Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (2024)

Messages posted by: TedintheShed

Forum Index »Profile for TedintheShed » Messages posted by TedintheShed


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Dakka Swap Shop » [H] SM [W] SM/BA/HE/$$$ [USA only]» Go to message

Hey guys,

Just as an FYI, my purchase with John went flawlessly.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (1)

Dakka Swap Shop » [W] SM Infantry, Heavies, He'stan, Tigurius [H] Paypal, misc IG, SM (US)» Go to message

Dear Santa,

My name is Teddy, and all I want for Christmas is...

(listed highest to lowest priority)
Space Marines x4 or more, standard bolters. Combat squad will work- wanting to make some meltagun marines so not assembled please. No AOBR.

PLASTIC Meltaguns x8
Vulkan He'stan, painted or unpainted. Going to strip and convert so unwilling to pay for a paint job
Combi-Meltas x4
Sternguard Veteran w/combi weapon x 4

Devastators, 3rd edition metal weapons only.:
Multi-melta x 1
Missile launcher x 1
Heavy Bolters x 3


Sealed box of Schaeffers Last Chancers from 3rd Edition.

Sealed Blister of Warhammger 8901L Large Monster Bases (looks like 50mm square)
Vindicare Assassin from 3rd Edition. metal- never painted but fully assembled
Eversor Assassin from 3rd Edition. Metal never painted but fully assembled

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (2)

Dakka Swap Shop » Reputable Traders List» Go to message

+1 JohnHag

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (3)

40K General Discussion » How to arms a 5 man Sternguard Vet Squad in a Salamanders Army?» Go to message

Cost wise, I think I only want to drop a 5 man squad though, so I thing I am going combo weapon.

Weapon wise, the melta will be twin linked being in a Salamanders army.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (4)

Dakka Discussions » How does your spouse view your 40k hobby?» Go to message

poontangler wrote:Today me and my fiancée were talking about my 40k army; by talking of course, she was making fun of my tau forces that stood in defense of my dinner table.

She calls them my "Gnomes" and often makes wise cracks and rolls her eyes when I go off to play or play at my home.

So I pose this question to my fellow gamers: What does your other half(If that applies, as some of us are lucky enough to be single) about your hobby?

married 21 years.

She supports me, even if she doesn't understand it always. Doesn't make fun, but will not feign an interest herself.

I could be a bad father, bad husband, go out and blow $100.00 a night at a bar drinking, but I don't. She appreciates that, and that is how she shows her appreciation.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (5)

Dakka Discussions » My Girlfriend + Warhammer» Go to message

Break up with er.

I have been married 21 years. I played in a metal band when we first met. My wife has been patient with all of my hobbies and interest, of which I can be obsessive about at times. She's a trooper about it though. But she understands, there are much, much worse things that I can do, and knows that many husbands are bad fathers and husbands. I make sure I am not, and this is why we love each other to this day.

liam0404 wrote:Ok guys, I need some advice on a bit of a situation I have.

In a nutshell, my girlfriend hates that i play wargames. Now I don't ever force her to play (i asked her once and got my head bitten off), I never paint when she's there, I never mention it. She knows that I always play on a thursday evening (so I she knows I can see her 6 days out of 7 if im not working), but she always tries to find ways around this. Like i'll ask her to go see a movie on a monday. "I'm busy". is the response. I dont ask her the next day, but ask again on Wednesday. "I'm busy". Comes the reply. Then on thursday I'm asked to go, then get shouted at for telling her no. This happens far to regularly for it to be a case of her being busy every Mon/Wed (which I know she is not).

But it's getting much worse than this.

She has been saying she is feeling "less" attracted to me because she feels that this hobby is "uncool". She says she'd rather hear about when I play football(soccer) than about hanging out with my friends on a Thursday. It's getting to the stage now where she is pressuring me to drop the hobby for her.

I really don't want to do this, but I don't want to break up with her either - there has to be some sort of compromise i'm not thinking of. I thought that by having a set night things would be ok, but she's really becoming relentless about this.

Any opinions appreciated Dakka!

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (6)

Dakka Discussions » Case discussion: Battlefoam and Sabol» Go to message

First off, as the OP I implore those posting not to get in the type of argument to get this thread closed. My intent has never been to start an arguments. I am simply attempting to garner more learned opinions than mine, as when I bought cases GW was pretty much the only game in town. I respect that everyone has an opinion and I appreciate yours no matter what it is. I will weight and give them due consideration.

And I thank those who have given theirs.

Lastly I apologize to the mods, as I didn't realize that this question would inflame such passionate responses. Not wanting to give you any more headache than needed, but I didn't think such a question would.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (7)

40K General Discussion » How to arms a 5 man Sternguard Vet Squad in a Salamanders Army?» Go to message you still get to use the special ammo with the combi weapons? Nice

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Now, all I have to do is find 3 combi metlas.

But I can not do a command squad with Vulkan as the HQ.

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hazal wrote:I would vote the first, mainly due to the fact that more bolters you have in a sternguard the better.

Hell if you have vul for the reroll on the meltas (does it work with combi?) I would go 5 combi meltas.

As a unit that can do multiple things (pop a tank one round then move to softer targets) sternguard are awesome for that. But if you want a dedicated tank hunting unit go with attack bikes with MM, they will be able to be a more constant threat to their armour.

I have 3 Attack bikes. They are good choices, but I prefer Land speeder squads. So I usually save my Attack bike for heavy bolters to eliminate bugs and greenskins and the like.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (8)

40K General Discussion » How to arms a 5 man Sternguard Vet Squad in a Salamanders Army?» Go to message


Picking up a 5 man Sternguard Vet squad, gonna primarily use in a Drop Pod to drop behind the lines or in another vehicle. So here is how I was thinking about arming them:

Serg: lightning Claw/plasma Pistol
2x Melta Guns
2x Combi Melta

Or, should I drop it this way?
Serg: Combi Melta
Multi Melta
2X Combi melta.


Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (9)

Dakka Discussions » Case discussion: Battlefoam and Sabol» Go to message

Thank you all for the responese

Cato Sicarius wrote:I apoligize for the lack of response to your email. If you PM i can answer any of your questions for you. This is the busiest time of year for us and we are trying to get all of our christmas orders out.


Rik, once I get home from work, expect an incoming PM- I appreciate you making the effort to answer my questions!


Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (10)

Dakka Swap Shop » [H]SM [W]$$$,and eldar harlequins [US]» Go to message

PM incoming.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (11)

Dakka Discussions » Case discussion: Battlefoam and Sabol» Go to message

Well, I am buying the case and the foam, and not just the foam. Sorry if I was misleading there.

But I did not see the doublewide foam for Sabol. That puts a different spin on things. That's the kind of information I am looking for to garner an educated choice- thanks!

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (12)

Dakka Discussions » Case discussion: Battlefoam and Sabol» Go to message

Howdy Dakka-ites,

Getting tired of lugging my space marine army around in 3 standard GW cases, a Sterites box and a tackle box. I am looking at one large solution. Sabol and Battlefoam are both very compelling choices, IMO.

Here is what I want to tote:

Landraider X4
Drop Pods x3
Landspeeder X6
Landspeeder Storm
Rhino X4
Razorback X2
Vindicator x 2
Predador X2

I have various troop choices, but these are a non-factor for me.

this information given, I have been measuring the pros and cons of both

Sabol: Looking at he Division. Fits 3600 CI of foam. Overwhelmingly less expensive, but I am not sure how efficient a design they are. AS an example, If I get a 4" thick tray for some land raiders, it seems I cam only store 1 land raider in it. There is more space, but it would be wasted on a model that does not need the height, thus is is less efficient. The cases seems of a lower grade quality.

Battlefoam: looking at the 1520. Fits 4092 CI of foam More expensive, seems to be of better quality. I value a good quality product and do not hesitate in putting forth the money for higher quality as long as I feel I am not wasting my money. That said, it has goodies I don't need, like the display table, so I feel like I am wasting money. The tray will fit 2 land raider plus a 3rd, smaller model as well in the 4" deep tray. I can also have the foam custom cut. With most of my models being 3rd edition, I don't know if their templates will work with my models (such as the size difference in the Rhino based models). A Big Turn off: I have sent two different e-mails asking question, and have received no answers from battlefoam. this makes me nervous about their customer service. Also I should state I am not going to trade in my GW cases to Battlefoam, as I have a large unassembled IG army I will be trying out.

Please, relate your insights and experiences.


Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (13)

Dakka Swap Shop » [W] SM Infantry, Heavies, He'stan, Tigurius [H] Paypal, misc IG, SM (US)» Go to message

(listed highest to lowest priority)
Space Marines x4 or more, standard bolters. Combat squad will work- wanting to make some meltagun marines so unassembled please. No AOBR.
PLASTIC Meltaguns x8
Vulkan He'stan, painted or unpainted. Going to strip and convert so untilling to pay for a paint job
Combi-Meltas x4

Devastators, 3rd edition metal weapons only.:
Multi-melta x 1
Missle launcher x 1
Heavy Bolters x 3

Sealed box of Schaeffers Last Chancers from 3rd Edition.
Sealed Blister of Warhammger 8901L Large Monster Bases (looks like 50mm square)
Vindicare Assassin from 3rd Edition. metal- never painted but fully assembled
Eversor Assassin from 3rd Edition. Metal never painted but fully assembled

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (14)

Dakka Swap Shop » [H]Too Many 40K Models [W]Looking for new dark eldar/forge wrold stuff/$/ maybe some nidds» Go to message

All kind of PMs sent

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (15)

» Converting AOBR Dreadnoughts» Go to message

How difficult is is to convert the AOBR dreadnought's stormbolter to a heavy flamers? Is it all one piece, or is the stormbolter removable and replaceable with the heavy flamer?


Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (16)

» My lighting stinks, please lend a suggestion» Go to message

My house is dark. All I have is a small table lamp with a daylight fluorescent bulb and the over head ceiling fan light. It is very dark on one side and shadow are cast everywhere.

I need a decent light solution that is inexpensive. I don't really have anything to clamp it to or hang from.

Also, what kind of light bulb should I get?


Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (17)

Dakka Swap Shop » [W] SM: Troops, Dreads, Devs and bits and IG Dozer [H] SEALED Box of Last Chancers, SM, $$$$$ (USA)» Go to message


List has drastically changed. Many wants filled, which created more, new wants.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (18)

Introductions » How do I get back into 40k» Go to message

perezba7 wrote:Got to read my posts before I post them lol I still got my 3000pts of IG

Oh, then buy the Codex, 5 or 10 of the new tanks, the Valk and you are set. Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (19)

Oh, and some 60 mm bases for your heavy weapons teams.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (20)

Introductions » How do I get back into 40k» Go to message

Hello, welcome to Dakka Dakka.

I was until recently in a similar situation as you. I am a returning player from 3rd edition, but unlike you I did not sell my army.

Yes, there has been several changes to the game since 3rd edition, most good and some not so good. However, the game is much more definitive, it seems...less vague. Since you were an IG player, I would have advised you to go that route but it appears to be too late for that.

This is, of course, strictly my opinion. It is very much dependent upon your play style and personal situation. Mileage may vary, etc.

That aside, you went about it the correct way with the AOBR boxed set- you get a lot of basics wit it that you will need. I would assemble them, but I would not paint them. Pay both armies in some informal skirmishes to get the rules and game play back down. Use both the SM and Orks. Talk with players of both armies. Once you get some experience under your belt, if you decide you don't like them you can trade them off for some units of the army you decide to keep. If you like both, then of course keep it all.

If you decide to keep both focus on one army first since it seems finances maybe thin. Get a Codex first and foremost, then if you can get a Battleforce. That will serve to fill a lot of slots cheaply. If you don't mind used, watch the forums here or at BT for some deals as well. But if you go new, then it is a matter of filling some heavy support choices as you next priority. Then look at your elites and Fast Attack and Elites from there.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (21)

» Land speeder Storm Base» Go to message

Thanks all.

I believe the issue is thee design, honestly. The base insert into the hole of a bit 5you glue onto the bottom, but the bit is hollow so there is no support past the thin plastic edges. If I knew then, I may habought some greenstuff to fill the area and provide a solid insertion point.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (22)

40K You Make Da Call » Vehicle movement and assault weapons» Go to message

Ahhh...that's where my confusion lies. Thanks all!

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (23)

40K You Make Da Call » Vehicle movement and assault weapons» Go to message

I am not talking about disembarking. I am talking about firing from the open topped vehicles with assault weapons when moving combat speed, which is up to 12" IIRC for a fast skimmer., which is what the Storm is.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (24)

40K You Make Da Call » Vehicle movement and assault weapons» Go to message


If I have a Land Speeder Storm (opened top, fast, skimmer, transport) that I have a scout squad all of which have shotguns (assault 2) that moves 12", can the scout squad shoot?

Thank you,

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (25)

Dakka Swap Shop » [W] SM: Troops, Dreads, Devs and bits and IG Dozer [H] SEALED Box of Last Chancers, SM, $$$$$ (USA)» Go to message

All PM's have been applied to.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (26)

Dakka Swap Shop » H: SM Attack Bikes / Misc SM / Music Gear W: Khador or $$» Go to message

I have to ask, being a retired musician myself, are you interested in any music gear for these items?

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (27)

Dakka Swap Shop » [W] SM: Troops, Dreads, Devs and bits and IG Dozer [H] SEALED Box of Last Chancers, SM, $$$$$ (USA)» Go to message

Land speeders found. List modded and updated

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (28)

» Land speeder Storm Base» Go to message

okay, I assembled my first 5th edition model (a Land Speeder Storm), found it a bit dodgey but got through it none the less. The biggest issue is the base- when I insert the flying base, the Land Speeder is very wobbly on it. Is this a common issue, and is there any fix for this?


Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (29)

Dakka Swap Shop » [W] SM: Troops, Dreads, Devs and bits and IG Dozer [H] SEALED Box of Last Chancers, SM, $$$$$ (USA)» Go to message

Listed in order of priority. US trades only, please.

Combi-Meltas x4
Space Marines x4, standard bolters. Comabt squad will work- wanting to make some meltagun marines so unassembled please. No AOBR.
Devastators w/Multi-meltas x 3, 3rd edition metal weapons only.
(2) Dozer Blades from Imperial Vehicles, like this:

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (30)

Terminator honors, ribbon and other honors, want to place of some dreadnoughts

Sealed box of Schaeffers Last Chancers from 3rd Edition. I would really like to trade this for a metal dreadnought w/multimelta and CCW/heavy flamer in any condition as long as there is no phyisical damage or missing parts (with the exception of the base). Otherwise, will trade for a venerable dreadnought or Ironclad Dreadnought as long as all the arms are included. Other dreadnoughts may be considered, offer and you may never know,
Devastators w/Lascannon x 2. Needs reassembled, but unpainted
Sealed Blister of Warhammger 8901L Large Moster Based (looks like 50mm square)
Vindicare Assassin from 3rd Edition. metal- never painted but fully assembled
Eversor Assassin from 3rd Edition. Metal never painted but fully assembled

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (31)

40K You Make Da Call » Named characters who are chapter masters» Go to message, okay. Thanks for that.

Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (32)

Forum Index »Profile for TedintheShed » Messages posted by TedintheShed


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Messages posted by TedintheShed - Forum (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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