What is L9 in League of Legends, and What Does it Mean? (2024)

League of Legends is a game for everyone in many ways. There are modes for the casual gamer. You can play solo or with a couple of team-mates. You can play with entire teams. You can play competitively, and you can play with clubs as well.

It’s very easy to form a club. You can make a club with your friends and add any number of people you want. Some of these clubs grow to be very large. There are many famous clubs as well and some infamous ones too. One of the most notorious clubs in League of Legends is L9, which is short for Low-9.

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What is L9?

What is L9 in League of Legends, and What Does it Mean? (1)

As mentioned earlier, there are many infamous clubs in League of Legends. Low-9 is one such club whose members are known for their toxicity as well as their skill. They are very skilled players with good game mechanics who tend to be very toxic in their gameplay. They constantly ping during the game, can be a bit racist at times, troll other players. What’s unique about this group of trolls is that they are actually very skilled players and reach high-elo very quickly each season.

For this reason, they were even recognized and appreciated by other high-elo players. But once they reach higher tiers in League of Legends, they begin trolling other high-elo players and streamers as well. This is what makes L9 particularly notorious and infamous. This group is also known for its ‘boosting’ services. In other words, you can pay them to boost your profile to high-elo.

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Origins of L9

It might be hard to believe, but Low-9 started just like every other club in League of Legends. Two friends decided to make a club. RATirl and Obsess were the original founders of the club. Later on, some other players joined in as well. Some people think that the name L-9 is there because there were 9 players in the club. However, the name is actually inspired by Hail9, a popular streamer on Twitch.

The number of players has changed over the years. From two initially to 4 members when the group was most famous. The other players that are well-known members of the group include Ap0calypse and Self-mademan. The group rose to fame in the beginning because their group’s players kept trolling other streamers on Twitter and Twitch.


RATIRL is perhaps the most well-known player of L9 with nearly half a million followers on Twitch.tv and about two hundred thousand subscribers on YouTube.In earlier seasons, RATIRL often played ranked duos with ap0calypse. He’s known for exhibiting excellent game mechanics on Twitch as AD carry and jungler. (acatimes.com) He was also the most active on Twitter which made the group initially famous.


Ap0calypse is actually not that popular on social media. He doesn’t seem to have entered the professional gaming scene either. But he is exceptionally talented and has played duo with RATirl.

He is as good in the game as he is toxic. He is most well-known for his Mordekaiser and dominating the lane in ranked queues. He is also known for using racist language in post-game chat in lobbies.

The good thing about him is that he is longer such a toxic player and has recently emerged as one of the top players in EUW. He is very good with Janna in the support role.


Obsess was the founder of the L9 group along with RATIRL. He preferred to get into the professional scene instead of being a troll on Twitter. And he has been successful in this path as he has been signed up for several professional teams such as Movistar riders, Penguins, Misfits Gaming, Gamers Origin, and mousesports.

He gained a lot of recognition in the solo queue ladder thanks to being part of L9. Because of this, he was able to get signed up for different professional teams. At the moment, he plays jungler for mousesports.

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What is L9 in League of Legends, and What Does it Mean? (2)

More commonly known asSelfmade, Selfmademan also took the path of professional gaming like 0bsess. He eventually became even more successful than fellow club member 0bsess and became a jungler for Fnatic. Fnatic, as we all know, is one of the best teams on the planet. Selfmade is known for being a reliable pro-jungler with Nidalee, Kha’Zix, and Elise.

The L9 Effect?

When you hear most League players talk about League of Legends, the response is likely to be negative. You can be a good player or bad with game mechanics. But no one likes toxic players on their team or even in the opponent’s team as well. It ruins the gaming experience, which is supposed to be fun,team-based, and competitive. Some L9 players are known to have multiple banned accounts just because of their toxicity.

Often you might see players with the term “L9” in their Summoner name but don’t mistake them for the actual L9 players. When L9 became famous, many copycats and wannabes started copying the label of L9 into their screen names to profit from the club’s fame. Some players who are already toxic began wearing the L9 tag as a badge of honour. Perhaps they saw their own misbehavior validated through the actions of members of L9.

All is Well That Ends Well

Thankfully, the L9 club members all seem to have become a lot less toxic in recent seasons. Some of them, as mentioned above, have taken the professional route, and the others don’t steam too much, and neither are they active on social media as trolls.

What is L9 in League of Legends, and What Does it Mean? (2024)
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