The Voice Clinic | Iowa Head and Neck Protocols (2024)

see also:Teaching Vocal Heath as Music Educator -- Music and Medicine on Monday


  1. The Voice Clinic is an intensive evaluation of patients with organic and/or functional voice disorders (voice problems). The goals of this program are to:
    1. Determine the cause of the voice problem and make appropriate recommendations.
    2. Establish an objective assessment of a patient's voice disorder to permit comparisons over time and to direct further therapy on an individual basis.
    3. Further general knowledge regarding voice problems by maintaining a detailed data base (see assessment for spasmodic dysphonia)of subjective and objective parameters describing a wide spectrum of voicing abnormalities.
  2. The Voice Clinic convenes daily and is available forpatients withvoice disorders.The assessment includes:
    1. Medical history and physical examination
    2. Voice related history and patient ratings of vocal function:
      1. Patient's complete history intake questionnaires designed to gather information pertaining to parameters of the voice problem and its effect on social, familial, and occupational interactions
    3. Videostroboscopy and laryngeal function studies:
      1. Vocal function measurements are obtained, including average pitch, pitch range and intensity, jitter, shimmer, harmonics to noise ratio, maximum phonation time, and S/Z ratio. Voice-range profiles are performed for select patients (usually professional singers).
      2. Videostroboscopic examination is performed.
    4. Evaluation of response to therapeutic probes:
      1. When indicated, therapeutic vocal techniques are assessed while monitoring the patient's voice, body posture, and facial, oromandibular, and laryngeal movement patterns at rest and during voicing tasks.
      2. Therapeutic probes typically tested include resonant voice, yawn-sigh, pitch or loudness variation, and musculoskeletal manipulation among others.
    5. Conjoint mulidisciplinary assessment with Speech Pathology and Otolaryngology.


  1. Rationale for Evaluation
    1. The patient responds to the following:
      1. When did you first become concerned about your voice?
      2. What did you notice about your voice that concerned you?
      3. Did the problem begin suddenly or gradually?
      4. What have you done about it?
  2. Voice-related History
    1. The patient responds (yes or no) to each of the following
      1. Do you now or have you ever smoked tobacco? (If yes, how long have you smoked and how many packs per day have you smoked on average?)
      2. Do you have any allergies to environmental irritants?
      3. Do you have any history of alcohol overuse or abuse?
      4. Do you have frequent (more than twice/year) sinus infections?
      5. Do you have any problems with heartburn or do you take antacids or acid blockers?
      6. Do you do loud talking or shouting on a frequent basis? (If yes, describe.)


  1. The patient responds to each of the following:
    1. Dysphonia
    • "If your normal voice were represented by the number 0 and if the worst voice you could imagine for yourself were represented by the number 6, what number between 0 and 6 would describe your voice quality today?"
    1. Impact
    • "If the number 0 meant your voice quality as it is today was not affecting your life at all, and if the number 6 meant your voice quality was getting in the way of everything you need to do every day, what number between 0 and 6 would describe the impact your voice quality is having on your life?"
    1. Effort
    • "Do you have to work harder than normal to produce voice for speech?" If the patient responds positively, ask the following: "If the number 100 meant you could produce voice with normal speaking effort, and if the number 200 meant you had to work twice as hard as normal to produce sound for speech, and if the number 300 meant you had to work three times as hard as normal, and so on, what number would you use to describe how effortful it is to speak? You can use numbers between the hundreds if you like."


  1. Ratings of Dysphonia (GRBAS scale)
    1. Grade: The clinician rates the overall level of dysphonia where 0 = normal, 1 = mild dysphonia, 2 = moderate dysphonia, and 3 = severe dysphonia
    2. Roughness: The clinician rates the level of vocal roughness where 0 = normal, 1 = mild roughness, 2 = moderate roughness, and 3 = severe roughness
    3. Breathiness: The clinician rates the level of vocal breathiness where 0 = normal, 1 = mild breathiness, 2 = moderate breathiness, and 3 = severe breathiness
    4. Asthenia: The clinician rates the level of vocal asthenia (weakness) where 0 = normal, 1 = mild asthenia, 2 = moderate asthenia, and 3 = severe asthenia
    5. Strain: The clinician rates the level of vocal strain where 0 = normal, 1 = mild strain, 2 = moderate strain, and 3 = severe strain
  2. Ratings of Pitch
    1. Adequacy: The clinician rates habitual pitch adequacy as 1 = normal, 2 = abnormally high, and 3 = abnormally low
    2. Range: The clinician rates pitch range as 1 = normal and 2 = abnormally restricted
    3. Breaks: The clinician rates frequency pitch breaks as 1 = none, 2 = less than 1/second, and 3 = more than 1/second
  3. Ratings of Respiratory Impairment
    1. The clinician describes the patient's respiratory adequacy for voice as 1 = perceptual evidence or history of respiratory impairment and 2 = no perceptual evidence or history of respiratory impairment
  4. Useful descriptors of vocal assessment
    1. Breathy or soft: describes voice that is associated with incomplete glottic closure (eg: unilateral VC paralysis)
    2. Diplophonic or multiphonic: occurs with unequal vibratory patterns within a single vocal cord or between both cords
    3. Tight, strangled or strained: glottis is overclosed (eg dystonia; pseudobulbar palsies)
    4. Wet, gargling, hydrophonic: results of excessive mucoid secretions within the glottic space
    5. Rough: describes TVC vibration mixed with ventricular vibration


  1. Acoustic Measures
    1. Average pitch: The patient repeats the sustained vowel "ah" 3 times, each lasting at least three seconds. For these, the average pitch (in Hertz) can be measured. Adult females generally have an average pitch of 175 to 250 Hz, while male adults average 80 to 150 Hz.
    2. Jitter perturbation: From the same vowel productions used in #1 (above), the cycle-to-cycle pitch period variation can be established. This is reflective of the frequency perturbation and normally falls below 1%.
    3. Shimmer perturbation: As with jitter, shimmer is a measure of perturbation occurring in vowel production using the same sustained "ah" vowel. Shimmer reflects cycle-to-cycle amplitude variations in the voice waveform. Normal shimmer values are less than 5%.
    4. Noise-to-harmonic ratio: From the same vowels, the amount of the signal coming from voicing versus noise can be measured. Normal noise-to-harmonic ratio is less than 0.2%. Normal measures of jitter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio are influenced by algorithm, recording environment, recording technique, and recording hardware.
    5. Maximum phonation time: The maximum amount of time a person can sustain phonation of "ah" is timed. Typically, adult females sustain phonation of "ah" from 15 to 25 seconds; while males range from 25 to 35 seconds.
    6. S/Z ratio: The patient is timed while sustaining production of "s" and "z" for as long as possible. "S" and "z" are essentially produced in the same way; however, the "z" is voiced, while the "s" is not. The ideal ratio of "1" is when the productions are sustained for the same amount of time. If there are difficulties in glottal valving, the "s" will be phonated longer and will be reflected by ratios greater than 1.
    7. Physiologic pitch range:
      1. Highest possible pitch: The patient is instructed to, "Start at a comfortable pitch and loudness, then raise your pitch gradually as high as it will go until it breaks off." The examiner demonstrates.
      2. Lowest possible pitch: The patient is instructed to, "Start at a comfortable pitch and loudness, then lower your pitch gradually as low as it will go, as if you were yawning or sighing." The examiner demonstrates.

Videostroboscopy protocol includingVideostroboscopy - with audio and video


  1. Polyps Nodules Cysts
  2. Instructions to Patients about Vocal Cord Paralysis Treatment (Injection Laryngoplasty and Approaches Requiring Open Surgery) also relevant for Glottic Incompetence (Incomplete Vocal Cord Closure)
  3. Instructions to patients about vocal process granuloma (contact granuloma of the vocal cords)
  4. Slide 06b Common Voice Disorders Acute Viral Laryngitis
  5. Vocal Tremor Response to Botox (Sequence of Videos) - Case Example
  6. Slide 09 Common Voice Disorders Muscle Tension Dysphonia

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Baken RJ. Clinical measurement of speech and voice. Boston, Mass: College-Hill Press; 1987.

Colton RH, Casper JK. Understanding Voice Problems: A Physiological Perspective for Diagnosis and Treatment. Baltimore, Md: Williams & Wilkins; 1990;165-210:309-316.

Eckel FC, Boone DR. The s/z ratio as an indicator of laryngeal pathology. J Speech Hear Dis. 1983;46:147-149.

Multidimensional Voice Program. [Software]. Lincoln Park, NJ: Kay Elemetrics; 1999.

Verdolini K. Guide to Vocology. Iowa City, Ia: National Center for Voice and Speech; 1998.

Weinberg B. Diagnosis of phonatory based voice disorders. In: Diagnosis in Speech-Language Pathology. Meitus IJ, Weinberg B, eds. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press; 1983: 151-182.

The Voice Clinic | Iowa Head and Neck Protocols (2024)


What is the average MPT for a female? ›

Maximum phonation time: The maximum amount of time a person can sustain phonation of "ah" is timed. Typically, adult females sustain phonation of "ah" from 15 to 25 seconds; while males range from 25 to 35 seconds.

What is the S Z ratio? ›

The S/Z ratio is a standard test of vocal function. It is obtained by timing the longest duration that a patient can sustain the individual phonemes s and z. Unlike s, the voiced z requires phonation (ie, glottic vibration). Under normal circ*mstances, the ideal S/Z ratio is 1.

How to calculate s/z ratio voice? ›

S/Z ratio was calculated by dividing the maximum duration for which /S/ was sustained by the maximum duration for which /Z/ was sustained. A ratio of more than 1.4 suggested a vocal cord disorder.

What is the maximum phonation time norm for elderly people? ›

39,40 The normative value for MPT varies with age, with its duration decreasing over time. 39 For the elderly population, the female MPT ranges from 10 to 21 seconds, while the male MPT ranges from 13 to 23 seconds.

What is a good score on the MPT exam? ›

What is a good score on the MPT? An MPT score of 4 is a passing grade in most jurisdictions. Anything above a 4 is considered an above average score.

What is the most tested MPT? ›

The two most commonly tested tasks on the MPT are objective memoranda and persuasive briefs. A persuasive brief should contain the following: Caption. Statement of the case.

What is the perfect jaw ratio? ›

Mouth: The width of the mouth should be approximately 1.618 times the nose's width. Jawline: A defined jawline that complements the facial structure aligns with the Golden Ratio's principles, balancing the face.

What is the average S and P E ratio? ›

S&P 500 P/E Ratio is at a current level of 27.45, up from 24.79 last quarter and up from 23.46 one year ago. This is a change of 10.76% from last quarter and 17.03% from one year ago. The S&P 500 PE Ratio is the price to earnings ratio of the constituents of the S&P 500.

What is an abnormal S to Z ratio? ›

We have already noted that 95% of people who have some difficulty affecting the movement of their vocal folds have an S/Z ratio of greater than 1.40. Consequently, a ratio of 1.4 or above may indicate a degree of vocal fold dysfunction.

What are the four vocal function exercises? ›

Brief Overview of Vocal Function Exercises

(2001), VFEs are a set of 4 foundational exercises: 1) a warm-up, 2) stretch, 3) contract, and 4) power exercises. All exercises are to be completed 2 times each, 2 times per day, and should be done using a soft but engaged voice.

How to increase maximum phonation time? ›

Conclusions: Inspiratory muscle training is effective in improving maximum phonation time, and expiratory muscle training is more effective for improving peak subglottic pressure, and peak sound pressure level in individuals with PD.

What is the normal voice phonation? ›

The modal phonation of a male speaker occcurs at an average of 120 Hz, while for a female speaker it is approx. 220 Hz. For voiced sounds the glottis is closed or nearly closed, whereas for voiceless sounds it is wide open, actually the distance between the folds amount to only a fraction of a milimeter.

What is the normal gait speed for an 80 year old? ›

Age 80-99 comfortable gait speed: Men: 0.94 m/s. Women: 0.97 m/s.

What is a normal tug score? ›

Many healthy adults less than 80 years old can complete the TUG test in 10 seconds or less. 3 People who complete the test in 13.5 seconds or longer may be at greater risk of falls.

What is the normal voice onset time? ›

For velar stops, tenuis [k] typically has a VOT of 20-30 ms, weakly aspirated [k] of some 50-60 ms, moderately aspirated [kʰ] averages 80–90 ms, and anything much over 100 ms would be considered strong aspiration.

What is the normal range for MPT? ›

As a rough guide, with an MPT of less than 10 seconds duration most people will complain of being out of breath with talking. Vocally healthy people can typically go beyond 20 to 30 seconds.

What is the average MPT for a child? ›

The average of the MPT in children of the different age groups was as follows: 6.09 seconds for the age group 4-6 years (males, 5.97; female, 6.21 seconds), 7.94 seconds for the age group 7-9 years (males, 8.07; females, 7.79 seconds), and 8.98 for the age group 10-12 years (males, 9.05; females, 8.92 seconds).

What is the grading scale for MPT? ›

The grading scale varies per jurisdiction (e.g. 0-6, 1-10). All written scores are combined, and then scaled using a complex formula. For UBE jurisdictions, the written portions of the exam (MEE + MPT) are combined and scaled to a number between 1-200.

What is the average male and female fundamental frequency? ›

The average healthy fundamental frequency for men is reported at 115 Hz, while for women the average is reported as being around 210 Hz [26] [27][28] We found no statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding attack alteration, pitch instability, amplitude instability, harmonic poverty, or ...

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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