Messages posted by haendas - Forum (2024)

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40K You Make Da Call » ICs and Assaults» Go to message

nosferatu1001 wrote: They cannot go to 11, ever

I'm sorry, I tried to hold back but I just can't resist...

"The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven." Nigel Tufnel

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (1)

40K You Make Da Call » ICs and Assaults» Go to message

Ah yeah, sorry about that. At mob size of 11 they go fearless but still Ld 10. Gotcha.

Any thoughts on if the IC counts towards the unit size when calculating 25% loss in a phase?

Edit: Or any thoughts about the advantage of having the unit get completely killed off seems bass akwards since it helps your IC regroup in the future?

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (2)

40K You Make Da Call » ICs and Assaults» Go to message

Thank you very much for this post. I have been thinking about similar questions and the responses here have triggered additional questions for me.

So based on the original scenario posted by the OP, when the IC is the sole survivor, they have the potential to regroup during future movement phases since the IC is a Unit of 1 and is affectively at full strength. That is awesome!

But if an IC and a few members of the unit the IC is attached to survive but the unit is under 50% (not counting the IC), then none of them can regroup because the unit cant recheck when below 50% and the IC can't leave a unit that is falling back. Not so awesome.

So when I think about this, as an opponent killing a IC and it's unit, it almost sounds like it could be a detriment to finish off a unit that is with an IC since they won't ever be able to regroup after failing a morale check (not considering any special rules circumventing this). Also if it is my IC in a unit, I'd almost prefer that the unit gets finished off so that the IC has the ability to regroup if a morale check is failed and the IC falls back. Do I have this right? Granted, IC usually have high leadership, but if it is a lost CC and the unit takes a negative modifier on the check, that can easily result in a failed check even on a IC's high leadership value.

Based on the FAQ that was posted in this thread, the IC is not counted when working out half strength of the unit. What about when calculating 25% loss in a phase? Does the IC count then?

Also, an Ork specific question but on a similar note: What about mob rule? The codex doesn't specifically address the impacts of IC joining a unit. Does a unit of 10 orks joined by an IC (both the boyz and IC have the mob rule special rule) count as a Ld 11? I am assume this is a yes and the IC is only not counted in the 50% and 25% ?

Thanks in advance.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (3)

Dakka Discussions » Why is going into a GW store like going to a used car lot.» Go to message

I don't disagree that GW store employees are aggressive with their sales tactics, but by the sound of the OP's description it also sounds like the employee may have simply just really liked the other model. Up-selling is also possible and I don't deny that.

I went to a GW store a couple of weeks ago (my first time in this store) and the sales guy was very friendly and spent a lot of time talking to me and my friend who went with me. He asked us what armies we play and what we had in mind for our armies and he tried to make sales suggestions in those directions. He was actually really good at it, and if it weren't for me knowing that I could get most of what he was pushing elsewhere for much cheaper, he probably would have gotten more out of me. We did talk a bit about things that he was interested in and enthusiastic about, but that was more friendly conversation than hard selling I believe unless I was being totally naive about the situation.

I ended up getting a couple finecasts and a metal blister. Many people on Dakka often say never buy GW direct because they can get it cheaper elsewhere but I haven't been able to find a source for finecast and metal that beats GW yet. My FLGS sells at GW prices and hopes that you buy from them to "support the local store." Online sources like thewarstore usually just sell the plastic boxes. Anyway, while completing my transaction at GW, the sales guy tried to sell me everything they have in the store. Rulebook, Codex, Paint, Glue, Tools, Novels, Audio books and all. Not exaggerating one bit. It was a bit frustrating because I am not an impulse buyer and I hate saying "no thank you" over and over again, but I was not upset with the guy for doing his job. I'm sure he tried everything on me because I was a brand new customer to his store, but hopefully he will relax his technique with me in the future.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (4)

Dakka Swap Shop » All sold. Please lock» Go to message

tomsev wrote:hi there is this still on offer and could you send to europe for more money or do you want to stay in the states? i would like the aobr set...

Thanks for the response. I just sent you a private message to discuss the offer. I am willing to ship overseas but shipping will cost a bit more for registered mail which is recommended by swap shop for international sales.

The AoBR Space Marines are still available.

The 30 tac marines have been sold.

Thanks to all for looking.

Edit: All items have sold

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (5)

40K General Discussion » Eldar 0 - Orks 3» Go to message

All of the nob bikers had different wargear. Not a single one matched another, so I believe I can allocate wounds as I choose and roll for saves independently. It was a 9 strong unit including the warboss:
1) Warboss
2) Painboy
3) PK, Shoota / Skorcha
4) PK, Waaagh! Banner
5) PK, Bosspole
6) PK, Slugga
7) Big Choppa, Shoota / Skorcha
8) Big Choppa, Slugga
9) Choppa, Slugga

I just talked to my friend and discussed the fire dragons wounding shots. Neither of us really remember exactly how many wounds were unsaved by the 4+ cover save the bikers got against the fire dragons, but we very well may have let a couple of bikers survive instant death when they should not have. This error could have potentially impacted the shots from the bright lances at my bikers too. Thank you very much for pointing that out.

Edit: In my defense, during the battle I never claimed that the bikers use a toughness 5 to avoid instant death. I know they calculate instant death from their base 4 toughness (5 for the warboss). It was simply overlooked by both me and my opponent.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (6)

40K General Discussion » Eldar 0 - Orks 3» Go to message

Thank you all very much for your input. I'm trying to get overall general pointers as I know I've done a disservice to the Eldar as I was the Ork player and I know that I got some fine details of the Eldar army wrong. I also know that most respondents to tactic threads like this prefer to have some type of army list provided so that they can respond to them, so I had to try to make the eldar list from my best recollection. I also can't answer some of the questions like why the warwalkers were kept in reserves. I'm thinking the eldar took a mix of scatter lasers and bright lances so that they could have a potential hope at slowing down armor 14 battlewagons. The fire dragons were also a vehicle popping unit but as I took no vehicles they took a swipe at the nob bikers. They did inflict some wounds, but with the wound allocation benefits of the nobs and their saves, the did not inflict any casualties and were wiped up in the following turn.

I see a lot of logic in ignoring the nobs and going after all of the softer targets. That was the first time the eldar faced nob bikers so they did not truly know what they were capable of withstanding until the eldar had thrown several units at it. Ultimately I think avoiding the nobs and trying to take out the other warbikers and lootas would have been a much different battle. Maybe not a win for the eldar, but it wouldn't have been as one sided either.

I know I didn't respond to every thing brought up in your detailed replies, but I am going over them all slowly and taking some time to think about them all individually and about how the advice impacts the overall strategy for the eldar. Thank you all very much for your replies.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (7)

40K General Discussion » Eldar 0 - Orks 3» Go to message

I'm returning to 40k after over a decade away, and so is my opponent. We're effectively relearning the entire game and I think we're getting the rules down pretty well. In our last three battles Orks beat the Eldar pretty hard. It even gets to the point that frustration sometimes gets in the way of fun. I can't remember the exact army lists but I'll try. We're experimenting with our armies on Vassal 40k so we can try before we buy which means that there is a lot of variation in our lists.

Most Recent Battle spearhead / capture and control 1750 pts.

-(HQ and Troops 1) Wazdakka with 4 warbikers
-(Troops 2) 4 Warbikers with 1 nob biker (PK, BP)
-(Troops 3) 4 Warbikers with 1 nob biker (PK, BP)
-(HQ and Troops 4) Warboss (warbike, PK, BP, attack squig, cybork), Painboy (grot orderly, cybork), 7 nob warbikers with individualized wargear including 4 PK, Waaagh Banner, 2 shoota/skorchas, cyborks, 2 big choppas, BP etc.)
-(Elite 1) 14 Lootas
-(Elite 2) 13 Lootas

2 Warwalkers with scatter lasers (both were put in reserve and didn't arrive until turn 4)
10 Banshees with exarch (Mirror swords, acrobat) + Farseer (Doom, singing spear)
6 Fire Dragons with exarch (fire pike) + Farseer (Doom, singing spear)
10 Dire Avengers with exarch (2 shuriken catapults, bladestorm)
10 Storm Guardians (2 flamer) with Warlock (destructor)
5 Dire Avengers with exarch (2 shuriken catapults, bladestorm)

All of the infantry was mounted in wave serpents with a mix of twin linked scatter lasers and bright lances. Warwalkers were put in reserve and did not arrive until turn 4. Small dire avenger squad was put in reserve and didn't arrive until turn 3.

Orks went first but due to TLOS blocking terrain, only wazdakka could get a shot and did nothing with it. Eldar had three units in reserves that arrived very late in the game. The short synopsis of the battle is pretty simple. The warboss with biker nobs and painboy wiped the board almost single-handedly. It was ugly. The bikes charged across the board into the enemy's corner and the eldar fought defensively against the boss and nobs. Lootas were not a factor as they couldn't get shots without moving long distances so they stayed in the cover were they were deployed. With the abundance of saves available to the nob bikers, wound allocation benefits, and the eldar having a very hard time scoring wounds on them, they were able to move from unit to unit without much trouble at all. They were assaulted by the banshees and won, got shot at by the dragons and survived then assaulted the dragons and won, took out the large group of DA and then guardians. This is all while the nob bikers were doomed too. Wazdakka and his 4 warbikers didn't do much, but waz did explode the nighspinner which was sitting on the eldar home objective on the table corner. Eldar never made it out of their deployment quarter. Really ugly one sided battle that was more tense than fun.

The two previous battles weren't any better for the eldar. I can't put detailed lists together because they were one and two weeks ago.

Last week was annihilation / pitched battle. 1500 pts
4 trukk boyz units, 3 warbuggies, and 22 lootas divided into 2 units, snikrot kommandos with warboss. Fire dragons in a falcon, 2 sets of dire avengers in wave serpents, 2 farseers (1 with doom and guide, one with guide and fortune), a harlequin troupe with death jester and shadowseer, 2 fire prisms, maybe a unit of wraithguard but I'm not sure about those. Orks went first and lootas and buggies were able to wreck the prisms right off the bat. Kommandos came in ambush style at turn 2 or 3 and took out the harlies. 3 trukks made it across and got lots of boyz into combat on turn 2. Between the lootas wrecking the prisms, kommandos killing the harlies, and the trukk boyz taking on the rest, it was pretty much all orks.

Week before that was annihilation / pitched battle 1000 pts.
3 Battlewagons with rollas. One KFF Big Mek with 18 boys and a nob in one. 19 Boys and a nob in the other 2. Eldar force was not well built and had nothing that had a hope against Armor 14. Rollas pretty much destroyed them plain and simple

The Eldar are struggling and I would appreciate any pointers. While I'm interested in eldar forces that can put up a good fight against these ork builds, I'd hope they are somewhat "take all comers" eldar builds also. So far the orks have had some incredibly difficult units for the eldar to counter. Armor 14 wagons and nob bikers in particular. All thoughts and recommendations are welcome. Thanks in advance.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (8)

Dakka Discussions » Finecast - An actual flaw count.» Go to message

I have only bought 2 finecast, both of them very recently. Big Mek KFF and Ghazghkull. They have no problems and I am very pleased.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (9)

Video Games » [poll] are you getting Space Marine?» Go to message

I voted no. Not because it "doesn't look that good" but because I'm not a shooter game fan.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (10)

40K You Make Da Call » Twin-Linked Dakkaguns» Go to message

Outstanding. Thanks insaniak

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (11)

40K You Make Da Call » Twin-Linked Dakkaguns» Go to message

It is well accepted that Wazdakka has his dakkakannon, TL dakkagun, kustom mega blasta, and a slugga?
I had assumed that the dakkakannon replaced the TL dakkagun, but I'm still very green Messages posted by haendas - Forum (12)
Thanks for all of the input!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (13)

Dakka Swap Shop » All sold. Please lock» Go to message

Edit: All items have been sold!!!
Black Reach Space Marine Set: SOLD
30 Tactical Marines (not assembled except torsos) SOLD
I was indecisive about what army to play and invested in Space Marines and Orks. I've decided to abandon the marines and want to sell them or trade for Orks.

What I have:
Black Reach Marines: SOLD
10 Marine Tactical Squad (assembled with glue, primed with chaos black)
5 Terminators (assembled with glue, not primed nor painted at all)
Dreadnaught (assembled with glue except arms are not glued, not primed nor painted at all)
Marine Captain (assembled with glue)

30 Tactical Marines - practically new (from the plastic box sets, not black reach) SOLD
All bits that come in the tactical marine boxes are included and most of the bits are still on the sprues. I have cut the backpacks, legs and torsos off of the sprues. The torso halves have been glued together. Mold lines have been filed off of the torsos, and some of the legs and backpacks. Other than the torsos being glued together and some mold lines being filed, these 30 marines are brand new. No primer nor paint on them yet.

I do not want to split up the 30 tactical marines. I do not want to split the AOBR models up unless pieces are going with the 30 tactical marines.

What I want:
$ Paypal
40k Orks: Lootas, Kans, Battlewagon

I prefer unpainted or primed Orks for trade but will consider painted. I am in south Houston, Clear Lake area if anyone local is interested.

Thanks for looking.

Edit: All items have been sold!!!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (14)

40K You Make Da Call » Ork Scoring Units» Go to message

Grakmar wrote:
It's also worth pointing out that a Trukk or Battlewagon purchased for a troop choice is also a troop choice, but is NOT scoring.

Does this mean that a Unit of 12 Boyz in a Trukk occupies 2 Troops spots on a standard force organization chart? Was I breaking the force org chart last week when I took 4 units of boyz and 4 trukks?

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (15)

40K You Make Da Call » Twin-Linked Dakkaguns» Go to message

Well that works for me. All warbikerz (boyz, nobz, bossez) all get to reroll missed dakka!
Thanks to you both.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (16)

40K You Make Da Call » Twin-Linked Dakkaguns» Go to message

I can't believe I missed that. I guess it is also a bit strange that the wargear entry for the warbikers required an errata entry in the FAQ just to mention that the dakkaguns are twin-linked when it explicitly says that they are TL in the description that you pointed out on pg. 46. Ok, enough excuses from me. Thanks for your help!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (17)

40K You Make Da Call » Twin-Linked Dakkaguns» Go to message

The GW Ork Codex FAQ states that the fast attack warbikers wargear entry should be changed and that the dakkaguns are twin-linked.

Does this apply to a warboss's dakkagun and biker nobz dakkaguns too or just to fast attack warbikers units?

I plan to take biker nobz which are elites and it would be slick if their dakkaguns are TL. Technically speaking though, the FAQ doesn't change the nobz dakkagun to being twin-linked. Nor does it change the dakkagun for the warboss to twin- linked. The only dakkagun entry that the FAQ changed to twin-linked is that of the fast attack warbiker unit. But, I find this hard to rationalize. Normal warbikers (boyz) have twin-linked when the warboss and nob bikers don't?

What say you?
Thanks in advance.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (18)

Dakka Discussions » This ebay user...» Go to message

As for how this person makes a profit.

Their items are the real deal, definitely not recasts. Instructions and decals even included. I know that some items do not come with everything that would normally be included in the boxes (3 boxes of tac marines only come with 2 upgrade sprues instead of 3) so that is one avenue to discount the prices. Maybe they buy bulk wholesale discounts and maybe they make extra $ selling some bits separately that they do not include with their ebay sales. I'm not certain.

In my experience they are a great seller. They even went above and beyond resolving an issue that I had. When I got my 30 tac marines, I was 10 bases short in the original package. I sent them a polite message on ebay (before I posted any kind of transaction feedback) to inform them of the error and they sent me replacements the same day. In the end they sent me 30 more bases (a total of 50, 20 more than I bought) and also included the 3rd upgrade sprue for free (which I did not ask for nor even mention to them). All in all, I say they are a great seller and I regularly watch their auctions, though I am not impressed with their buy it now deals as I also said before. Make sure you read the auction post thoroughly so you are not surprised by any potential items that might not be included.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (19)

40K You Make Da Call » Ork Scoring Units» Go to message

Ah yes, meganobz! Mentally I was counting them as nobz but they do warrant a separate mentioning. Thanks again, Hazard!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (20)

40K You Make Da Call » Ork Scoring Units» Go to message

Good call, Hazard. I totally missed that one. After looking back over the named HQ choices in the codex I see that Ghazzy has the ability to take nobz as troops just like the generic warbosses do. So to update the list so far we have:

Boyz = Scoring
Gretchin = Scoring
Nobz (taken as troops with a warboss or Ghazghkull in the army) = Scoring
Nob Bikerz (taken as troops with a warboss or Ghazghkull in the army) = Scoring
Warbikerz (taken as troops with Wazdakka in the army) = Scoring
Deff Dread (taken as troops with a big mek in the army) = Not Scoring

Complete and accurate?
Thanks all.

Automatically Appended Next Post:

PraetorDave wrote:On a side note, how cool would it be to have a 9 deffdread army? It would be awful, but could do some serious damage.

Unfortunately a Big Mekk can only take 1 Deff Dread as troops, so I think the max would be 5 in a standard force org chart, but could still be fun to see/play!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (21)

40K You Make Da Call » Ork Scoring Units» Go to message

Thanks for the replies. I was mistakenly counting bikerz as vehicles but I see now that they are not. So add nob bikerz taken as troops with a warboss in the army as a scoring unit. Excellent! Are there any other possible scoring units that I have missed?

Thanks again.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (22)

40K You Make Da Call » Ork Scoring Units» Go to message

I've been playing annihilation games with friends and we are about to move on to random objective and deployment games so scoring units are new to me. I'm playing Orks. I would appreciate it if you would let me know if I have the list of ork scoring units down:

Boyz = Scoring
Gretchin = Scoring
Nobz (taken as a troops choice with warboss in the army) = Scoring
Nob Bikerz (taken as troops choice with warboss in the army) = Not Scoring
Deff Dread (taken as troops with a big mek in the army) = Not Scoring

Do I have this right? Have I missed any potential ork scoring units?

Thanks very much.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (23)

Dakka Discussions » This ebay user...» Go to message

I've compared Discount Games Store's buy it now prices with thewarstore's and thewarstore is cheaper. I have won a few auctions from DGS and those prices were excellent. Make sure you read the description though because sometimes your don't get everything that would come in the boxes. For example, 3 boxes of tactical marines only come with 2 weapons/sergeant upgrade sprues instead of 3. The auctions seem to get relisted as soon as they end and there can be significant fluctuation in the winning bids, so with a little patience you can really score some deals on the auctions. I won't shop with that user for buy it now sales though.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (24)

» Beginner Questions: Pallet Painting and Sticky Tack» Go to message

Thanks for the tips, Zatguy!

On your advice, and after a little googling, I decided to give the wet palette a try and I must say that it is the best helpful tip for my painting so far. I had been using a plastic well style palette and even after watering down my paints, they would dry up in a matter of minutes. No longer an issue with the wet palette!

I'm also completely on the sticky tack bandwagon, though mine isn't blue.

I also discovered legoburners paint agitator article and have been very pleased with the results. These agitators make shaking paint much less of a chore. I also plan to buy paints that come in dropper bottles once my GW pots run out.

Thanks again for the suggestions!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (25)

» Beginner Questions: Pallet Painting and Sticky Tack» Go to message

Thanks for the reply!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (26)

» Beginner Questions: Pallet Painting and Sticky Tack» Go to message

I have a couple of beginner questions. I've browsed the painting articles and searched the forums and I did not come across the answers unfortunately so I'm hoping that some of you may be able to help.

1) What is the best way to get citadel paint from the pot to a pallet? Scooping paint out of the pot with a brush just doesn't seem to be cutting it. Do you just try to pour it from the pot? Any tricks?

2) I've seen how to videos that show people painting a miniature on top of a paint pot to hold it. I assume this is some kind of sticky tack used to mount the miniature on the paint pot. Is this the same kind of sticky tack that people use to hang posters on walls or is it something else?

Thank you very much in advance.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (27)

» Vassal 40k Vers 5.4E out» Go to message

Byte wrote:How many of you guy play this?

A friend and I have been toying with it as a platform to use for learning the rules and experimenting with forces before making our purchases. There aren't many other users on most of the time.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (28)

» Vassal 40k Vers 5.4E out» Go to message

Moopy wrote:I'd like to try and use this, but I can't find any manual for setting up a board, etc. Anyone found one?

There are a few helpful vassal40k how to guides on youtube. Search vassal40k there and you should get a few hits.

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (29)

40K You Make Da Call » No Regrouping from Fall Back when under 50%?» Go to message

Thank you all very much for the input. This is as I had interpreted the rules also. Unfortunately, I have a friend who is learning the ropes with me and now he feels that ATSKNF is unbalanced so he is only willing to play as SM. He can play whatever army he wants to, but I'd hate to see him play one army due to a rule when I know he'd rather play another army (eldar). Anyhow, I've gotten off track from the rule discussion and should probably end this here... thanks again for all of your help!

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (30)

Introductions » Returning WH40K Player, New to Dakka!» Go to message

Thanks all for the warm welcome!

Gorechild wrote:Wow, You've been out of the hobby for longer than most of GW's target market have been alive Messages posted by haendas - Forum (31)
Welcome to Dakka!

Yeah, this fact was on my mind a bit but its no big deal. Also, I stopped by my FLGS on Saturday and there were about 8 people in there participating in first round of ard boyz. None of them looked younger than 22 and a couple looked as old or older than me, so I should fit right in Messages posted by haendas - Forum (32)

Messages posted by haendas - Forum (33)

Forum Index »Profile for haendas » Messages posted by haendas


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Messages posted by haendas - Forum (34)
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Name: Roderick King

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