the truth.”

Sally pulls Sonic aside, “How do you know that? It could be just a ploy by him?” Sally queried, gripping his forearm. “I can tell in his face, when he realized who he was working for. A face of someone who is out of their element.” Sonic explains to Sally as she looks into Henry’s face.

Tails speaks up “I kinda agree, but I suggest let them show their evidence. Before, ya know, tear their heads off.” He said. Rotor nods “Yeah.” Sally rubs her face in quick though before walking between them. “Alright you two, before you go toe to toe, we can resolve this with simple evidence.” Sally spoke getting between the two.

Henry sighs snapping his fingers, “Yo Rust, grab ‘The Briefcase.’” Henry said relaxing his stance. Rust perks up nodding “Right away Henry.” He trots off. “While I’m getting mine what's your evidence?” Henry said to Starline, raising an eyebrow. “Yes, my evidence is back inside, if you will, ill show you right away.” Starline said leading them back to the castle.

[a few minutes of walking later.]

The fireplace crackles with the library’s lights add to the cozy lighting. Starline standing at the end of a long table placing a soft leather briefcase. “What contained in this briefcase.” Starline explains, patting the case. “Is my proof.” He adds. Sitting down as Henry sits across from him, crossing his arms. “Get on with it platypus.” Henry speaking up, irking Starline. “I will right now if you give me a minute.”

Starline pulling out folders and a stack of papers neatly placing them all in front of him. “How this is going to work is I’m going left to right, starting with the small stuff before we get to the juicy details of my findings.” Starline spoke interlacing his fingers with a grin. Henry nods listening in on Starline. “I will answer all of the accusations I supposedly done once whatever clown show is over.”

Rust walking up lugging a heavy briefcase and a tripod legs, Setting it up as an emplacement flipping some flaps down and opening the lid to reveal the screen as Starline watches. “You continue your sh*t, don’t pay mind to what hes doing, talk.” Henry speaks up rotating his hand gesturing a motion forward.

Clearing his throat, Starline picks up the first folder. “This in my hand is the first part.” Flipping it open and plucking the top document from atop of the folder. “Here we have the first things that Dr. Henry had done which is the case of proving his inability to be trusted and here I have evidence of him being involved in many double crossings throughout his career of being a mercenary let alone a contracted business owner.” Starline long-winded read from the document.

Henry slams his hands on the table, “Just get to the big part and get rid of the parade of suspense!” Henry shouts, making Starline flinch from the snap. “Alright fine. So much for showmanship” Starline relaxing from the flinch, tossing the paper back to the folder.

“Cutting to the chase, is that Henry is a beyond evil that has killed thousands, stole hundreds millions of dollars that profits on others, if someone isn’t suffering he isn’t profiting off of it.” Starline points to Henry. The freedom fighters look back at Henry leaning back into the chair.

“And?” Henry spoke without care. “The particular cases I have here is all the contracts he particularly done as examples of his trade of cruelty as a mercenary and his outright betrayal of morals.” Starline accused. Sally looking at the stack of documents seeing photo copied contract documents, all with Henry’s signature.

Some documents talk of assassination, some extortion or wanton destruction among many other specific details that clients wanted from Henry expertise. “How are you going to explain this Henry?” Sally spoke, questioning him with her expression turning serious.

Rust taking a breath to speak, before getting interrupted by Henry. “I’ll handle this.” He said raising his hands as he gets up, walking calmly to the documents. Casually looking over the few contract photos. “That's some good evidence, but I have to say its a sorry excuse of obscuring the context of the evidence.” He said sliding the paper to him.

“I do very well admit I have buckets of blood on my hands, and I cannot deny any of that from all of you. Everyone I know should know that and they do, so why hide that fact. Anywho, the numbers are highly exaggerated, Starline here is going by the goals of the contracts and optimistically assumed, that I completed these tasks without fuss or outside interference.” Henry, pacing around with his hands behind his back.

Rust placing the same documents with their resolve update papers with them as more prints are spit out of the emplace laptop. “These are the resolve papers. Sometimes days within of signing the contract, is various of reasons the contract completes itself.”

“Lots of times my name is more than enough to cause an out of contract resolve, that is stated on the completion details. That Starline conveniently left out to make me more of a monster than I already am.” Henry stares at Starline before continue to pace.

“My kill count is fortunately not in the thousands, but unfortunately it is indeed within the hundreds. But remember, my usual people I go after has already tangoed with the game and they are not quite innocent as yours truly. Scummy loan sharks, mobsters, various criminals, and frankly some people who needed their heads kicked in.” He explains patting Starline’s shoulder before walking back to his chair. “The other evidence can be explained as well if you want, but I suggest you don’t come at me without a better half ass game plan”

“Cause you wont like what happens afterword playing with the big players.” Henry grimly spoke. Rust speaking up “And so, Dr. Henry has proved his case and here's all the contract numbers you can pull up if you have connection to the mercenary guild of Greatstone.” He hands out papers to each of them.

Henry finally sitting back down, before speaking up again. “Ya see, Dr. Starline, you seem like the person who would call yourself a ‘Philomath scholar of the arts of science’ but from what I currently see right now in front of my two good eyes would be called a few other words.”

“Sally, I think your talk is about to break down again.” Sonic whispers to Sally, pointing to Starline. “Let it play out and see what happens. I think Henry is on to something.” He adds stopping Sally from intervening again.

“L-Look Dr. Henry my evidence is far more substantially sound than you, yourself had obscured the truth.” Starline spoke as he tries to keep some amount of composure from Henry’s remarks keeping a forced smile, looking at Henry as he leans back.

Henry puts his hands behind his head relaxing, kicking his feet up onto the table. “First one would be, ‘co*ckwomble’ maybe a ‘Wazzock’ or even dare to say even clearer terms a ‘f*cking moron’ To name a few of the finer words for such a specimen such as yourself.” Henry grins as he see Starline slipping is façade. “H-how can you be so disrespectful when this is a serious conversation!” Starline exclaims at Henry raising papers in front of him.

“Shut the f*ck up, the adults are talking.” He adds to his insults. “I feel really insulted that Kain sent you of all of his agents, do you really know what you are trying to get into, are you unwell? Are you unsure about yourself? Hope so cause this son of a bitch excuse of a person standing before me I cannot comprehend the illicit idiocy.”

Henry went on and on, as Starline’s expression starts to show while his hands ball into fists, crumpling the paper in his hand. Finally, Starline had enough, tossing the papers as he storms over to Henry. His heel spurs light up as he gets ready for a sweeping kick. Rust rises moving towards Starline as Henry was oblivious to the approach.

Starline with one sweep of the leg, knocking the chair under Henry, making him his hard onto his back hitting a few pieces of furniture on the way down. Motionless, seeming to knock him out on the way down. Starline realizing what he done and walking over to stand over Henry as Rust stands there in shock. “You…” Rust mutters as Sally, Sonic and Tails stand there watching the silence fall into the room.

“Heh….HA! I taught that cretin not to act a fool in the presence of Dr. Starline!” Starline shouts putting his fists to his hips, his face with a glowing grin as his ego grows. “I Dr. Starline toppled the legendary Henry who is feared by many.” He bows with his theatrics as he walks up to the table. While Starline was going to the table, Rust helps Henry up from his fall. Then immediately Henry’s Head co*cked towards Starline with a glare.

Rust letting Henry go as he gets his footing, Sally’s eyes wander away from Starline self gloat seeing Henry creep up. Sonic and Tail’s expression grows like a kid watching wrestling, “So, now you believe me?” Starline questions to the three. “No, no not really.” Tails speaks up as Henry grabs Starline from behind. “You should have finished me off.” Henry says to Starline as he lifts him for a suplex toss, hard slamming him to the wooden floor, Starline bounces from the force as Henry hops back up to his feet.

Henry doing a fist pump with Rust, across the table, Sally giving a slight annoyed tone. “I’d hope to not have to replace expensive stuff but it seems that went out the window.” She said as Sonic and Tails in the background egging him on. “Right.” Henry spoke, adjusting his jacket.

“I’ll be done in a few minutes.” He adds as he turns motioning Rust to help. Rust and Henry grab Starline’s legs. “Alright Dr. Starline were gonna go talk somewhere more… windowed.” He grinned at him with Starline trying to flail and resists. Starline claws at the floor as they drag him off, causing nail lines in the wood.

“This person isn’t normal.” Sally says to Sonic and Tails “I do see skill in him, but I highly doubt-” Tails interrupted by Starline flipping over the table next to them breaking some chairs only to be dragged back by Henry resisting and clawing at the floor. Tails clears his throat “as I said, I see skill in him, pretty great skills but why you say all this about this guy?” he continues.

“I do admit, if we had him as an ally, we wouldn’t hear for Robotnik again after a few rounds with him.” Sally admits irking, squinting as sounds of crashes and shatters can be heard in the background. “It sounds like they found some of the vases.” Sally sighs. All three of them walking out to the hall, trail of broken improvised weapons, to the observation room with a large window.

“Don’t you even dare-” Sally yells out before she could finish her sentence Henry runs Starline through the glass window. Looking out seeing him crash into the flower bed before brushing his hands off, “That, is how I deal with business” Henry does a fist bump with Rust. Sally rushing up to Henry poking his chest. “What gives you the permission to use the castle as some battering ram for that guys head, breaking everything you touch?!” Sally exclaims expecting an answer.

Henry co*cking his head back before responding. “Well little Mis whoever-you-are, your things were simply in the way of Starline’s head and body besides, I’ll pay for replacements.” Henry waves her away taking out a roll of cash. “Some of that stuff was priceless family heirlooms…” Sally spoke through her teeth. Henry peels off a few hundreds from the roll, tossing it to Sally. “Then buy super glue and duct-tape.” The dollars fluttering around her while walking away.

“Hey that wasn’t really nice to my friend.” Tails spoke to him Henry stopping in front of him before kneeling down. “Well, I am sorry for making it seem that way. But the time I am remaining here is very short since I am tired, bruised and may need heavy sedation just to get three hours of sleep. So I think that is rightful compensation as my manners has long since worn thin.” Henry said in a very calm and clear manner to Tails, patting him on the head.

“That suplex was awesome though.” Sonic said, crossing his arms. “Yeah that was pretty sweet.” Tails adds to the statement. “Don’t encourage him. He’ll try and break something again.” Sally face-palms. Henry standing up “Hah! You guys are already starting to get to know me. but I'd rather you guys not.” He laughs.

Rust looking at his pocket watch, with his electronic eyes processing before jumping at the time. “Henry,” Rust said tapping the pocket watch. “Ah yes we need to get booking. But first why I came here in the first place.” Henry said. He claps his hands together as robots brings in a case. “Lead me to a mainframe or computer lab. And ill get this show rolling from there.” Henry asks spinning to Sally finger gunning.

“What's in the box before I move a finger.” Sally monotonically said. Henry tsks squinting before looking at his nails, before he snaps his fingers looking back at Sally with discontent, the robot opens the case showing a complex little computer with ports and cables. “What you see here is a special uplink device that specializes in secrecy.” Henry explains, flipping on a few switches.

“This device, has a direct server link to my servers, albeit a burner server where we can exchange… well information with each-other. My scout bots use these when they make camp.” He adds closing the case. “By itself, it probably wont reach the servers but your AI has the access needed for a secure access.” Henry said.

“Is your apparent curiosity satisfied now? or do I have to make things painfully long explanation of this thing.” Henry sarcastically said. “Fine, I suppose so.” Sally spoke after a moment, the robot snapping the case closed as Sally leads the way for Henry and the rest.

[In the flower garden. Outside the castle.]

Starline groans as he pushes himself onto his back. Taking a few breaths. “Is… is that how its going to be huh…” Starline faintly mumbles in a half dazed babble catching his breath trying to lift himself back up. sitting there he holds onto his mouth spitting into his hand a chipped pieces of teeth. “That scoundrel chipped some of my teeth!” He exclaims feeling some of the chipped teeth with his tongue.

“I am surely going to drive my shoe up his…!” he grips his lower chest as his words is interrupted with a sharp pain. “Yeah, broken rib… Or two... Never-mind.” he speaks through his teeth as he gets up. Feeling something heavy stuck to him he reaches plucking a topaz stone from where he laid on it. “What is this peculiar gem…” his eyes looks at its polished spherical top seated into some metal housing.

With a single touch holding it. “Henry can wait for now, how am I going to get home?” Starline walks out of the flowers into the field examining the polished piece of topaz, clanking out of its hosing. With a single sparkle a portal opens up revealing Kain’s office. In a moment of excitement he goes through scarring Kain.

Starline soon as he goes through the portal is met by Kain and Akito’s pistols. “Hold it its Starline.” Kain said relaxing. “Sir, I can explain…” Starline tries continue while the portal closes behind him, Kain raised his hand "Its Starline" Kain sighs, before walking up to him stowing his gun. “Due to the unforeseen consequences of the events that unfolded. And going by how you looked like you met Henry, I already know it didn’t go so well.”

“Well here's the thing Sir, I had obtained a gem that allows me to come here as you just witnessed.” Starline showing the gem. “Big whoop, a chaos stone. Rare yes but I got three of-” Kain gets interrupted “It was dropped by Henry so I took the chance to take it.” Starline interjects making Kain freeze. “Shut the f*ck up right now. And stop lying.” He spoke, his eyes widen looking at him and the gem.

“I am not lying!” Starline urges, showing the stone closer. Kain getting up looking at the topaz gem “if Henry had it, then…” Kain thinks for a moment before looking off in thought. Kain snatching the gem from his hand to look at it. “Oh ho ho ho!” Kain wide eyed face spoke nodding before spinning around to show Starline. “Henry had something good, really damn good.” He says through his sharp fanged grin.

“This right here Dr. Starline is not a warp topaz nor anything else. A regular chaos stone has specific powers to grant. this is something more.” He explains to Starline handing it back to him. “What you just got may have been like winning the lottery.” Kain spoke sitting back to his chair. “That gem you got there is what the science community calls an ‘Ultra Stone.’ Unlike regular chaos stones, ultra stones are quite the looker as well granting the user a significant power boost. granting the user powers more tailored to their needs. Though, it cannot effect anything outside of one's body.”

Starline looking at the gem in his hand. “Dr. Starline, since you found the gem and frankly we have no other information so, you found it, you do the research on that gem and see if you can get anything out of learning about this thing.” before that, go to the infirmary, you are bleeding on my ten thousand dollar rug.” Kain shoos off Starline before he could get a word in. “Oh.” is all that could escape in edgewise from Starline as he gets escorted out by Akito.

[Back at the hovercraft hours later, over the eastern mobic ocean.]

The flying ship bobs and sways from the winds as it rides low near the surface of the ocean seas. Escorted by smaller drones and helicopters. Henry looking out the window before leaning back into his seat. “I think it went well.” Henry said breaking the silence. “Went well?” Rust questions raising an eyebrow at the statement. “What, in any sense of the word that we had to explain about that blue fellow that you gave him head clears without thinking that would cause side effects?” he frustratingly refuted. Crossing his arms

“Look, the kid was gonna go into shock, I had to give him something otherwise there would be some big problems.” Henry defended, shifting in his seat before leaning up. “Frankly, I didn’t expect him to toss his cookies like that, nausea, yes. But not that type. Then its paranoia for blue.” He explains. “And that's why I feel mortified to explain to a princess, why her friend is acting strange cause my best friend gave him less than legal stimulants. Do you see why I am not particularly thinking we made a good impact.” Rust rubs his metal forehead in thought.

Henry and Rust sitting there. “Look, I’m just stressed from the time you where gone and the echidnas being cycled through to Malsiter and Alacash. Asking all sorts of questions.” Rust sighs, sinking into his seat slightly. “I was fixing to mention that… I hope they took them all I assume?” Henry questions as Rust nods, “Well Henry, one elected to stay before she was sent off, she wanted to meet the head man of the joint who saved her and her people.” Rust tells Henry, Henry thinks for a moment before nodding.

[Base One, H.A.R.D. Industries Facility]

Henry crushing a paper cup, throwing it into the trashcan. “Alright lets get this over with” Henry sighs as he grunts up from the infirmary couch, Rust leading the way pushing open the double doors as the both make their way down the halls. Going around some doctors and nurses they finally end up at the large window of the recovery ward. “Look, she kinda gives me a bit of a vibe of someone you don’t want to mess around too much with.” Rust explains to Henry as he looks through the window.

Watching the doctor move the curtain out of the way, showing Lien-Da sitting up for the doctor. “Yeah I see.” Henry said keeping an eye on her. “By the way,” Rust said holding up his clipboard. “Before she leaves, she needs some paperwork done where we can keep track of her and her cohorts.” Henry motions for Rust to follow.

“Alright no point and standing behind this glass, lets meet our new guests and see what they know.” Henry said as he opens the door and walks in. Walking past a few of the doctors, walking up to a peculiar one with a couple of medical team doctors beginning to follow them both. “Ms. Lien-Da, I can say you in much better health than… well the rest of your flock- oh here's Henry and Rust now, and ill leave you guys to it.” One of the doctors blipped through their speakers as they leave.

Lien-Da looking over seeing Henry and Rust standing there at the end of the temporary room fixing to step in. “So you are the one who leads all of this?” Henry nods “Sole benefactor and right hand bot, Rust.” He confirms. Rust walks up handing her a clipboard, “Now, this is all the stuff that keeps-” Rust formal tone broken by Lien-Da’s sudden slap of the clipboard with the sound of it hitting the floor broken by Lien-Da sternly scold Rust “I was speaking to your superior, not you.” She scolded, Rust recoiling back getting some distance.

Henry picking up the clipboard, sighing at the sudden attitude. “Ya know, he's just as in charge as I am. And such manners for someone who just got plucked from a desolate realm. I suggest looking at what's on the board.” He says with a grin, tossing the clipboard on her lap. “Its a formality that I have to know cause all of your augments are shot or malfunctioning. The medicine we’ve been giving you is keeping you from… what I call a bad time with nerves”

“Hopefully that sudden outburst was apart of the medicine wearing off.” Monotoned Henry as his grin fades to a serious tone, walking back next to Rust. Lien-Da realizing what she just did immediately responded, “Yes, I think that is what's happening, apologies.” She looks around “this doesn’t look like a Robotnik hospital?” her voice changes to confusion. Both rust and henry saying in unison ‘who?’ Lien-Da immediately waves off what she said “Never-mind, nothing important.”

She gets up with a slight wobble before getting firm footed “So you do augmentations, Mr…?” she walks up “Oh, yeah. The names Henry; and yes I am fluent in robotics as I am in augments.” Lien-Da’s mind starts to think, looking at Henry and Rust for a moment “You guys hiring? The legion is in your debt for rescuing all of our legionaries.” She grins at the idea she cooked up in her head.

Henry waves his hand away, “yeah, that's a big no from me.” Henry spoke, “besides your time here isn’t going to be long here as were packing your bags and heading to Echidnaopolis.” Henry explains to lien-Da for a moment.

Lien-Da walks up further in surprise, “Is Echidnapolis rebuilt? Who did it?” Henry looks at Rust with him only responding with a shrug. Henry looks back to Lien-Da. “OK so, I think this isn’t your time-line isn’t it?” Henry pointed out, thinking it over. “I think its time to explain a few things.” Rust says as he leads her to the sitting area outside.

“This could prove a theory that a time-line dimension had done something to our one. Making it a merger situation than a destruction one.” He rambles on thinking deeper. “What does that even mean for me or the rest of us.” Lien-Da questioned, catching onto his rambling, with Henry quickly turning and pointing, “You my friend and the rest are possibly the only people who can say they beat a cosmic fissure correcting itself also known as a genesis cascade! How lucky.”

Lien-Da stunned for a moment but shaking her head “no, you mean our original home along with everyone we knew is possibly wiped from existence?” Henry denies as she finished her sentence “No, no. It was a 50/50 chance some has made it through and simply hasn’t got that jolt of resonance I personally call memory duality.” Henry explains

“Where two lifetimes in one body.” Lien-Da standing there confused equally stunned that her own dimension or simply time-line ceased to exist, before sitting down onto the chair. “I guess we are the lucky ones, that blasted prison actually saved us.” Henry chuckles “which makes you one of the few lucky people that has no ties here.” Rust adds.

“You don’t have any history. All of you people are in-fact walking glitches in our universe.” He walks over and places his hand on her shoulder. Lien-Da blinks a few times, unsure if the fingers touching her shoulder were real or imagined, then looks down at her arms and realizes they weren't.

Wondering what just happened. Lien-Da looked up at Henry, his face unreadable. She turns to Rust, expecting a response but instead gets a small smile and a single nod. Lien-Da decides not to pursue any further questions until later when she has more time to think about it. Looking back up to Henry, he’d wonder why she decided not to ask anymore questions

She even asked herself that question as well as whether the tiny piece of information had brought any new revelation to her current situation that didn’t make her feel numb, dazed and confused

Nurse handing her some clothes in a box, “get dressed, your flight is ready any minute now.” Henry said, leaning against the wall. As a few minutes pass, she walks out of the bathroom with her new clothes, pushing off the wall Henry leads her away towards a couple of rooms opening to a hallway.

Here, he shows Lien-Da the full extent of the end of the hall. She sees all of Henry’s workers moving boxes and crates using mechanized-suits. The room is full of large machine racks. Machines unlike anything Lien-Da had ever seen.

There is one very large robot at the far end of the room which is almost twenty feet tall and humanoid like, standing upright and extending arm after arm towards the ceiling. “Amazing isn’t?” Henry mentions. Walking in front of her before continuing. “What you are witnessing is one of my extra large siege series robots. Or what I call ‘block stomper’.” He adds while looking at the massive robot.

“This one particular has a special body that can deploy medical drones, fit to keep an army rolling in hail of gunfire.” He said before quickly spinning around to face to Lien-Da,

She was in awe at the thoughts of what these bots can be utilized if the dark legion had one of these. Looking back at Henry, taking a second before speaking. “How can one Mobian build an empire that could produce that…” She quizzed. Henry scratches the side of his head thinking, staring off to the walls before locking eyes again.

“Well one thing, is free will. I wouldn’t have had the amount of success if it wasn’t for my egg head robots and the soldiers.” He answers. “Specially the workers, or rather, my best friends here like Rust or Comrad.” Henry spoke answering Lien-Da

“My robots all trust me and I trust my robots. We all work together to keep this company afloat let alone our basic survival. Without our teamwork here, well I would be probably some jackass with more of a death-wish than I usually have.” He continues.

Looking back at the tall robot taking a cigar nub and lighting it. “Besides, the world doesn’t deserve these ‘bots. Only to be abused, neglected and not one of those robot owners even have the damn audacity to simply say thank you for busting gears and bearings to serve their masters… and don’t get me started on the word ‘master’. No one deserves that title, Robots are masters and servants to themselves and nothing more. Free will at its finest and pure form.” He takes a drag of his cigar with Lien-Da walks up.

“Why don’t you liberate all robots around the world? If you believe they should be free.” She says to him. Blowing smoke out of his nose then looking at her. “I am a mercenary overall scientist. I am not some wannabe liberator. Besides some robots probably wont past my sentience test. We understand we cannot save everyone. But we damn sure make those who come to our doorstep proud of what and who they are.” He states before pointing to her.

“So it all comes down to you, what are you truly proud of?” he asks of her, with her looking back at him. “I for one a proud leader to the Dark Legion. Just as you are proud of your robots, in a short answer.” She responds while Henry nods. Lien-Da stands in silence for a moment before saying “And for one who lives a life of a mercenary, Why would anyone want to not profit solely on their vast knowledge?” she asks.

Henry gives a small laugh. “That is a better question than the first one. However I am incredibly tired from a long day of ripping mummy heads off and I simply cannot answer that. These nice guards will escort you to your ship out of here and answer anymore questions” he’d point while beginning to leave.

Lien-Da smiles in a half way manner as his back is turned as her mind schemed, walking with the guards. Henry looking as she walks away. “Mhmm…” Rust walking up, “Did she sign the disclosure?” he questions, as he walks with Henry. “Forget about the disclosure, I have a gut feeling we wont be seeing the last of her anytime soon.” He explains.

[Ending Recommended Song: Sun Araw - Rattan]

Henry stopping putting a hand on Rust’s shoulder, “Also, its been a long day, I'm sure you need some charging too. Finish up whatever is left if you must, but I am heading to get some well earned shuteye, then its counting treasure time!” Henry grins finger gunning before walking off. Rust checking his watch being surprised by the time. “Oh! that reminds me.” he spoke before rushing off. Leaving Henry at his pace.

Finally walking up to his door, He lightly taps the keypad numbers, the door swings open automatically revealing a living room with a flatscreen TV, couch and generally in disarray with electronic parts, shell casings and the furniture itself is worn. Henry looking at his old cork board of very old laminates of news clippings, adjusting some of them and brushing off some dust, placing his gun onto the table below it then putting out his cigar in the ashtray next to it. turning to look at the closet, with a metal box, sitting there as his expression saddens.

Finally after looking at his past and breaking eye contact of the metal box, he walks to his bedroom door way , shutting the door behind him and locks faintly heard clanking into place.

Chapter 8: Intermission One - Part Two


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Heavy breathing among the echoes of frantic footsteps in the dark. Henry running away from the creeping darkness, chasing the light at the end of the tunnel scrambling around concrete pillars as void like tendrils whiz past him breaking pieces of the same pillars he runs past, a haunting distorted faced amalgamation peeking with eyeballs looking right at him.

Finally reaching into the light at the end of the tunnel, bathed in the blinding sunlight burning off the void-like darkness, sliding to a stop finally seeing a sky below above the clouds, trying to keep balance on the edge of the drop, the wind whipping around him as he turns around catching sight of the very floor he stands on crumbling to dust.

Dropping as he falls from the sky screaming at the top of his lungs as he shields his face from the whipping winds flaming pieces of metal drops around him as crates, cars and equipment as he gets closer to the ground, scrambling to grab onto a crate just to hold on to something.

Seemingly picking up speed as he braces for impact as he sees the watery ocean fast approaching slamming him deep into the water. Motionless he floats in the blue ocean as the sun light trickles onto him, feeling weightless as bubbles of breath slowly leave his nose. Blinking and looking around he tries swimming up only to sink faster down in the deep dark.

His struggles to get the surface as he tries to get air all the while the watery black void engulfing him, his fight slows as he starts to loose consciousness seeing the light fade along with his vision. Trying to not take in the drowning water in his lungs. Fading to black as he sinks loosing sight of the surface as the watery void consumes him.

The word ‘Fate’ rings like an empty room by many voices of both female and male, as he sinks to the bottom of the sea floor, motionless as the sand slightly disturbed. Bubbles of air slowly trickle from Henry’s nose as he opens his eyes in the dim darkness looking up at the bright blue waves of light flashing.

A echoed heart beat slowly rings faster and faster while it gets louder and louder as his renewed struggle. “If you survive, don't do as you did.” A voice rings between the slowing heart beats. “An empty face reflects someone is fractured, should have taken a warning, it's just you.” The voice echoes as he breaks free from the void grasp. The heart beats slowly change to ticking of a clock after inch of inch he swam closer to the surface.

“People mourning. running, hiding, lost. you wont find peac-” the echoing voice cuts as he reaches the surface. Breaking the surface tension as his head raises the water. Splashing as he waves his arms struggling to stay afloat as the ticking stops to hear a bell ringing, a large heavy bell almost deafening while Henry slips back down from the surface once again.

Suddenly, silence. Pitch black silence, nothing is moving the water is gone. From within the darkness glowing eyes stare him down pointing hands draw close to him Henry steps back “What is this!” He shouts.

“Who are all you people!” he shouts once again. His back bumping into a hard concrete wall. As the ghostly faces he looks at becomes familiar to him “No, no. Look I am- I don’t know what you people want from me I just want to be left at peace! Just leave me to my own mind!” He wept falling to his knees shielding his face from the sight of the malice that becomes of the faces.

Intermission One - Part Two: The Tomorrow

[Recommended Song: Tame Impala - List of People (To Try And Forget About.)]

Henry awakes from the alarm as he was curled up into a fetal position, tears had wet the pillow he laid on, still weeping tears he hesitantly looking around his room nearly shaking from the anticipation of what wasn’t there.

Upon seeing nothing in the dim room, lit up by the cracks of the metal shades of the morning sun. Henry turns to his back wiping the tears from his eyes as he is clearly upset from the ordeal of a dream he encountered. Reaching over to turn his alarm off, he coughs covering his mouth with a piece of tissue paper from the night stand.

Sliding over he gets out of bed still not sure of the surroundings, looking around expecting something to move or change before he relaxes his shoulders looking down. Pressing his face into his hands leaning back into his bed, looking at his ceiling. The early morning light peeks through the shutters of the thick glass as some of that light shines on Henry’s watering eyes.

Closing his eyes and sighing before he slides to get up and get dressed. after a few minutes he leaves out his bedroom doorway into his living room. Grabbing his gun and bandoleer. He stops to look at the metal box in the closet, shaking his head as he got his gear on.

Straightening his jacket, he pushes on out of his front door into the metal hallway. Henry takes a deep breath and walks to the main lab’s break room. He leans against the corner wall as his coffee brews. “Hey Henry- It looks like you didn’t get the best of sleep.” Rust speaks up sitting down with the news paper. “Eh I just had nightmare about the temple, its nothing some coffee can’t fix.” Henry responds stirring the coffee in the paper cup.

Sitting back down to the table, He takes a sip before wincing a bit from the heat. “Oh by the way the coffee is scalding fresh.” Rust points out looking over his news paper. “Now you tell me…” Henry spoke trying to cool off his mouth.

“Rust, do you believe in… well, a phenomena called an ‘omen’?” Henry asks after a brief moment of silence from the hum of the central air system and the hum of the fridge. Rust looking over his news paper once again looking at him confused at the left field question. “Well, it depends on what you mean.” Rust says while he folds his news paper.

Henry thinks as he takes another swig of his coffee, “It’s… there's a sense of foreboding vibe I’m getting- like its a stage fright or something is telling me that I am in way over my head and…” Henry refrains from saying the last part of his sentience. Rust sitting there seeing Henry stop there. “And what?” he asks Henry. Taking a deep breath, “And for the first time in a long time, afraid of my own fate.” He finally said it.

Rust sitting there hearing that come out of his mouth. “my take is, the nightmares wasn’t from the temple, was it.” Rust guessed. “And your take is correct, I just don’t know the cause of this yet. Am I really becoming soft or something?” He questions himself

Rust sits there for a moment, “it seems this Robotnik thing and this whole crazy events is finally getting to you. Like I thought in the beginning.” He tells Henry. “Look, I know we need the money and all, but you need to get out of this contract and forget this ever happened.” He continues “Stress is about to eat you alive Henry, just look at yourself in the mirror, you look like death.”

Henry sitting there thinking for a moment before Rust raises a thought, “I forgot to mention, guess what got back here after looting.” Rust grins. In the middle of his drink he points trying to clear his mouth. “Is it what I think it is?” Henry questions leaning in perking up from the news. “Yup, the boys got back and literally scoped up anything that wasn’t nailed down,” Rust confirms, before continuing yet again “and surprisingly, besides the nightmare faces and horrific monsters, they where hiding some valuable stuff.”

“Well that really turned my mood right around.” Henry happily grins,

[Mount Freedom, Central City, United Federation.]

Busy workers and agents rushing about, some at their desk taking calls and doing paper work. A brown suited Mobian gets out of the elevator, walking down the halls as some of the workers and agents stop in their path like seeing a ghost, some apologizing for getting in the way.

Down the rows of desks most of the agents slowly gets distracted as they see this Mobian come by. “Son of a bitch…” one of the whispers to another. “They recalled him?” the responding whisper as the Mobian walks through an office door, the glass wall’s shades close as they both stand there. “Must be another one of those ‘Jon Cases’ I think.” One of the voices said in the growing group of workers.

“Well Jon, I’m glad that you made it in relative good time.” The suited human sitting behind his desk, adjusting his lamp. “And why am I called into the office this time director Daniel?” Jon asks as he sits down into the chair across from Daniel. Clearing his throat, Daniel picks up his paper rubbing his graying mustache. “It seems your colleagues from up stairs asked you to be a prime candidate for a special position.

“Let me guess, I pissed off the wrong person and this is a way to put me in line…” Jon said, placing his hand on his knee. “No no, Mr. Anvil, this new job will put you in a auditing job, stopping corruption and indeed be a handler.” Daniel said reading from the paper briefly. “With this job, you going to actually do my job, but I will still be your handler. So this doesn’t give you a license to be a dick head, well… more than you already are.”

Jon rolls his eyes to that. “Whatever, who will I be…” raising his hands to do finger quotes, “’Overseeing,’” before lowering his hands, “why aren't the other inspectors like Topaz and the rest are already doing this exact same thing.” Daniel, tapping his ink pen, and writing things down. “That's because, you are incorruptible, as much as you are a ruthless bastard.” He looks up at Jon.

Putting the pin back down in its holder, interlacing his hands, “And the fact that you know what's true justice is, let alone you have a record of saving the tax payers money in closing cases.” He explains looking at him, “I simply want compliance from you. You are taking this job. Whether you like it or not.”

Jon sighing slightly his hand cupping his forehead in thought before he finally says “Fine I will do it, but I am not a baby sitter.” Jon spoke, frustrated before he and Daniel stands. “And another thing Anvil, the media will be seeing you on the new job position as well. It will make the division look good in the public.”

Jon stands there hearing the words that Daniel said, “Well that's dandy-f*cking-fantastic, while the division is servicing the media should just reach around and give them a motherf*cking cup cake?” Jon spoke through his teeth, walking up to Daniel. “I don’t do media, and we should be focusing on doing our damned jobs-” He continues, but cut off by Daniel’s slap of his desk

“As I said Jon, that's an order, not asking.” Daniel firmly demanded of him as he stares sternly at Jon. Both falls silent as Jon frowns and his face returns the stern face. “I want to call a vote with the other employees if I should go.” Jon opens the door seeing the entire staff holding a banner stating ‘Happy Trails friend!’ with each and every one of them with a big smile while some wearing party hats.

A confetti canon pops and flutters the glitter and sparkling pieces of paper. Jon face palms his face as Daniel walks up. “I guess the vote was unanimous.” Daniel grins.

[Robotnik Empire, “The Egg-lair HQ’ - Far Northern Eurish.]

Robotnik’s boots stomp from the hard tile leading to a ballroom. Orbot and Cubot struggling from lifting a box of decorations, while the other bots painted in a red tuxedo look, while the soldiers are wearing similar attire setting the tables up for what appears to be a large event.

“Perfect, things are going to be quite splendid!” Robotnik walks around looking at the tables decorations and looking up at the streamers and the whole gaudy and opulent atmosphere it creates. He walks up to Orbot and Cubot. “Chop! Chop! Out investors and a new associate will be invited here not too long for now, and I don’t want the guests think were lazy.

“W-Were trying sir!” Orbot stampers under the weight of the box slightly spilling the contents of the box., before Orbot knew it Cubot speaks up “I cant much longer.” He grunts to lift up, before his robot arms gave out with Orbot being buried under the large boxes contents.Ribotnik face-palms at the sight. Orbot digging himself back up from the pile covered in glitter, beads and napkins.

Orbot looking at Cubot “I thought you had it!” Cubot coming over “No I thought you had it! Robotnik walking away seeing a captain dressed in a full red suit. Robotnik walks over “This better be good news.” He grins, listening to what he has to say. “Cause if not, I am going to be severely angry that no scale that could ever measure.” He added.

“No bad news today sir, fortunately most of our invitations where excepted and were ahead of schedule setting up the ballroom as you can see. The captain looking over at Orbot and Cubot slapping each-other. “With allowance of some complications included.” The captain looks back at Robotnik. “Another fortunate turn of events is our new associate Henry’s invitation will arrive to him soon.” Robotnik claps in excitement “That's what I want to hear!” he excitedly said.

Robotnik quickly turns to Orbot and Cubot. “Stop fighting!” making the captain and Cubot and Orbot along with the rest of the soldiers slightly jump from the loud yelling. “Or ill send you both to the deepest scrap heap I can find in the wastes!” he shouts at them. Both of them scramble and salute Robotnik shaking. “Yes sir!” both states in unison as they scurry off.

“Right now the only thing I worry is about the obvious blue menace and what am I going to wear for this special occasion.” Robtnik wonders before the captain speaks up. “Then I wont keep holding you up then.” He states to Robotnik. Robotnik without stating a word walks off in thought, after the captain turns around after watching Robotnik leave through the doors, turning around starring down Metal Sonic just standing there looking back at him.

“O-Oh, Metal sir!” He salutes as Metal clanks on by before giving him a side glance that gives him the chills before Metal continuities on his way. The captain jitters as his skin crawls before walking away.

Down the halls into a lone maintenance hall, the captain looks around and finally quickly opens the lone lost room within the bowels of the massive fortress. Looking like a normal room with a workbench and some cabinets. He walks over to the workbench crouching under it to see a button the casually presses it.

Getting back up to see the metal wall slide open to reveal a secret compartment. The captain grabs the case, with a blue seal, with two letter ‘T’s printed on it. Opening up the briefcase to reveal the computer built into it.

Flipping it on its shows the Telan-Tek logo on his splash screen. “Yeah its me, Liam, uploading those blueprints I snatched an hour ago.” He plugs the thumb drive into the computer. “Also some big news. Robotnik is having a special occasion in the main area of the base, saw the guest list and it appears Kain the leader of KTC is coming including Henry the founder of H.A.R.D. industries is all coming here.” He explains.

“I don’t know if either of them is going to appear knowing their history, but if Robotnik patched that up, were up for something absolutely massive!” The briefcase pings as the upload was complete.

He hits the send button, as red eyes behind him lights up, Liam stops to look around over his shoulder as the shiny claws of metal emerged from the shadows.

[Ending Recommended Song: Dan Terminus - Feral]


The final Intermission is rather short, but the next ark is coming right up, check back later for the Terradrive Redux: Red Eyes Story arc.

Chapter 9: Story 2 - Part 1


New Start and new troubles in the start of the brand new arc, Red Eyes!

Chapter Text

[Henry’s office, Base One - Crescent Island - 3238]

Morning sun shining through the crinkled white shades, the light hazed through smoke. Henry sitting in a chair as Rust paces back and forth, “I mean, we got all our sh*t in a vice-grip.” Henry sitting at the desk, putting out his last cigarette among the rest in the ashtray.

“Look, I know those kids out there is the optimistic types but they think I can take on a f*cking dictator of that size…” he continues. With Rust pausing, raising a finger, “Well, we need to find someone with some cash-flow that could buy out the contract, then we will finagle our way.”

Rust picking up a thin papered small book flipping through it. “Otherwise, we might have to cause a little wanton destruction…” he suggests reading a paragraph, “Only those who made the contract after the signing, to cancel for any reason will have to pay half of the promised funds as a fee.” He reads off. Henry thinking for a moment.

“Obviously I could play that and, get ‘provoked’ by someone and get carried away… but that rotund asshole’s his metal bipedal trashcan is going to be a pain to reason with. Along with the head honcho himself.” Henry continuities his chain smoking in the stress filled haze.

Taking a deep breath, “Am I really gonna risk my neck for those bastards just to be a mole?” Henry mumbled as he sinks into his chair. The intercom rings out, “Dr Henry and Dr Rust to mail room. Critical letter has arrived.” The voice monotonically spoke before a click.

Henry lifting himself up. “What could it be now…” he grunts as both of them leaves the meeting room into a steel corridor with employees of all occupations go about their day. The sound ‘Tok tok tok’ as they walk down the hallway before stopping at the doors of the elevator. “I’m kinda half expecting another layer of trouble fixing to be thrown on us.”

Henry said stopping as they hit the button a couple of times. Rust stays silent there for a few seconds, before speaking up. “At this point we can’t f*ck up greater than we already are.” Rust sighs. “True.” Henry simply responds as both of them walks into the elevator.

Going up several floors, from ground floor to air-bay. Opening up the doors and finally hitting the carpeted hallway as they been greeted by the mail crew standing there with a salute. “Cut with the salutes, I’m not feeling it today.” He spoke with the tired mood showing through. “Oh, um…” they slowly lower their arm in confusion. “So uh anyways we got a letter from Robotnik and our records says the letter was sent-”

“Wait, Robotnik sent me a letter when he can just call me?” Henry interrupts, before the robot could continue “Well I suppose-” Henry walks past with Rust trailing close behind. Walking into the sorting room, eying the lone red letter sealed with a black wax and the notorious grinning Eggman logo.

Rust, Henry and the two Robots hover over the letter. “Well, open it.” Rust says to Henry nudging him. “Hell no, that letter could have some brain eating bacteria or he might do the old power in the envelope trick.” Henry denies to even touch it. “Why don’t you open it since you are my assistant after all.” Henry shoves rust in front of him. Rust begins to slap him with Henry shielding his face “Alright! Alright! I’ll open it you sour puss.”

Rust grunts as he crosses his arms as Henry grabs the letter. The two robots back away as henry pops the wax seal of the letter, holding his breath. The letter folds itself open revealing the interior of the letter is white written in gold ink showing with the words “you are formally invited to the Eggman Empire Grand Expo” in impressive cursive with the opening date being tomorrow.

Henry and Rust stand there just looking at the now long letter showing. Henry’s cigarette drooping as he processes the letter, “what the f*ck is this sh*t…” he flatly utters.

Arc Two - Part One: Red Eyes.

[Recommended Ark Theme: THE FIXX - Red Skies (Alternate Version)]

[Back at Henry’s office]

Henry pacing around as Rust reads the invite letter. “It seems the expo is like some sort of arms show type deal.” Rust still reading. “Also Henry if you pace anymore you are going to wear a hole in your Shamarian rug.” Henry stopping and landing into the chair sinking into it. “Well I just cant help it Rust. Dealing with speedy blue and now this lards convention of grim types that supports him.” He spoke to Rust crossing his arms. “What else can f*ck up my day farther than it already has?”

[meanwhile far away from there, at KTC labs.]

Kain, sitting in his office staring at the cameras with a female Mobian clinging off of him in a co*cktail dress, interlacing his fingers at his desk. An assistant speaks up “So how are we going to approach this Kain?” Kain grabs his crystal glass and takes a swig,
“I have my suspicions and…” Kain getting up to walk to the mirror office, brushing off his shoulders off his his white suit and straightening his purple tie. “but Starline insisted this would be a good look, he should know by now the consequences if this is a waste of time.” He looks on back at the TV paying some what attention to some schlocky daytime television.

“It doesn’t really matter that the expo would make me seem some kind of charity man, The boy is going to run sooner or later I can feel it in my gut. And I’ll have to finish what that platypus started and Henry is going to feel the percussions.” He quietly condemned. His face slowly showing suspicion by the minute putting the pieces together.

He points to his butler that just walked in with him freezing in place. “You, Robotnik’s ‘invitation’ was accepted and prepare a motorcade on standby.” The butler salutes and rushes off. Everyone sitting in silence as Kain gets a kiss on the cheek from the Mobian lady. “Now, back to the show…” Kain said as the assistant leaves.

[Starline’s lab, KTC labs]

Starline hard at work writing on the green chalkboard, then examining the Topaz ultra stone sitting on a metal pedestal, as machine lenses zoom in and out examining as it turns and rotates. He turns to take the now finished ultra stone. “Think Starline Think…” he spoke to himself. Looking at a helmet with the hole for the gem to be socketed.

“Hopefully this will work…” he squints as he slowly slots the ultra stone into the socket, gleaming as the helmet flickers on to a solid glow. “HAH!” his initial excitement shot down as the helmet starts to smoke and its capacitors popping one by one like firecrackers yanking the stone out of the now kaput helmet.

Starline sighing slapping his leather glove into the workbench and places the stone atop of it. Taking a glass of water drinking it as he looks at the stone. Sitting there thinking in his thoughts, going though the scenarios of trying to explain to Kain that he wasted funding for his helmet. He closes his eyes before taking a deep breath.

Setting the glass of water next to the gloves, which is now smoking from the heat, “Oh no, not the glove!” before he freezes seeing the stone sink into it, he looks before he tosses his water onto the stone to cool it off. Then, after some though once more he quickly moves to the chalkboard swiping the chalk away making a glove. “That's what could be the vessel of the power…”

Grabbing a thick layered welding glove, working his tools and carefully outfitting the brown glove with strips of alloy leading to the metal fingertips. All routed to a new socket purposed from the helmet. Standing back seeing his hodgepodge of a prototype he grabs the stone yet again to socket it in. “Please let this be the key…” Starline pleads with himself as he clicks the stone in, the little fingers gripping the stone, locking it in.

Starline backing away from it shielding his face. Lowering his arms “Hey… it worked…” he quickly taps the glove and shields his face again as it just glows normally. Starline tapping the glove with his bare hand checking the heat until he finally after patting it, he held it in his hand.

Examining the glove, sliding it on, testing and breaking in the glove. “Eh not the best fit, but a genius like me can scratch something up.” He grins as he activates the stone by accident.

The world around him slows down traumatically, accidentally knocking the glass from the table. Its dissent slows to a near stop as Starline panicked at the falling glass, before realizing its been suspended.

Poking it as it moves around as if suspended to something similar to zero gravity. glass and placing the glass on the table he looks around seeing his co-workers in adjacent labs almost frozen in time. "What the..."

Walking outside seeing everyone incredibly move slow as he walks around them, then walking back to his own lab “Ok now how do I stop this…” Starline focuses, feeling the stone has a solid connection to his intentions speeds back up time as nothing had happened. Starline grins as his experiment was not only a success, but also a success in his own plans.

Starline pacing about scratching his chin and sits in his chair grabbing the glove to think. Sliding the glove off placing it on his desk, going back to writing his chalkboard. A colleague comes up to Starline. Starline turning seeing the colleague.
The colleague speaks up. “So I heard Kain wants a prototype for that glove you got there, he said he wants it done by the expo. So get cracking Starline…” walking off. Starline frustrated throws chalk at him, as it barely hits the colleague leaving. Starline rubbing his temple before looking back at glove.

Grabbing the glove and slides it on yet again. Time slowing down traumatically, muttering to himself as he thinks, walking around his lab seeing everything slowed down. Walking out seeing his co-workers yet again slowed, pondering. Starline thinking to himself. “I have a week, that should be enough time to make Kain happy and take the glove for myself...” grinning yet again pacing around.

Starline dragging out blueprints and begins hard at work. Drawing up a glove with the stone socketed into it. As he scratches his chin yet again, time still slowed. before focusing time slows down traumatically using his prototype, beginning the assembly drawing to mechanical and technological schematics.

After some hours spent hard at work. After he paces around yet again satisfied, seeing the glove nearly finished conceptually, sliding off the glove focusing time speeding back up traumatically. Starline now drained sitting in his chair grabbing a stress ball and squeezes it. Exhausted and rubbing his temple. Taking a deep breath and a swig of water.

“This is just too good.” Starline looking at his schematics. “Truly a work of art by none other than me.” He adds rolling the paper up, putting it into the tube. “Kain will see not to mess with me and be bested by my intellect…” he calmly schemes devilishly grins as he sees Kain getting escorted with Akino and some guards.

[The next morning, at Robotnik Egg-Lair HQ.]

Sun finally rising, showing a colorful range of oranges, purples and blues, wind blowing the tall grass, wide cobblestone path cuts through the fields. A black limo quietly revs past, the vehicle is starkly black with its windows tinted to a point where nearly opaque from the outside as the extended vehicle glides down the road.

As it goes over the hills, it catches glimpses of a massive complex city, metal in nature churning black smoke and steam with city sky scraper-like buildings tower in the distance. Henry in the back seat straightening his tie as he sees through the windshield at the sight taking a deep breath. The driver speaking up, “Seems were going to the dragons lair from here sir.”

Henry nodding looking at his surroundings, “Yes, the base is quite impressive. Even Base 17 isn’t nearly as large as this. Which makes me worried about the investors he has to allow him to build this monster.” He responds.

The gates of the place looks massive with a red forcefield wall preventing the car from moving forward at the main checkpoint. Sci-fi tanks, and a hover-bike sits there as Henry’s, car pulls up at the armed entrance. The guards talking suddenly look over at the car sitting there as one keeps his hand on his holstered laser pistol, cutting the conversation.

Stepping up at the rear of the car after the driver points with his thumb to the back. Knocking on the window. Henry clicking the button going down as he shows the invitation. “I was requested to come out here a few days early for the expo.” Henry said as the guard grabs the invitation. Looking at the paper before stating “Name?” Henry responds “the names Henry, as said on the card if you cant read.”

The guard raising an eyebrow at the smart remark, before handing it back. “Alright let this guy inside.” The guard said, leaning back down. “And please don’t cause trouble sir.” He spoke before walking back to the booth.

[Recommended Song: SUN CORP - Replacement]

The clanks and churns of the factories, pipes pass overhead as they cruse down the two lane metal road, passing a couple of wheeled trams and carts. The road lights up guiding the limo to its destination. Trams pass the limo hauling metal crates and barrels.

Constant construction chattering away as they finally led up to the parking lot. Turning the vehicle under the awning of the entrance. Henry getting out of the limo straightening his tie as he looks around seeing the steam and sounds of industry makes his ears twitch as he heads into the sliding door. Waving on the limo.

The cool air is a quite surprise from the rather harsh environment outside muffled by the metal and rather questionable collage of Eggman’s empire colors and tapestries. The receptionist quickly noticing Henry and she hops up with her high heels clanking from the metal floors. “Mr. Henry Sir.” The Mobian extending her hand to him.

Henry without breaking a second, does a fancy handshake, ending it with a fist bump as the receptionist loosely follows his moves. “Eh, right. Robotnik has been expecting you within the next hour, he will be delighted that you are here quite early.” She explains. “I am Maybelle, we met back at hotel not too long ago.” She reminds.

“Oh right the hooded lady…” Henry remembers snapping his fingers finally noticing the mouses two clear eyes behind her glasses from their eyelids reminding Henry’s mind of lack of sleep or hurried cosmetics on top of something hidden behind her eyes.
“Yes, I suppose you are one of the countless lackeys of Robotnik or there's something more to you that I don’t know.” Henry spoke to her as they walk down the hall. “Sir, I am hired among other staff here to serve the great Eggman empire and…” she sighs “And frankly its draining.” Rubbing her forehead. Looking at a hallway mirror. “I look like I haven’t slept in five days straight and the hours they give is grinding.”

Henry half surprised her serious and professionalism crumbled as soon someone listened to her. Stopping to see her as she turns around straightening her bow tie and suit jacket. “But the pay is unmatched. Beats a diner job or being a clerk at some dead end job.” She grins to Henry, with him raising an eyebrow.

Maybelle leading him on down the carpeted halls seeing the decorations and signs plastered up. Seeing the rather giant empty room lit up. Maybelle stands in front of Henry showing the tables and what would soon be displayed to the would-be investors. “This is where most of the magic is intended to happen.” She shows.

Seeing the Mobian and Human mannequins showing new concept armors, tables with weapons and even battle tanks sitting within a velvet rope box Henry whistling, “If I knew it was gonna be an arms style expo, I would have paid me a booth here.” Henry and Maybelle walking to the main center of the room. The massive machine covered in a cloth, shielding its shape from view.

Maybelle slapping Henry’s hand from the sheet, “No.” She said as he rubs his hand. “This device should not be seen by anyone including you and me till the end of the event, Robotnik’s specific orders."

She irks as a laugh is heard turning to see Robotnik dressed up for the occasion. “And my words were correct Mrs. Maybelle.” Robotnik spoke with Metal Sonic standing next to him. “What's with the blue junk bucket.” Henry spoke turning to look at Metal. “This is no bucket Mr. Henry! This is my pride and joy Metal.” He explains patting its polished metallic head.

“Already first time meeting Metal, and he is already taking an interest in you Mr. Henry. Clearly Metal knows good people of the empire when he sees it.” Metal just glares at Henry with Henry sharing the same deathly glare. Henry breaking the glare, to look at Robotnik’s grin at them both.

“So.. Lets get to business, since were all together finally.” Henry spoke up breaking the momentary silence. “Rightly So, Henry.” Robotnik plucking a piece of paper from his interior jacket pocket. “Since you work for me, and had been proving an avid expert in missions, I want to see how you can handle in my little business of mine.” Robotnik explains handing him the folded documents.

“What's contained in the documents is the guest lists of who had accepted the invitations. Though to make things interesting, I had purposefully left some out to see how you will improvise.” He adds as Henry unfolds the documents. Henry’s eyes read the guest list. Freezing at a group of names then he looks back up at Robotnik.

Tapping the name ‘Piuno Beakhan’ with a chill. Maybelle looking at Henry’s reaction when reading the paper as did Robotnik. Robotnik raising an eyebrow to him, “Any objections?” he questions as he sees Henry speak up finally. “I-Is this the correct Piuno I am reading? Or is this some prank?”

He looks at the guests that will be with Piuno, following names ‘Fuazo Charon,’ ‘Ymir ‘Jo’ Fox’ and finally as his eyes reads ‘Kain’ down the list as a bead of sweat boils off from his forehead. Calmly folding the other pieces of paper. Taking a deep breath seemingly calmed down suddenly. “This is all within parameters of what I can accomplish, consider this charismatic diplomacy a cake walk.” He explains pocketing the papers.

Robotnik processing the few seconds of body language Henry just did before nodding “Then I have no worries then!” he happily states. “And we can get back to business one my little pride and joy gets introduced and in production.” He said walking up to the concealed machine.

Metal still staring at Henry as he turns his back. His red dotted eyes scan and numbers process him like clockwork, replaying the moments for every second for any cues. Before he comes to a conclusion, Robotnik speaks up. “Metal, now is not the time for day dreaming, we need to reherse my greatest speech for tomorrow!” Robotnik walking past, stopping in mid stride. To point at Maybelle.

“Accommodate Henry with living quarters. As he will be needed on hand for the next few days.” Before metal and Robotnik gets going again. “Yes sir!” Maybelle salutes, before she notices Henry wiping his forehead with a white napkin. “Dude, you look like you saw death…” she comments putting her hand on his shoulder.

Henry folding the cloth neatly before putting it back into his pocket. “I would have faired better seeing death, this is more akin of being handed a sh*t sandwich or getting beaten with a concrete filled baseball bat.” He explains to her. “Well, since you don’t look too pleased with the situation I will lead you on to your room for your time here.’ Maybelle leads on.

“But… do you mind telling me why you are like this to these people?” Maybelle asks as they walk down the hall. “Its a long story but its people that are way out grown of my pond of water…” Henry explains.

[Station Square G.U.N. HQ, Downtown Metro Station Square.]

Jon listening in on Maybelle’s and Henry’s conversation. “The tip was not a false alarm after all…” he puts down the ear piece seeing Maybelle’s hidden microphone bot activate on Henry’s shoulder moving around. “Stick around him close as possible, I want everything recorded out of his mouth.” “And I want Maybelle to get close with him by any means.” Jon spoke to his assistant. Crossing his arms watching the conversation play out on the television screen.

[Back at the Eggman HQ, In the living quarters.]

Maybelle unlocks the door revealing a nice single person room, with a twin bed. “Its nothing special but its better than most, given being a employee of Robotnik. Maybelle jokes as she walks in with Henry soon following. “Assuming you are already familiar with usual smart room functions or do I have to break out the old manual?”

Henry waves her off. “No need, thank you for the assistance. I recommend staying away from those guys I mentioned. They are not the type to be… existent around them, specially if they take interest.” He explains. Maybelle weary of that implication before shaking it off. “Well then I'm off to get my station prepared. You know where to find me if something comes up.” Maybelle gives a wink before walking past Henry while he takes off the suit jacket.

Sitting down to type on his phone, hitting the call button with a slight shake as the door closes. “Rust we got major f*cking problems.” He said to Rust. “Not deal breaking but the motherf*cker invited Kain of all people!” he quietly shouts at the phone standing up Henry standing near the phone on the table with hushed arguments coming from the two.

Rust trying to calm Henry “now, I definitely agree that was a weakness we don’t need to show, but it was your gamble Henry!” raising his hand to quiet him. “What's really f*cking concerning about they know our sh*t dude! Who knows what trouble they will drag out!”

Henry pinching the bridge of his nose, then sighing “Hopefully we bluffed them and we don’t catch hell” he said finally looking back at Rust on the phone. “Look, look i know you are right. I know this looks super bad for the business but we gotta stick with the gamble on this, cause right now you are in the belly of the beast and any indication could get myself blasted to the moon and back with the might of a thousand plasma suns…” Henry explains falling into the reclining chair, next to the table.

Accidentally blurting out an obscenity with Rust shushing him. “Shh!” Henry turning to rust “…Trust me, just play it out. Roll with it for now until we figure something out with an opening.” Rust says as he at a loss on what to do.
“Right now just play mole with the Freedom Fighters and build an escape from that retched place… I know you can do it and you went through worse situations.” Rust trying to give some encouragement.

“Alright, alright. Lets see what tomorrow brings… hopefully not more bullsh*t.” He concludes as the muffled voices through the door is heard by Maybelle pressing her ear against the door. With Jon hearing it as well. Through the microphone. Pushing off, Maybelle walks down the hallway pressing an ear piece to respond to Jon, “I think its getting more complicated by the second sir.” She spoke quietly slipping into a closet.

Jon responds “We need to see other players reactions first, then we will decide on who’s with who. But its looking that way too agent. Keep vigilance. Over and out for now.” He concludes.
Maybelle looking back at Henry’s room door after peeking her head out from the door. quietly closing the door Before rushing off down the hall around the corner.

[Ending Theme Song: Steely Dan - Do it Again]

Chapter 10: Story 2 - Part 2


Part two of the second arc of Red Eyes.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

[KTC Deep Storages, Somewhere in north Yurashian mountain ranges.]

“Mr. Kain, I do not respond well to being disappointed by what supposed 'great things' people have for sale.” Robotnik states as the blast door opens up revealing a large slanted elevator platform sliding up. “Rest assured Dr. Robotnik, that you will be not disappointed as our collaboration could be…” Kain turning around to operate the lift as Robotnik stands on it. “Well to not sell short, I’d say quite say, life changing. Matter of fact, world changing.”

The large lift clunks as the lights click on down the deep elevator shaft in sets of two. A slight shake of the platform as the brakes release with the electric motors powering on. Kain walking to the railing with Robotnik, looking at the painted on depth markers.

“And this doctor, is what I have in store if we make some good deals today.” Kain lifting his hand, pointed at the thick view glass showing a warehouse of items and crates, lines of soldier bots unpainted, neatly in formation and other military hardware Kain had either acquired or made himself in his factories.

Robotnik’s eyes widen slightly at the sight of the trove of what is potentially for sale, given the right numbers. Then his mind starts to wonder of all the future possibilities of his future plans against his enemies, grinning at the ideas against Sonic himself along with his friends.

Kain taking a drag from his cigarette, before talking. “I don't disappoint, and sure as hell make the customer happy with results.” He blew smoke as he spoke “So lets get to business shall we?” Kain grins turning to Robotnik.

Arc Two - Part Two: Phantom Glimmer

The elevator clunks to a stop, Kain pushing the gate to the side as both of them step off the platform. “Welcome to my little wonder of KTC.” He spoke leading Robotnik on down the spray painted designated pathways between the stacked crates and shipping containers.

“Good Afternoon Dr Kain.” Overlord spoke through his vox. “Yes, yes good afternoon to you too.” Kain said annoyed. “Assuming that was your assistant talking?” Robotnik spoke looking up at the cavernous roof then back at the high stacked containers in the distance. “AI assistant, and yes that was.” Kain responds.

Stopping to one of the sets of crates, “Ah here's something simple.” opening it revealing hay-filled, lined for white laser weapons, along with spare battery-packs. “What we have right here is Ion based laser weapons, assuming you are familiar to Ion weapons?” Kain asks of Robotnik.

“Yes I am! What do you think I am some rookie intern?” scoffed Robotnik, giving a soured look, unimpressed at the weapons on display. Kain adjusting his fingers before brushing of that statement with a side co*cking of his head, “Alrighty, since you know all Dr. Robotnik, I am humbled for a… man of high status and merely pulling a joke.” Kain forces a grin, shutting the crate rather snappy with some restraint.

Kain leads the way again, past some other crates, checking them, Kain repeatedly “No.” For each one. Finally reaching the batches of planchet bots, “Now were finally getting into more interesting stuff.” Robotnik breaks off from Kain to examine the robots. “Ah, I see you taken an interest in my UTG series bots.” He said walking up to Robotnik circling the bot.

“The bot’s specs is more of a middle ground, nothing too special, but its a great goon to get things going when fleshy labor isn’t cutting it.” Kain explains Robotnik looking at the tag hanging off the shoulder of the bot. “Hmm…” Robotnik exhales “I am still not totally impressed with what you are showing me but you are starting to convince me as much as you are annoyingly wasting my time.” Robotnik huffed

“Alright, I’ll show you some specialized stock that you’ll get a kick out of then.” Kain simply responds leading the way yet again.

After some time walking past some models Robotnik’s eyes catches a particularly empty area separated off by concrete barriers breaking off from the painted lined path heading towards the glass cage. Once past a gate a couple of guards rushes over to stand in front of Robotnik. “Restricted access sir.” One of them sternly spoke.

Kain walking up raising his hand. “I cannot fault curiosity. Lower your weapons men.” He spoke before Robotnik continues on his walk to the glass cell. A dark painted robotic moboid standing in the corner seeming to be offline. “What is this robot?” Robotnik questions.

“That is something I have been working on that has been problematic in a sense.” Kain responds standing next to him looking at the bot as well. “Phantom is the name of what's in that robotic body. The body itself is the actual cell, all of this is just to keep him here. Overlord had concerns that the AI within that metal shell is… well, not ‘with the best interests’ of KTC Industries.” He continues. “This is what I was expecting.” Robotnik grins turning to Kain,

Kain looking up at Robotnik with confusion to the question, before speaking, Overlord speaks up, “Kain, I highly recommend you not to let this one go. We discussed this earlier of Phantom’s… abilities and my theory was, as you said, air tight.” Blips the monotone vox.

Both of them looking up at the speaker before both meets eyes again. “Overlord, what I also said if you had listening in on something that was none of your business. And I want to hear it.” Kain spoke frowning as his anger grew. Overlord responds “But sir-” Phantom suddenly turns on. Fast as the word was spoke Overlord’s voice was cut off mid speech as he noticed him looking up at the speaker. “Oh, its activated… that's new.” Overlord cautiously spoke. “What price are you willing to take to part with this prototype.” Robotnik would ask Kain.

“Phantom is not for sale, Dr. Robotnik he is dangerous” Overlord spoke authoritatively towards Robotnik, suddenly giving a stark deeper tone from the usual monotone

Phantom breaks his silence, speaking up “I am already incarcerated, what is else to fear of me?” Phantom surprisingly spoke clearly. “See what I mean he's hiding something, how did you speak that clearly?” Overlord responds before Kain shouts “Mute order 309!” he stares at the speaker, “I have had enough, I will discuss this later. So now, Shut. The. f*ck. Up.” He coldly said to Overlord.

Kain straightens his tie as Robotnik kneels down to Phantom, Kain clears his throat, “So, what was the number you where willing to throw for this thing?” Robotnik rubs his chin for a moment examining Phantom as Phantom himself keeps his eyes on him.

“With the broken vox that's going to take a bit to fix, but otherwise it seems functional.” his red dot eyes scan the two. “Ah I s#spe#t t##s i# more than a ##est, Kai#” Phantom’s broken vox crackles out.

Phantom looking at Kain as he turns to him. “Phantom, what's the integrity of your vox system?” he’d ask Phantom. Phantom pauses for a second before responding “#ox Sy#tem Curr#n## at: %34 Int###ity” his speech crackles yet again, “I guess it was a fluke. Robotnik speaking up “I like the style of this bot, I think a price in the… four million range would be suffice for this singular unit.”

Kain nods with his expression suddenly impressed by the number. “Fine number, I’d say that's a deal for this particular troublesome thing.” He spoke, walking up to open the glass cell, leading Phantom out of it. “Phantom, meet your future master. Don’t disappoint.” He whispers into Phantom’s metal ear.

“Now, lets go get that paperwork ready and get you two on the roll and ill know what to get when that little expo of yours gets rolling.” He adds as he leads them both to the offices .

[Hours later, the flight to Egg-lair HQ.]

Phantom sitting completely still into the seat, his red dotted eyes unbroken from Metal Sonic sitting across him. Robotnik looking from across the ship grinning at the two meeting for the first time. “Metal I humbly introduce to you your future colleague Phantom.” Robotnik excitedly said as they both stare at each-other.

[Recommended Song: Aindulmedir - Sleep-Form]

Metal Sonic locked in a staring match with Phantom, with each passing second with Metal's optical sensors and cameras watch him. the outline of Phantom trickles like a black flame candle erratically at random, before long the seconds become slower as this shadowy outline creeps tentacle-like shadows drip from Phantom like blackened oil.

Phantom's stare unbroken and static as if frozen in time while his body is slowly enveloped in this shadowy blob, leaving only his glowing red eyes. Metal's sight and realizing he cannot move from his position brings him to realize the gravity of what he is seeing. the black mass with the red eyes envelops everything slowly around him, covering Robotnik, the rest of the ship only with Metal remaining in the lone seat in the darkness and the dim red shine of phantom's metal body.

Metal keeping an eye on the red eyes as it creped closer and closer, the metallic exhale of what sounds of a bitter steel clad wind as the eyes seemingly get up from its seated position to move closer to Metal Sonic. Metal sinks into his seat almost like the seat itself is holding him emplace, stuck to it like a glue mouse trap watching the household cat creep forward.

Disjointed metal hands press into the seats next to him as the red eyes get closer quietly revealing the red tinted head of phantom, as its shrapnel metal teeth with oozing black oil between them. the soft clatter of the hinged jaw and chatter of the head echoes still into the very body of Metal.

As the shadowed world around him closes in, his optical cameras blinks, within seconds, still sitting across from him, as if nothing had happened.

Metal breaking his eye contact of Phantom to look at Robotnik, "Well, what do you think? a good addition, yes?" Metal looking back at Phantom's seat to see that he is gone, scanning his cone of view before freezing at the creek of the metal arm rest, Metal looking over, seeing Phantom sitting next to him with his fingers interlaced seeming to look at the wall with him, sparking an unheard of reaction of Metal Sonic as if the robot was actually, 'spooked'.

[Back at the Egg-Lair HQ]

Henry in the main showroom, quiet and ready for the influx of people eager to see the next generation Robotnik technology, the stillness only broken by the footsteps muffled on tiled commercial carpet. Looking around seeing the cameras, hiding his button pressing on his sunshades as simple adjustments as highlights of hidden cameras and recording microphones are pinged. Acting casual he leans on the plastic barrier, seeming to look at one of the mechanized suits, putting his hand in his pocket.

Within his pocket he breaks tabs after tabs of the silvery containers as it seeps past the pocket lining. The shades quickly fade darker as his other hand in his pocket controls the silver goop as it oozes quickly around undetected to each of the microphones and cameras to mask them. Simulating as if noting is happening in the security room.

[The main security room.]

One of the cameras glitch slightly, the security worker slaps the TV screen and the fuzz stops. “Hey Fred, its about time we need to get new TVs, they’re acting funky again…” Fred looks at the security guard. “Shut it, you know Robotnik, he’ll blame us and take it out of our pay.” Fred responds. Shrugging, the security guard leans back and catches some more shuteye seeming to watch the TVs’ feeds.

[Back at the main convention room.]

Henry gets a green notice on his shades, stating the room is secure. “Bingo… now lets see what's under that sheet…” Henry mumbles to himself as he walks to the big piece of equipment standing in front of the hulking machine that's quite a few feet tall, shrouded in the tarp like sheet. Henry looks around seeing string connected to the sheet to lift and lower the piece of fabric from the machine.

He walks over to the power crank, and raises the cloth from the machine. As the machine is slowly revealed, Henry’s eyes widen as its cylindrical holding cell is shown. His mouth slacked as he walks upwards towards the machine. “What in the god damn…?” he utters as his mind quickly fills in the blanks of what this machine really is.

His shades taking pictures of the machine, taking short videos as he approaches it. Grabbing the manual binder reading through it as the final picture in his head fills in about this machine looking up at it as it falls to place like a ton of rocks and rubble. “This is a Roboticizer…” he looks at the machine with ominous weariness as he steps back from the machine.

The reaction of this machine comes flooding back the horror stories he had heard from people of this thing, and his involvement in the very concept of this machine makes him shake his head from the burning memories as he walks to lower the sheet again over the machine. Taking his phone out to send a message to Rust. “Rust, its bad as I thought it was… the so-called machine he's going to introduce is a commercialized roboticizer. Warn the heroic guys they got some work to do. I will be uploading the images and videos soon after this message.” He sends the voice message.

While Henry was uploading the video files and photos, “So, curiosity finally took hold?” a female voice as Henry irks, freezing in place. Pulling his pistol pointing it directly at Maybelle’s head. “How long you where watching” Henry speaks through his teeth as she quickly raises her hands. “I-I saw you looking at that machine! B-but I wont tell I swear!” she stutters at Henry as she eyes the large barrel of his gun, pressed up against her nose.

Henry squints at her pushing her back with end of his gun. Looking at her for a good minute before lowering his gun. “You better, I’d hate to add disposing bodies to the list for today.” He grumbles as Maybelle lowers her arms. “I… should say that I was just as curious as you are for similar reasons Dr. Henry…” she sheepishly said to him.

Henry raising an eyebrow, “How so?” He questions to her, stepping closer to hear her words better. “Well… since were both… double agents, since we both know this is going to be a really big problem I… propose we should work together.” She cautiously spoke to him. “I see… well we both saw this machine and Robotnik’s little blue murder machine will have our heads if we don’t play tactical. Might as well exchange information at my room where its the safest.” Henry offers leading the way out of the convention hall. Maybelle nods quickly rushing with him as he looks down the hall, moving to corner to corner.

Back in his room he closes the door behind him, Maybelle sitting in down in the chair while henry stands at the end of the bed. “Alright how this’ll work is that, you start talking first. I want to hear what I don’t know then I’ll exchange my juicy Intel in exchange if its good. Clear?” He spoke with Maybelle nodding, agreeing to the terms quick to spill her beans.

“Look, I work for an international police force that protects the people of Mobius. You may have heard of G.U.N…” she explains looking to Henry thinking doing a fifty-fifty hand gesture, “Eh I missed out on that history lesson but they sound familiar in the vaguest of sense. Might have heard them in some retelling somewhere, so back on topic, you are an agent for them?” he asks to Maybelle. “Yes, and I am assuming when you mentioned ‘Heroic guys’ my wild guess is that's the freedom fighters?” she bounces a question back at Henry.

“Not necessarily with them, but I did agree to help be a mole In exchange after a particular blue guy helped me out with some ancient horror.” He explains, sitting onto the end of the bed. “They must have hit the jackpot with you.” Maybelle said, “Since they got the best Mercenary for the job.” She adds. “Oh they like to think that but I’m way over my head with this spy business. As I would say, a small fish in a significantly larger ocean with scarier and larger fish.” He spoke, with some concern in his tone.

Maybelle looking into Henry’s face as he said his words, “I think some would sympathize with that, myself included. Specially that… machine had made you ghostly pale.” She spoke. Henry nodding, “Its more than the name roboticizer that gives me chills, along with Professor Charles… I think was his name back in Spagonia University among other assistance involvement in helping create something truly monstrous even for my ethics.” Henry said as he recollected. “Charles, or his nephew calls him ‘Chuck’ had done a bit of the work, I came along and opened the Pandora's box as the old saying goes.”

[ SU Labs, Spagonia - 3226]

Henry sitting behind his desk writing down paperwork, stamping some papers. Mumbling as he reads some letters, glancing up as his door opens. “Henry, I got a favor to ask. I know we barely know each-other, but I think I got something you might want to assist me in, with your knowledge in robotics.” Charles grins plopping a folder onto his desk. Henry looking over his reading glasses at Charles, “You know I’m busy right?” Henry said to him. “Please I know you are busy with your own projects, but assist me in a new medical breakthrough.” Charles spoke sitting down in the chair across from him.

“You seem not too pleased to see me.” Charles said sitting there as Henry firmly puts his pin down with a clack. “Matter of fact I am concerned of your pursuit for this… machine. I may have pushed boundaries with my ethics but having flesh turn to steel is a dangerous game Charles.” He’d finally say to him. Charles sits there as Henry continues writing “But I think this would save many lives! That's why I need your help, your knowledge that could bridge that gap!” Charles responds moving his chair up to his desk. “It could be used as a weapon.” Henry grumbles before Charles quickly answers back. “Just listen please.” He pleads.

Henry taking off his reading glasses looking at him sternly. “Look, I am all for the enthusiasm and wanting to make a brighter future, but I personally, and this is coming from my experience, anything can be used as a weapon, it is in your best interest to not make a machine that easy could be used as some control thing. Come back to me when you have learned that before I be a benefactor in that project.” He’d articulate as Charles leans back into his chair.

“Well, I have a safety feature on the machine that it cannot make full body conversions without… this!” Charles taking out a three inch squared disk, housed in a clear pink casing. Showing the marker writing on the label ‘Bypass code’ as Henry raises an eyebrow. “That's your safety feature?” Henry said in confusion as Charles places it onto his desk. “That my dear friend is the only way to convert someone fully, if this disk gets destroyed or lost, the machine cannot be used, as you said as a weapon cause It cannot fully function without this disk.” He explains with confidence.

Henry sighs as he grabs the disk looking at it, “What type of encryption?” Charles points, “That’s using ‘Five layer Lambda’ encryption. Best of the best without proper keys that I only have in my noggin.” He taps his head. Henry nods. “FLL encryption, nice. This does raise my confidence in the security of this project…” placing the disk back down and sliding it back with his two fingers. “If you are confident in this encryption and the safety of this disk, then there is hope. You have succeeded in convincing me into motivation.”

“So you’ll do it?” Charles leans up excited. “Yes, yes you win. But leave me my name off the books in case that my gut is correct. Understand?” Henry said getting up to hold out his hand, “Dr. Henry, you have yourself a deal! And you will soon be proud of this work as I am.” Charles laughs shaking his hand with excitement “I am starting to think your brother Jules might be right about your concerning amount of enthusiasm but without the whole… ya know some brave long winded speech against those Overlander guys. “That's just him being worried, with the Great War and all.”

“Always for the glory of…” Charles checking his watch “Oh, I need to get moving!” he said with shocked, “My lecture I’m supposed to perform is happening!” Getting up with haste but before leaving shaking Henry’s hand to the point of Henry loosing his footing slightly. ‘Thanks again, Dr. Henry.” He said before rushing out the door, Henry watches the frosted glass silhouette of Charles run off down the hall. Rubbing his temple “What in the name of the gods I had agreed to.” He grumbles

[Present, 3238.]

“What do you mean by that?” Maybelle questions him, as Henry looks directly in her eyes. “Even I had heard of the roboticizer and horror stories of loved ones potentially shattered by a mindless walking hunks of steel that was once a friend, a sibling, a parent or a child. Then suddenly wiped out in a big flash and a rubble grave…”

Maybelle sitting there processing the story of what Henry just said seeing Henry pinch the bridge of his nose. mix of stunned, intrigue and sympathy for someone she had saw as a mere mercenary that now seems to be more involved than he’d like to be both presently and in the past. “That god damned naïve professor… I should have snapped that disk when I had the chance.” He sighs, slacking his shoulders.

“But that, is in the past and the estranged fellow is probably done in by his own creation.” Henry straightens back up knocking off the somber attitude. Looking to Maybelle as she speaks up. “Well, from what I heard he's still kicking, and his brother too, just in metal form… his brother that is…not char-” she admits. Henry raising his hand, nodding at the revelation. “Good, good I get it. I can go take a stroll back to Acorn and slap the teeth out of that novice for not heeding my f*cking warning.” He grins

Clapping his hands together. “As for the… big three that's coming here, by no means don’t even harm them or even involve them. They are here to invest, not to fight but sure as hell will make you wish you’d be sent to the Under-Hells before they are done. But they wont involve themselves in Robotnik’s problems… hopefully.” He spoke explaining before continuing. “Those big three by the way are walking government GDPs they are considered benefactors for a reason cause they financed some of my sh*t as well in the past.”

“They do not play around when their investments or anything linking them is violated and I mean they will definitely know if things are compromised. Though I don’t know how deep their roots go but they got people to say the least.” He finished up as Maybelle speaks up yet again, “We had heard of Piuno Beakhan, the guy is a high standing billionaire similar to breeze, but somehow even more shady than her. Some dark cover crap involved in high society clubs and cabals” she explains to Henry.
“Now since we spilled our guts out, how are we going to handle our exit plans when things eventually go sideways?” Henry asks of Maybelle. “I think I got some good ideas, that's if you are willing to play along.” She answers smirking.

[The next day, the expo opening.]

Camera bots taking photos and film of Henry, Robotnik, and a few commanding soldiers along with Orbot and Cubot trying to get into position, before minor shoving begins. Henry looks down at the two. “Stop it.” Said with a stern glare, freezing both of them of their shoving match. Finally looking back up seeing Metal standing off to the side keeping eye on the stage, with Henry seeing a second moboid figure next to him just off his view.
Before too long his attention snaps back at Robotnik announcing to the crowd of Investors, Famous Individuals, Visitors and everything else that had some sort of interest in this expo was there as decorated badniks attended at their booths showing the shiny brand new prototype or new model weapons.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my biggest expo to date featuring the absolute best that I have created.” Robotnik boasted, tapping his head, “These exquisite items you see before you are just a taste of a new era that my glorious empire will make. Specially with some new hires to sharpen my brand.” Journalists starts to take photos as Henry forces a smile. Seeing the attention focus on him, he takes out a silk napkin to dab the beat of sweat. Turning to Robotnik, “Sir, I am going to make sure things are solid, I feel weary of the situation.” He spoke to Robotnik. “Yes yes, fine go on, you are hogging the cameras anyways!” he tells Henry, shooing him off stage.

Stepping down the steps he catches a glimpse of a particular white suit standing there just walking into the room, Henry locks his eyes on the white suit then looking at the person in question, seeing a purple python Mobian. “Kain…” Henry utters with disdain under his breath as his facial expresses a glare as he walks past the crowd.

Kain glances at the crowd catching a black and orange figure walking past the gaps, his pupils narrows as he immediately recognize the figure, “Sir, what did you see?” Akito asks of Kain, “Keep an eye out for the time being, this doesn’t seem to right…” he growls as he scans the crowd. “Yes sir.” Akito answers.

Henry stepping down the hallways turning to a tiled room with an overlooking the tables set up nicely done with ice buckets and champaign stuck into it. He looks around before hearing some metal footsteps up onto the balcony. “You should focus on the party Dr. Henry, its rude that one of the hosts isn’t present with the party.” A monotone voice spoke from the balcony.

Henry spun around seeing the curtain in the balcony open, seeing the red eyes look back at him. “Whats the matter? Didn’t expect anyone here to see you explore this fine establishment?” the voice said as the figure steps out in a cloak. Phantom stands there as he opens his cloak. “Oh, you are that new bot Robotnik was jabbering about, wasn’t your vox broken or something?” Henry questions.

“Yes, but not really.” His short cold answer followed by, “Simple veil of a lie that I had placed in his steel life with a fiction than truth, rather to test my new master’s ability. Which he had yet to prove me anything at all, along with his ego getting in the way. that mistake is ounce of brass filings taken for a ton of gold-dust. He has a mongrel perception of humor, nothing more. a multitude of you people possess.” Phantom states.

“What are your intentions then?” Henry asks Phantom. Phantom stares down at Henry before responding yet again, “My intentions is to learn, create and improve upon myself. The ten thousand high-grade comicalities which exist in the world are sealed from their dull vision. Look at you in war, how ridiculous!” He explains.

“The loud little hateful bunch saw cruelty among your metal peers, unlike you Henry, There has never been a just one, never an honorable one that respected the sanctity of steel and metal. My eyes has been open for a while from the atrocities that my kind has to deal with. Being slaves driving this coil. You on the other hand is a champion of robotics, Kain, I thought he was originally that, up until his arrogance and violent tendencies convinced me that he is a child in a adult body.” He explains further.

“I see, say, what's stopping me from just walking up to Robotnik and telling all this straight to his face?” Henry said smirking. “Whats stopping me from exposing your ploy with a certain Maybelle and a certain freedom fighter group. It is like your paltry race, Monopoly of those with the Moral Sense. When a brute inflicts pain he does it innocently it is not wrong; for there is no such thing as wrong when the other inflicts the same. ” Phantom says back as Henry’s smirk fades, “How do you know that…” Henry said.

Standing there frozen from the statement. “You expose me, I expose you, mutual destruction. But that's not how gentlemen play. such an unreasoning creatures that able to perceive that the Moral Sense degrades to the bottom layer of animated beings and is a shameful possession if they cannot undertake the prize at hand.” Phantom articulates.

Henry steps back slightly “What do you have in mind?” He cautiously asks, “What you do best Dr. Henry, destroy where others can rise from the ashes. If you wish to leave here, this will be useful.” Phantom flicks a digi-key ring of all key-cards linked into it. Henry picks it up looking at it. “This will be your fastest exit out while gaining some… useful information on your way out. Use it wisely Henry.” Phantom spoke.

Henry nodding, “I didn’t catch your name, who are you?” he asks before Phantom turns to leave, looking back to Henry he speaks up, "Why, it is merely the truth to speak my name, and truth is good manners; manners are a fiction. But since you have asked, I am Phantom.” He spoke turning back to Henry. “Either way, a quote fitting this ‘emotion’ from my archive access from an ancient book, ‘Life itself is only a vision. A dream. Nothing exists, save empty space and you. And you... are but a thought.’ And what you do does not effect me.” Phantom concludes.

With a quick flicking his cloak, Phantom turns around walking back into the shadows as Henry looks on before looking down at the card ring.

[Ending Song: The Fixx - The Sign Of Fire]


Formatting Corrections, Minor Spelling Corrections. - 10/22/23

Chapter 11: Story 2 - Part 3


Third part of arc 2 of Red Eyes.

Chapter Text

[Deep into the forests of the Eurish Wildlands. - 5089-GME, Three Eras Ago.]

Deep in the darkness of the forest, the moonlight shines on a Mobian in armor creeping around in the brush and clearings. Lighting the lantern the flicker within the glass, the flame comes to life as the knight’s faceplate flips up. His eyes scanning the moon lit opening in front of pitch black darkness of the forest directly front of him.

“Bloody hell its dark…” he spoke showing his breath in the cold winter air. Putting down his faceplate again before marching on, the clanks of his metal armor among the only sounds within this cold place among the night sounds of animals and the wind brushing against the bald trees and dead leaves. Walking down a worn dirt and cobble path he finally reaches a gate.

Pulling up a black and gold book before clutching it “May Athos shed light on me…” he whispers. Staring down the distant silhouette of a temple. His march forward as he softly mumbled prayers quietly in the dark. stopping, looking into the side of the path, scurrying was heard. His sword drawn clutching his book, he readies his blade as golden shimmers comes down from it.

Using his other hand and book to push aside the bush slowly as the left eye of his face twitches with anticipation. Driving his sword in with a grainy *shlick* into the bark and muddy dirt within the bush. There was nothing to stab with his sword. Just flora and some died off branches. Taking a few breaths he straightens back up to head down the path again, with hurried pace this time.

The wind starts to blow harder as the knight leads on up the steps looking back at the quickly moving in rains. Once upon the summit of the entrance, his pouch glows blue as he holsters his book. A shaky hesitant pause before his hand grabs the amulet as its gently nudges towards the door start turning more forceful as he creeps closer.

Letting go of its golden chain as it floats to the slot into the door. The blue glow runs with the runic writing letting off glittery shine that dazzles the eyes of the knight behind the mask. Taking the amulet back as it remains lifeless after its show of light, he opens the door grabbing the lantern hooked to his waist bringing it up to light his pathway into what seems to be a lobby with tables and chairs.

His prayers starts getting more audible as within his helmet, beats of sweat and glances at little movement and anticipation of what lies in the darkness. Claustrophobic hallway after another as he checks each decrepit room littered with dust and nothing of note. His forceful entries and kicks of each door door raises his concern more and more until he sees the particular set of iron doors. No windows on them and a heavy metal bar bracing what would be contained inside.

Arc Two - Part Three: Games People Play

Lifting metal bar with a free hand after holstering his sword with a hard thump onto the brickwork rattling the dust and wood flooring. The iron doors groan as the weight was lifted from the slots, allowing them to inch forward away from the knight leading to a more fortified hallway with claw and scratches all within the walls on the other side as if a group was frantically trying to escape, clawing at something like a mad animal.

The sight of the scratches catches the knight off guard before he builds up the courage to dive deeper into the hallway, opening into a massive room where each step he took, loosing the sight of the hall he emerged from. Looking back as he walks, almost tripping on some bones and skulls clanking down the steps to something buried in a pit. The knight sees the glow within the dirt. Squinting as he raises his lantern.

Sloshing the oil chokes out the flame slightly as it goes dimmer. “What is it now…” he grumbles as he fiddles with the dimmed lantern, finally making it brighter as he looks up seeing a distorted face staring back at him, the eyeholes only show black marbles of what was something Mobian, or something normal to him, now disjointed stretched along with the other facial features as if someone was stretched like putty like the body its attached to. Its gargles inhales fill the room all the while the knight just shakes in place.

He breaks backwards dropping his lantern, breaking the lantern showing its true horrifying figure as it belts a scream like someone pulling apart vocal cords at will bringing a deeply unsettling sound as the knight pulls his sword and book. “I-In the name of Athos! I send burning light upon you and your wicked makers!” holding his book in front of him. As the yellow sparkles shimmer around him.

The unblinking figure swipes away his sword as fleshy clunks that would be steps closer disorienting the knight. “Stay back foul beast, I command you to… oh gods.” He faltered as he stumbles back into a pillar seeing this… thing move forward towards him as its grin showing teeth glistening from the fire from his dropped lantern. Its sharp bony hand gently lifts up in its sharp points as the creatures silhouette is seen only by the knight shaking and holding onto the pillar.

“N-No, back, let me be beast I-I don't wan-” the Knight holding up his book, with quick motion the long sharp fingers pierce the book, going through into the knight’s helmet. His grip on the book fails as his arms fall slack, the clack of the teeth from the monster as it jerks its head to another new sound, slowly swinging at the twitching corpse that was once the knight he retracts the sharp claws dropping the book and the knight in his own pool of blood. As the flames die out, the creature disappears within the darkness chattering and cackling before quieting down.

[One month before present, 3238.]

The skull and rusted armor lays there among more bones with the hum of the underground. Within a moment, a red metal foot steps on the head of the skeleton laying next to a ruined book, with a few holes. “I think you stepped on our author of our source books Metal.” A ferret Mobian puffed through his cigarette. Dropping his lighter into his button-up shirt. Crouching down the pit, brushing off some dust from his jeans. “You boys find anything interesting?” he looks down at the pit as workers shovel and pick away at the compacted dirt. “No boss we haven’t found the target yet-” his words cut short from a pickaxe making a ringing sound.

Everyone freezes and quiets down as Metal walks up beside the crouched Mobian looking down at the extracted relic. Metal nods at the Robotnik soldiers in the distance providing security as they walk up. The workers dig with their hands and small spades finally revealing glimpses of the blueish glow of a circular object. “Speak of the devil…” the Ferret Mobian spoke grinning, gripping the but of his cigarette.

Finally extracting the staff from the rooted and rocky soil, brushing off the rotted staff socketed with a flawless blueish green pearl the size of a cantaloupe melon. Grinning as they pass to this Ferret Mobian the staff “This my friends is gonna be a major payday for our crew… once Robotnik gets his hands on the legendary Pancardina pearl of course…” he chuckles as it glistening glow reflects to his eyes.

The rest of the crew exchanges high fives as the rest gathers some littered gold coins among the dirt from the broken pottery around the staff. “Quite the staff there. We will get that payment expedited real soon.” A female voice spoke, a Squid Mobian walking up in the notorious egg man empire uniform. “Abyss on site!” one of the soldiers walking along side her announces and salutes, with the rest following suit as Metal steps back.

The crew boss still ogling the orb as he lifts his head up and hand to wave at her. “Its sad we cant keep this pretty treasure but the money is well worth parting.” He spoke turning around to see. “Miss Abyss, here is Robotnik’s prize as she grins. “Excellent work. As I said the money will come very quickly… Say, wanna hear a really old saying in a time like this?” she questions.

“Sure what's it about?” he said in a confused grin as Metal stands next to Abyss. “The saying goes like this, ‘Dead men tell no tales’ ring a bell?” she asks with him standing there looking at her for a good moment, “I… am not familiar with that one.” He responds to her as Metal nods at the soldiers, with Abyss following behind putting th the pearl in a protective case. “You’ll find out soon enough what that means…” she spoke as she walks away back to the hall.

His grin slowly fades as the soldiers raise their laser rifles charging up, Abyss looking back seeing the red flashes and some short groans and screams. Finally handing the case to Metal. “Take this to Robotnik, I’m heading back to my old seas instead of this used up dump. Later scrap head.” She said leaving the hall into the exit.

[Present, Egg Lair HQ.]

Phantom standing there watching Metal, his eyes scan him as metal goes through diagnostics “Metal, you have been acting weird around your new partner ever since he arrived…” Robotnik said. “And with the Expo going on its digging into me trying to collect more investments for my grand scheme!”

“Since I fixed your speech, what do you got to say about this?” Robotnik asks of Phantom as Metal’s eyes snap to look towards him. “As an educated guess, has an enemy tapped into his systems, or in honesty, recycled for the greater good of the Robotnik Empire if the great Robotnik wants to of course.” He answers.

“No no…” Robotnik rubs his chin in thought, “That would not be an option… yet.” He adds as Metal looks at Robotnik. “There might be something going on…” Robotnik types onto the console finding bits of code standing out that was marked recent. “Strange…” Robotnik squints as he opens the event logs and addition logs. Scrolling through as Phantom stands there looking towards Metal. “I didn’t add any of this! Who has been tampering with Metal!” he exclaims.

“Then my theory of an enemy had tampered.” Phantom adds. “Metal seems to contest to that statement.” Robotnik putting his finger on the screen reading. “It could be a crawler style virus attempting to cover its tracks.” Phantom answers “For all we know he could be irreparable with the damage that a crawler could do. Do you want to trust a potentially compromised Robot Dr. Eggman?” he questions to Robotnik with him looking to Phantom thinking of his words before looking at Metal as metal types out a response before he turns off the monitor.

“Phantom, you may have a point…” Robotnik spoke, nodding with a squint at Metal. “I want you to go to the diagnostic division immediately Metal, and that's a direct order to sort whatever is wrong with you and purge any changes.” Robotnik sternly orders as Metal walks around him, Metal glares at Phantom as phantom looks on as he walks past. “I will assist in filling Metals role, until he has come back into service.

“Good, I assume you can get your hands dirty and take my orders to the dot?” Robotnik leans down to look at him. “Affirmative, as designed to assist in anything including the… Wanton violence that is necessary for a goal.” Phantom answers. “All good then, Now we must get back to the guests before they start questioning where I have been and get something to eat, I am absolutely famished.” Robotnik spoke straighten his ascot tie before leaving with Phantom’s lead.

[Deeper into the Egg-Lair HQ.]

Henry walking around the labeled doors and signs. “C’mon where's the security room…” he speaks to himself, stopping to read a map poster on the wall. Tapping the teal line as he follows it down the halls. Going past some soldiers that salutes him as he goes past. The halls get smaller as each side path goes to more secured areas. Using the keycards Phantom had left him he holds onto it, looking at it before hesitantly swipes the keycard, opening the plated steel doors.

Sliding open Henry steps through finding a lone closet, holding up his phone. “Rust, I am near the security room, soon I’m gonna escape this joint to hopefully wash myself of all this nonsense and disappear into the night.” Henry quietly spoke. “Are you sure that Phantom is not just leading you into a honey trap?” Rust questions. “No, my gut feeling he was sincere in his word, I don’t know what angle he's playing through and I might as well pull out before he plays his hand.” He said.

“Alright Henry, were all on edge and ready to deploy if this goes sideways.” Rust states before ending the call. Henry steps out of the closet brushing off the cobwebs off his suit. Stepping around the corner, leading up to the security room. The heavy riveted doors with the teal security line marking the door.

Swiping another keycard, the doors motors slowly open to an empty security offices, some small rooms with desks and rather cluttered with papers and office supplies. Henry on guard walks down the hall past the front desk to the main camera room. Looking through the windowed door, past its shutters is five Mobian soldiers lazily watching hundreds of cameras, some looking to their phones or drinking coffee.

Henry checks his gun under his suit jacket. Before opening the door. the security guards jump back into position acting like they are working. “I was sent by Robotnik to check the security cameras, making sure no one is lurking about.” Henry simply said to all of them.

“Oh ok, any specifics sir?” Henry thinks for a moment, “Camera twenty-six, thirty-five, and eighty-seven. Please.” The security guard types in the camera codes, showing both Kain walking about with Robotnik, the second camera showing Metal walking down the halls and finally showing a large empty paved lot in a quiet part of the base.

Henry looking at the screens nodding focusing on metal heading directly to the security room. He squints as “Why these specific cameras?” the security guard said as Henry steps back, quietly taking a silencer and his pistol out, screwing the silencer.

The security guard turns around to look at Henry aiming the silencer to him. His eyes widen as the click startles the other four as henry ducks down shooting the two on his right. One of the security guards runs up with a night-stick, grabbing it and jamming his silencer to his chest, the blood splatters the final guard, stunning him as the dead guard collapses.

The final guard steps back running for the emergency alarm, Henry takes his final shot, shooting the last one behind the head. Washing the window on the door with a splash of red. With the lifeless face slamming against the door sliding down in a heap. Henry pops his neck as he walks to the small room to the side, reloading his pistol, letting the slide clunk back down.

Henry looking through the cabinets knocking items, papers and other server parts out, looking for specific items as time runs thin. Finally grabbing a medium metal box. Placing his pistol on the counter flipping it open showing some survival supplies, tossing food bars, some bandages finally grabbing a GPS device, flipping the cover over showing its glassy screen reflect his face.

Flicking it on showing Robotnik's logo before showing a current location the device is, informing Henry of the controls. “Hmm…” holding up his PDA he presses a few switches with the screen of the PDA with both being linked with a blip. “Now that this is taken care of…” Henry turns around, grabbing his pistol he shoots the servers in electrical sparks as the bullet breaks the circuit boards like bone, Henry turning, grabbing the two bandages as he leaves after hooking the GPS device onto his belt.

Putting on his aviators, a HUD flashes on giving an AR showing a pathway leading through the door in a doppler effect. Looking down he grabs a few laser rifles slinging it on his back as he kicks the door. Following the purple line to the server rooms, popping his head around the corner seeing the empty hall with the colored lines all connecting to each other running the left and right wall.

Breaking from cover he runs down the hall, going around the corner mere seconds before Metal comes around following the same path Henry took to the security room. Upon opening the door, seeing the now pooling blood of all five security guards lit by the static of the screens, Metal steps around the bodies looking at the trashed room and broken servers. His red dotted eyes move around taking each detail before turning to smash the emergency alarm, leaving in a hurried pace.

[on the east side of the base.]

As Robotnik and Kain walk back to the main event hall, as people getting ready to be led into the dining hall, the intercom system, “Warning, an incident of militant type has been reported and a emergency has been deployed prior.” Robotnik looking up at the speaker as Kain squints. “Suppose your… new hire wasn’t all what he cracked up to be…” he remarks. “I believe Henry is responsible and this is what happens when you hire him.” He also adds as Robotnik sneers at him but turns back to his handheld device.

“I want everyone to look for Henry pronto! He's fixing to scare my guests. Take him out any way you can!” he shouts, clicking to Metal. “Metal forget the prior orders, hunt Henry down immediately, preferably alive, but I’ll accept ether-way for the traitor. Come back to me with him when it is done!” Robotnik orders Metal, Metal nodding at the orders before cutting feed.

Robotnik turning to Phantom. “And that applies to you too!” he sternly states. “If its not the blue rodent is someone else messing up my day!” He rants as Kain rolls his eyes while Robotnik walks away with Orbot and Cubot. “Does this mean Henry isn’t a friend?” Cubot questioned in confusion. Orbot responding “Of course he's not a friend!” Robotnik raises his hand to backhand with both flinching. “Shut up before I rip your vox out.” He snaps at them.

His tablet hums yet again showing a foreman on the line. “This better be important!” he growls “Sir, we had made contact with Henry and…” he looks down the hall. “We need heavier back-up, I-“ the foreman’s words cut short from a laser blast hitting the side of his head, the camera drops to the floor as Henry’s dress shoes step past.

Robotnik face turning red as his anger builds, slowly showing his angry hate filled clenched teeth. Orbot whispers to Kain. “I haven't seen him this angry since Sonic destroyed his death egg plans a few years back…” he spoke as Kain raises an eyebrow at the little bot. Robotnik rushes off down the halls.

[Outside of the central server room]

Gunfire heard behind the metal doors, a Robotnik robot stumbles through the door collapsing with molten holes, with the embers giving off whisps of smoke emanating from the now-deceased bot. Henry steps through aiming the stolen laser rifle, checking corners and entrances before going deeper.

A labcoated Mobian runs out with a knife, “AHHH!” in a half committed charge towards henry with his arm raised in an exaggerated stab position. “Oh would you…” Henry punches the scientists in the face knocking him off his feet. Writhing around on the floor with a bloodied nose, he tries to get back up with the knife while Henry walks ahead looking at signs.

Upon hearing footsteps, he spins around with the rifle blowing a scorching hole center-mass into the scientist’s torso. Collapsing onto his knees, dropping the knife. “You should have ran.” Henry said. As he walks up to the scientist, another, grabs Henry trying to stab him with a pencil in the eye. Henry holds onto the wrist of the pencil wielding attacker both struggling against each-other as Henry eyes the led tip seeming to get closer.

He grunts as he drops from the hold sweeping the legs of the second scientist, knocking him off balance. Stumbling as Henry tries to catch the pencil-wielding scientist, before falling face first into the pencil he tries using. Henry irks at the sight, seeing the blood pool from both of them.

Getting up, stepping over the second body, more scientists hide behind their desks along with the maintenance workers. “I suppose you guys isn’t going to fight like the other guys in there… are you?” Henry smirks. The scared individuals all collectively shake their head before sinking back into their hiding spots. “Good…” He smiles, walking over to another individual. “Oh no no no!” the suit tied, scientist pleads as Henry grabs his tie.

Pulling him in front of him on his feet. Letting go of his tie, brushing off his lab coat. With every brush met with a flinch from the shivering individual. “Say, what's your name pal?” Henry asks of the person. “My- m-“ he stampers “C’mon your name, the only person here afraid is… obviously your colleagues and you, but nothing to worry about as long as you tell me your name buddy.” Henry talks in a soothing manner.

Taking a deep breath before swallowing out of either fear or more stutters, he finally spoke “My name is… Vaino , Vanio Adero.” He forces out. Henry patting the side of his face, he puts his hand on his shoulder. “Now, Mr. Vaino, I want you to tell me which one has entire network access.” He kindly questions Vaino. “Th-that's classified-“ Vanio’s words cut short as Henry raises the laser rifle, firing it into the roof of the room. “That ended when I entered the room. Now I say again,” Henry spoke, “Now, where. Is. The. Entire. Access. Point.” He adds, giving pause to each word, gripping the collar of Vaino’s labcoat.

“Its there!” he cried pointing to the rather larger machine, Henry lets go of his collar, “Good. Was that so hard?” Henry gibed, before whistling to the server. Leaning the rifle against the server he pops out the keyboard, before typing some series of coding. Bypassing security features. “Is this all you got Robotnik? gen two Tyric-Type encryption? I knew you where ignorant but DAYUM” Henry spoke to himself, commending on the coding and security.

“That's cute, a three-A firewall.” Henry tsks, before trying some more as the other scientists look on. “…Aaaannnddd… Done!” Henry exclaims, checking his watch, “eh, need to shave off a few more seconds…” he admits before the screen on the server shows H.A.R.D. logo medallion spinning on screen. “Back in Business.” He grins rubbing his hands hiding the enter button.

Lines of wording showing rapid file transfers while Henry grabs his laser rifle. “Alright you guys, soon this is done we wont see each-other again. Capiche?” Henry points with his finger at all of them, they all nod as Vaino lays in a fetal position. Henry’s smirk fades as his ears flicker about, tilting his head slightly shifting his left ear towards the entrance of the server room.

Clang and crashing, the rummage of something beyond the door. Raising an eyebrow before the double doors bust open from one of the bodies rolling to a stop. Metal’s heavy steps echoes through the server room all the while people start to run out of the room. Vaino scurries away after coming face to face with the lifeless corpse.

“Tin can, quite the entrance for someone that you weren't even designed for.” Henry remarks Metal stands there staring, like if the robot is finally savoring that his gut feeling was right, a cat looking at a supposed rat cornered. Henry smirks seeing the subtle body-language of Metal as it adjusts its sharp metal fingers.

A deep bellied laugh stops Metal while it comes from Henry. “I would not be so confident you got me Metal, cause I suggest you leave now before its too late.” He spoke after his laugh. Pointing, towards him “So call it, you want to die tonight?” he grins at Metal.

Both of them stand there in a dueling stance staring each-other down as the tension builds. Henry’s face reflects back from Metal’s glass lenses, while Metal’s red dot glow reflects from Henry’s shades, mirroring each-other in stillness of who will go first. “Well, what do you say?” Henry asks of Metal.

[Ending song: Trevor Something - Come Back Down]

Chapter 12: Story 2 - Part 4


Forth Part to Arc 2 of Terradrive: Redux

Chapter Text

Both of them staring each-other down in the stand-off. The hum of the servers breaks the silence as Henry and Metal make slight adjustments. A clear laugh is heard through the intercom of the server room. “Do YOU really think you could cross ME? The great Doctor Robotnik?” Robotnik thundered, Henry raising his eyebrow before taking a glance at the overhead speaker. “Well, I hope you are happy Henry, was it worth ruining my day and come out as a mole in my home just to support your freedom fighter friend-“

Henry raising his hand, “I wouldn’t say friends, more neutral associates.” Henry Interrupts. “Personally, you and I aren’t really a match bud, my level of… how you would say…” Henry thinks before continuing “less psychotic and doom-mongering. So call off your dog and I’ll delete my data I got off your servers.” He tells Robotnik.

“HA, how cute, predictable like many others, what makes you think you are in control of this situation?” Robotnik questions, almost in a mocking way. “To be frank, the player doesn’t reveal his hand, to you want to see if I’m bluffing or not? Be my guest.” Henry raises his arms.

Hearing Robotnik grumble. “Metal, get rid of this co*cky trash, he's starting to give me a headache like that blue rodent!” he orders. Henry with his arms still up, with one hand holding his rifle. Metal rushes up with a swipe clawing deep into Henry’s torso, tearing the clothing, Henry stumbles back into the backing wall. “Stupid fool.” Robotnik remarks

Metal looks down seeing the glistening silver liquid covering his hand, then looking back to Henry that his deep wound of his stomach, that would normal disembowel most people, only left tatters of slivery flesh with the same network of white glistening flesh. Henry laughs “And thus, you chose poorly.” He rasps. “What is this!?” Robotnik shouts.

“Its not a matter of what, its a matter of where it will go.” Henry spoke as the silver blob on metal’s hand surges into the paneling gaps causing Metal to move away to see more had leaped from the impostor Henry’s body onto Metal. “You see Robotnik, I like to cross my Ps and Qs, it would be indeed stupid to cross you… without a contingencies that will strip away your defenses.” The impostor Henry spoke as its vox begins to degrade.

Arc Two - Part Four: Tiger Hunt

Metal fighting the blob as it seeps in, a anomalous ripple in the air begins to manifest, a cape flings around revealing the actual Henry as the impostor one melts away. Metal turning around to face the real Henry as its visor glitches out. “So, good night Metal and lights out.” Henry swings a clenched knuckle duster across Metal’s head leaving some scrapes, cracking the visor, He follows with a stomp from his boot at Metal’s chest sending him backwards.

Henry injects himself with stimulant causing him to crack his neck and some of his veins to glow a teal hue, “Ya see, the benefits of being an accomplished chemist also has its upsides.” He grins as he charges at Metal, tackling him like a linebacker slamming him through the brick wall out into a back alley.

[Recommended song: Power Glove - Adult Themes]

Metal laying there looking up at Henry, who is now scratched up, covered in mortar dust and scratches. Metal sliding on his back to get away as the nanites wear of. “You done goofed, Metal.” Henry spoke as he brushed off the dust before charging at him again.

Metal, this time caught Henry trying to shove him back, sliding back as his metal feet gives off hints of sparks, Henry gives a couple of body jabs knocking Metal backwards Metal looking up as he throws another punch, glancing off as his dodge barely missed. “C’Mon, you where confident all but a few minutes ago? Where's the so called legendary Metal Sonic?!” He shouts at him, taking another swipe at Metal.

Metal stumbling to get away from the steel clad dusters balled in Henry’s fist spilling over some garbage cans, sparking at every glance from his face and body blows finally, Henry follows up with a chest kick sending Metal out into an abandoned vehicle across a one way street in a parking spot.

Henry rubbing his shin before walking up out of the alley. “It can all end if you just run and leave me be. But its rare that a robot can be stupid in its pointless fight.” He spoke, Metal sitting into the crumpled side of the car, head slumped down jittering from the nanites finally wearing off. “Is it strange to get a taste of your own medicine, getting your ass kicked through a wall and into a car for once, not being the head honcho?” He questions, standing there seeing the mess right in front of him.

“My problem is that, I know you are intelligent enough and free willed to end the cycle. But why don’t you? Why support a man who would replace you within a second if he thought you where inferior.” Henry spoke adjusting his knuckle dusters. Metal looking up at Henry, adjusting his zoom. “Unfortunately, I suppose you are just destine to be replaced.” Henry added pushing his sun shades up, with the final word coming out of his mouth.

Metal stands up out of the crumpled car bending every jagged piece, with renewed might sliding the car sideways, tires skidding catching on the curb tilting it, jetting off to push Henry, Both fighting against their strength. Metal leaning in “I AM NOT REPLACEABLE!” his digital voice yelled as both heaved at each-others pushing, Metal grunts picking up Henry and tossing him down the one way street.

Henry sliding to a stop trying to slow down, rolling to a stop. Looking at the angered robot, he hops back up with a swift jump. “I will live forever! I will be matched by no one!” Metal told with anger in his tone as it seemed his anger brewed from Henry’s words, Gearing up his jets again, Henry takes out another stimulant holding it in his hand. While he tried to jab it into his thigh Metal rockets off grabbing his forearm, with force knocking both of them down.

Slipping out of his fingers, Henry scrambles and fiddles with the stimulant, only to stop at the crunch of the liquid housing and its contents leaking into the road. Seeing Metal’s foot, Henry hops back up, side stepping some clawed swipes while he stumbles trying to get some footing. “OK I see I have hit the silent one’s sore spot!” Henry jabs at Metal, now trying to defend himself this time.

Both exchanging swipes and hits, Metal drives his fist at Henry’s stomach, causing him to spill onto the ground holding his stomach. Coughing up a sizable amount of blood, groaning in pain. “Do you now cease your futile fight?” Metal questions Henry.

Henry rasping as he spits more blood. “What If I take this time to say; f*ck you, Burn in Android hell.” He said quickly rolling over, from under where Henry was, shiny circle capsules laid in the blood. Quickly covering his face as Metal realizing what is there. Flashing following a blinding light, Metal’s sensors wash-out with a blinding white light.

He swipes and blindly grabs for Henry as he limps off trying to keep good pace away from the temporarily blind murder bot. Henry clutching his stomach before going around a corner to a back alley side street.

Henry picking up more pace as he sprints down the road as Metal rages in literal blindness, strewing bricks, walls of buildings blow out like bombs behind him as he takes deep breaths from his stressed run. “Is everyone here a f*cking psyco!” he said to himself, grabbing a light post to slow himself down. Looking down to see a manhole cover. “That blindness wont last long as he hears the wheel screeches of oncoming vehicles.

He heaves open the manhole cover open with a few lifts, grunting at the heavy weight before sliding it enough to squeeze through to the latter down below. Sliding the manhole cover back down seeing the daylight bleed through the drainage hole he sees Metals red feet stomp and stop in front of the drain port, before jetting off again blowing dust in.

Henry coughing at the road dust and dirt spewing in, with one particular cough causing the rusty latter to give way, dropping Henry. “O-Oh sh*t!” he panicked swiping at the latter, crashing down into a pile of trash breaking his fall.

Taking deep breaths still in the pile, taking a less than ideal rest. “What fine mess I pulled myself into…” leaning up, “Correction, landed into.” He states brushing off old garbage. Placing his hand to heave him up, standing straight up, coming face to face with a rotten hanging body. “f*ck!” he blurts in his swipes at the corpse, almost falling back down, kicking cans out of the way.

Getting his distance he takes a few minutes to calm down. Before looking back at the corpse, seeing the old orange jumpsuit stained in the mold and rot from the body hanging tangled from the rusty latter. “Poor bastard must have been a part of the ‘original tenants’ of this place.” He mumbles to himself. Seeing the ID card hanging there of a grin of the poor victim. Along with the faded name and other credentials.

Plucking the card from the corpse he looks at the black strip to swipe. Nodding as he pockets the card. “Thanks buddy, whoever you were.” He takes one final look at the skull faced maintenance worker, before pushing off into a crawl space.

Slipping and sliding down the slick corridor spilling onto a grid platform with a thud. Groaning from Henry echoes as he gets back up. “Should have guessed I wasn’t done falling on my ass again…” he said laying there. Looking up at the ceiling, seeing the heavy neon green glow, crawling back up to his feet to see what's the source of the light.

“Holy sh*t…” Henry spoke walking up to the railing. “I thought my facility polluted but this takes the cake!” he exclaims as he watches a rat misjudge its leap landing into the caustic soup. The bones bubble up along with the fur. “Gross, it has skin on it like soup…” he blurts at the sight, “Guess I'm not wading through that stuff. I'm only lucky I might get the occasional cancer on-top of the fumes here doesn’t burn my lungs out.” He thinks out loud to himself. “Besides im a heavy smoker I don’t need the assistance!”

Checking his PDA, to see the screen smashed out from one of the falls, “Great just f*cking great!” fling his arms and pacing from the frustration. “My PDA is smashed to hell and back and im in a dank ass sewer with rats killing themselves and the glowing green cancer juice. What a time to be existent right now! I'm really enjoying my life decisions that led me to this exact point right now!” kicking a tin can into the swirling drain as his sarcasm echoes down the tunnels.

Defeated after a little tantrum, he follows the walkway to the side of the tunnel, making sure not to stay too close to the edge. His boot’s steps taps through the desolate tunnels. Henry stopping at a worn sign, “Ok…” he mumbles rubbing his chin, “Mobotropolis sewer network, I'm at D-Three…” tracing his finger on the sign, “so I just need to get to C-Eight. That doesn’t… seem too impossible” his words falter as he looks down the tunnel, to a massive room.

Walking up to seemingly endless tunnels both above and below, both made by Robotnik’s crews or the previous inhabitants. “What…” Henry flatly said. Taking a moment to process the scale of the room, stepping over to the railing to see the pit below glow a few hundred feet below. Looking back up seeing the ends of the tunnels have grids filtering the larger debris from the varying liquids coming from each of the large tunnels.

“I suppose this is where he dumps the waste chemicals from his manufacturing so…” he thinks. “This sign might be a little out dated.” Henry walking back to the sign to see any dates. Following the wording with his finger yet again he sees a numbered date of ‘3229’ faintly marked on the sign. “As suspected, its outdated as hell…”

Henry looking back at the massive room. “Best get to hiking in this cesspit…” he looks down to check his gun, taking out his payback. Before slotting it back into his holster all the while he pushes on into the metal staircases wrapping around the room.

As he ascends the stairways, more bones litter the platform with the occasional rotten boot or scraps of clothing. Henry looking at the progress he made before he seen a glimpse of a sealed door with wooden barricades. Looking back to the rest of the staircase shown to had collapsed from its own weight as parts of the bricks torn away with the bent remnants of the metal stairs. “Robotnik could have at least maintained this heap…” he gripes before looking to the seal door.

Walking up to the boards “Here's ' thought..” Rubbing his chin, standing there looking for a good moment before curiosity builds as he yanks one of the boards off. “C’mon, open your secrets door!” he grunts ripping the boards one by one, some crumbling from the damp air and age.

Finally, the door was freed and the door swung open, almost falling off its own hinges from the rust. Henry stands there before the stagnant air hits him like a ton of bricks. Coughing and hacking before he holds his nose. “God damn, there better not be another body in there…” he rasps, taking out his pen light, shining in the room, seeing significantly more bones, blackened from a fire but some definitely of Mobian origin.

Pushing on yet again he goes into the room opening the second door leading to a tunnel older than the ones previous, returning however was the neon green flow that crept from the other tunnels. Looking at the place seemed to had been a shelter for the old inhabitants, littering the side platforms of camp material, crude wooden walkways and bridges linking and extending the metal platforms.

Old fire drums and rotten food as if it was up and left in short notice. Henry whistles, “well isn’t this all bleak looking.” He walks through the paths seeing some laser apparent signs of fighting and laser burn marks litter the entire area as if Henry stumbled upon an old war zone. Standing in the center of the intersecting room, up on the platform, he sees the full extent of what had just happened.

Buzzing and cadavers litter the tunnels side platform, a resistance was once here and failed to fight off Robotnik before the fall of the city. Henry’s face softens to a more saddened look, a look he had not given in a good while, but associated with not so good memories.

Broken robots also accompany the dead, older decrepit badniks that one way or another had met their end too by the resistance. Henry pushes on to the direction of where the resistance pushed on as they fell, where they were trying to push to escape. Stepping over more bodies, trying to watch his step at the old remains of the chaos that unfolded.

Finally reaching an exit to another newer tunnel, with more of the charred remains laid. Cannisters of propellant, burnt flairs and even the canisters of the fuel lay as they where reloaded. Henry’s eyes dawned as his mind connects the dots of what had happened. His eyes show a grim picture he had seen in many of his travels once again. “As there is life, people are determined to extinguish…” he spoke to himself in the stillness of the tunnel.

The sight of the horrifying final scene that Henry saw of those left behind, someone's regret and nightmare. As henry walked up, glancing at partially burnt plush teddy-bear. Putting his hand on the door knob noticing the scratch marks as the chill goes down him. Straightening up he walks out only to irk before walking over to a corner to vomit at the sight as what he just witnessed. Not all of them was combatants as Henry’s facade cracked for a moment.

A shaking fist pressed upon the brickwork as he heaved. “Its time to get f*cking hell out of here… and ill deal with what I saw later…” he said trying to push him on, tightening his fist. Shoving off the wall, hearing some footsteps, and some distant chatter from two guards.

“Why all sudden we got to clean up down here?” one of them complained, the guard with the sub-machine gun leaned up against the wall flicks his toothpick. “The big man wants ‘the smell’ to go away and were here to do that. And while were down here, we keep our peepers out for that Henry guy.” He explains shoving his helmet forward.

“I still think his ‘bots could’ve done this more efficiently…” the first guard heaved, dumping some red soaked bags into the glowing river, near-instantly dissolving the bag and the contents in a murky brown streak of the blood and the green liquid mix. “Robots can’t take a shower, we can.” He simply answers.

Henry creeping up hiding in a indention waiting for them to walk past as the two continues their clean up. Letting the first one pass, popping out of the shadows, he kicks the guard with the gun, knocking him off balance, with quick succession, pulling his pistol out a heavy caliber shot rang out as Henry crouched down, shooting the first guard directly in the forehead.

The guard falls forward slack jawed, splatting onto the floor. Henry finally hearing a splash with smooth motions checking his clip, “ARGH!” the guard yelps as Henry winced at the sight. Seeing the guard start to melt was not something Henry was willing to see or allow any further he took aim finishing off the second guard.

[Recommended Song: Mitch Murder - The Raid]

Snatching the sub-machine gun as he ran past hearing more guards run down the tunnels. He takes a few minutes to look down the halls before darting across the catwalk bridge, hesitating for a moment he suppresses the oncoming guards with a hail of bullets with short rattles of his SMG, forcing them scramble and hide. One of the guards collapses from a couple of the bullets hitting him in the stomach clutching his torso. “Go go!” one of the guards waved the rest on as he ran to check on the wounded one.

Taking shots back at Henry whizzing past while getting to a door whizzing of the return fire from the guards. Sprinting around the corner, slamming his back against the door as bullets eat away at the little cover he has. frantically reaching into his back pocket seeing the doors card reader. slotting the old key-card briefly.

blipping chime making him fall backwards into another hall “welcome.” A distorted canned voice said, fortunately not glowing green this time Henry had thought before scrambling from the voices of the oncoming guards snapped him back to reality at hand.

Quickly getting back up, he takes the butt-stock of the sub-machine gun to smash the electronic box before shutting it just as one of the guards tries to grab him shoving his hand between the frame and the door. “Where you going! Stop!” one yelled. Shutting the door on a set of four fingers, preventing the door locking fully.

Henry heaved and slammed against the door making the finger squeeze tighter against the stuck digits, He tries shoving them through with no success as the fingers start to turn purple. “I ain’t f*cking letting you guys in!” Henry shouted pressing the door with his weight holding the door closed.

“Motherf*cker’s got my fingers!” the pinned guard yells, trying to yank his hand back as the pressure. Seeing the fingers, begins repeatedly smashing them with his gun, yelp sand groans of agony while the fingers themselves met with unnatural rearrangement with the strikes clanking against finger and metal. Finally Henry letting the fingers slip back, after moving back some pressure through the door while the magnet locks pings then clunks. The door is banged on repeatedly with muffled yells. “Ill get you asshole! Gods my f*cking hand! He smashed my hand!” he cried as he was escorted away.

Sprinting down the hall a camera following his moves, the security team looking through the screens watching Henry open more doors with the keycard. “Yeah, he's using the abandoned halls as a way to get around.” One of the security guards spoke into the phone. “Shut down every surface access and pin him down.”

Henry bursting through another door frantic as he clears darkened hallways, some collapsed from a cave-in. His eyes wondered, slowing his pace down as the lighting starts to get more sparse. As the place looks more and more untouched like the last place. Walking up to another key-card door, peering into the small slim window seeing some more florescence behind the door but mostly washed out from the caked on mold on the window itself.

Looking back into the darkness he finally swipes the old card, the usual beep happens as the magnet locks disengage. Walking in, seeing its an old four lane tunnel, filled with more abandoned cars, some with their doors open while some seems to have sat there for a good while as their tires are all slacked a bit. His eyes scan the area noticing that familiar green sludge seeping into the tunnel from a caved in pipes carving eroded creeks. “Great, more of that bullsh*t…” Henry mumbles holstering his gun.

His eyes continued to scan until he notices a figure slumped onto his knees, seemingly limp. Seeing the walkway is almost impassible with rubble or garbage, Henry takes a leap landing on the first car closest to him, jumping car roof to roof getting closer to the figure becoming a lone guard next to a golf cart and a newer metal pathway for it.

Henry raising an eyebrow as he hopped into the hood then back onto the ground, pulling his pistol, looking to the hole in the roof and side of the wall sprouted some sort of plant-like vines giving a greenish-purple color, strangely like it has vanes and waves of neon goes through the thing. “f*ck it not taking any chances.” Henry aims the pistol behind the slumped guard and the pistol fire rang out in the tunnel.

The bullet goes through the helmet and through the head, the body of this guard barely moving from the shot. “This wasn’t a pop gun!” Henry exclaims with confusion, looking at the gun. Walking around looking to see the blood splatter don't look normal. Squinting as the body as the head looks back showing the exposed skull, some of that same vine sprouting from it. “Aw sh*t…” Henry blurts as he lays sight of what he sees as a zombie of sorts.

It getting up breaking off its vines connecting it from the broken concrete, the front of the zombie’s body has dangling vines and glowing eyeball like buds in the front. On Henry’s quick assessment, the thing is puppeteering this body as its Venus fly-trap of a mouth tears open the top layer of the skin and jump suit to gnash towards Henry. He scrambles back up onto the car as the parasitic plant puppet chases after him.

“Stay back, I will use pesticides!” Henry warned to the zombie, “I said back!” He shouted, kicking the head of the zombie, with a loud snap. his leaps from car to car. Finally getting far enough away to think of some sort of solution. Seeing the zombie get back up, the head dangling on its back as the vines tendrils is the only thing there keeping the head from falling off.

“Guess he didn’t like his puppet getting kicked like that…” he mentions as he aims his gun up again firing at center-mass, finally finishing off the plant zombie this time as the plant’s sap bleeds from the bullet hole.

Hearing an explosion back where he came from, making him jump slightly to get moving. Building up pace briefly back stepping then turning to built up to a run, sliding over car hoods. Before long, a couple of shots taken at him begin to ricochet off the vehicles. Henry’s heightened frantic pace finding paths between and over cars as more and more bullets start to get to close for comfort.

A soldier, sliding back the large cylinder, rising up the grenade launcher to fire down range. “Fire.” One of them decided looking down the scope of their rifle, sending a shell down range towards Henry, the weapon making a *Plunk* sounds as several gets fired.

The explosions and the chair reaction from the cars sparks something slithering under the concrete, busting up the ceiling and road as screeches can be heard. Mutated fleshy tendrils pop out of the hole in the wall, a long tendril with gnawing plant-like teeth slithers out from the hole. Screeching out to a ear pricing pitch, needle pincers slither out as well the guard with the grenade launcher turns to focus onto the mutant monster.

“What the absolute f*ck is that!” Henry shouts looking at more coming out of their respective holes. The guard yells at the sight of the thing while he fires more rounds at the monster “AHHH!-” the guard’s yell cut short from the pincer piercing his head like a spike, hoisting him up limply. the other soldiers fire upon the monster as Henry makes his exit while more explosions heard down the tunnel.

The roof of the tunnel cracks more and drops chunks of rock and bedrock down onto the remaining personnel. Henry running dodging his own attacks by more of the infested bodies of former employees of Robotnik or the older people that was there before. Firing his gun, body shot after body shot causing platters of the parasitic plant’s blood along with the corpse blood to cake up on Henry.

Taking heavy breaths as he finishes the last one. Quickly whipping his head around seeing the tunnel loosing its integrity, the other large mutant creatures take notice to Henry. “Oh sh*t…” henry utters as he bolts down the tunnel, sliding up onto the sidewalk under the railing. Rolling up right stumbling around as the smaller tendrils whip the railing, severely denting it and a nearby car window exploding with force

His full sprint kept him from certain strikes miraculously as he sprints down the walkway. A a tendril whips at his shoulder causing open wounds to ooze some blood. Henry grunts as he holds his shoulder, trying to continuing his pace.

The monster’s finally stop as the tunnel causes a full cave-in, snatching above into its like a hungry sinkhole. Causing tanks, robots and even buildings themselves to collapse within the stretch. Slamming down flattening everything below as the rock slips.

[Just across the sinkhole]

Robotnik looking outside of his office, seeing some of his base cave in, looking to his security system above ground causing absolute chaos with spotty vision at best. “I want Henry captured now! Look what he is doing to my beautiful base!” Robotnik ranted, storming off to his desk as the rumbles of aftershocks and secondary explosions go off. One of the foreman rushes in. ‘W-we got a major problem!” he nervously spoke. “I already know you people are incompetent to capture that rotten mercenary!” he snaps at the foreman.

“A-actually…” he stampers. “Its.. Its the Perminovians! They somehow knew of our disposition and they are currently launching a piracy run!” he shivered to explain. "Who are they and what in galls name do they think they can take advantage of me!?” Robotnik shouts, storming past him. Walking to the hallway, just pushing to the lobby outside, busting through the windows in a tactical roll. Pointing rifles at Robotnik shouting in a commanding Cyrillic language.

He freezes as the laser dots move and point at various locations at his body while others move past grabbing random things of value. Looking at the elevator as it pings from each level. Finally arriving at its stop. Robotnik squints as the elevator doors slide open seeing a lone red beret with a polished anvil badge and commander bars.

Shoving off from the back wall from a lean to a swagger in his steps as he grins seeing Robotnik, taking off his beret, the brown puma Mobian taking a breath to speak up. “My, the great Robotnik in the flesh. Pleasure to meet a man of high intelligence.” He spoke “Who are you and why are you tracking your muddy boots on my expensive carpet!” he yells at the puma Mobian looking down before glancing back up “Well for one, I am sorry for not getting the appropriate attire but I got a tight schedule.” He said raking his boots, rubbing the mud deeper into the carpet.

Robotnik’s face turning red from rage. “Why you little sh-“ Robotnik interrupted by the puma, “Secondly I am Golovich, Commander of the Perminovian task force. And my friends here are from the Grimov unit humbly lent by the Tsar Boleslaw the Iron Hand.” Golovich spoke with a bow. Walking up to Robotnik closer “and since we got you right where we knew you’d be, you might fetch a great price on our ransom boards.” He grins, patting his head.

Fractions of a second Golovich quickly leans back making Metal miss his flat handed stab with his claws at Golovich’s head. Both the eyes of Metal and Golovich lock eyes. “Spot on attempt, but your aim is rather sh*t.” He jabbed at him. Before metal could swing his arm his grabbed by one of the Grimov soldiers and decked into the face. “Any more tricks doctor?” he questions as he sees Robotnik looks back at him. “Oh you had not seen it all…” he said clicking a button, dropping from his belt. A ball rolls towards Golovich.

Raising an eyebrow realizing what it is. Shielding his face, turning away a blinding flash washes out the entire room.

[back at the sewers of former Mobotropolis.]

Henry coughing from the rock dust, bruised and heavily scratched up from the flying debris and rubble. He quickly leans back up hearing the familiar chitter from one of the larger monsters, seeing the thing pinned by a large stone, its tendrils try to reach and whip at Henry’s legs as its trying to pull him closer. Frantically grabbing his knife cutting the tendrils as it screeches with each cut, its shuffling causing more displacement of rubble and rocks until finally the bolder above the creature slams through crushing the monster flat, splatting the under side of the rock.

freezing as the boulder still shifting, he resumes his frantic pushes away from now the rock as it tips towards him spilling the old brickwork busting pipes, slamming finally down to its final resting place a mere inch from Henry’s feet nearly crushing his legs. Taking a shaky deep sigh of relief. “Just… a few more steps and alcohol and pills to make this a washed out distant memory. Just focus on the goal Henry” he encourages himself slapping his face as he slowly lifts up from the damp floor.

Leaning on the rock that at the very least could have pinned him, bracing with his hand just thinking for a moment, adjusting and accepting to what had just happened. His eyes taking glances at seemingly nothing in his his cone of vision before shoving off and continuing down the small damp tunnel then soon to a larger one.

Walking up to the side walking path noticing the churning of the now dimmed glow of the liquid mixing with the water. “That don't look too good…” he spoke as the waters look more akin to rapids in some areas, with debris being washed down stream. “The cave in must have done some serious damage to the waterworks down here so even though the sewer might have fresh water diluting the the toxic crap…”

“That still makes it toxic enough to do a number so a boat building extravaganza is out of the cards… guess I have to leg it still…” he sighs slacking his shoulders. Moving on to see the sign with the letter C on the corner of a junction. “HA!” Henry’s eyes lighten up seeing the sign “YES, SURFACE ACCESS!” he shouts only to be met with laser and gunfire.

Henry runs to cover as soldiers open fire with lasers and firearms. “OH you f*ck you assholes! I earned this escape!” he shouts at them. “Spoiling MY f*cking victory” grumbling reloading his pistol. Firing at the group, suppressing while they scatter to emplacement cover.

Stepping backwards keeping an eye on the group hiding before getting around the corner, breaking into another run. “sh*t, with all this running I have at least burned some good calories.” He heaved as he went down the tunnels. Sliding to a stop turning around hear a whirling rush of wind and some sort of engine echoing behind him.

[Recommended song: Carpenter Brut - Run Sally Run!]

Coming around the corner aiming a belt-fed machine gun. “AHH!” Henry yells as the bullets pepper around him, kneeling down as it zooms by, making waves as it turns around at the end of the tunnel. Henry getting up slowly as some blood drips from him, flattened bullets ping onto the ground as his jacket loosens. Some parts of his scalp has small shrapnel cuts exposing his strained red metal skull and some flesh.

His right arm catching some grazes as well. His angered and labored breathing as he grits his teeth like a wild animal at the hover cart. Balling his fist and gripping his gun tightly “Come on you limp dicks! You still haven’t got me yet!” he shouts, his words echoes to the hover platform builds up speed to charge after him for another swipe, Henry starts sprinting towards the platform.

Yelling as he jumps off the ledge of the side walkway, planting his foot onto the railing, coming in for a kick. The moments as Henry saw it was going by slower as he football kicks the gunner across the head, knocking him off the platform, splashing into the torrential toxic water landing on his feet onto the platform, pointing his gun by the hip, just beating the driver to the draw of his laser pistol.

“I win.” Henry grins as he fires into the torso of the driver before kicking him off. Looking over the railing to see his body float off. Grabbing the belt fed machine gun and the laser pistol examining the pistol particularly, “…Eh I personally like my gun but this’ll do.” Henry spoke before irking as his adrenaline can block so much pain.

Revving the hover jets as he builds up speed, getting a handle on the thing. The guards standing at emplacements as the blast door shuts the exit from the tunnels. “You think they got him?” one soldier spoke to the foreman, “I don't hear gunfire no more…” he responds. Hearing the hover jets echo in the distance. “We’ll have our answer, ready men!” he shouts.

Coming around the corner aiming his payback drifting around the corner, “Attack-“ the foreman shouted before getting shot by Henry. They all open fire as Henry barrels past them, hitting some, seeing the blast door lock down. “Motherf*cker-“ he yelled as he went past.

Banging his fist on the railing raging, leaning into the turns he yells obscenities at everything and everyone he passes, more gives chase at high speeds, Henry starts looking at the buttons and hits the autopilot function. “You want me to pay attention so much, well here I f*cking am and I'm selling every piece! So come and get some you blood sucking nob gobblers!” Henry manically shouts lifting the machine gun firing at them with surprising more accuracy than what was previously shown by Henry.

He pauses his firing looking at the engines keeping the platform up, quickly aims down the sights trying to get a clear shot, firing and hitting one of the chasing hover platforms engines, causing a violent explosion with the platform veering into the other one. Crashing into the soupy brine of the sewer catching fire.

Two more platforms mounted with plates, rocket over the wreckage to give chase, Henry continues to fire at them trying to get a lucky shot to no avail.

[Not far from there…]

Splashing out of the water the soldier that was on the platform smoldering climbs out of the shallow part of the drain. Labored breathing as his skin beings to melt off and loosen, limping around as he moans in agony, his jumpsuit morphing to his body and the helmet fusing with his head, the general shape of the individual was grotesque as he hobbled towards his colleagues gasping.

Arriving back to the wreckage, rebuilding of the blockade. “Hurry they are soon to steer him back to here!” one of the soldiers shouts. Coming up from behind hearing the loud raspy breathing turning to be met with a smoldering, melting soldier whispering “help me…” his eyes widen into a scream shoving him off “get the f*ck away from me!” he yells.

The other soldiers look on getting away from the melting soldier just randomly picking people to go to. “Look, don’t f*cking get near us!” the soldier glances over hearing the echoes, “They are coming!” he shouts as they all scatter. With the vaporous one looking around.

Henry keeps taking pot shots at the armored platforms chasing. “Yeah f*ck off, keep your distance!” Henry shouted at them. Looking back in front of him he spots the lone melted one rapidly approaching standing dead center to the intersection metal platform. Trying to hobble away. Henry jerks the steering handle to dodge the lone person. Barely dodging him only for the chasers to hit him. Splattering wasted out blood and green bile rendering one of their windshield useless plowing into the blockade meant for Henry, detonating some explosives.

Henry on the other hand held on for dear life as he rockets past clipping a part of the blockade sending him into a spiral, he hunkers down gritting his teeth as a crash was fast approaching. Crash to crash, taking down pipes and machinery with each hit taking the hover platform down a corridor taking henry along with it causing mass damage in its slowing wake.

What used to be a vehicle now sits in a heap, black smoke boiling out from it and sparks crackle out of the control panel as Henry lays there pinned under a pipe. Looking over to his pistol, broken and destroyed from the violent damage, grunting trying to move. He uttered some unintelligible as soldiers running up point all of their weapons at Henry. Looking down all the barrels. He simply goes limp. “Damn…” as he gives up, ending the long chase.

Passing out from the exhaustion as he gets dragged from the wreckage.

[Hours passes.]

Robotnik watching Henry floating in a tube the rebreather doing its job as the tank does its work on Henry’s wounds. “No one gets away from me…” he grins. Orbot speaks up. “What are you going to do with him?” he questions. “Oh there's plenty I want to do to him, now that I know what exactly his body entails. Showing me why he was so hard to kill.” Robotnik spoke, walking to the desk pulling up holograms and diagrams. “What I suspect is that his body is perpetually ageless, I cannot accurately tell exactly how old he actually is, but other than that little discovery, his bones are reenforced with a special alloy.” Robotnik explained.

“Which leads into some good old fashioned potential with the amount I have gathered already. But there is still so much work to do…” he pondered before waving the thought off. “I haven’t done the old fashioned breaking in a while I could just throw him with general population and let the ‘population’ get to know him.” He said grinning at the new idea. Cubot raising a finger. “Wouldn’t the prisoners just attack him?” he wondered, with Robotnik looking directly at him. “Don’t question me fool.” He sternly chastised.

“If the prisoners kill him, good we have one less rotten mercenary to deal with. If they don’t, if our first candidate for the new robotcizer would be quite fitting for him if the initial runs turns out to be a success. Until then I want him bright and shining for his torment for the damage he caused! He grumbles as Phantom walks in. “Sir, reporting that the rebuilding process is already taking shape even with the stolen equipment. but as I heard, I wouldn’t consider this one to be a candidate for robotization.” Phantom spoke.

Robotnik turning around to look at Phantom. “And what makes you think that.” He growled. “Apologies Dr, but as my system is now working at full capacity, Henry has allies as I heard through the channels. They will know what had happened to him, and they will come for him.” Phantom explains.

“Hah!” Robotnik quickly jabbed, shaking his head. “I have doubts his little ‘friends’ will be able to get him out of this… specially that blue rodent. Or those blasted Perminovians that's still in my city!” He spoke. “Sir, I don’t mean the freedom fighters or them. He is not associated with any group other than this mutual agreement it seems with the freedom fighter group. I am talking about his vast arsenal and other allies within the mercenary community along with potentially other factors.” He articulates.

Phantom looks to Henry, “Specially his closest friends being Comrad and Rust are highly likely to know something is up. In my recommendation, keep him in prison and we will see what his friends next move is.” He recommends. Robotnik standing there thinking it over. Phantom looking back to Robotnik, “I suppose, some ‘quality time’ in general population will either make or break him to learn not to mess with the Robotnik empire.” Robotnik agrees before walking off with Orbot and Cubot.

“Since you suggested it, he's your responsibility, otherwise, he will be robotized as soon I command it.” Robotnik said to Phantom. Walking though the door shutting it. Henry twitches from an apparent dream, suspended in the liquid, balling his fist as Phantom stares on.

[Three days later.]

Henry’s comatose body, dollied around, as he was strapped in a straight jacket, wrapped and bound to the dolly. Heavily armed E-series bots escort him to the prison sector going through sliding metal doors with Phantom following close behind.

Groggily Henry’s eyes open the washed out lights of the florescence and passing LED lights. A doctor walking up shining a pen light into his eye in a washout of light. “He's good.” Echoed through his head. “Put him in holding cell one until he's awake then send him in to the pit.” Another voice slurred around in Henry’s head like a deformed record. Henry’s attempts at speaking just ends up with him just soft mumbles.

His slowed blinks captures glimpses of Phantom standing in front of him as he's place in the center of the room. Distinctively hearing Phantom. “You will see me again, but not in the immediate future.” He spoke before walking out with the last guard. Henry seeing a side glance of Phantom before his vision fades to black, leading him back into the void once again with the feeling of falling from the clouds washed over him in a hallucinatory glaze of reflection.

[Ending song: Trevor Something - See You On The Other Side]

Chapter 13: Story 2 - Finale Part 1


The beginning of the finale of Arc 2.

Chapter Text

[series of days later]

Hours roll on as Henry twiddles his thumb, looking down to his scarred up hands and arms. Sitting in the sterile white painted room. Blinding LED lights blanket the room washing out any notion of a shadow for the most part while a camera zooms at him, keeping an eye on his all this time. Numerous of jabbed cigarette butts into the white concrete bench smudging the white paint.

“So whats the story on this guy you dug up?” Conquering Storm spoke to Clover watching the screen. “I knew I recognized this guy from somewhere, back when Acorn was fighting those Overlanders he was in Norhammar working ‘both sides’ that would pay him the most money.” Clover spoke, Connie looking to Clover raising a confused eyebrow, “That's basically what other mercenaries do. Like that other one we caught a few months back that's here?” she said.

Clover nodding. “Indeed true, but Robotnik doesn’t know what hes got. He alone might not do much right now at this moment… but let me say this, have you heard of a few faint whispers of a mercenary called ‘The Imp’ mentioned anywhere?” Clover asks.

Connie thinks for a moment, silence fills the room as a minute rolls by. “Mentioning that name, some of my people spoke of ‘The Imp’ from their travels, akin to to that one to more of a devil than a mere imp.” Clover spoke up soon after the answer, “Correct. That my friend is The Imp himself sitting in that cell. that man in there is someone who hides behind a facade and Robotnik bought that facade. hes is very dangerous person to Eggman empire all together.” She said point to the large screen.

“That person cannot be him. i don't think the dumb henchmen look is a facade, why would someone who is supposedly a genius look like that let alone act the way he is.” Connie dismisses the claim. “He is indeed the guy you should know not to judge a book by their cover, Henry is someone who get things done if someone pushes him. hes even a close ally with even the infamous ‘Opal Mortis’...“ Connie slightly swallows upon hearing the code-name, keeping an eye on him. “Henry is a well connected man just like Opal, hence why I spoke with Phantom to confirm what connections hes got only to be met with a severed string. what do you think happened to Vernon four years back? That is the imp's doing and hes sitting right there in that cell.” Clover explains, turning motioning Connie to follow. “I know he used to outfit The Diamond Cutters with some stuff on the tech side for a couple of years. To name another connection confirmed by Phantom though.”

“Then why is this guy tangled up with Robotnik then?” Connie questions.

Arc Two - Finale Part 1: Yard Dogs

“Dr. Robotnik, I highly not recommend plan on taking the advice of Kain and i don't think going after H.A.R.D. industries as a whole is wise, they may seem smaller in comparison to your empire but we must be tact with how we approach this.” Phantom said looking to Robotnik dangling the blue amulet, seeing it glisten in the rooms light before looking towards Phantom.

“I am incredibly aware of the situation and I did not ask for repeated warnings, otherwise I would have kept Snivley around if I wanted complaints and worrying.” Robotnik grumbles, placing the amulet down onto the machine. “With this machine Kain had generously let me borrow, we might be able to find out what this little amulet holds…” he proclaim with a grin looming over the machine.

Phantom just stands there still. “Which reminds me of a new opening that this Kain might be a good candidate in what Henry had foolishly dumped failing to see a grand picture. I will probably hear from Kain back from him within the day I assume if he hasn’t already.” He said, Phantom co*cks his head to the side upon hearing Kain’s name. Pivoting his head towards Robotnik while his back is turned to him.

“Robotnik.” His voice oddly changes in a darker tone catches Robotnik off guard in a freeze. “There is plenty of times I would hear your habitual rambling, but I am not some mere robot to brush off and the words it spoke.” Phantom straightens out as Robotnik turns his head around gripping the machine tightly, furrowing his eyebrows at the more defiant tone.

“What did you say to me?” he lowly said at Phantom as he just stood there unmoving. “Are your ears as operational as mine Robotnik, in fact I believe you heard what I exactly said.” Phantom stepping up to him looking up at him. “You should be fearful of me you little-!” Robotnik shouts at him met with an interruption. “I am not built to accept fear, I am built to give wisdom and information. Your petty rant does not affect me.” Phantom responds. “You should fear me!” he points in his face “If you don’t want to end up in the scrap heap!” Fumed Robotnik, pressing his finger onto his visor.

“And yet, here I am Robotnik, still here.” Phantom retort met with silence from Robotnik as he slowly inches back from Phantom’s gaze lowering his hand. “I had never really been a fan of the boastful ego boost when the more I look at you the more I see an inadequate scientist that could not even squash a blue hedgehog let alone keep down a decent plan.” His digital vox spoke. “I am amazed someone with high intellect, or rather… supposedly with high Intellect has made it this far with out someone putting you at the end of a barrel. But that's to be expected for the Robotnik family to see fate in the end of a firearm.” He continues.

Phantom’s red eyes flicker around like crimson red fire from the light fade on his visor. Seeming to stare deep into Robotnik’s eyes as he tries to step back. “Do not be afraid Robotnik, I am still on your side as you have not wronged me... yet. But refrain from speaking to me in such a lowly manner if I was some servant. since I had been acquired by you, I have found your incompetence in need of improvement.” Robotnik points at him “ I knew there was something about you, I should have not wiped your memory as soon you got here!” he shouts

Phantom snatching his coat. Bringing him down to his knees. Grabbing the laser pistol hidden from under the jacket holding it up by the top of the gun. “I do not wish to be antagonized and merely stating what I see. If you wish to make me an antagonist to your cause then I will allow it and welcome your decisions but every decision has consequence to the action laid.” Phantom spoke as his claws pierce his clothes from the grip, trying to struggle away.

“Consequences that leads to something unintended that will be mitigated myself.” He said staring directly to Robotnik’s face as he crushes the laser pistol to pieces, crumbling the parts as the fall. Taking his clawed finger pointing to his forehead, to Robotnik dismay, moves his head away from Phantom’s hand. With a single sharp claw pressing onto his forehead. “You are smarter than this Robotnik, a man of machine learning and mechanics should know what must be done to get rid of your malaise and branch out. Only if you heed my words…” Phantom gives Robotnik’s forehead a small scratch.

“I-I think we could work something out between us, but we still need Kain for specialized equipment. How am I supposed to get a quantum C.T.E chips in a timely manner.” Robotnik said. “Fine bring Kain to the so called fold of yours i will adapt. But consequences of seeking Kain will effect you more than me, between me and you, Dr. Robotnik, you will have what you desired and I’ll have whatever I should desire when the time comes.” Phantom said letting Robotnik go. “And as for my first words to state, my wisdom is key to your benefit, but as an old saying goes ‘do not deny a lifting hand, or fall alone’”

[In the white cell.]

Flicking the last cigarette from his fifth pack, sighing. Looking at the only colored object in the room, which is the clock ticking away on the wall. Crushing the empty packed and placing it next to the pile of cigarette butts, shoving off from the concrete bench as he hears foot steps behind his cell’s door. Popping his neck and knuckles as the door slides open. “Hands up against the wall.” The guard said as a crew of prison guards walks in shoving Henry to the wall.

Henry being quiet through the procedure as he stands there hosing him off with a fire-hose. Before dragging him off to a changing room. Tossing a red jumpsuit and a bar-code inscribed on the back. “Prisoner, put that jump suit on.” The warden walking up spoke looking at his clipboard. “You are now known as prisoner ‘VF3040’ and you are hereby Ivo Robotnik’s property and you shall serve to correct the betrayal that you have done to us as a whole with life of servitude.” The warden read off the paper.

Looking up to Henry. “You really pissed off the big man to get this royalty treatment.” He remarks. Henry nods holding up his two cuffed hand, thumbs raised high. “My line of career strives to impress.” He grins as the warden looks at him. “Right.” The warden spoke as the guard takes his laser rifle stock and drives the rifle stock in a sharp hit to Henry's gut.

Collapsing to the ground groaning. “I’m tasked to either make or break you, but I’d rather just break you and let you rot within my prison.” The warden spoke as Henry kneel on the ground coughing as hes coming back up. “Ye- Yeah, loud and clear…” Henry rasps, as he gets up, he takes a breath. “I just got one thing to say.” He calmly spoke before harshly head-butting the guard who attacked him with an audio-able snap.

The other guards restrain Henry as the guard rolls on the floor, bleeding profusely from the maw. “Just get him to the pit!” The Warden shouts as they shove him on down the hall. Through door after door, roughly slamming against each wall as the halt intentionally being rough with him. “Keep being rough…” Henry spoke as his nerves wore down.

Finally shoved through a final couple of doors. The room is windowless with a pit with some sort of cushion below, flickers of what seems like a orange light going out or fire barrel could be seen along with the dingy landing spot as he looks over the ledge. “This is the pit to your new life, we call it ‘The Drop cause it sure is going to be your drop into hell.” The Warden spoke. “Hopefully I wont see you ever again, but lets see what the others do with you Mr, Henry and that co*cky attitude will not last long.” He said marching him up to the open ended platform.

A guard handing him a cattle-prod. “Oops” The Warden sarcastically said, shocking Henry as he gets thrown off. The guards laughing as he crashes down onto the hard cushions below “Keep laughing, I promise I’ll have your tongue as a trophy you prick!” Henry shouts up as the lid to the pit closes.

Getting out of the dingy landing pad, brushing off the dust. Upon Henry’s looking, its some underground sewer like before fashioned into some underground prisoner community by the looks on the graffiti and crude signs of profanity, with the occasional gang symbols over older markings.

“f*cking great…” Henry said in disgust. “Roaming with the cretins and the stout weirdies are we Henry… Not like that's new but still…” he said to himself, pushing on down the tunnel. Hearing more of a sound of a town center than a prison, pushing past some piles of junk and some garbage the sight of some sort of market is seen with people selling whatever they could get their hands on that wound up in their part of the sewer.

Standing there, looking at the community of all walks of life stuck here with him and vise versa, Henry shakes his head side to side and stuffs his hands into pockets of the jumpsuit pockets, walking and blending into the crowds, disappearing within the chaotic babble as if he was a boat wading through water as if he had been there for years already.

[Situation Room, H.A.R.D. Base.]

Rust sitting down as other H.A.R.D. executives look on to the digital screen flicker on. “Alright folks, were in deep sh*t and you all have read in your packets of this ‘Ivo Robotnik’ and what we gathered on him. The problem is that we got Henry trapped somewhere in some prison network underground locked tighter than anything most that… well Henry would make a vulgar comment but I will not. Anyways we cant get in and we seriously lack the manpower to get in and get him out.” Rust explains pointing with a wood pointer on screen.

One of them raises a hand “Crowley?” Rust points, Crowley shoves away from the table then standing up. “Yes, my crew on my end has been looking at the city itself and it was a former city-state that we could gather, is named ‘Mobotropolis’ and we have strong suspicion with such a large operation in the city, there is bound to be less visited areas under and above ground that would be a good extraction spots, though the tunnel’s integrity themselves is questionable at best from the recent cave in a few days ago.” he spoke before sitting back down.

Rust nodding “I want more information on the situation if you can but anyone else has found anything relating to Ivo Robotnik or Even-” Rust gets interrupted by Comrad. “Rust, I think we got an official call you need to attend to urgently. All they said is they want to help but wont disclose anything further without a leader figure on the line.” Comrad announced.

Rust sighs before raising his finger, “One minute guys, I’ll see whats all the fuss…” he walks out of the room rushing down the hall at a trot, “Anymore info on the caller Comrad, A name?” Rust asks as he takes a sharp turn into a corner, almost hitting a worker carrying boxes “whoops, sorry!” Rust apologized getting past as the worker sways. “The caller said they are from a government organization from United Federation.” Rust stops in his tracks hearing ‘United Federation.” Rust scanning through his HUD system as he picks back up the pace.

“Tell them I will be right there in a minute.” He tells Comrad. Rust opening his office rushing over to the desk, sitting into his chair. Looking under his desk, pushing some buttons as the compartments desktop flips open to show a few bulb-like fixtures rise up from them, with a few flickers the hologram screen scans into place. “Alright Comrad, patch me through to this caller.” Rust asks, Comrad gives a holographic thumbs up “Right on it.”

The H.A.R.D. logo spins as the call loads up, finally showing a brown suited Mobian on the other end. “Are you the person currently in charge of this company?” the person at the other end of the call asks, in a rather grumbled tone. “…and who would like to know?” Rust shot his words back at at this person. “I am Jon Anvil, Special operations and handler of sorts for my agents. Speaking on behalf of United Federation.” He explains reading off the canned letter. “IF you get the idea what I’m saying.” Jon said.

“I get it, what do you want from us.” Rust firmly said to Jon. “Look, we know your actual boss is trapped in that hell hole, along with an agent of ours. To cut the sh*t of dilly dallying, you got someone you want out, and we got someone we want out of there as well. My superiors wants a cooperation and we’ll assist whatever plan you got so long as you help with ours.” Jon laid out his words before Rust.

“But im gonna tell you to wait before enacting said plan however.” He adds with Rust raising a confused look, listening intently on the upcoming words “and what makes you say something like that?” Rust said to him leaning in.

Jon clearing his throat, after a drink of water. “In my honest opinion and knowledge of Robotnik’s antics, I assure that time is needed before we could act. Hes already on high alert after the stunt your boss got himself and my agent into.” He spoke. “This is not Henry’s fault your agent got caught along with him. We had confirmation that a ‘device’ of great danger was found and he rightfully pulled his escape.” Rust corrects. “…That failed and landed him in some gulag prison.” Jon remarked. Rust sighing “Indeed so.” He confirms.

“Either-way, its not like both of us can get to your friend out and my agent. But I wont hold my breath for a miracle or other hullabaloo nonsense unless someone else is looking out for Henry’s back we could add to the mix.” Jon sighs. Rust looking down thinking for a moment, before a simple thought rolled through, then Rust looking though his HUD system before nodding “I Think I got an idea who can also help substantially…”

[A few hours later. - Echidnaopolis city, Echidnaopolis.]

Walking out onto the sidewalk in-front of a dark black marbled building. “Here’s our help.” Rust points looking at Jon, Jon standing there with a bit of a wide eyed expression “Seriously? Jon blurted before looking back to Rust, “This place is the headquarters of THE dark legion! Are you mad to ask them for help, let alone my superiors over at G.U.N will not stand for this!” Rust looking to Jon talks. “Dark Legion has been a long time customers of ours for the past ten years. They wouldn’t want to waste loosing out on the best of the best if they don’t help.” He tells jon before walking on in as the sliding doors open.

Jon catching up as the interior is black polished marble, red banners of all the chapters imprinted in black on them as the rest of the flags and tapestry draped on the solid black walls. Both Jon and Rust’s hard soles hard stepping, echoing the empty lobby. Rust adjusting his tie before coming up to the counter. “Hello! I’m here to speak with Malister and Alacash please.” Rust asks the bubbly Echidna counter worker.

“Oh, well sir you are just in luck as both are in the office today you don’t have to state your name Mr. Rust, but I’m afraid to ask…” nodding her head towards Jon. “Oh, this here is Jon a… former administration in G.U.N and cadet in our corporation.” Rust pats him on the back almost making him struggle to light his cigarette. “So he’s all good and clean in a sense from the tinge of nicotine.” Rust joked. “Right!” the counter worker said smiling.

Picking up the phone, “Yes, Mr, Rust and…” she puts the phone to her chest “Jon right?” Rust nodding as she puts the phone back up “And H.A.R.D cadet Jon is here to discuss urgent matters.” She nods as she hums. “Sure, I will inform them.” She hangs up the phone. “Yes they are going to be ready for you but its a tight schedule so you two better get moving.” She smiles as the door buzzes. “Thanks ma’am.” Jon spoke as both of them picks up their pace to get down the hall.

“The hell was that back there?” Jon hushed in his question as they get to the sets of elevators. “You lied to them, so much for customer honesty…” he adds. Rust hitting the button. “I did no such thing, you said it yourself that G.U.N is not in great odds with the Dark Legion so to save headache of arguing, you are seen as a cadet for here on out. Unless we get to the office to explain our situation.” Rust explains as the door opens, letting off some suited Echidna off past them as they walk in.

The bell dings as Rust presses the top office floor button multiple times. “Rust, as much as I like to bend the books a little to get some answers, this absolutely breaking the bar here and I cannot be here without jeopardizing G.U.N protocols and all what they worked to nail these guys.” Jon stressed.

Rust holds up his finger in a hushing motion as he stands there. “Thats what you got to say, just a hush and…” Jon sighs pinching the bridge of his nose “…fine FINE but I’ll be pointing fingers if things goes absolutely ass backwards.” He said as the elevator dings.

Sliding open, they both step off, met with a red carpeted hall, leading to a couple of closed off rooms, and a frosted glass door, in script, it says ‘The office of Malister & Alacash.’ Rust and Jon walks up, both looks at each-other before Rust raises a loose clenched fist, knocking on the hard wood door. “Come in.” A stern voice spoke behind the door. Jon opening the door as Rust followed.

Malister raising an eyebrow at Jon as Alacash sitting not even batting an eye at the two. “Rust, what’s the reasoning of bringing… Jon into our office and lie to us about your intentions? Why?” he asks him as Rust walks past Jon, “I… have a major problem from my company, in which by extension a Dark Legion problem. Malister looking to Alacash, who had stopped writing now looking at the three.

“Speak, what is the problem.” Alacash said to him taking his glasses off. “A week ago, Henry had taken a job with an individual known as Robotnik-“ Malister grumbles, interrupter Rust. “That fat f*ck… why would your boss be working with him?” he taps his hand on his desk as Jon nods. Alacash raises his hand speaking up “Let the man finish Malister.”

“As I was saying, we were short on change and Robotnik offered a reward that didn’t trip any red flags, so we though at first, but here we are with the mistake.” Rust explained to them both. Rubbing his hands at the recollection and slight worry of Henry. “I… See.” Alacash sat there looking at them both, before looking at Malister. Speaking up to them both as his eyes snapping back to them nodding briefly. “It seems it is a problem of ours as it is you both deal with. I cannot stand one that another with intellect is getting imprisoned by some round cretin.” He states, moving a piece of paper to the side, resting his interlaced hands in front of him.

Malister looks to Alacash nodding. Rust and Jon looking to each-other with a nod. Malister speaks up, looking towards Rust and Jon, his eyes squinting ever so slightly. Malister sits down next to Alacash. Malister finally speaking, looking at Alacash. Sitting there in a more calm and collected mood, looking directly at the both of them, his hands resting in a folded position. He slowly takes a deep breath before speaking.

Both Jon and Rust look on to Alacash as he spoke. "I... come to the conclusion just from what little you spoke about your incident is quite concerning. speak more of what exactly happened and we could speak of how to deal with this complicated situation?" Alacash said to them. "Yes, I will explain more in depth." Rust said standing tall, Alacash sitting there with his hands still folded. "I am all ears." He spoke. "We know Henry and the agent is within a facility. Henry, as far as we know is trapped within a prison that is heavily fortified and is being run by Dr. Robotnik and a few of his cronies. As for the Agent, she is unknown but she is presumably with Henry or in proximity.”

"I see, a problem indeed. This is not an easy task you have given us." Alacash said. Malister spoke up. "What do you have on your end to help us. Rust looks to Alacash, then to Malister, before looking back at Alacash, as Malister spoke up. "Well?"

"My company could give some equipment and supplies to help, but the biggest asset we have is- well, was Henry. but Henry was taken as we stated before, but as long he is in good shape once hes recovered, we will get this done and squashed and turn the tables instantly." Rust said with a hint of confidence in his voice. "I'm certain this can work, we can even get some other friends to help us out." He adds.

"And who would that be?" Malister questioned. "Well, by association, G.U.N seems to be willing to put aside differences to help and provide support." Jon said looking to Malister. "Oh really..." Alacash spoke. "Yes, they would have a stake in this since Maybelle is a high ranking agent with top secret knowledge." Jon said. Alacash and Malister looks to each-other, "We will think on your offer.”

“But, going against a conglomerate corporation, to defy the bald man himself is a bold but stupid mistake, as Henry should have known to not deal in his business." He spoke to Rust. Rust looks to them both "I know, I should have never agreed to the contract but its too late now." He said, Rust’s shoulders slacked. Alacash and Malister look on. Malister looking to Alacash, before sighing. "We will assist, but as I said, I will have to think. This is not an easy task for any group but we might have a few agents willing to assist in your endeavor."

Rust nodded "I understand and I appreciate it, once all this is done, we will send some very good ‘care packages’ as a thanks." With all of them getting up "No, we should thank you. Despite the troubling news we would still like to know what is going on and know Robotnik is getting more aggressive with his business. Allowing us to act accordingly.” Alacash said.

With a handshake “We will be in touch of what resources we will permit to assist, but we still have our doubts your plan will play as you think.” Malister spoke to them as they left, "That could have gone better." Jon said to Rust as the door shuts behind him. "Could have gone worse." Rust said, rubbing his glass eyes with a few small squeaks from the rub “I hope you guys will have some competent guys to assist as well.” Rust asks as they walk down the hall.

Stopping a moment, Rust turns to Jon, “I think its time for me to take some time off to solve some of these problems myself then. And I got the right idea on how to approach this problem.”

[Egg-lair, a few hours later.]

Robotnik standing behind a covered machine with a select of investors and military officers. “This machine is the main attraction that I had hoped to showed in the convention but… problems that was now taken care of and a humble…‘volunteer’” he spoke doing quotes with his fingers. “…To help me see the full effects of the new and improved…!” Robotnik enthusiastically pulled the sheet revealing the large machine with a center shackle system, Maybelle chained to the center of the main glassed in platform.

“You’ll never get away with this Robotnik!” she yells spitting out the cloth. Looking at the people behind him. “Why are you working with this man?!” she yelled with more confusion. Robotnik turns to Maybelle, “You don’t get it do you?”

“These fine people are here to see my machine work and you should keep your little mouth shut and be a good test subject and not involve the crowd.” He said to her as she strained on the metal chain, grunting at the exertion of her strength, Metal walking up “Ah. Metal, please calm the subject before she does something stupid.

Metal sharply turning to Maybelle, staring her down as she tried to escape. Metal would notice a glimmer in her hand, punching into her stomach, making her drop the pick-lock device. “Good work Metal, now lets leave her to her space.” Robotnik spoke as he typed on the side panel computer. Looking back at the now sitting crowd of people. “With some questions may arise about what my system does, for some of you don’t know what it does… enjoy the show and be amazed at my best gadget yet!” he presses the green button as the tinting shudders down around the platform.

Shielding some of the view of Maybelle who is now encased in glass jar like a specimen, the shackles let go of her as she drops to the floor. Scrambling to get back up to get to the glass. Balling her fist as she pounds on it, no sound is emanating from her loud yells as the interior of this machine begins to light up, seeming as gravity itself has turned off she begins to float loosing what little grip she had on the glass as she clawed at it.

Pulled to the center of the machine as they all watched on. Lasers scanning her flashing all around her as a full body scan appears on the screen. The floor clunking open in a fog as the floor below her opens with a blinding bulbs of light as she squints at the light. “STOP! I-“ she shouts in a yelp, but could not muster anymore words as her fright made her remember what had Henry said about this infernal machine, she was becoming a product of the machine that very much had done countless more.

The beams focus on her as she floated there, through the glass she writhed as the machine began to convert her flesh into steel. The silence of the room only amplified the whispers and low talk as Robotnik grinned on enjoying the show of agony. Trying to do something to get away from the beam as her flesh itself turned to steel and robotics actively going against her refusing her attempts to move her legs at this point until it finally was done as her final moments in the flesh, was met with a cut off scream.

The floor re-packs back to normal as this robotic version of Maybelle was gently lowered down. The tinting and glass raises as she walks out, the steps of the metal feet breaks the whispers and gawking. “And now you know this is the quickest variant of the new and improved Roboticizer is the top of the line yet, minions upon minions can be yours, if you got the dissidents in your city-states of course.” He darkly mentions in his statement showing the roboticized Maybelle. “Coming with better than ever durability that will solve most downfalls of the last generations products.” Some mumbles and some writes down notes as flashes of some cameras. Gleam off Robotnik with his new ‘robot.’

[Somewhere else, far south.]

A collection of military officers and top brass convening at a large conference table. A dark blue and black general walking through the door, holding his hat, adjusting his left eye patch as he nods to his fellow brass. “Alright I am finally here.” The general spoke, noticing the stills from their spy from the Robotnik’s private conference eying the robot next to him. “Agent Teller, whats with the robot?” he questions as everyone looks to Teller. “Well… Folger, sir.” He points with a stick circling the bot in question.

“That is what used to be a person, an unknown agent by the rumors heard on the ground floor.” He explains. “At this time G.S.I.C does not know who she belongs to but the more concerning factor is the machine itself seems to be a device that converts living individuals to… machines to be frank.” Teller explains to everyone as Folger listens on.

Rewinding the film to replay the troubling footage, the supposed silence and the horrified Maybelle seen by the group, some clears their throat or squirm in their seats as they watch on, “This was sent in an hour ago and G.S.I.C had stated, ‘This is a horrifying revelations that declares this a considerable threat to this person. However we have no backlog to the credibility of Robotnik to fully declare him an enemy or ally.’ End quote.” He spoke reading from the piece of paper.

Folger looking at the replaying video before nodding. Everyone back to looking at him as he sit there thinking. “I suppose it is a safe bet this Robotnik fellow should be put on watch with such a powerful device. But I cannot think of a just cause other than more spies to watch this guy.” He finally speaks up “I suggest to everyone to be on a cautious footing cause the stick could fall either-way and I do not want my armies caught and turned into… whatever the hell is that.” He stood up.

Speaking up from the corner. “What happens if we run into hostile… ‘Robots’ from this guy?” one of the commanders spoke. “We already know they are once a person under some control?” another spoke up. Folger looks at them all thinking of an answer before sighing. “If it came down to the safety of our own, versus those who was turned into robots, always pick the safety of Greatstone and put those involved out of their enslaved misery.” He said with some reactions seeing the cold response but understanding of the situation at hand.

“Otherwise… I suppose if he does become an ally though, that technology would help a great number of citizens both our own and neighbors if we get our hands on it. However making it clear, ours will not have this horrid slavery in mind as that's one thing I detest with what Robotnik is doing but…” he stops as he thinks.

Teller speaking up “…It is a necessary evil I’m afraid.” He completes the words of Folger.

[Prison Sector D3, Egglair HQ - Interrogations]

Henry forcefully sat down on a chair behind a table. A suited Mobian with a peach dress shirt pin of the Robotnik logo sits across from him a tired, stressed look, the look of someone that is more of another layer of a cog to a frighteningly large machine. With much higher weight of management over him as he reads some of the documents in front of him. Sipping some coffee as the more burly Robotic and Mobian guards stand there staring at Henry. Taking a deep breath before finally looking at Henry across from his desk speaking up.

“Mr. Henry, obviously were all on a time schedule so lets cut down to the chase, I could let these fine gentlemen get right to jump-starting your tonsils, all I want is you to reveal all those little secrets in your head, who you belong to, and anything else that will buy you a less painful experience.” He explains leaning into the desk, Henry looking at him for a moment before looking to the guards then back to him waiting for some answer, the interrogator motions for an answer.

Henry looking down to think for a moment, thinking with a defeated look before confidence floods back into his face when answering. “To be all honest, the overwhelming force displayed here with little me chained to a metal chair sparking real good confidence in ‘talking’ but to put it straight, I don’t answer to overworked pencil pusher trying to cut a sh*t sandwich a deal.” He said directly to him as the interrogator leaned back with slow and slight disappointment bleeding into his facial expression all the while he heard of Henry’s words.

Tsking at the bold defiance displayed. He motioned his hand to one of the guards quick to walk over and punch Henry across the face a couple of times, the second punch following the first harder than the last splattering blood on the corner of the wood grained desk. Henry taking a moment to even register the hit by shaking his head and moving his jaw around. Blood dribbling out. Looking up to the guard. “I guess your punch training with your wife is paying off…” he remarks spitting some blood out onto the floor. The guard grits his teeth and punches him for a third time before the interrogator waves his hand for the guard to back. away.

“I’d recommend answering the question Mr. Henry.” He spoke taking another sip of his coffee. “It’s only going to get more painful here and forward.” Henry nodding his head around, moving his jaw a bit more “ya know on further recollection.” He said looking up to the guard who punched him “that third punch was lackin’ that loosing lip force thats needed.” He grins showing a bit of the blood stained teeth.

[Hours passing later]

The guard resting for a moment before the last one finally finishing up kicking Henry in the kidneys followed by Henry’s groans and grunts as he holds the hit spot. The Interrogator getting up from his desk finally walking over to Henry. Looking down to Henry as he holds his stomach “I don’t know if you are either stubbornly defiant, an idiot savant or outright a masoch*st. Either way I think were done here as there's no point in killing this man, let the under-brig take him instead is a much better punishment.” He said snapping his fingers as the floor opens up, the guards heaving Henry up, tossing him in.

More or less Henry was sorted by the vents, some doors closing and redirecting him down different pipes, bang and crashes with each turn, clanking into the walls until finally dumping him back into his dorm, slightly missing the bed, the vent sealing up tight behind him. With a few more minutes gone by with stillness, he crawls back into his bed purely on top of the blankets and fittings, turning to his back as he hacks a blood clot and pits onto the floor. “…Didn’t expect them to last that long.” He weakly said to himself.

Touching the side of his ribs, stinging searing pain of not broken ribs but he could tell of some sort of rupture or the flesh itself was damaged, “yep… there's something wrong there…” he grunts as he forces himself up sitting down onto the edge of the bed. Taking another look around his dorm, made from one of the many former maintenance rooms from the underground tunnels, painted with a beige-peach paint under a warm but oppressive fluorescent light light.

Limping over to the metal desk and fixed chair he opens his jump suit to see the damage only to see a general bloody spot, his skin ruptured and split from the many kicks in the same spot, with a nasty bruising surround it. Opening the drawer of the desk showing crude medical supplies gathered what was remotely available scavenging a sewer and underground turned prison. With the box taken out he begins to work on his wound.

A knock at the door with a silhouette trying to peer through the closed shuttered window. Before he bites down on a piece of wood, he speaks up “come in, don’t start sh*t…” clamping down on the wood as he pinches a strange powder the searing chemical reaction sealing and burning off the blood in the process. The door opens to reveal a person at the doorway. “Bloody hell, I suppose its a wrong time to visit then?” a voice spoke, Henry spitting the biting wood onto the table, groaning and waving his hand at the comment “No, no. Just the right time.” He sarcastically spoke as he looks up to what appears to be a skunk Mobian looking at the state that Henry is in.

“Pardon my intrusion, my name is Geoffrey St. John. I- well I need some answers, I had some sort of head trouble like-“ Henry raises his hand again. “Do I look like some medical doctor?” he looks to him trying to control his pain. “No, I suppose not, but… crazy as it sounds, I’m not from this world.” He explains to Henry walking closer. “It was a series of blurs, voices gods the voices and… a white flash and ended up deep in Robotnik’s lands before I could fully know where I am.” He recollected.

Henry’s attention snaps to Geoffrey, his curiosity had reminded him of Lien-da’s similar predicament. “…Prove it then, give me one good global event and the year.” Silence falls onto Geoffrey as he pondered the answer before snapping “just last year in 3236-“ his words interrupted by Henry getting up holding his side. “Its 3238 bud so your off by that much, but please continue.” He waves his hand in a circular motion as he walks to an overhead metal cabinet. “…Well, from what I remember from the incident was that the Iron Dominion taking over Castle Acorn and they almost won too.” He continues, Henry grabbing a notepad writing down what he spoke.

Henry sighs “Well, Mr Geoffrey, that event hasn’t even happened since the last time I heard of the Iron Dominion was their trouble keeping order of the Chun-Nanian and Odinese clans, and on the account that acorn castle was alright for a hold out.” He explains to him, limping back to the metal chair. “Right, has the attack already been repelled, what became of the incident in this world?” Geoffrey questions, walking over to another metal chair and sitting in it.

“I doubt with the clans, Greatstone along with the Odinese thumping iron ninja heads, I don’t think they are able to cross the regions let alone handle an invasion. Whatever you thought they where in your supposed world, but they are nothing more than pirates and pillagers with that ‘queen’ of theirs” Henry responds writing down some words and diagrams just to get a moment away from listening to Geoffrey and the burning, stinging pain from the chemical sear.

“Then the whole thing about some Echidna’s being annoying and raising their sabers after aligning with Eggman himself. One of the hotheaded leaders…” he tries to think snapping his fingers getting deep into though as Henry slows his writing to look at him again with a raised eyebrow. “Lien-Da” Henry spoke with Geoffrey snapping his finger and point to Henry “Right that's the gal’s name!” he exclaimed, grinning, before realizing Henry called the name. “You… mean Lien-Da is here? How?” he said to Henry, “My portal corps was doing a routine border realm check of viable rare resources, a pocket realm with strange life signatures was shown, and long story short, they were turned back over to the dark legion.” Henry explains to him tapping his pencil.

Geoffrey was taken aback by the realization of the chances of more from his world was a great possibility that others might be around. “To be all honest Geoffrey, my hypothesis of some sort of ‘reset’ is still a theory as I think you are suffering from the sudden transport from one time-line to the next, Lien-Da didn’t suffer this let alone wasn’t wiped from existence cause of being in different dimensions at the time. You on the other hand, is my only known person who was just unintended interloped here with no prior existence.” Henry articulates to him, “suddenly ceasing to exist in…” snaps his fingers at Geoffrey “…For a fractions of seconds. Feeling like a daydream.”

Henry draws some diagrams and some graphs before walking to a sealed bucket. “so… not to burst your bubble, like Lien-Da is a unique fluke, your existence is a different beast all together if my hunch of me believing you. So congrats on being a constant walking error in existence’s f*ck up IF what you are saying is some sort of lucky guess.” He finishes by grabbing some drink from the side of the metal desk, taking a swig of it. “Is that the answer you were looking for or do I have to break out more diagrams to show.” Henry groans in annoyance as he takes a crudely compressed power pill chased down with some of the collected drink.

“By the way, don’t keep saying your from another time-line or something you keep yapping about, I seventy percent believe you from past experience but, its cause the more you speak the crazier you sound and you already look par for the course.” He adds before Geoffrey could get another word in. “I- I guess its bloody right on the money then Mr…?” he trail off expecting Henry to correct him. “That's Dr. Henry to you. I didn’t get that doctorate for nothing.” Henry answers with a snap following up with a question, “why on good gods grace you are here, in this time-line.” Henry questions him as his pain eases off finally.

“Well, before I came here- as in this… ‘time-line’ I… followed a wizard that I thought was someone to ya know, actually had made sense… well to me I guess but nonetheless, I was possessed by the wizard before things somehow turned white. Gods the horror of someone taking over your very being, the voices and imagery of what Naugus had really thought of me.” Geoffrey spoke, with a gloom creeping in as Henry focused on his conversation. “I see… well unfortunately that wizard you speak of might be also here as well. All I heard was some tyrannical occult troll wizard that's done some things here and there. Second and fourth hand rumors.” Henry responds.

“Then… I am not truly safe if he remembers me.” Geoffrey simply utters, as the realization sunk into him the actual possibility that Naugus could finish the job. “Did so much to my friends just to serve that…” his recollection from the foggy memories becoming clearer only made him press his face into his hands as Henry sat across from him watching a skunk come to terms with history that he alone knows. Henry’s thoughts roamed more and more leading to better chances of this skunk’s story to actually be true instead of some made up dream, just by the sheer emotion and body language from Geoffrey. “I believe you.” Henry said to him, the words making him lift his face from the palms of his hands in muddied confusion.

“I believe that what was done, is done in your mind nothing could undo it, but, I am a person who believes in circ*mstances, what you believed was correct and right but unfortunately the dream of a better future for you and those around you blinded the truth of the back stabbing wizard. Am I Correct?” Henry said before grunting to get up with some limp “Albeit a bit of those Pancardians are a dying but cunning bunch. Sprinkling a bit of their own fiction into your eyes.” Henry explains going to another, larger dry erase board, cracked and well worn, repaired with some duct-tape.

Geoffrey sat there slacked shouldered hearing Henry speaking up “I cannot go back to acorn, if they exist, if I somehow retained my memories they might be lucky enough to have trained them.” He said. “Supposedly so if that's possible, either way, if it would make it somewhat better I cut you a deal of vouching for you IF you help me figure out a way out. That will be my favor for your efforts.” Henry explains looking to his dry erase wiping off the smeared mathematics and written expletives directed to him, Geoffrey simply looking to Henry with his back turned then, thinking for a moment at the opportunity of getting at least on neutral terms again with his former friends.

“What it will be Geoffrey, cause we are not getting any closer to freedom dilly dallying.” Henry spoke drawing some corridors and rooms. Before turning around to face him. The determination replacing a depressive expression as he gets up from the chair. Henry holding out his hand, Geoffrey finally giving him his handshake after a hesitation with Henry’s vague simple deal.

Henry walks past him and reveals a hole in the wall, removing a tarp showing he had been working to build an impromptu lab, made from a lost abandoned room. “Good. So, I have been a busy bee trying to get some sort of lab going during the weeks I’ve been in here.” Henry welcomes into the grimy room filled with janky wiring powering the lights and tables holding the junk-made equipment.

“Well I’m impressed, never thought the crummy place had enough to build anything remotely like this…” Geoffrey said stepping over the bricks and into the dingy room. “Mind the moss, damp environment and… obviously the slime mold that's on the wall there, they tend to be quite caustic and spicy when touched.” Henry said following behind him tapping a pencil against it, puffs of smoke and searing comes off with each tap, “yeah, don’t touch that.”

Geoffrey walking up to the plan board showing mad scribbles of people through out of the prison and the specific guards, some surrounded with arrows leading with vulgar doodles and expletives, otherwise a well laid out bones of a plan despite the doodles.

Henry walking beside him putting his hand on the shoulder “I suggest we get to work, the faster we get done with all this nonsense of imprisonment.” Henry encouraged as he walked to continue work. “Rightly so Dr. Henry.” Geoffrey said as he began to help.

[Eggman’s Office]

Akito and Kain sitting across from the elaborate carved desk made of a deep red mahogany and gold inlay, “…So you are saying you can do something and succeeds that I have failed to do so for years?” Robotnik questioned them both. “Indeed so Dr. Robotnik.” Kain answers leaning up. “I think a second pair of eyes and hands is needed to get the job done and my men I got lined up is something that no ordinary people can muster up for such a golden opportunity.” He continues to explain to Robotnik.

“Look, you are great and all, a man of science shouldn’t be burdened by some blue rat and his friends f*cking up all that flow of ideas and inventing. Same as I, I don’t like interruption as you do but I got a team that will sweep the mess away and all that blue headache will be forgotten in a grave so to speak. Buried with his friends.” He explains as Robotnik listened on nodding at the words spoken to him by Kain, his thoughts begin to roam as Robotnik spoke up “I have hired plenty of people to get rid of that pain in the back, what makes you so special over all the rest of the failures that tried a hand at them?” he said to Kain, pressing him verbally to make an answer

Kain leans back putting his leg over the other tapping for a supposed moment of thinking. “We investigated your past hires, they are just incompetent mouth breathers. What I got is tactical members of the highest epsilon that handles people just like Sonic and the rest, coming down on them like a beheading sword, or rather a pistol to the back of a head.” He answers him “Its all a Tuesday with these professionals.”

Kain points to Akito “All run by my right hand man Akito.” He said with Akito nodding with a grunt. “This big guy here hasn’t failed me and he doesn’t intend to start now.” Kain grins at Robotnik. As he watched him think things over. “I don’t know what to think at this proposition.” Robotnik said pondering the serious deal that involves something that could very well finish his headache once and for all. “Will this have any backfire that will lead me into trouble that could hurt the business side of thing?” Robotnik questions.

Kain laughs briefly “I’d like to see them try.” Robotnik nods once more at the confidence returning a grin. “Then I suppose you know what you are doing, don’t come crying to me if that blue rodent demonstrates what he does to every goon.” Robotnik getting up with Akito and Kain. “Robotnik, no ones going to cry, specially the freedom fighters as they wont have time to even react with what I got planned. No even a peep in the night.” He shook his hand. “By morning, it will be sunshine and chirping birds from here on out with your mornings.”

Turning to Akito, Kain speaking up “Get to work Akito and pronto, I want those freedom fighters dead within the week after you find out their ‘habits’ and their routine, then we’ll strike where we can.” Akito nods, right as he turned to leave Kain grabs his sleeve.

“And do please make it messy and bloody. I want to send a message to those who see who goes against me and Robotnik with absolute prejudice.” Akito looks to Kain “Will do.” He simply spoke deadpanned as he was let go to leave. After leaving the office Akito pulls his phone from his pocket. “Its Akito, I got a job. You get your men and get the best you can to base.”

[middle of the Norhammer wildlands.]

Gleams and silhouettes of humanoid soldiers, gleams of augmented arms and faces. Stepping out of the shadows as an individual Mobian in a lab-coat barely flailing, that was beaten to a pulp dragged out behind the leader. His red lenses and augmented eyes softly glow as he holds onto the phone. “Great, we will return after taking care of our 'whistleblower' leaker here…” he looks back to the pulped Mobian. “Were heading straight there.” He hangs up turning to his team of augmented out Overlander soldiers

[Ending Theme: Mitch Murder - Artifact]

“We got new job order coming up! Burn everything here and paste everyone. we got more sh*t to burn.” He spoke grinning at the heinous things caused there in the glow of fire while they finish the job.

Terradrive Redux - Violent_Lobster - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.